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Waters: Antaeus Rising
War is reborn...
last war on Earth was fought in an island somewhere in the Pacific ocean.
That island was where the Old God was brought down. 20 years were spent
on building a world of peace. However, the Old God never went away. The
20th century remains of death lovers and power brokers, those who lived
of theft and hate, have formed a cabal with the intention of bringing
the world apart. The society of 2032 is now up with the hard task of re-learning
war to face this threat.
New technology
and bringing the old cruisers back from it's underwater graves, the ability
of bonding the systems of the vehicles with chips containing the minds
of dead soldiers (giving the vehicles autonomous control), nano-technology
which can, in seconds rebuilt a wrecked vehicle and assimilate it's tech...
War is alive once more. These are Hostile Waters...
This is,
in short, what Hostile Waters is about. The good guys defeated the bad
guys and built a world of peace. However, the bad guys weren't really
gone, so they gathered in a conspiracy to break the world apart. The good
guys now have to re-learn war to kick the bad guys' but. And guess what...
we're the good guys :p
The Interface
Before entering
any mission we are taken to the War-room. Here is where we can build a
strategy plan. The map table gives a global view of the scenery and is
possible to look around using the directional keys, zoom using the + and
- keys and rotate using the right-mouse button. The level objectives are
given through a briefing when entering the War-room.
the top-left corner of the screen there's a useful mini-map for monitoring
everything that's going on, on the mission. At the top-right corner it's
the Command Interface which should get particular attention. This tool
will allow to give orders to our vehicles from the War-room or while in
direct control of them. Defining the movement path and giving tasks from
this room is very useful.
Between these
two panels are our vehicles, located on the top-center of the screen.
In other words, buttons representing each one of our vehicles. We can
switch to any, just by pressing the correspondent number. Useful, easy
and quick.
In-game interface
is pretty much similar. The mini-map, vehicle shortcuts, Command Interface
(by pressing Space) and... a circular non-rendered map situated on the
bottom-left corner of the screen. This allows to monitor the landscape
design as well as resources, buildings, hostile items. Also, on the bottom-right
corner there's some useful information on
the current selected vehicle or target.
our war vehicles is also easy and quick to learn. They are all controlled
the same way. W, A, S, D as directional keys; moving the mouse back and
forth is used to look up and down; moving the mouse side to side results
in looking left or right. Pretty easy, huh? Naturally some vehicles have
exclusive controls (like E and Q for increasing and decreasing altitude
in choppers), however the above described ones are similar to all.
Game Engine
Hostile Waters
has a pretty good game engine. Attractive is the correct word, i I believe.
Good (enough) detailed graphics cover the scenery and the vehicles. The
weather effect is good and I love looking at the sky and see the stars
behind some moving clouds. And because islands are the backgrounds of
all the action in the game we should say a word about water. Water effects
were well achieved, but if
we take a ride by the shore it's unavoidable to realize it's
Ok, but this isn't about taking a swim so...
let's turn to another curious thing. The day-night cycles. My personal
opinion is that the day-night transitions are great, but (there's always
a but)... but it has a flaw (a major one). If you take the time to watch
a new day born you'll see something peculiar. You'll see the moon coming
down towards the horizon and disappear before it gets to it. There's more.
Wait some more and you'll see the sun come up (not in the horizon, but
above it), and exactly in the same place where the moon disappeared...
This brings to my mind a thought: "I didn't learn physics like this
in school".
Hostile Waters
combines the emotion of shooting action with a reinforced strategic side.
It's thrilling to control a chopper, trying to take down the enemy's defense
systems, while doing a crazy fly by on the buildings and people on ground
level. Emotion, is the right word to describe Hostile Waters: Antaeus
Rising game experience. Great graphics, astonishing action makes this
game by Rage a very good title to be on everyone's collection.
Zalman: ZM-DS4F Headphones
An affordable, ultra-portable headphone set.