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Site Information
Welcome to the Site Information section. Here you will find all the information
about GameSurge, our policies, and some odds and ends as well. This section
is presently under construction, so come back soon.
Joining the Staff
At GameSurge, we pride ourselves on being one of the best little news
sites around, and with the new site redesign and the current expansion,
we will be offering more than just news. But the main problem has been
finding the time to put all this information up on a daily basis.
We at GameSurge have several positions open for staff, ranging from Section
Webmasters to news posters, reviewers, and features editors. If you wish
to be a part of the GameSurge family, please use our submission
form, or contact the Webmaster by Email.
We have a special page now up, detailing what we are looking for in specific
About Us
We have a great staff here at GameSurge, and we would like to tell you
a little more about ourselves. If you want to find out a little more about
the GameSurge Family, you can find out more at our About
us page.
A special submissions page is now
available for those people who would like to contribute to GameSurge without
using email. In brief, we are always looking for articles, reviews, technical
information, or any other form of the written word. All submissions can
also be sent to the Webmaster by Email.
We at GameSurge have a lot of affiliates, and we are always looking for
more. Not only do we accept affiliations with other game sites, but also
for Site design and fantasy sites. If we cover it in the site, we will
accept affiliations.
Due to problems with previous smaller sites, we will now only affiliate
with sites that maintain a 500 hit per day average. We are sorry, but
previous problems have resulted in this new policy.
If you wish to affiliate with GameSurge, please contact our Affiliate
coordinator, Raven
Looking for a good place to call home? We are just starting our own network,
with a fast server, FTP and full CGI.
Other Information
As time goes by, we will be adding more information about this site. Please
check back regularly.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, or wish to comment on this site,
please email the webmaster.
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