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Mailbag - Netcode Rebuttal Page One
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If you wish to add your comments for all our visitors to read, just send
a email. Some comments were not included due to shortness or was just
repeating a previous submission, but we at GameSurge wish to thank everyone
for taking the time to send their comments to us.
We read every single email, and there are some fine points made. Please
note that we strip the email address and any personal information from
the submissions, due to "spam" engines.
Henri Tamminen
Tuesday, July 04, 2000 2:04 AM
Netcode Rebuttal
What the hell is this second guy saying? So there is nothing
wrong with new net code or CS 6.5? So I just suddenly started to
suck overnight when I was already quite good? And no, I don't use
cheats. At 5.2 it was 90% skill, 10% luck game and I liked it. At
6.0 it was 70% skill, 30% luck game and I still kinda liked it after
they fixed that damn crosshair (well, I like RB6 implementation
of crosshair more though, at least in that game it works) At 6.5
it is 10% skill, 90% luck game and I hate it (actually deleted it
after about twelve hours of gaming at which time I tried to figure
how the hell I miraculously started to suck overnight) Now it goes
like this. Guy comes from the door and I unload over half clip on
him with short burst tapping mouse fire, with target being at least
70% of the time in my crosshair. Then blam, I am dead and I check
that other guy condition. 100%. So I just scored 0 hits from approx
range of 3 meters? No, I don't suck that much. NONE can suck that
On the other hand when I am running and just spray to enemy general
direction just to give myself a coverfire while I am running away,
BLAM, enemy dead. When a game turns into a one where you score more
hits without aiming... something is seriously wrong. For the record,
I have ADSL connection and my average ping to server is less than
50 and I have fast enough computer that I practically never lag
unless server lags. The usual team ping is around 100 in the servers
I play (which seldom lag).
So I don't know for sure if it was Valve or Counter Strike development
team themselves but someone fucked up that game really good and
I am not the only one who was very enthusiastic about that mod and
who stopped playing after testing 6.5 and I won't be starting again
unless I heard that some major fixes have been made. For the record,
me and my friends have pings less than 50, sometimes as low as 25.
Henri Tamminen
Zhadam at CS
Monday, July 03, 2000 9:19 AM
My question is this: why is it bad that the new netcode
doesn't benefit the LPB's? They had a huge advantage and that needed
to be dealt with. Most online FPSs' totally and completely benefit
the LPB. Valve finally did something about it. God bless them!
--=Pete Dodd
(PP)Kill_Lola_Kill in CS
Joseph Kurek
Monday, July 03, 2000 3:20 PM
One comment on your discussion of the lag compensation.........
IF a HPB & LPB have a sniper rifle of same model and speed and yadda
yadda. When the HPB fires on the LPB and the LPB fires on the HPB
both scoring a direct hit that would kill instantly then the LPB
will DIE even if they both fired at the exact same time. But the
HPB would not die. This has been tested on a LAN using fakelag giving
one guy a 300 ping and leaving the lpb at 8 ping and clicking the
mouse at the exact same time. That is why people say that HPB now
have a slight edge over LPB. Is this fair? I don't know. You tell
Brad Sprigg
Monday, July 03, 2000 9:11 PM
I agree with Mr. Mannon. I think some LPB's are a bit
pissed off because they have been relying on their better connection
to feel more skilled than their HPB counterparts, and now that they
have lost this advantage to a degree they are annoyed. Firing Squad
are correct to say it is not as skilled a game as Quake, due to
the extra (and more realistic) inaccuracy, but it is also fair to
say that a HPB needs more skill to compete with the LPB's. The fact
of the matter is that a good LPB should always beat a good HPB.
If the original author cannot accept that then he just needs more
practice. The extra inaccuracy in CS makes it more of a strategic
game, knowing how to use each weapon and their effective ranges
is just as important as a good aim. It also puts more emphasis on
teamwork, with subbie-wielding troops protecting and being supported
by AWP wielding troops for example. Saying that the new netcode
gives HPB's an advantage is just being a cry-baby, because it does
not still give as equal an advantage as being a LPB in the first
place. Give the LPB a 33.6k modem and tell them to shut their whiny
little mouth. It's like having a car race between a Formula 1 car
and a Ford and then the Formula 1 driver complaining because they
have given the Ford a bit bigger engine and a turbo.
Cheers, LordSathias
Michael Burman
Tuesday, July 04, 2000 11:17 AM
Why releasing an article commenting on previous article,
if you never tried playing as a LPB on CS b6? I would actually agree
with Zenith (or whatever his nick was) on this issue. LPB playing
is just totally awful these days. You can't hit HPWs without luck,
since bullets go through. I have even shot through a HPW, and killed
4 players behind him. Really great code.. not. 2 of the best Finnish
clans quited after 6.5 (and no, they weren't using cheats, they've
been playing lan games with same owning). Both were highly-LPB-clans.
After 6.6, few players from both clans have returned. 3 from the
other, 6 from the other. Others.. quited CS. It's not anymore a
game of skill, it's about luck too much. Valve wanted the game to
be easier for newbies, more money. They totally forgot, that top-clans
make the game, and make it a success. Don't flame too much Zenith.
( Note from shiva: Hey, I put my name up this time. Again, I will state
that I don't play the game, and more than likely never will, but this thing
just won't die. It does seem there is a problem with the netcode, as the
emails, which now total around 150 -175, are pretty much split 50/50 on
one side or the other. But I feel I should point out a couple of things,
and risk some serious flaming.
First off, I think people are under estimating just how tough it is
for any producer to set up a multi-player feature in their game, for internet
play. In a perfect world, everyone will have the same speed access to
the internet, but this isn't a perfect world, it's computer technology
we are talking about. There are so many different computer technologies
out there, and no real standard that everyone uses, and alas, it is also
the same way in a sense with the connection speeds. There's 33.6, 56k
(V90 standard), ISDN, cable, ADSL, DSL, T1 and so on, all of which have
millions of users for a particular speed on the internet. Adding to that,
is how your connection is routed through the internet, (Some people get
bounced from server to server before they reach the proper location),
the hardware the individual has, and where you are actually playing from
location wise, and what you have is a very LARGE challenge for any game
Valve has run into that problem, and the result is what you read before
you. Is there any solution to this? Well, the only real large multi-player
experience I have is with battle.net, and Blizzard's solution was that
everyone ended up playing at the slowest speed,. (Or at least it seems
that way) If the slow guy dies, the speed improves noticeably. It may
be argued that the server has a "lesser load", but I have seen
this happen more than a few times within 3 minutes of the game starting.
Sure, it's annoying as hell, when you have 1 or 2 green lag bars, and
a "red guy" comes and slows the game down to a crawl, but...
it's fair. Very fair.
Now I'm not saying this is the best thing for your game, in fact,
it won't work more than likely, but it seems that a lot of people are
very unhappy since "the change". So here's a challenge to all
you gamers out there. It's easy to defend the Netcode, or to tear it down,
but it's a lot tougher to come up with a system that is fair, and that
is satisfactory to all players. So I am throwing down the gauntlet, challenging
you to come up with a better system that works and is FAIR TO EVERYONE,
whether it be forcing everyone to play at the same speed, having a better
lag rating system, or even doing a "server force" by placing
players with a similar lag rating into a special game channel at log in
(of course, you should be able to get out of the channel to play with
friends). Surely, someone out there has a simple solution. I want to hear
it, and judging from the amount of emails we have received, and the comments
on the various forums, a lot of other people want to hear it as well.
Everyone has had their say, and everyone has expressed a opinion on
that as well, but it's now time for a solution. So write in with your
ideas, and make sure you give permission if you wish it to be included
as part of our mailbag. Your idea, no matter how simple or small, may
help solve this mess. And if we have a idea that will really work, I will
personally send it to the publisher. (Working on the assumption that they
will ever speak to us.) You can email your opinions to our webmaster@gamesurge
account, for both Falcon and I to view, and if you decide instead to flame
me for expressing my opinions, even though I am admitting that I am making
these statements without any actual knowledge or basis for fact, you can
send it to shiva@gamesurge.com.
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