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The Strategy Index Guide - SimTower Sim Gateway Some Tips Build super lobbies! Big lobbies decrease the stress of your residents. Press Shift + Alt and the lobby tool to make a three story lobby, or use Alt to build two story lobbies. -
Don't build that wide a lobby. -
Bulldoze any cockroach infested room before they spread! -
Build offices on the second Weekday of each quarter before 1:00 P.M. -
Force movie crowds to walk through commercial areas. -
People will only switch elevators once in their journey. -
Build at least one parking space for every hotel suite and one for every four offices. -
Put things on floors with each other. For example put offices with offices, fast food with fast food, and condos with condos. -
If you do mix condos or hotel rooms with other types of tennants leave room for noise isolation (The manual suggests 120 pixels for hotel rooms and 240 for condos). -
Build sky lobbies every 15 floors. -
Stores should be as close to lobbies as possible. -
Try to keep noisy neighbors away from condos. They will decrease the quality of the Condos. -
Never sell a condo for $40,000. -
Make your hotel suites readily accessible so your VIP is happy. -
Express elevators should reach the parking garage. -
As soon as you get to 3 Stars, build an express elevator. It'll speed up transport and make the people happy. -
Spread out your security offices so that security is more spread out when there is a bomb threat. -
If the tenants ask for something, and you have the money, get it.
How To Build A Tower - Build a lobby that is exactly four fast food places wide. (wait until 10 PM to build them, or you'll lose $12,000!)
- Build an elevator at the far left of the lobby going to the food joints.
- On top of the food places build offices to the first skylobby, and give them transportation.
- Build another elevator at the far right of the lobby connecting to the 15th floor (skylobby).
- Go into the elevator control window and make sure that the "WD" button is pushed, then make the 2nd clock button from the left Express to top, and the 2nd and 3rd clock buttons from the right Express to bottom. After this, you must make the floors closer than moving cars indicator go up to 15, and the time before departing indicator go up to 30 (do this for the "WE" side, too.)
- On the elevator shaft on the far left build cars on the odd floors.
- On the elevator shaft on the far right, put cars on the even floors, but don't demolish the first floor car!
- Let the simulation run for an hour or two, so that you can make some money.
- Now, the tower is yours! Do what you wish, just be gentle.
The Faq 15 What are the system requirements? 14 " But the manual says... " 13 How do I get stars? How do I build Express Elevators (or anything)? 12 Where's the VIP? 11 How many stairs (or whatever) can I build? 10 The SimTower 1.1 Updater (Pros and Cons) 9 How can I contact Maxis? 8 The installer doesn't work on my Mac! I have a 68030! 7 Room Types 6 Elevators 5 Service Elevators 4 Express Elevators 3 Disasters 2 SimTower Demo 1 Easter Eggs
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