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Force 1.60 Public Release
force is an Unreal Tournament Total Conversion (TC) by Xtreme Gaming.
And a real good one, to say the least. Anyone familiarized with Counter-Strike
will feel right at home. The plot: Strike Force Vs. Terrorists.
Nevertheless, don't make the mistake of considering SF and CS the same.
They are alike, but different.
The 260MB
Strike Force weights take awhile to install. That's assuming you have
UT installed and updated to version 4.36 and you got the mod on a CD.
However, if you need to download the mod, install UT and update it, it's
a good wait before experiencing some action.
After the
somewhat long process of installation , finaly we're ready to play.
One thing
that stands out is the huge amount of work taken to create new textures
from scratch, new weapons, new music, models, IA, the interface.
The UT engine
still kicks ass. Strike Force takes advantage of it, combining the new
textures with a great level design and presenting us with almost 50 maps
of architectonic delight and pure diversion.
I was particularly
(well) surprised with a map intitled "Portugal" (and forgive
me the personal note, it's my country), with such level design and textures
that instantly took me (and still does) to the North of Portugal. Notice
also a delicious "Trancado" sign (portuguese for "locked")
on the doors. It's good to feel at home.
The variety
of levels sticked me to the computer in the urge of exploring them all.
From and Embassador's House to an Oil Rig, we find almost about every
possible Strike Force Vs Terrorists scenario.
The gameplay
is what attracts the most. A new feature - the pulse indicator - gives
a major turn over in gameplay comparing to UT. When jumping, running,
beeing shot at, the heart beat rises, taking the pulse up, and with that
reducing agility and shot precision. Also, when gearing up at the beginning
of each mission, make sure not to be overloaded cause, like in real life,
you wouldn't be able to run like "Flash".
The crosshair
disappeared. It takes awhile to get used to it, but it's definetly a plus
to the sence of reality. Press the secondary fire and you get a small
dot in the screen that works like the crosshair and helps those that are
having problems getting used to it's absence.
Besides the
tutorial, the game modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Hostage
Rescue and Escape.
A note goes
to some bugs in the bots script, where there are some problems with the
With no doubt
the real fun takes place in Multiplayer. It's always more exciting to
face real opponents. The great gameplay combined with real players makes
multiplayer a thrilling experience.
Strike Force
1.60 is one of the best mods out there and delivers high expectations
into future versions. Xtreme Gaming is definetly one team to keep an eye
Useful links:
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