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MDK 2 Review
reviewed by Hasta
reading all the MDK2 reviews out there, I don’t believe I’ve seen one
that didn’t mention MDK. Let me get this out of the way, I never actually
played MDK (for some reason or another), so no comparisons to the first
one will be made. As great as the first one may have been, you will not
be hearing about that here. You might, though, hear about how great MDK2
is….. might.
MDK2 isn’t a serious game by any means. It plays like a good old cheesy
action flick, and the presentation of the game is great. The story revolves
around 3 characters, Kurt Hectic - The Janitor, Max - The Six Legged Dog,
and Hawkins - The Scientist. Swapping the 3 characters every now and then,
you will fight your way through all sorts of bizarre creatures. The journey
is definitely a fun one, but don’t be fooled as at (many) times it can
get down right annoying.
going into anything else, let me say right off the bat the graphics in
MDK2 are some of the best the PC has ever seen. The "Omen Engine" BioWare
created will surely make some rub themselves all over with joy, and some
rub themselves in the wrong places… for joy. Anyway, the graphics engine
is fantastic. Though not up to par with Quake 3, it beats out anything
I’ve seen on the Unreal engine visually (including UT). The textures are
extremely detailed, the environments are incredibly large, and the game
seems to almost always keep a consistent frame rate. Particle effects
are glorious, and the enemy models are varied and each look good in their
own way. There are a few clipping problems here and there, like Kurt’s
ass might appear on his head… but don’t worry, they don’t last long.
Sound in the game is pretty good to say the least. The effects in the
game are pretty varied and strong, though sometimes they can get repetitive
(dog trying to jump over crates for 5 minutes). Music is nicely done as
well, which was a nice surprise to me. Most impressive, though, was the
voice acting. The voices were sharp, had good timing, and funny. The last
game I played with voice acting was Daikatana, so if you have played that
trash and heard the voice acting, you can imagine how I would have been
in heaven with MDK2. The dog is hilarious, as is the scientist. Kurt isn’t
very funny but you can’t win em all. At least he is the most fun to play…
to play… well, is it? At times, yes! At times, I’ve almost broke my computer…
and at times, I have almost pulled a gun to my head out of frustration.
The game definitely starts out well, as the first few levels of Kurt and
Max are a blast to play, seeing all the different enemies, environments,
and weapons. The action is pretty swift and slick, running through spaceships
and outdoor space stations with 2 uzis coupled with 2 shotguns (Max -
The Six Legged Dog) blowing away big green aliens 4x your size, can’t
go wrong with that. Kurt as well, flying your way through the levels blowing
the enemies… I’m sorry, blowing them "away"… Gameplay isn’t perfect, though.
In fact, it is far from it.
The levels with Hawkins, the scientist, are incredibly stupid. He is
creative, sure… Creative is one thing, spending 15 freaking minutes trying
to figure out if you can use the toaster with the rag or the ladder with
the bread is beyond pathetic. I’m no moron, either… some of the combinations
are downright retarded. One part you have to put the fishbowl on your
head, while getting sucked into space, you pick up a magnet and equip
it with glue (if I remember correctly). How did I do it, you ask? Am I
some sort of genius? Well, maybe… but that’s not how. The only way I was
getting through that part was a guide, pc.ign.com’s guide. That’s right,
I didn’t finish the whole game by myself, I got help on one part (call
me a cheater). Anyway as you probably get it by now, the scientist character
isn’t very good, but even without him, the gameplay suffers a bit. There
are just too many damn jumping puzzles, and they get old quick. While
many of them are fun, some are quite annoying and get frustrating by your
36th try. All in all though, quite fun to play if you can get passed the
bad parts.
last thing I would like to mention are the cutscenes. They are used with
the in-game engine, and look fantastic. Not so much how they look, though,
but how they act. They are pretty damn funny. There is one where Max (The
dog if you’ve forgotten damn you) crashes into a spaceship shooting the
(farting) aliens with 2 magnums. Simply put, brilliant. I don’t know if
I’ve ever laughed so hard at any aspect of a PC game. That isn’t considering
how hard I laughed when I first saw Daikatana, though.
So, should you get this game? Depends what kind of gamer you are, but
I’d guess most people will enjoy the title. It isn’t impossible to get
through the puzzles, and you can probably get through the scientist levels
without coming as close to death as I did. If you dig action, you’ll have
fun with MDK2. If you dig jumping puzzles (?), jump off a cliff. If you
are looking for a good console game on PC, check it out, because this
is definitely a Dreamcast port gone very right. Though my review seemed
quite mixed and I did focus on the negative sides quite a bit, I’d say
I liked the game quite a bit, despite its annoyances. Recommended.
<< Rating: 83% >>
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