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Author - Logan H
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Story
III. How to Play / Getting Started
IV. Weapons and Armor
V. Magic Spells
VI. Walkthrough of Super Hydlide
VII. Boss Tips
VIII. Secrets
IX.. Acknowledgements and Legal Notice
|I. Introduction|
Super Hydlide. For veterans of the original Hydlide, this game is everything
that Hydlide was, and it is also so much more. For those that have not played
the original, don't bother. It was a really bad game. I don't know why it got a
sequel, but the sequel is _great_. This FAQ was written for a few different
reasons. First of all, after about two hours of searching, I was unable to
locate any other Super Hydlide walkthrough, so I figured "Why not be the first?"
Secondly, I feel sympathy with those of us who buy video games at used video
game stores and almost never get the real box or the manual. So, for those of
you with no box or manual for Super Hydlide, I will provide them. I have scanned
my box annd manual, and they are available at my web page. The URL is --
This FAQ is organized so you can choose the level of game ruining that you use.
You can skip the walkthrough and read just the "Boss Tips" section, or you can
read just the section on Chracter Classes and skip everything else, or whatever
else you choose to read. You should also use a monospaced font (like Courier) to
view this document.
One final note before I begin. I will not provide emulators, ROMS or copies of
the Super Hydlide cartridge, so please do not bother writing to ask. If you want
a ROM that badly, warez and ROM sites are not very hard to find, if you know
where to look.
|II. The Story|
A long long time ago, longer than anyone can remember, evil decended upon the
good and peaceful people of Fairyland. Old legends tell of a lone brave hero who
saved Fairyland from the imminent threat of doom. Since then, the people of
Fairyland have lived through centuries and centuries of peace, and all memories
of evil faded away.
But one especially dark evening, a huge column of fire exploded out of the
deepest depths of Fairyland, lighting the night sky. The next morning, strange
doors began to appear from nowhere. Many who were curious entered these doors,
but were never seen again.
From that day on, unusual events and catastrophes began to take place. Huge
cracks opened in the ground, scarring the beautiful lands. Floods wiped out
entire villages, and the people of Fairyland experienced famine. And then the
monsters came.
The Fairyland council feared that the same evil in the legends was back again. A
wise old oracle predicted the second coming of evil. He also spoke of a young
man who could save Fairyland from its gravest crisis.
A young man was chosen to find the reason and source of the evil. As the people
gathered to bid him farewell and good luck, they couldn't help but wonder if
they had chosen the right one.
|III. How To Play / Getting Started|
Most FAQs that you read will probably respond to questions like "What good is
crouching?" and "What are the quirks of each particular character class?" with
the popular response of RTFM (Read The Freaking Manual). As I said above, I
commiserate with people who do not have manuals, and therefore will talk about
those questions and many more in this section. If you have read the manual, you
might not find anything new in this section.
One of the most amusing things in the manual is the phrase "It is important to
remember that the player and the character are two different people. Try to keep
the two apart!" Someone please e-mail me if you have any idea what the point of
that phrase is.
Super Hydlide has a system of weights and measures that is cool, realistic, and
annoying at times. The maximum amount of weight your character can carry without
slowing him down is his Load Capacity (LC). Your LC increases proportionally to
your strength. The amount of weight that your character is hauling is his
Carried Weight (CW). You can carry much more that your LC allows, but it will
slow your character down, and will also make him easier to hit in combat. The
Handle attribute is the maximum weight of a weapon that your character can wield
effectively. For example, a character wil Handle 2000 cannot properly use a
broad sword (which weighs 4000). Money also has weight, so get a Money Changer
(changes 10 $10 coins into one $100 coin, etc.) and a bank account as soon as
Super Hydlide also has a clock and calender. Your character must eat four times
per day : At 100 (1 AM), 700 (7 AM), 1300 (1 PM), and 1900 (7 PM). If you are
carrying Rations of Food with you, you will automatically eat at the proper
times. If you do not, you will slowly lose Attack Power and Hit Points. If you
stay at an inn, you will wake up at 700 the next morning. All meals are provided
for free at the inn (including the 700 meal). Your character also needs to
sleep. If you stay up past 2300 (11 PM), you will slowly lose Attack Power and
Hit Points
There are four character classes in Super Hydlide - The Warrior, the Thief, the
Priest, and the Monk. The Warrior is the most balanced of the four classes. He
has a high Armor Class and Attack Power, but can only cast 6 of the 12 magic
spells. The Thief is the most unbalanced character. He has an excetionally high
amount of Hit Points, and his massive strength allows him to carry and wield
heavy weapons and armor very quickly. However, his intelligence, morality, and
Magic Points are all very low. The Thief has the easiest start in the game but
the hardest finish. The Priest has high morality and intelligence. His fighting
skills are average, but he can cast all 12 of the spells in the game. The Priest
is probably the best all-around character. The Monk has superior ratings in
almost every attribute. He can also cast all 12 spells. His only flaw is his
very low number of Hit Points. The Monk has the hardest start but the easiest
|IV. Weapons and Armor|
Rather than just list every weapon, I decided to group them by what I feel are
the best and worst ones in the game. Along with them are short statements
explaining why I feel they are the best and worst. Weapons and armor not listed
here are not listed because I consider them irrelevant and/or mediocre. The best
ones are listed in the order that I feel you should get them (Get the knife,
then the sling, etc.)
* The Best Weapons
Knife - Cheapest and lightest weapon in the game.
Sling - Cheap and light. Short range allows you to kill slimes and
cannibals fairly easily. This is an excellent weapon for the
comparatively weak Priest.
Broad Sword - There is a bug in the game that allows you to slash
enemies through walls with the Swords.The Broad Sword
also has reletively high power and low weight.
Battle Axe - Use this massively powerful weapon only if you are
playing as a Warrior or Thief. Monks and Priests should
skip it and go straight to the Holy Sword.
Holy Sword - The Holy Sword can exploit the Sword Bug, and is also
very powerful. Stronger characters may do more damage
with a Battle Axe, but the Holy Sword is longer range.
Light Sabre - See the Secrets section for information on how to find
this incredible weapon. Stronger and lighter than the
Holy Sword, this is the perfect weapon.
Flaming Sword - If you prefer ranged weapons, you can get this in
the Cave under the City of the Forest. It is somewhat
less powerful than the Light Sabre, but is still an
excellent weapon.
* The Best Shields
Shield - Cheap, light, and somewhat protective.
Battle Shield - Cheap and sturdy.
Fairy-Made Shield - The best shield in the game. Light, very good
protection, and it's free! Find it in Area 1 of
Kaizack's domain.
* The Best Helmets
Helmet - Cheap and light enough to be used by a Level 1 character.
Japanese Helmet - Cheap and more protective than a regular helmet.
Fairy-Made Helmet - The best helmet in the game. Find it in the
Spaceship, and put it on immediately!
* The Best Mail
Leather Mail - Cheap and light. This should be your armor until you
reach the Heavenly City.
Chain Mail - Good stuff, but you won't use it very long...
Magical Mail - Same weight as Chain Mail, but much better. Find it
in the Cave of the Dead.
Space Suit - Excellent armor. There is a bug in the game that makes
Defenders cause no damage when you wear the Space Suit.
Exploit this bug to train some levels.
Silver Mail - Stronger characters can wear this great armor, but
weaker characters should just sell it. There is a free
suit in a chest in the Cave of the Dead
Fairy-Made Armor - The best armor anywhere. Wear it as soon as you
find it. Buy it in the City of the Forest Weapons
Shop after you have visited the Forbidden Caves.
* The Worst Weapons
Dagger - Expensive, heavy and short range.
Axe - Expensive, very heavy, and very short range.
Arrow (??) - Why did they include this horrible weapon in this game?
* The Worst Shields
Bronze Shield - Although it offers good protection, it is insanely
heavy. Only Thieves should use this shield.
* The Worst Helmets
Star Helmet - Expensive and heavy.
* The Worst Mail
Bronze Mail - Insanely expensive and unfathomably heavy. This armor
would be worth your time if there was not a free suit
of Silver Armor in the Cave of the Dead.
|V. Magic Spells|
This section is a quick overview of the 12 spells in Super Hydlide. If you have
read the manual, chances are that there is nothing in this section that you
don't already know.
* Spells Available to All Character Classes
Illusion - Spins every monster on the screen 180 degrees. Costs 3 MP
Antidote - Removes the effect of poison. Costs 5 MP
Time - Advances the clock by 12 hours. Costs 10 MP
Cure - Restores Hit Points. Costs 15 MP
Learn - Disarms traps on treasure chests. Costs 15 MP
Move - Teleports the character to any town that he has slept in.
Costs 30 MP
* Spells Only Available to Priests and Monks
Sleep - Disables enemy characters. Costs 8 MP
Slow - Slows down enemy characters. Very useful. Costs 8 MP
Defeat - Causes damage to all monsters on the screen. This includes
"good" monsters, so be careful Costs 10 MP
Flash - Lights an entire cave for a short time. Very useful. Costs
15 MP
Weight - Increases the character's Load Capacity for a short time.
Costs 20 MP
Invincible - Renders the character invulnerable for a short time.
Costs 30 MP
|VI. Walkthrough of Super Hydlide|
NOTE - Things like raising levels and purchasing spells will not be listed in
this walkthrough. You must decide what to spend your experience on yourself.
* You begin your quest in the City of the Forest with 2000 gold in your pocket.
Go to the General Store and buy two Rations of Food, then go to the Weapons Shop
and buy a suit of Leather Mail. Warrior and Thieves should also buy a Knife,
while Priests and Monks should buy a Sling. Now, exit the city and kill monsters
for a little while. Be careful not to kill the green Tree Spirits (they are
"good" monsters, and killing one will reduce your Morality score). Kill the
yellow Cannibals and the white Slimes. They're "evil" monsters (Personally, I
think that the whole good monster/evil monster thing is really stupid). Your
first quest is to find the Money Changer. Go to the west three screens, north
two screens, and east one screen to find the chest. It's not trapped, so open it
up to get the Money Changer.
* Next, you'll want to find the Subterranean City. Go north from the City of the
Woods until you reach the river. Follow the river northeast to find the
cemetary. In the southwest corner of the cemetary are three headstones in an "L"
shape. Walk to the front of the "L" shape and kneel in front of the headstones
to open the gate to the Subterranean City. If it says something like "There are
runes here but you cannot read them," then your intelligence is too low and you
must raise a few levels before you can enter the city.
* Once you are about fifth level, armed with a Broad Sword, Shield, Helmet, and
Leather Mail, you should go to the Tower of Habel. The tower is a few screens
north of the City of the Forest. Enter the tower and fight your way through the
first level maze. The Slimes and Bats here are "good" monsters. You can only
kill the Balu-Balus (the blue spider-like things). The second level has a chest
that contains the Talisman. The Talisman doubles the duration of spells. Monks
and Priests should keep it, while Warriors and Thieves should probably sell it
for about 18,000 gold. The third level of the Tower is an excellent place to
train levels if you have the Move spell because there are no good creatures on
the third or fourth level. On the fourth level, dodge the Dark Eyes powerful
attacks and run to the small area that looks like a staircase in the southeast
corner of the level. It is actually an "on-switch" for the elevators. After
turning the elevators on, step off the black tile, then back on it to teleport
yourself to the second level. Get in the elevator and head to the 199th floor.
Climb the stairs to the roof and fight the boss - Hellstorm. See the boss tips
section for help on beating him if you need it. When Hellstorm explodes, take
the Cloud Stone out of the chest. Go down to the 198th floor and walk out the
window and across the clouds to reach the Heavenly City.
* Be sure that you have a Stone of Warrior and Cross of God (and Life Water if
you can afford it) before proceeding.
* Enter the Sky Palace. Go to the left or right immediately (across the clouds),
up the side of the palace, then around the back. Jump into the hole in the
clouds to fall on the doorstep of the Water Palace below.
* Enter the Water Palace. Find the sleeping chambers and walk over every step of
the floor until you hear a sound. Search there to find the ID Card. Get the Sega
Pack out of the left niche near the throne room, then go and speak with the
king. He collects rare things, and would love to get his hands on a Dragon's
Fang. If you've been talking to the townspeople along the way, you know where to
find a dragon. If not, there's one in the Cave of the Dead, located in the
Subterranean City.
* Go to the Subterranean City and enter the warehouse through the secret passage
on the north wall. Search all the chests. Search the lone chest on the west wall
twice to find a passage into the Cave of the Dead. If you're a Priest or Monk,
use the Flash spell. If you're a Warrior or Thief, you'll need a lantern and a
few bottles of oil. The white ghosts here are "good" monsters, so don't kill
them. Get the Magical Mail from the chest in the far northeast corner of the
Cave. Kill the zombies for experience, but avoid the pink ghosts. They're too
powerful to be worth the trouble. Look for a walkway of green stone to the west
of the entrance to find the dragon's lair. You'll need to walk through a false
wall to reach the dragon. If you need help defeating him, check the Boss Tips
section. When you've killed the dragon, grab the Dragon's Fang out of the chest
and go back to the Water Palace.
* Give the Dragon's Fang to the king. Then go to the treasure room and collect
your reward from the chests. Make sure you have Jeem's Scroll before you leave.
* Go two screens west of the City of the Forest and one screen north to the
lake. Use Jeem's Scroll to make the Tech Fortress surface. Enter the Fortress.
Watch out for the laser blasting Auto-Attackers and kill as many Robo-Warriors
as you can find. This is another good place to train a few levels because there
are no "good" monsters and the Robo-Warriors give good cash and experience. Get
the Sun Oil and the Expensive Medicine out of the chests, then find the
teleporter to take you to Area 2. In Area 2, go to the west through the laser
barriers. They will hit you hard, but will not kill you. Heal yourself and go
further west to find the laser barrier control switch. Turn them off and find
the teleporter to Area 3. Once in Area 3, go to the east and around the upper
portion of the area. If you go through the archway to the west of the
teleporter, you'll get stuck and you'll have to cast Move to get out. Go down
the far west wall of the area, then go east across the southmost hallway. Turn
and go north to find the computer. Kneel in front of the computer (after you
hear a sound) to read the log. Kneel again to read the distress call. Go back to
the teleporter from Area 2. Go directly north of the teleporter and open the
chest to find the Space Compass. Go back to Area 2. In the far northwest corner
of Area 2, there is a wall with some Space Suits hanging on it. Stand in front
of that wall and kneel to find a Space Suit.
* Return to the City of the Woods. Go three screens south and three screens west
to find the cracks. Put on the Space Suit and jump into the large hole in the
middle. Use the Space Compass and follow its directions to the Space Ship. Enter
the ship.
* Search the ship. Find the computer and kneel in front of it to read the final
log. Search the ship and find the Long Bow, Fairy-Made Helmet, and the Horn.
Cast Move and go to the Subterranean City.
* Enter the Cave of the Dead and go west until you find the wall with the
strange runes on it. Go south seven steps and west four steps. Kneel to find the
Trans-Dimentional Talisman. Use it. Now cast Move and go to the City of the
* Go west to the river. Follow the river north and west, past the Water Palace,
then north and east. Enter the strange white portal. It will take you to the
First Dimention. In the First Dimention, find the small island with two
headstones on it. Walk onto the island and use the Horn to enter the City of
Illusion. Go to the General Store and buy some Holy Water.
* Return to the City of the Forest. Go to the Weapons Shop and buy the Fairy-
Made Mail. Go west of the Sacred Temple and use the Holy Water on the seal to
break it. Enter the Forbidden Caves.
* Go west and find the chest containing the Flaming Sword. Go northeast and find
the false wall. Walk through it and head east to find Varalys' lair. Kill
Varalys and take the statue.
* Return to the City of Illusion. Exit the city and go northeast. Find the ruins
of a penninsula. Walk to the south side of the ruins and find the spot that
makes a sound when you step on it. Wait until midnight (you may want to use the
Time Spell) and use the Statue of Varalys to be teleported to Kaizack's
* The Move spell does not work in Kaizack's domain, so you have to walk out if
you need to go back to the towns. Get the Fairy-Made Shield out of a chest in
Area 1 before proceding through the teleporter to Area 2. You may wish to bring
along some Camping Gear (basically a portable inn) in case you get exhausted.
Buy some in the Subterranean City for $200,000.
* Be careful not to fall off the glass platforms in Areas 2 and 3.
* In a corner of the far west side of Area 3, there is a fairy that has been
kidnapped by Kaizack. You need to find a way to release her. You need to turn
off the electronic lock. the switch is on the far west portion of Area 4. Walk
into the small niches on the west wall until you hear a sound, then kneel to
turn off the lock. Return to the fairy and she will join you. You need her with
you to fight Kaizack, since no human's eyes can see him.
* There is some free camping gear on the far east side of Area 4, but you have
to be very careful to dodge the teleporter traps that guard it. Hug the south
wall as you approach the chest, and open the chest with magic to get the gear.
* Now, head to Area 5. Fight your way to the east, then turn south and back
west. Finally, go south through the glass walkway to reach Kaizack's lair for
the final battle. If you need help defeating him, see the Boss Tips section.
Either way, it's time to save Fairyland, hero!
|VII. Boss Tips|
Super Hydlide is very light in the Boss department. There are only four bosses
in the entire game : Hellstorm, the Three Headed Dragon, Varalys, and Kaizack
(the final boss). Here are what I feel are the best (and easiest) ways to defeat
each boss. You cannot access the menu (to heal yourself or switch weapons) while
fighting a boss, so equip the weapon you want to use and make sure you're at
full health before entering a boss' lair.
_Hellstorm - Keep your distance from Hellstorm until he changes direction and
fires a small smoke ball. Dodge the ball if it is coming your way, then start
hitting Hellstorm as he starts to fly off the screen. Be very careful not to
fall off the tower, or you will die instantly. A projectile weapon can make
Hellstorm very easy to beat. I suggest the Bow if you want to do this.
_Three Headed Dragon - You have to destroy all three heads individually, and the
heads only take damage when yopu hit their open mouth. Stay at the bottom of the
screen and line yourself up between two of the heads to minimize your chances of
being hit by a fireball. When a head's eyes flash, that mean's it's going to
attack. If the head does not extend, it will fire straight down, so don't try to
shoot that head. If the head extends, wait for it to shoot, then stand directly
under it and hit its open mouth. Weaker characters might be better off shooting
it with a bow, while stronger characters should use a Battle Axe or Holy Sword.
_Varalys - The easiest way to defeat Varalys is fairly cheesy and stupid. Chug a
bottle of Fake Medicine or cast the Invincible spell before entering his lair.
Equip the most powerful direct (melee) weapon you have. Now enter his lair. As
soon as Varalys appears, charge right up next to him and start swinging. His
life meter will drop to zero, then recharge itself to full several times before
he finally dies. If he gets a chance to teleport away, stand still and wait for
him to reappear, then charge him and start whacking again. If you have enough
Hit Points and a strong enough weapon, he should die without too much trouble.
_Kaizack - The final boss. Use the Flaming Sword to shoot off his legs to make
him stay still. Now stand directly in front of Kaizack (without entering his
mouth, that will kill you almost instantly) while firing constantly. If you have
enough Hit Points, you will slay Kaizack and win the game. If not, you die. You
may wish to drink a flask of Fake Medicine before entering Kaizack's lair.
|VIII. Secrets|
* Free Experience - This little trick is very useful at the beginning of the
game. In the City of the Forest, there is a lake in the town square. Go to the
small niche just to the left of the south side of the bridge. Use a coin, then
kneel down. It will say that you search the floor, then pop up a window that
says "Lucky!" Every time you do this, you gain 30 experience.
* $10,000 For Free - Go five screens west of the City of the Forest and enter
the building. Walk around the small fence and then south through the false stone
wall. Turn west and walk into the small grove. In the clearing in the center of
the grove, $10,000 is lying on the ground. Kneel to take it.
* Silver Sword - Go one screen east of the entrance to the Subterranean City to
find three tombstones in a diagonal line. Go to the east-most headstone and
kneel in front of it to find the Silver Sword. This powerful weapon can also be
sold for about $15,000!
* Light Sabre - Follow the directions above to get the Silver Sword. Now, go to
the Heavenly City and enter Sky Palace. Go to the northwest chamber where all
several guards are wandering around. Walk to the far northwestern corner of that
room and kneel down to find the Light Sabre. This massively powerful weapon can
be wielded by almost any character, as it weighs a svelte 3,000. You must have
the Silver Sword in your inventory to find the Light Sabre.
* Free Equipment - Killing certain monsters can give you items. Cannibals
sometimes will give you Clubs that can be sold for $350, Robo-Warriors can give
you free Bronze Shields, and (most importantly) the purple knight guys (I forget
what they're called) in the Spaceship sometimes give you free flasks of Fake
Medicine. Email me if you notice any other monsters giving you equiptment.
|IX. Acknowledgements and Legal Notice|
Well, that's about it for the Super Hydlide Walkthrough/FAQ. I hope that it has
been both informative and useful to help you get through the great game that is
sometimes known as Super Hydlide. Please feel free to email me at
EggNog1224@yahoo.com if you have any comments, questions, constructive
criticisms, or reports of bad info or spelling errors. I checked out all the
info on my copy of Super Hydlide, and it's all correct but you might have a
different version of the game.
As of this moment, I have absolutely nobody to thank for this FAQ/Walkthrough
except the webmaster at GameFAQs.com, the absolute best video game FAQ archive
in existance.
** Legal Notice - This FAQ was written by Logan H. It was not written by anyone
else, and it is the legal property of Logan H. Private citizens have permission
to distribute this FAQ over the internet, BBS systems, or email as long as no
part of the FAQ is changed or altered in any way and no payment is taken for it.
If (for some odd reason) a corporation wishes to include this FAQ in a CD-ROM
collection, you are legally required to ask permission beforehand.
Thanks for reading and happy gaming!! -Logan
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