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Mailbag - Netcode Rebuttal Page Two
Here's page Two of our viewer comments on the Netcode Interview article.
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If you wish to add your comments for all our visitors to read, just send
a email. Some comments were not included due to shortness or was just
repeating a previous submission, but we at GameSurge wish to thank everyone
for taking the time to send their comments to us.
We read every single email, and there are some fine points made. Please
note that we strip the email address and any personal information from
the submissions, due to "spam" engines.
Cristian Golumbovici
Monday, July 10, 2000 1:21 AM
You know, I would have hoped Valve's interview cleared
everything up, but then I read comments like that of Eric Wiltshire.
(In the mailbag section.) Nothing personal, and he does make a few
good points about changing an established game. After all, that's
the kind of thing that ticked off everyone with Quake 2. But I strongly
disaggree to his part of the argument which boils down to "I have
a better computer, so I MUST win." No, the only thing that should
matter is skill and in-game equipment. If you want to win through
better equipment, buy a bigger rifle in the game. The player's computer
or ISP are outside the game's universe, and thus have no business
influencing game mechanics. The computer is but the means of linking
you to the game universe, of conveying the action and content to
and from you. But claiming that a bigger computer should give you
an unfair advantage in the game's univers ranks up there with claiming
that my favourite team must win because I have a bigger TV. All
game physics should be tied to the real time clock, not to the frame
rate, not to the screen resolution, and not to the ping or bandwidth.
In an ideal world, a player with 300ms ping and 15 frames per second
should still have the same opportunities, if he has the skill, as
us bastards with 60ms ping and 100 frames per second. However, this
is not an ideal world, and sadly ping does matter, and in a very
few cases the frame rate also matters. But that's an unfortunate
technological limitation, nothing more. And if Valve chose to try
and do something about it, god bless them, as far as I'm concerned.
It's probably not perfect, nothing is. But it's a step in the right
Carl Simpson
Monday, July 10, 2000 8:44 AM
"Then, there is a final possibility. The server at receiving
the HPB’s action may determine it happened before the LPB’s and
retroactively set things right. In other words the LPB may witness
an HPB appear to die or withstand an attack, then themselves die,
and the HPB go on the ir merry way. In this case the code has
actually preserved events the way the should have been, the LPB’s
actions that occurred after the point at which they should have
died are ignored. It appears to the LPB as a total cheat, though.
“I unloaded a whole clip into his chest then I died!” I wouldn’t
think the code would work this way, but considering the complaints
I’ve heard, perhaps it does. It doesn’t give the HPB an advantage,
but it looks that way to the LPB."
The point that has been missed is that the LPB has no chance
to react to the first of a possible series of shots hitting them.
Because the modemer is in a different time zone as it were, they
can shoot at an LPB before they even tell the server that they've
moved into their line of sight, the LPB then sees them starts
to fire at them and the next thing they know they're dead and
the modemer is unhurt and it is this that is the LPB's disadvantage.
How can you react to something you do not know is happening?
James I. Battles
Monday, July 10, 2000 9:39 AM |
Now maybe it will hit home with some people about what the real
problems in the game are. Yes i am referring to the ignorance
and the cheating hehe. Now I will point as many of the mentally
challenged hopefully with good reading skills though, to the page
hehe. Alot of the people in the game now are still kind of newbies
and they need direction. They tend to follow whoever because they
are still learning but they have forgotten that we always learn.
I can remember back when zoid first did a ctf mod and you really
had to wade into it to even get it to work. The first time I played
online quake ctf it was so raw!
There was some tenseness but it gave way to comments of RLMAO
because when the bogging to the server started there were uncontrolled
bodies going everywhere. It was truly hilarious. You would hit
the spacebar to jump and it wouldn't work so then you would hit
it about 20 times and try to run too . All of a sudden you would
without trying take off jumping and running all over the place
. I still see it but it's suttle now days. Oh the days of the
grappling hook were only comparable to ringling brothers circus
trapeze acts. Back then gamers all used a keyboard only config
with one key bound to multiple action which was in essence the
beginninng of these scripts. I didnt bother though because you
could execute the same commands manually. I would find me some
rockets and point my grapple hook about 300 gaming yards away
with the flag in hand and the enemy on my butt and take to the
air. While airborn I would spin my body faceing astern and pummel
them as they pursued me.
In the Flagroom where I was headed they were hanging like Bats
in every corner as high up as possible. when entering the room
the rox would fly. Hell it has always been fun. Playerclass was
the best thing since sliced bread! no more hunting weapons and
we still had the grapple enabled. A sniper was a very deadly thing
back then. I guess thats why they eliminated that grapple hehe.
The kids nowadays come in and talk about being veterans. All you
can do is maybe ask them a few questions out of interest and then
let it go. I regularly listen to a 12-15 year old tell me about
his veteranship and that he is the oldest ever and even try to
call me a Llama. I just let it go as most of the real veterans
do. Usually I try to channel them to create some game levels on
their own. The guys in the bsp editing forums get a laugh then.
Most beginners fail to read and use the zoom when designing and
they get this massive level that has so many leaks that you get
like 4fps in places if it will render at all. I have great respect
for the editors .
In order to build a working useable game level "awaits a journey
truly an education in itself". So when a young veteran as I guess
we could refer to them as, rants I just listen and converse and
play> and definatley have fun. remember its not the destination
but the journey! James Battles aka:Issac_Newton
JD Duvalle
Monday, July 10, 2000 5:49 PM
Netcode ?? Your kiddin me. The Rebuttal is just as worse. Give
me a break fellows. You can only do so much until you piss people
off. You know. It's Weird I have played games for a while. I met
Jim Battles from working at the local ISP. He got me hooked on
Quake.We would stay up all night kicking but, and making maps.
This was the life, Long hours, and bandwidth for the fraggin.
Then as we got older. We found Half Life TFC. What a game.
I remember Jim playing on his faithful 56k Modem.
I had a T1 line of course and kicked butt, just no talent at
all unlike Jimmy Boy. Things went great. We learned as we got
older , and we have had one hell of a body count to show for it.
Now, Here Comes a Patch! Wow, It should make everything better.
It was an expected glory to the add-on. And after it was done
and gone. We, the players, Got screwed over worst than Clinton
in washington. Least we still have our prides. Now when I play
on some NCA server with Jim, My ping gets so high, I start to
look for my PC getting stoned. I have never seen this in a game
before. Who do these poeple think they are. I certainly am glad
there are other games. In an attempt to put my boss in a better
mood. I started playing at home. Now I relize why Jim was always
pissed at me for having the Bandwidth as I did. Talk about slow.
I have never seen that much drag that was not on a New Orleans
Street Corner.
However, I did notice something. Instead of being a LPB at work.
I was kicking a 150-450 ping on some of my favorite servers in
Gamespy. Not bad!. I have had worse. I have seen worse as well.
Whats so funny is. That Neat little Patch that Sierra put out
not only screwed the game. Playing on a T1 for me is like going
to 56k modem before I patch my version up. I now get somewhere
around a 390 - 480 pings. If you mix in the people using scripts.
It really makes a bad cup of coffee. This is not reality. It's
BLOODY WAR. How, in your honest opinions can you say that this
patch was good for the game. What, to give some players a edge.
Heck no, I get killed while on the other side of the wall.
That Second fix that they came out sure didn't do a damn thing.
Crap, I get kill without even leaving the respawn. Fix the cheats
my butt. You try running across a bridge as a scout and getting
knocked off like a building in a storm. Before the patch, they
could never even come close, unless you had some type of skill
in the game. I have to admit. Jim was always the talented player.
There's large number of players that are really good. Afraid to
say this I am not. They have talent. They don't cheat, they play
to get frags. Not to beat the system. It's a game folks. Thats
it. It's made to have fun at it. Getting a frag is nice. Why take
all the fun out of it. It doesn't become a game. It becomes a
slaughter house for the cheaters, and whinners. I know I am one.
I have used scripts before, I have done plenty of griping as well.
But what I miss in the game is the Action. Team work is the game,
and this new code just takes it away from us. However, whats my
opinion. I am simply the ass who has to put up with the crap if
I want to play. Thanks, Jason Duvalle ( Aka: Einstein, Cybernut)
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