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The Strategy Index Page - WarCraft 3
Warcraft2.Org General Orcs Humans Warcraft.org Basics General Orcs Humans Warcraft Town Hall Basic Concepts - This is for the first time WarCrafter Hotkeys - A full listing of all the units, buildings, races, etc. hotkeys General Concepts - General strats that work for either races. Includes building placement, recon, and the like Map Specific - Strategies that are specific to a certain map Build Orders - General build orders, for those that don't like the restrictiveness of the typical builds Rushing - A complete guide to rushing with varrying levels Walling-In - A how-to on walling in, covering the different wallins and the it's evolution over the years. Anti-Wallins - Ways to destroy your opponents wallin early in the game.
Warcraft Forever Guru Childs Ultimate Warcraft Page Warcraft II: Everything you need to know Methos Warcraft Strategy Page Gamers Extreme Warcraft II Strategy Guide The Dark Portal (Blizzard Entertainment) Basic Overview Orcs vs. Humans Units General Strategy Advanced Strategy Water Strategy Neuigkeiten aus Azeroth (German) SoL Owns you |
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