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Warsong/Langrisser FAQ 5.0, 4/2/99
Maintainer: saintly@innocent.com
Send comments or questions to the above address.
About this FAQ
This FAQ answers common questions about the Sega Genesis game
"Warsong", published by Treco. I'm still working on it. I
don't have the manual for Warsong anymore, and I get a lot
of questions about things that are in it. This new version
of the FAQ updates all the scenario descriptions and fleshes
them out. I don't remember what turn reinforcements show up
for certain levels, so they say "(Turn ??)", if you could tell
me what turn this happens on, I'd appreciate it and add you
to the FAQ with credit.
You can find the latest copy of this FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com
What's here/Table of contents
1. About the game
1.1. Getting a copy
2. How to play
2.1. Moving troops
2.2. Attacking
2.3. Casting spells
2.4. The scenario map
2.5. Preferences
3. General advice
3.1. Spell draining
3.2. Formations
4. Experience and Promoting
5. Level-by-level strategy
6. Items & Effects
7. Characters and advancement paths
8. Troop comparisons
8.1 Player/Enemy troop comparisons
9. Commander class comparisons
10. Spells
11. Codes and Cheating
12. Rumors & comments
13. Nitpicks
14. Thanks & credits
1. About the game:
Warsong is one of the coolest strategy games for Sega Genesis.
Released as "Langrisser" elsewhere, this game is somewhat hard
to find in the US. You slowly acquire ally leaders, each of whom can
hire troops to fight the enemy in stages; called Scenarios. Each
scenario starts you out in a defensive position with enemies nearby and a
goal to accomplish. Typical goals are, "Protect this person", "Destroy
all the enemies", "Destroy the enemy leader (other enemies optional)" and
several other types. You chose where to strategically place your troops in
the beginning, and the formations you want to fight in.
Along the way, you also acquire special items that can increase
the power of your commanders. As your commanders gain experience,
they can be promoted to different "classes" with new spells, and
new abilities.
1.1 Getting a copy
Warsong is made by the software company 'Treco', a small company which
seems to have published very little, unfortunately. No other Langrisser
games were ported to the Genesis.
Unfortunately, Warsong didn't do too well on the Genesis and is somewhat
hard to find. Your best bet is used video-game stores and friends if you
want to buy it. On the internet, you can buy it from
It is usually backordered, as more people are becoming aware of it and
buying it. Expect to pay $15-20 USD for it. I have one copy of the
game, no manual. I loaned my other copy to a friend, who promptly lost
it, so I can't sell it to you. If you find any other 'net retailers
let me know so I can list them here.
Your other alternative is a Genesis emulator and a ROM. An emulator runs
on your PC and 'plays' ROMs that have been turned into ordinary files.
Emulators are available for several platforms (they all run each other's
ROMs). It is legal to own an emulator, but illegal to own a ROM without
owning the original cartridge. Listed below are popular emulators;
PC: *Genecyst, KGen, GenEm
Mac: *GenEm
IMHO, at the time of this writing, none of the available emulators seem
to support Warsong well. They all have problems drawing the dialog
and option boxes. For a list of genesis emulators, visit
or http://genecyst.parodius.com/
Which may or may not be up. It moves frequently.
2. How to play (for people without manuals)
Warsong is a strategy game. The object of each scenario is to accomplish
the scenario goals through killing as many enemy units as possible and
losing as few allied units as you can.
Each scenario starts in "troop purchase & item distribution" mode. You
will see eight boxes (four at the top and four at the bottom of the
screen). The boxes will be filled in with pictures of commanders.
Don't worry if you have less than eight, you will gain and lose
commanders as the game progresses.
>From this screen, you can assign the items you have collected to each
commander. Each commander can only carry one item. You do not have
to distribute all the items, but (except for the evil axe) it doesn't
hurt. Most items affect the commander's personal attack/defense
ratings, but have no effect on the troops.
Each commander can purchase troops. Only one kind of troop can be
assigned to a commander at one time, although they may have several
types (eg, archer, horseman & soldier) to choose from. You may
assign up to eight troops to any one commander. You do not have
to assign troops. It costs money to hire them, and it is
sometimes better not to have them. Troops do not carry over to
the next scenario, so any troops that never see combat are
basically wasted money.
After you are through assigning troops and items, proceed to the
next screen; assigning locations. Here you see a map of the entire
scenario, with enemy starting positions as flashing blue dots.
You can see potential starting positions as yellow crosses.
You must assign all available commanders to a starting location.
Place each commander on one of the open crosses (you can't place
two commanders in the same place). When all commanders have
been assigned, start the game.
The main scenario map shows each commander surrounded by his or
her troops. The game procedes in three 'phases'. Your movement
phase, allied/friendly commander's movement phase, and the enemy's
movement phase. The only phase you have any control over is
the first one. During your turn, you have several options.
You can move troops, move commanders, attack or cast spells.
2.1 Moving troops
This is fairly simple. Select the troop, the cursor changes to
a winged boot. The game calculates where your troop can move
to (based on movement points and costs, explained later). The
squares that are unavailable are darkened. You can move the
cursor to any brightened square and select it. The unit will
move to the location you specified, and if an enemy is nearby
you will have the option to attack it.
You cannot move through or on top of an enemy unit, even if
it is flying. Troops that are next to their commander at
the beginning of the phase are healed up to 3 points.
Moving commanders follows the same procedure. If the
commander's troops are in formation mode, any troops that
were not moved may be moved automatically at the end of
your phase.
2.2 Attacking
Either select 'attack' from the troop/commander menu or move
the troop/commander next to an enemy unit. The cursor changes
to a sword. Select an available enemy (or the unit itself to
cancel the attack) to attack it.
The attack procedes automatically, and there is nothing you
can do to influence the outcome short of restarting and
attacking again.
During the battle, the two troops will rush towards each
other to attack. The center box shows what is currently
being calculated and factored into combat. Adjustments due
to the terrain, commander's level and geography are all
taken into account.
Swords appear on both the left and right side representing
how many 'kills' each side has made in that battle. At the
end of the battle, experience is added to each commander
if they managed to destroy the enemy unit completely. The
green bar representing experience (inside the gold border)
gets longer. When it is full, the commander advances a
level. When a commander advances to level 10, they can move
up a class. (detailed on the advancement paths) They
start out at level one in their new class.
2.3 Casting a spell
Only commanders can cast spells. Select the commander and the
spell you want to cast. Now select the center of the area
of effect of the spell (squares that are too far away are
darkened). The screen brightens the squares that will be
affected by the spell. If you are satisfied with how the
spell is targeted, continue to cast the spell. Both the
distance away from the caster and the area of effect
increase with the caster's level.
Spell ranges and effects are listed in another part of this FAQ.
2.4 The scenario map
You can move the cursor on top of a square or unit to see
more about it. When you move on top of a commander or a
troop, the commander's 'sphere of influence' blinks green,
and all the commander's troops have a flashing yellow dot (or blue
dot in the case of enemies). Troops with an 'x' in front
of them are allied troops; computer-controlled, but friendly
to you. It is OK to allow allied commanders to die, they will
return later. Troops with an 'E' in front of them are 'Frozen'
and can't be moved.
Additionally, the commander displays another icon representing
which formation mode the troops are in. A sword means 'attack',
a shield means 'defense', a boot means 'move' and the finger
means 'manual'.
All troops belonging to the commander inside the 'sphere
of influence' gain a bonus to attack and defense, based on the
commander's class. (see the list of classes)
Each troop displays a number representing how much 'power' the
troop has left. When the power reaches zero, the troop is destroyed
and cannot be revived. A troop with at least one power can be
brought back to the commander to be healed.
If you move the cursor over an unoccupied tile, you will see a
picture of the tile, followed by a description and the defense
adjustment provided. See 'moving and defense' for more about this.
2.5 Game Preferences
You can adjust the game speed to slow, normal or fast. The default
is Normal. In Normal mode, the cursor moves to the enemy, selects
each troop, selects the destination for the troop to move to, then
animates moving the troop. It also moves to each commander when
they talk. In slow mode, it does each of the steps slowly. In
fast mode, the cursor "jumps" to each troop and just moves it
without stopping to draw its movement path. Hold down "B" in slow
or normal mode to make the game behave one speed faster.
"BGM" turns background music on or off. (see the cheats section
about changing the background music). In "Semi-Automatic" mode,
the cursor moves from troop to troop, opening it's move mode to
allow you to set the destination and action for each troop. It's
annoying since it usually doesn't select the troops in an order
that's helpful.
Interruption saves the game mid-scenario. You can only have one
"interrupted" state. You are prompted to save the game after each
level. It is suggested that you use a different save slot when
you are trying to decide which advancement path to send a
3. General advice:
It helps to save after each level, then start the new level with no
troops (just place commanders in any order) to see where the enemies
start and what troops they have. Then reset and pick commanders,
troops and placement to match.
Once you have a leader join (so that you can control them), be careful
not to let them die. Once they are dead, they are permanently gone,
and nearly all are useful. Before they join (when they are "allies")
they can die, and still come back later when they're supposed to!
You may have noticed that troops within their commanders sphere of
influence (the blinking green squares) get the bonus to attack and
defense (determined by their commander's class). The enemy won't
move troops out of this sphere, and for a stationary enemy leader,
won't attack you with troops unless they can do so from within
range. You, on the other hand, can move troops anywhere you want.
They still give you experience even if they are out of range.
The enemy will occasionally move faster than his troops, stranding
them out of range (this often happens around water or when the
troop is blocked by impassable terrain). Stranded troops will
attack anything next to them.
Everyone, even the weakest troop has a chance of doing at least 1
damage to any enemy (if you're incredibly lucky, 2 points), even
when the numbers show that it couldn't possibly work. Yes, out-of
range soldiers flinging spears can kill (a weakened) Chaos. Cool,
huh? To eke out experience, save the game and restart until the
soldiers or leader takes out the enemy.
An enemy commander at 7 or less HPs will always choose
to heal, rather than cast a spell or do anything else. Enemies
won't attack with troops lowered to 6 or less. This means that
if you hit the enemy with a Thunder or two, you will prevent it
from attacking you for a while.
Leaders won't attack unless all their troops have been destroyed,
or you move a troop next to them (Unless the leader is in
"Attack" formation). Leaders and units usually attack the
enemy with the weakest HP, even if it would be suicide; This
is especially true in Scenario 2, where barbarians will all
slaughter themselves on Baldarov's horsemen.
(Thanks *****)
Magic is somewhat underestimated by many people. Magic ALWAYS does
a certain amount of damage to each enemy within range. That means
that even if your troops can't hope to damage the enemies, the
combined damage from several thunders, tornadoes and magic arrows
in a row can rip the enemy apart. Remember; Damaged troops are
weaker and can inflict less damage than they could if they were
fully healed. After one Thunder, sic several troops on the enemy
even if their odds are low. The enemy won't attack with weakened
troops, preferring to heal them instead. One Tornado buys you a
LOT of time to regroup while the enemy heals.
3.1 Devious spell-draining:
Pick a commander (a Dragon knight if you have one), set all the
troops on "manual" and stash them out of the way. Fly solo
right in the sphere of influence of an enemy spellcaster (but
inaccessible to the troops; Over a high-wall, on a pillar,
whatever so that no more than one of the spellcaster's troops
can get to you). The enemy will attempt to blast the
commander with a spell. Heal your next turn and keep doing
that until the commander is out of magic. Now return to
your troops and continue the game. A ranger with the cross
or shield is especially good for this.
3.2 Formations:
A defense formation is:
TTT where the troops totally surround the commander
Attack and Move formation is:
T T Like a diamond. In "attack", troops automatically
T C T attack enemies in the sphere of influence. In
T T 'Move' formation, troops will attack any enemies
T they move next to.
What's the point of the diamond? Since the enemy always
targets spells at the commander, Magic Arrows won't hurt
the troops. You can also overlap two troop formations to
get better defense:
12 With the two commanders in the middle. Why?
1212 I have no idea. Move/Attack also prevents damaged
12CC12 troops from getting healed.
In general, there aren't many benefits to Formation mode
after the enemy gets spells more powerful than Magic Arrows.
There is one benefit to 'Attack' though; troops in formation
mode usually move after Friendly commanders and their troops.
If you put your troops in 'Attack', they will attack after
the Friendly troops have softened up the enemy. Defense is
a useful mode when you want to move a commander over a long
distance without any enemies.
In "formation" mode, the troops will often leave the
positions you set them in a turn earlier. This can be very
annoying if you are trying to block a passageway or similar. It's
usually a better idea to leave them on Manual and only use Formations
when you want to go a distance without enemies along the way
3.3 Moving and defense
Each square on the scenario map has several properties that are
important to the game. One is the "movement cost". Each commander
and troop type has a set number of Movement points each turn.
To move over a square, you subtract its Movement cost from the
points you have available. This makes moving over mountains and
water difficult (mermen have the special ability to move through
water, and flying troops treat all terrain as plains).
Some squares are impossible for ground-based troops to move onto.
These include the white mountain peaks, and High castle walls.
The other property of each tile is Defense adjustment. This is a
special bonus offered to troops or commanders that end their turn
in that square. Troops stationed on a castle wall have a better
defense adjustment than troops stationed in plains.
When you move troops and commanders, it's usually a good idea to
position them to take advantage of the terrain, rather than to
use the default formation and move your maximum limit each turn.
Your best position is one that offers you a good defense bonus,
while forcing enemies to attack you from a weaker position. A
Forest tile surrounded by four plains tiles is good. If you are
fighting water-based enemies (who get a large bonus when they
fight in the water), set all your troops in positions that force
the enemy to come on land to attack you.
4. Experience and Promoting:
The Archmage sucks. So what if she gets Earthquake? It does a puny
2 points of damage to all non-flying enemies, and can destroy walls.
The Saint gets Tornado, a righteous kick-ass spell that rips the
enemy to shreds! Send Calais the Saint route.
I'm not too fond of the ranger either... Although they have a very
high attack/defense level and movement range, they can't have any
troops, and the spells they get suck. The only damage spell they get
is Earthquake (instead of Thunder for being a Magic Knight) and it
uses all their MPs. You can try running up to the enemy and casting
Confusion (or Sleep) but it doesn't seem to be a very effective
You could sent Tiberon the route to become a Serpent Knight, but then
he's almost totally useless after scenario 9. Skip it and make him the
Knight Master.
I think Magic Knights are more useful than Knight Masters, even though
KMs offer a bigger bonus to their troops. Using a Thunder, a Magic
Knight can soften up a lot of enemies at a time, making it easy for
thier own troops and other troops to finish them off. They work
especially well in cooperation with other commanders. Two Thunders
can lower all the enemies in a wide range to 4 or less and allow them to
be picked off by the weaker troops.
I play the game trying to get all the experience I can. I prefer to
destroy all the enemies possible (it can be done, but takes some
strategy). If you "feed" Sabra experience (have everybody weaken
the enemies, then kill them off with Sabra and her troops as much
as possible) she'll become a Dragon knight on scenario 6! That rocks!
It makes the game ridiculously easy after that... Remember, out-of
range troops still give their commander experience.
To save an enemy leader for one of your people, surround him
with four of your troops (ideally with their commander right
next to two of them, like so:
T T - Your troops, E - Enemy commander
TET C - Troop commander
This "traps" the enemy. Every turn, swap out the troop he
damaged for a fresh one and let the damaged one heal next to
it's commander. This gives you time to heal the commander
you want to get the experience, or bring a far-away
commander to the enemy without the enemy getting away.
Lance doesn't gain experience either, so don't use him if
you can avoid it. Don't use him at all if Sabra can fly.
See the end of the FAQ for advancement paths, promoting,
and troop comparisons.
Commanders give more experience than troops do (about
three times as much), Royal soldiers give about double
what the average troop does.
5. Level-by-level strategy
Scenario 1 - Save Garett
Object: Save Garett by moving to the top of the screen
Commanders: Garett, Baldarov
Placement: Place Garett and Baldarov
Allies: Tiberon, Calais, Sabra, Alfador
Serpent Knight/8 Lizard men
Bishop/4 Elementals
Lord/8 Dark Elves
Lord/5 Soldiers
Tips: This scenario is beatable! I've done it several times.
Give Garett as many troops as possible (at least one or two
horseman for Baldarov though). Head Left. Let Baldarov
give Tiberon a hand beating up the archers, finish off
particularly weak troops with Garett & co. After Tib and
Baldy beat up the commander, head down and help out Calais
with the enemy lizards. Let Sabra get killed, and the
elemental guy show up. Garett's dad is a King (with a
very high defense rating) sitting on a throne (with a
nice bonus to defense). He's almost impervious to the
elementals! Let the king damage the elementals until you
can attack the mage on two sides, attack with Garett and
his soldiers (the mage is physically weak). You'll win,
and they'll say something about going for reinforcements
and you'll leave anyway.
Scenario 2 - Protect Mina
Object: Defeat all the enemies, or get Mina to the castle.
Commanders: Garett, Baldarov
Placement: Place Garett and Baldarov
Allies: Mina
Shaman/6 Barbarians (x4)
Shaman/4 Barbarians
Shaman/6 Barbarians (on turn 13)
Tips: Send Baldarov's troops out of range unless you want
them to totally slaughter the enemies. One of Baldarov's
horsemen with 1HP can completely slaughter a 10HP barbarian
unit if the horseman is in range. On turn 13, more barbarians
show up (on the far left, north of the mountains). Bring 'em on!
Remember to watch for the barbarians crossing the mountains. Mina
has a bad habit of running away from troops carefully placed to
protect her and charging the enemy. Her "troops" are
basically worthless. She'll heal a commander at 7 or less if he
is within range of her Healing 1. You can get Garett to Lord if
you didn't wimp out of the first stage. A good stage to come
back to before you complete scenario 4.
Scenario 3 - Save Mina again.
Object: Defeat all the enemies
Commanders: Garett, Baldarov
Placement: You cannot control placement on this level
Allies: Mina, Thorne
Shaman/8 Barbarians
Shaman/6 Barbarians
Shaman/4 Barbarians (x2)
Shaman/2 Barbarians (x3)
Tips: Not that tough, remember it doesn't matter if other
commanders get killed when they're not under your
control. Be an experience pig! Sabra joins and you win
the 'Great Sword' after this level.
Scenario 4 - Who sneezed?
Object: Survive long enough for reinforcements to show up
Commanders: Garett, Baldarov, Sabra
Placement: Place Garett, Baldarov and Sabra
Great Slime/8 Slimes (x2)
Great Slime/6 Slimes (x2)
Great Slime/4 Slimes
Tips: Don't bother with troops. Position your characters
in nice, defensive spots (like in a forest with clear
plains all around it) to give yourself the max benefit
while ensuring that the enemies don't get it too. Sit
around and beat up the enemies with commanders alone.
Mina and Thorne show up to "save" you on turn 5. You
win if you're still around on turn 10. Mina and Thorne
join after you win this level.
Scenario 5 - Lance, round 1
Object: Defeat Lance!
Commanders: Garett, Baldarov, Sabra, Mina, Thorne
Placement: Place Garett, Baldarov, Sabra, Mina and Thorne
Lance/8 Horsemen
Fighter/8 Soldiers
Fighter/8 Dark Elves
Knight/ 8 Horsemen (x2)
Tips: The enemy tries to come in 'waves' designed to get
around your defense; first Horsemen, then Soldiers,
then Archers. With some fast-switching and moving you
can adapt to this and have the best advantage, but it's
difficult to pull off neatly. Baldarov dies, and it can't
be prevented (unless you cheat and warp past this stage).
You weren't using him much anyway, right? He basically
wastes experience.
Scenario 6 - Castle assault
Object: Defeat Geryon
Commanders: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne
Placement: Place Garett, Sabra, Mina and Thorne
Geryon/2 Royal soldiers
Knight/6 Horsemen (x2)
Fighter/8 Soldiers (x2)
Fighter/6 Dark Elves
Tips: This is a tough stage. It helps if Garett is already
a Lord. Take defensive positions along the walls. At the
end of the scenario, you get Calais back. For a slightly
easier time, concentrate your forces. Put three commanders
on the right, and send the commander on the left all the
way around the top of the castle to join the rest (the
commander doing the 'hail mary' will probably lose a few
troops, don't stop to fight - just run for the cover of
the other commanders). Calais and Tiberon join after this
scenario, plus you win the Magic Shield!
Scenario 7 - Lance, round 2
Object: Save Bayard (kill Momus)
Commanders: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Calias, Tiberon
Placement: Place up to 6 commanders
Momus (Fighter)/8 Dark Elves(x2)
Serpent Knight/8 Lizard men (x2)
Fighter/8 Soldiers
Knight/6 Horsemen
Lance/6 Horsemen (Turn ??)
Knight/6 Horsemen (Turn ??)
Tips: Bayard won't last long without your help. Save and
restart if he does particularly badly during the enemies
phase. After you cross the bridge, Lance shows up.
Kick his butt again! When you're fighting the lizard
dudes, DON'T put your troops right up to the edge of the
bridge! Force the overgrown frogs to come on land to
fight you. Bayard joins your forces after this level.
Scenario 8 - Lance, round 3
Object: Kill the commanders that are running away.
Commanders: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tiberon, Bayard
Placement: Place up to 7 commanders
Chief Commander/2 Royal Soldiers
Fighter/8 Dark Elves (x2)
Fighter/8 Soldiers (x2)
Lance/6 Horsemen (Turn ??)
Knight/6 Horsemen (Turn ??)
Tips: Show no mercy! Pick off the commanders. Several
will try to head north, make a run for it to prevent
their escape. Lance shows up (again. Doesn't that
guy ever quit?) from the bottom left. Kick his butt,
then pick off the remaining enemies. This is a good
stage to get experience and come back to before you complete
scenario 10.
Scenario 9 - Leviathan and pals (Lance, round 4)
Object: Defeat the enemy commander, or Garett to top
Commanders: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tiberon, Bayard
Placement: Place up to 7 commanders
Serpent Knight/8 Lizard men
Grand Knight/8 Soldiers
Fighter/8 Soldiers (x2)
Fighter/8 Dark Elves
Giant Squid/8 Leviathans (x2) (Turn 2? or 3?)
Lance/8 Horsemen (Turn 7)
Tips: If you're an experience pig, send troops out
to the two peninsulas to fight the water monsters.
Take shelter in forests and force them to attack
you from land. If you just want to coast through this
level, stay in your original positions and let the monsters
attack the enemies for you. Lance shows up on turn 7.
Lance will attack you if you land on the shore.
Scenario 10 - Magic Soak
Object: Defeat the high priest guy
Commanders: Garett, Sabra, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tiberon, Bayard
Placement: Place up to 7 commanders
Chief Commander/4 Royal Soldiers
Serpent Knight/8 Lizard men (x2)
Bishop/8 Dark Elves
Arch Mage/8 Soldiers
Fighter/8 Soldiers
Grand Knight/8 Archers (Turn 10)
Grand Knight/8 Horsemen (Turn 10)
Tips: If Sabra is a dragon knight, or becomes one on
this level, send her over to soak up the spells
of the bad guys before you invade the castle.
Reinforcements (NOT Lance) show up on turn 10,
from the left as well as the bottom. Save a
commander or two to deal with them. The commander
on the left arrives with archers, the commander
on the bottom arrives with soldiers. Carleon joins after
this level, and you get the Wand.
Scenario 11 - Lance, round 5
Object: Garett to Center well-thingy.
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tib, Bayard, Carleon
Placement: Place up to 8 commanders
Arch Mage/8 Dark Elves
Grand Knight/8 Soldiers (x4)
Lance/8 Horsemen (Turn 5)
Wyvern/8 Gargoyles (x2) (Turn 7)
Tips: If you don't move toward the center of the
castle, the flying monsters will head straight
for the archamge and all get slaughtered by
the archmage's spells. Don't let that happen!
Charge for the center so they come after you
instead and you get the experience. Lance
(here we go again) shows up in the bottom-left on
turn 5. The Wyverns show up at the top and bottom
center on turn 7. Put commanders with horsemen
closest to the center when you start, backed up
by commanders with archers behind them. Try to
have at least one archer company on the top and
bottom to deal with the wyverns (and Lance).
Sabra can hide in the right-most stair room
under the pillar (touching the archmage's sphere of
influence) to absorb the spells. The Wyverns can
cast Fireball, so be ready.
Scenario 12 - Recover Warsong
Object: Pulverize Pithion
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tib, Bayard, Carleon
Placement: You cannot control placement on this level
Pythion/8 Royal Soldiers
Chief Commander/6 Royal Soldiers
Arch Mage/8 Fighters
Bishop/8 Dark Elves
Wizard/8 Dark Elves
Grand Knight/8 Soldiers (x3)
Tips: This is two-sided, and hard. Your troops are
split with a wall between half your commanders.
Don't fight Pithion until you've toasted the
other enemy leaders. It may be prudent to kill
at least one of the enemy leaders on the right
side straight away so you don't have to deal with it's
troops. You can't control the placement of your
commanders. Consider getting just soldiers for
the left side, horsemen for the bottom two
commanders on the right side and soldiers for
the top two commanders on the right. After this stage
you get Warsong (POWER!) and the Evil Axe.
Scenario 13 - Let's get stoned...
Object: Defeat the basilisks
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tib, Bayard, Carleon
Allies: Lance
Placement: Place up to 7 commanders
Basilisk/6 Styracosaurs
Basilisk/4 Styracosaurs (x2)
Great Slime/8 Slimes (x2)
Queen Ant/8 Evil Ants (x2)
Tips: Don't get troops for Sabra, start her out at
the top, then send her straight up to sit right
next to the box. When it looks like you're in
trouble, move onto the box (turns all stoned people
back to normal). Lance will also get un-stoned (but
not the villagers. Weren't they turned to stone too?)
and beat up the remaining enemies. From now on he'll
fight on your side. This stage is great for experience,
and the ants and slimes are a pushover. If you have
a Saint, let the Tornados rip on the basilisks and
kill them before they can heal (that way they don't
get a chance to use their stone gaze). Don't bother
bringing many troops along. Win the Amulet after this
level. Lance joins you after this level.
Scenario 14 - The WolfMan
Object: Save a town from wolves
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Cal, Tib, Bay, Car, Lance
Placement: Place up to 6 commanders
1 Werewolf
Werewolf/8 Werewolves (x6) (After you defeat the loner)
Tips: This is somewhat hard. Take defensive positions
when you can. A fairly basic battle. The village
will be attacked from both sides. Bring all the
troops you can. The wolf leaders are VERY strong.
Alternately, you can try this without troops. Have
your heroes take shelter in the buildings and let
the werewolves come to you. Rotate out damaged
leaders, and use spells to lower the wolf troops
down to 8 points. You lose the civilians this
way, but it is easier to win and you probably
don't need the money anyway.
- (Thanks Abacrombie)
Scenario 15 - And what's in the Pot?
Object: Save the town from the great dragon.
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Cal, Tib, Bay, Car, Lance
Placement: Place up to 4 commanders
Gorgon/6 Styracosaurs (x2)
Shaman/8 Barbarians
Tips: Send a flying knight (preferably Sabra) with
some troops straight up to kill the shaman in
the north. When you do, you'll open a Pot and
a genie will come out and kick the dragon's butt.
Time it to get the most experience from this one.
Scenario 16 - Beat up the fleeing dragon
Object: Kill the dragon. Again.
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Cal, Tib, Bay, Car, Lance
Placement: Place up to 8 commanders
Dragon/8 Styracosaurs
Gorgon/8 Carrion Crawlers (x2)
Queen Ant/8 Evil Ants (x3)
Great Slime/8 Slimes (x2)
Tips: Send Mina and Calias with gaurdsmen to the
left to waste the slimes. Send either a commander
without any troops (and Warsong) south to beat up
the ants, or use horsemen. Use Sabra to hide
in inaccessible spots and drain the magic from
the enemy leaders. The dragon is much weaker
this time, and there's a Dragon Sword (+5/+3) in
a chest to help you finish him off. The sword
disappears at the end of the battle.
Scenario 17 - Wyverns
Object: Kill everything in sight
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Cal, Tib, Bay, Car, Lance
Placement: Place up to 8 commanders
Gorgon/8 Styracosaurs (x2)
Wyvern/8 Gargoyles (x6)
Tips: Get several bunches of archers to toast the
wyverns/gargoyles when they fly down. It helps
to have one set killed off by the time the next
arrives. Then you have the long, slow task of
destroying the styracosaurs.
Scenario 18 - Is there a Naxos in the house?
Object: Kill Naxos
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Cal, Tib, Bay, Car, Lance
Placement: Place up to 8 commanders
Naxos/8 Golems
Living Armor/8 Skeletons
Queen Ant/8 Evil Ants (x3)
Great Slime/8 Slimes (x3)
Tips: Just about the only way to beat up the golems is to use
several magic spells in a row. Bring on the Thunder and
Tornados! One you have an opening, Naxos himself is easy. You
could also send flying troops in to finish him off. Yes, you
could use an earthquake here (and on Scenario 19) but then you
wouldn't have the pleasure of killing everyting! If you want
an easy win, send Sabra/Lance up behind Naxos and kill him by
turn 3. Lance leaves after this level.
Scenario 19 - Death to Mortimus
Object: Kill Mortimus
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tib, Bayard, Carleon
Placement: Place up to 8 commanders
Mortimus/8 Skeletons
Bishop/8 Dark Elves
Wizard/8 Dark Elves (x2)
Lord/8 Royal Soldiers (x2)
Fighter/8 Soldiers (x3)
Tips: You can send your troops in two directions here. Go
for it instead of trying to crowd all your troops through
one narrow passage! The Monks are pretty good against the
Scenario 20 - Chaos
Object: Kill Ganelon, then Chaos
Commanders: Gar, Sab, Mina, Thorne, Calais, Tib, Bayard, Carleon
Placement: Place up to 8 commanders
Ganelon/8 Styracosaurs
Living Armor/8 Skeletons (x6)
Chaos/8 Elementals (After you kill Ganelon)
Tips: Send Sabra without troops along one side to drain the
magic from the skeletons, then use her to drain Ganelon.
Once she moves out of range of the skeletons she's trying
to drain, they'll keep going for the main party. For a
bit of fun, trap Ganelon on his throne until you can move
everyone else up and surround the area where Chaos shows up
(you'll never guess where..) Bring along several squads of
archers and monks, because they make short work of the
elementals. Only Sabra's griffons don't slaughter the
elementals, so save them for mop-up duty. If you save your
magic, you can totally demolish Chaos's forces if you are
waiting for them.
6. Items & Effects:
Name - Attack adj./Defense adj., special effect
Amulet - +0/+2, doubles sphere of influence
Cross - +0/+2
Great Sword - +2/+0
Wand - +2/+0, increases spell damage by 1-2 points
Shield - +0/+4
Evil Axe - +8/-10
Dragon Slayer - +5/+3, disappears after the battle
Warsong - +4/+4
Orb - +0/+0, magic cost reduced by 50%
The Orb is one of the more interesting items. It cuts the cost
of the spell by 50% *WHEN IT IS CAST*. If you don't have
enough points to pay the full cost of the spell, you can't
cast it even though you should be able to. (bug?) So, you
can't cast that last 'Lightning' with only 2 MP left. This
way, it doesn't quite double the number of spells you can cast.
7. Characters available and advancement paths:
Here are the main characters in the game, along with their name in
Langrisser and their recommended advancement path (marked with *).
Garett (Ledin) - Your main hero. If you lose him, your game is over.
Fighter -> Knight or *Lord
Lord -> *King or Magic Knight
Knight -> Knight Master
Baldarov (Volkov) - Garett's bodyguard. Can't advance or gain exp.!
Plus, he dies later (this is not preventable.) His troops are
practically invincible though...
Sword Master
Mina (Kris) - A travelling cleric Garett meets on the road.
Cleric -> Warlock or *Priestess
Priestess -> High Priestess or *Saint
Warlock -> Bishop or Wizard
Wizard -> (same as Calais)
Calais (Jessica) - The court mage of castle Baltia
Warlock -> *Cleric or Wizard
Wizard -> Arch Mage or Magic Knight
Magic Knight -> Ranger
Cleric -> *(same as Mina)
Sabra (Nahmu) - Commander of the Baltia troops
Fighter -> Knight or *Lord
Lord -> *Dragon Knight or Magic Knight
Knight -> Knight Master
Tiberon (Tiira) - Reformed pirate & navy commander
Crocodile Knight -> Serpent Knight or *Knight
Knight -> *Knight Master
Thorne (Soun) - One of Lord Carleon's Knights
Fighter -> Knight or *Lord
Lord -> *Magic Knight
Knight -> Knight Master
Bayard (Albert) - Commander of castle Anzel
Fighter -> Knight or *Lord
Lord -> *Magic Knight
Knight -> Knight Master
Carleon (Hawking) - Friend of Garett's father
Fighter -> Knight or *Lord
Lord -> *Magic Knight
Knight -> Knight Master
Lance (??) - One of emperor Pithion's commanders
Dragon Knight
Note: If you follow the recommended advancement paths, you will have
1 King, 2 Saints, 1 Dragon Knight, 1 Knight Master and 3 Magic Knights.
8. Troop comparisons:
Troops can't usually do more damage than they have points; that
means that a troop that is at 7 HPs can only do 7 points of damage.
There are exceptions when att/def scores of fighting troops are
drastically different. Sometimes a fighter or two can get several
attacks on the enemy. Commanders max damage depends on their HP
HP 10: 10 damage
HP 8-9: 9 damage
HP 6-7: 8 damage
HP 4-5: 7 damage
HP 2-3: 6 damage
HP 1: 5 damage
(Thanks *****)
Commanders - Commanders use a special ranged attack against all
enemies with their own attack/defense rating (they don't get
their own adjustment).
Archers - The weakest offensive and defensive stats, but they get
to shoot first (before the enemy can get to them) so they may
destroy many of their opponents. They get a 40% bonus when
fighting in the forest. (Thanks *****)
Good against: Horsemen, Mermen, Elementals
Weak against: Soldiers
Soldiers - The basic, average troops. If they can't physically
reach the enemy, they fling spears like archers (slightly weaker)
They appear to get a 25% bonus to defense when fighting archers.
Good against: Archers (not *that* great)
Weak against: Horsemen
Horsemen - Mounted troops. Somewhat stronger Attacking, but lower
defensive strength makes them vulnerable to ranged attacks.
Good against: Soldiers, Mermen
Weak against: Archers
Mermen - Aquatic troops. Extremely strong in the water, but weak
everywhere else. They can also move quickly through water.
They seem to get a 50% bonus to defense when fighting in water.
Good against (when fighting from water): Soldiers, Horsemen
Weak against: Archers
Griffons - Flying troops. They are very strong soldiers, can
move quickly over any terrain, but have a slightly low defense
Good against: Soldiers, Mermen
Weak against: Archers
Guardsmen - Weaker Holy troops, temple acolytes. They have low
scores but get special bonuses vs. some creatures.
Good against: Slime
Weak against: Pretty much everything else
Monks - Slightly stronger Holy troops. They use a ranged attack
like Archers and are a little stronger defensively.
Good against: Horsemen, Slime, Undead
Weak against: No special weaknesses
Citizens - Cannon fodder. Speed bumps. They are only useful to
temporarily slow the enemy down. Don't rely on these troops to
last long enough for you to waste your time.
8.1 Player/Enemy troop comparisons
Class AT DF MV Attack (Close/Far) Special
----- -- -- -- ------------------ -------
Soldier 20 14 6 Fight/Spears None
Horseman 21 15 8 Fight/Spears None
Archer 19 14 7 Arrows/Arrows +40% in Forest
Monk 20 13 6 Spears/Spears vs. Undead
Merman 24 6 *7 Fight/Trident *Sea Movement
+50% in Water
Gryphon 27 13 *9 Fight/Fight *Air Movement
Guardsman 16 10 6 Fight/Fire Fire attack
Class AT DF MV
----- -- -- --
*Barbarian 19 14 6
*Slime 19 20 6
*Dark Elf 20 14 7
*Royal Soldier 24 18 6
*Lizard man 23 6 *8
*Leviathan 23 17 *8
*Gargoyle 27 14 *8
*Styracosaur 23 24 6
*Evil Ant 19 16 8
*Werewolf 25 17 6
*Carrion Crawler 20 24 6
*Skeleton 24 21 6
*Golem 19 40 6
*Elemental 23 20 *8
9. Commander class comparisons:
Class AT DF MP MV R A+/D+ Troops Spells
Archmage 31 17 32 6 4 9/2 SAG A,F,E
*Basilisk 27 27 1 6 4 3/2 STONE GAS
Bishop 27 20 16 6 4 6/4 SAK F,H2,C
Cleric 23 17 8 5 4 0/4 G H1
*Conjurer 19 20 16 6 4 1/2 B
Croc. Knight 28 20 0 7 4 2/2 SM -
Dragon Knight 34 24 4 9 4 4/2 F B
Fighter 23 21 0 6 3 4/2 S -
*Gorgosaur 31 28 12 6 4 5/0 F
*Grand Knight 31 25 0 6 4 6/4 -
*Great Dragon 35 35 16 3 4 5/4 F
*Great Slime 19 28 0 6 4 2/2 -
High Priestess 27 32 32 6 4 4/8 SGK H2,H3,S
*Kaiser 32 32 12 6 4 4/4 F
King 31 28 12 6 4 6/4 SHA A,H1
Knight 31 20 0 8 4 4/2 SH -
Knight Master 34 24 8 8 4 8/2 SHA L
*Kraken 29 26 0 6 4 0/2 -
*Living Armor 32 30 8 6 4 5/4 F
Lord 27 24 8 6 4 2/4 SA H1
Magic Knight 31 25 16 8 4 6/4 SHA Th,H1
Priestess 27 24 16 6 4 2/6 GK H1,H2
*Queen Ant 31 20 0 8 4 6/5 -
Ranger 41 28 16 9 4 0/0 - E,C,S
*Royal Guard 35 21 4 8 4 6/4 B
Saint 31 24 24 6 4 9/4 SGK F,To,H2
Serp. Knight 32 24 0 7 4 6/2 SM -
*Shaman 25 15 5 5 4 0/0 A
*Sorceror 27 20 16 6 4 3/2 C
Sword Master 25 22 0 6 4 0/9 SHA -
Warlock 27 13 10 6 4 3/2 G A
*Werewolf 29 21 0 6 4 6/4 -
*Wight 31 34 16 6 4 7/6 ??
Wizard 27 15 16 6 4 6/2 SG A,F
*Wyvern 31 24 8 7 4 3/2 F
*Enemy leader
Troop codes:
S - Soldiers, H - Horsemen, A - Archers, M - Mermen
K - Monk, G - Guardsmen, F - Gryphon
Spell codes:
A - Magic Arrows, F - Fireball, Th - Thunder, To - Tornado
L - Lightning, E - Earthquake, B - Blizzard
H1 - Healing 1, H2 - Healing 2, H3 - Healing 3. C - Confusion, S - Sleep
10. Spells:
Spell Name Cost - Distance away, Effect Radius, Effect
Magic Arrows (2mp) - 6, 1r, 1-2 Dmg
Healing 1 (2mp) - 4, 2r, 1-2 Recover
Healing 2 (4mp) - 4, 2r, 2-4 Recover
Fireball (4mp) - 5, 2r, 1-3 Dmg
Thunder (4mp) - 5, 3r, 2-4 Dmg
Lightning (4mp) - 7, Straight Line, 1-3 Dmg
Blizzard (4mp) - 5, 3r, 1-3 Dmg
Sleep (4mp) - 4, 2r, 25% chance of putting enemies to sleep
D.Fireball (8mp) - 5, 3r, 2-4 Dmg
Healing 3 (8mp) - 4, 2r, 5-8 Recover
Tornado (8mp) - 5, 4r, 2-6 Dmg
Confusion (8mp) - 7, 1r, Enemies in area may attack each other
Earthquake (16mp) - 4, 11r, 1-2 Dmg
After the caster reaches level 5, the max distance away and effect radius of
all spells increase by 1, the maximum damage (and possibly minimum damage) also
increases by 1. Confusion and Sleep are really useless, you get
the most bang for your MP out of Thunder and Tornado. Earthquake does too
little damage to give you a real advantage.
11. Codes and Cheating:
Level Select - Go to the Upper-Left square in wide-screen mode (icons are
smaller, press A to switch between wide and normal). Then go Down 1 square
and Right one square. (Exactly 1 square diagonally from the upper-left).
Press C (or is it B?). Pick the level you want to go to. Warping ahead
is suicide - you often miss characters you would have gotten, and you'll be
a lot weaker than you're supposed to be. If you feel lucky, take on Chaos
with just Garrett and Baldarov! This is more beneficial if you warp
backwards to pick up extra experience. Good levels to visit are 13 (the
Basilisk level) and 16 (The Great Dragon's lair). Note: If you pick up
Lance on level 13, you can warp ahead to 20 and he won't leave! NOT that
he's all that great...
Sound Test - Same as the Level select, just do it in Normal screen mode.
You can change the background music (lasts until end-of-turn).
12. Rumors, reported codes & comments:
Press Up/Right + A + B while highlighting Garett on the recruit soldiers
screen. Supposedly grants all items but sets gold to Zero. Sega says
this code has been removed (it doesn't seem to work on my Warsong).
It is rumored to work on the Japanese version of Warsong.
Move Garett to Bottom-Left corner on Level 2. Supposedly maxes out
experience. This doesn't seem possible.
13. Nitpicks
We start each scenario by buying troops (presumably hiring mercenaries
for a one-shot battle). At the end of scenario 11 we end by going up
the stairs to Pythion's throne room. Where do we hire the mercenaries
from for scenario 12? Does Pythion have mercenary-hiring depots in
his stairwells?
People in the game seem to recognize artifacts with no explanation: A
soldier points out Pythion's axe to Garett, Garett just says something
like "Oh, yeah - that's the Evil Axe." without commenting on it.
The unstoning mirror in level 13 doesn't un-stone the villagers (the
statues that are laying around)
14. Thanks & credits to:
Darin Mackiewicz -
For working out the advancement paths and commander relative
Abacrombie ?@foxinternet.net> - Strategy tips
****? - Somebody sent me an AWESOME text file (warsong.wri)
listing a lot of stuff about the different scenarios,
spell damage and a bunch of other bits. If you can tell
me who you are, I'll happily add you here.
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