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    Computers Mainpage

    Computers can the bane of our life. But they can also be so damn entertaining. Many hours are wasted on getting to the "next level". At GameSurge, we are proud to present to you our computer game section, filled with all the information you will need for your gaming experience. Whether they are entire sections on the games themselves, the hottest reviews, or the latest strategies, we will have it all for you. Listed below include: The Strategy Index, Galleries, Hardware, Interviews, Previews, Reviews, and Walkthroughs

    The Strategy Index Guide
    Even though GameSurge has one of the largest collections of strategies on the internet today, it just isn't enough. The Strategy Index Guide Page is a very large collection of some of the best editorials, walkthroughs, strategies, and information on your favorite game, collected from some of the premier websites around. With support for over 55 games, containing links to thousands of articles, this is THE place for your strategy needs.

    The Featured Index Guide
    To the Featured IndexEvery once in a while, we place a spotlight on a particular game, and for our first spotlight, we choose Quake 3:Arena. This intense action game is one of those "for all the marbles" type games, needing brains, skill, and reflexes. It can also be very difficult to play.

    We at GameSurge have collected some of the best links to terrific articles from the best Quake sites, written by some of the top players, and present them to you. Learn to be the best, from some of the best players in the world.

    Computer Galleries

    GameSurge has started a extensive gallery section for Computer games. With a selection of multiple games found in the gallery section, you will find screenshots, images, and artwork for some of the hottest computer games out there.
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    Latest Galleries

    No One Lives Forever 2
    The new Jupiter system shows it's power in the upcoming game NOLF2. Jupiter delivers an even broader range of features including a new polygrid system that supports dynamic lighting, Fresnel reflections and dynamic surface animations as well as the addition of cubic environment mapping. Other new features include an improved command editor to more easily create cinematic events and more robust support for dynamic texture effects.

    This unique software is great for model railroaders as well as any train sim fan! Build your own layouts, collect your own trains and ride them too!

    The Game-play combines elements of high-speed air racing with true dog fighting and a great tactical challenge. Amazing 3D graphics and positional sound effects together with very authentic physics create the perfect setting. The intense matches take place in astonishing landscapes inspired by famous locations around the globe.

    Disciples 2
    Disciples II: Dark Prophecy returns you to the magical realm of the Sacred Lands where four races the Empire, the Mountain Clans, the Legions of the Damned and the Undead Hordes continue the battle for the destiny of their Gods. The struggle to bring order to a tormented world continues with a new and evolving story. Showcasing new graphics, supporting 800 x 600 16-bit resolution, over 200 engaging characters will come to life in an epic battle. With enhanced gameplay mechanics, improved AI, and an upgraded battle system, Disciples II: Dark Prophecy promises to provide the answer to the ultimate question - Who among them will survive

    Steel Soldiers
    Bitmap Brothers are working on this extremely nice looking strategy game. The screenshots make me want to cry (taken on a GeForce 3)

    World War III
    JoWood Software is set to release this state of the art RTS sometime in early 2001. It looks great!


    WarCraft 3
    To The WarCraft 3 GalleryBlizzard is set to release WarCraft 3, the next in the line of the widely successful Real Time Strategy game, sometime in the year 2001.

    We have some new E3 2001 pictures for you to look at. We are constantly updating this section as more pictures are released.
    To WarCraft 3 Gallery

    A growing section at Gamesurge. Our new Hardware section is a little small, but there is some terrific information to be found, especially in tweaking your hardware to get the best possible performance from your Game
    To Hardware Mainpage

  • Zalman ZM-DS4F Headphones

    Tweak Guide
    Some games are written so that players can get the games themselves to run faster and more smoother. GameSurge has a couple of guides just so you can get that last bit of juice out of your system.

    • Quake 3
      Get all the information, and a step by step guide to getting the most out of Q3A for your system. There's a new update, and even a list of Easter Eggs, just for your enjoyment
      To The Tweak Guide
    • Unreal Tournament
      Not only can you find some great tweaks, but there's a summon list and a small group of cheats included! A must visit for all you unreal players out there.
      To The Tweak Guide

    We take a look at some essential hardware out there for your gaming pleasure. Find out that the mouse does make the man...

    Driver Index
    Need some help looking for information on your graphics or Sound card? Here's a great place to find the information you need, fast.
    To the Driver Index Guide

  • Computer Games
    The top games get the royal treatment, with dedicated sections for each game. Due to the massive change over, none of the sections are presently up, as they have to be redone in the new format.

    Featuring the following games:

    • Baldur's Gate
    • Diablo
    • Dialbo II
    • Homeworld
    • Revenant
    • StarCraft
    • TA: Kingdoms

    Game Manuals
    What's a guy to do when his dog eats his instruction manual? You could spend hours trying to figure the game out yourself, and more than likely miss something, or you can peruse our text format manuals list.
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    Computer Interviews
    Find out more about the people behind your favorite game. This section talks with some of the most respected programers, artists and MOD developers, about their past, what they are working on now, and their future projects.

    Computer Previews

    Want to get the latest on the games of the future? GameSurge is proud to kick off our brand new previews section.

    To the Shadowflare preview Following in the success of the Japanese version of the RPG, Emurasoft plans to bring the game over to the rest of the world.

    ""Most aspects of any other RPG are evident in ShadowFlare. You control a hero, who can level up by gaining experience through killing enemy units. Where the game differs is in the introduction of several unique features, including a unique character class system. " . "
    To the Preview

    To the Roboforge preview Dorphen looks at a new kind of game - a thinking man's beat 'em up?

    "So, what is Roboforge? Well, Roboforge is a kind of strategic beat-em-up style game that is probably quite different to anything you have played before. It is strategic in the sense you need to think a bit in order to succeed and it is a beat-em-up because you're designing gigantic robotic gladiators to enter into an arena to go one-on-one against an opponent. You do not control the robot in the actual fights - your pre-programmed AI and the game engine calculations will do all the fighting and you can watch the completed battle once it has finished. Battles can be saved once completed, and are surprisingly small, depending on the complexity of the battle 120-180 second fights are roughly 1MB. "
    To the Preview

    Computer Reviews

    The Computer Review section is now up and converted to the new format. Find out all the information on the latest, and hottest computer games, with honest opinions written by honest people.

    Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

    Click for a larger image

    Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance is the sequel/standalone expansion to the RTS Supreme Commander.

    "The Supreme Commander universe is based on the “Epic” premise – think of a typical RTS game and multiply the map size by 5 to 10. In fact, there is no minimap for the game; instead the entire playable area can be zoomed out so that you end up with a full screen “minimap” where units and buildings are reduced to coloured pixels."

    To the computer reviews


    Click for a larger image Starshatter is a fresh addition into the space sim genre.

    "While it is far from flashy, it still holds certain entertainment value from the innovative game design including missions from direct combat to larger scale strategic fighting. "

    To the computer reviews


    Click for a larger image Enclave is a fantasy based 1st/3rd person 3D Action game, recently ported over from the Xbox.

    "Aside from a fairly standard good vs. evil plot, Enclave sets itself out as a fairly unique 3D action game, with RPG elements blended into it. "

    To the computer reviews

    Icewind Dale 2

    Click for a larger image Icewind Dale 2 is the sequel to Icewind Dale, and one of several RPGs developed by Black Isle Studios following the D&D rules.

    "Icewind Dale 2 has not offered any groundbreaking innovations or improvements to the genre. Instead they have taken from a proven track record from many previous games and expansion packs to provide gamers with another opportunity to enter a mystical world in a quest to prove themselves as heroes."

    To the computer reviews

    Aliens vs Predator 2: Primal Hunt

    Click for a larger image AvP2: Primal Hunt is the expansion pack to the highly successful Aliens vs Predator 2, which was released around a year ago by Sierra.

    "AvP2: Primal Hunt will have you fully immersed into intense and deadly battles early on in the game, which helps to make up for the short gameplay time. For example; in the human campaign, you will have access to the entire weapon arsenal after about 15 minutes into the game."

    To the computer reviews

    Game Walkthroughs
    Having some problems getting past that level boss, or missing that key item in a RPG? We have got a extensive new section started, for ALL computers, young and old.
    To computer walkthroughs

    " "

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    Zalman: ZM-DS4F Headphones

    An affordable, ultra-portable headphone set.

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