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Diablo Revealed
written by Raven
Hidden Question -Shadowfang and Izual
demon blade Shadowfang, was forced in the depths of hell, in the year -985.
This cursed blade was a centre-point of demonic energies, and had the power
to eternally corrupt and madden any mortal. Shadowfang was originally a
massive sub quest planned for Diablo. This sub-quest involved a secret character
named Tremayne the Priest, (which was removed from the game) and a powerful
boss character named Fleshdoom. The quest storyline forced the hero to venture
into Hellforge itself, in order to be rid of the demon blade. I believe
that this quest was directly tied to another subplot, Izual the Fallen Angel.
Izual and his Runeblade Azurewrath will be explained later. For now I will
just say that both he and his powerful blade had a role in Diablo.
Who was Tremayne?
Tremayne was originally conceived as a central none playable character for
Diablo. This priest was originally responsible for giving you two key quests
in the game, and acted in a very similar way to Peppin the Healer. Rumor
has it that Tremayne was later replaced by Peppin, I believe that this rumor
is true.
Tremayne was meant to hang around the church a lot, supposedly near
the position that the slain villager now inhabits at the start of Diablo.
However rumor has it that in Diablo he would appear and disappear as the
game progressed. Tremayne was responsible for giving you the quest to
kill Lazarus and upon completion of this quest, he gave you the powerful
unique mace 'Lightforge'. This unique mace was actually never removed
from Diablo, and often appears as a hacked item. Tremayne's final role
in Diablo was to issue the quest to find Shadowfang. After you recovered
Shadowfang and handed it over to Tremayne, he was killed by the demon-blade.
The Quest Itself
The quest begins by Tremayne telling you a story:
"I have had a most disturbing experience that I must share
with you my friend. Earlier today I was called upon to help one of men
who escaped from the labyrinth. He was deranged, violent and kept lashing
out at all of those who were trying to calm him. I suspected that he had
been possessed by some sort of demonic entity and so began to drive the
evil from within him. After many hours, I was able to exercise a demon,
who called himself Fleshdoom, but the hellion escaped into the Labyrinth.
You may think that I am mad, but after speaking with the man and battling
Fleshdoom, I believe that the Labyrinth has somehow become a gateway to
the underworld. As you descent deeper you may find yourself on the doorsteps
of hell itself. Finally the man who was possessed, retained memories of
an ancient Demonblade called ShadowFang. If you find the demon Fleshdoom
beware this foul sword. While I believe the dangers below grow even greater,
you must find the demon Fleshdoom and slay him. Bring the sword to me
and I can destroy it. Do not wield it, for its power can corrupt absolutely."
Very little is known about the demon Fleshdoom. We know that you would have
fought Fleshdoom after the death of Lazarus. We also know that Fleshdoom
was most likely located in a unique area of the game. After listening to
Tremayne's story, we are told that Fleshdoom had fled into the Labyrinth,
but he also tells us that Fleshdoom is not located down in the depths of
hell. If this is the case, then where exactly is Fleshdoom, could he have
had his own unique level?
Another thing that we know, is that even though Fleshdoom was involved
in the Shadowfang quest, he did not actually wield the Demonblade. After
you kill Fleshdoom and return to speak with Tremayne, you hear another
wav sound. In this .wav, Tremayne tells you that although you have done
well in killing Fleshdoom, the Demonblade. still remains and must be found
and destroyed. No other information on Fleshdoom exists on the CD, so
all we can do is speculate.
Once Shadowfang is found this quests takes a very, very interesting
turn. When the demon sword is given to Tremayne, the sword consumes the
priest with hellfire. Tremayne's final instructions as he burns, are to
take the blade back to the Hellforge, from which it came. To do this,
you must venture into the very depths of hell itself.
This quest raises a hundred questions, and yet I can only address a
few in this article. The first question that I need to ask, is where exactly
was hell located, in the original game and how were you meant to get to
it? According to the Shadowfang quest, you still had not ventured into
hell, well after you killed Lazarus. Was Lazarus originally an early boss
character? Or was Diablo originally a much, much bigger game. Speaking
of bosses, when exactly did you actually get to fight Diablo? The Shadowfang
quest implies that you would have not been able to face Diablo until well
after level 16.
A lot of other questions that I have been pondering on, but haven't
been able to answer, concern Shadowfang itself. How would you have found
Shadowfang? It obviously wasn't found when you killed Fleshdoom. And it
wouldn't have been found in hell itself, because you were meant to return
the weapon to hell, after you found it. This would have been an amazing
quest had it been put in.
Izual the Fallen Angel
an attack on Hellforge in the year -990, Izual and his Runeblade Azurewrath
were captured. The Prime Evil, Mephisto then tortured Izual. Tragically
Izual fell to the powers of darkness, and became a Fallen Angel. His mind
was altered and he became a loyal servant to the three Prime Evils.
Izual was originally a character involved in Diablo. Both he and his
mystic blade Azurewrath remain partially implemented in Diablo. Izual
has his own .wav sound file, which you can listen to
here. The graphic for his blade Azurewrath is shown on the left. Most
likely as you ventured through hell in your efforts to be rid of Shadowfang,
you would confront Izual. Assuming that you battled with Izual, the battle
would have probably been the hardest in the entire game. More importantly:
would Blizzard have let you kill off this character? I strongly believe
that battling Izual was a run off quest from Shadowfang. And I also believe
that you would have battled against Izual before you confronted Diablo.
Izual says "Hows much does it take before you lose your grace mortal,
let me show you." This implies that you would have indeed battles Izual.
The only other thing we know about this battle is that it would have taken
place in Hell, because Izual has been situated in Hellforge since he fell
to the forces of darkness. This would have been a very interesting sub
quest. It is a shame that enemies of this caliber were never introduced
in the finished game, and this definitely hampered Diablo's overall gameplay.

- Diablo 2 Items @ d2legit.com
- Diablo 2 Top 200
- Diablo 2 Guide
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