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Conquerors Review
Reviewed by Ninja
I was already excited about the Conquerors when it arrived. After all,
I had enjoyed tremendously both Age of Empires games, and the Conquerors
only looked to add more.
First I’ll just say that if you’re a fan of Age of Kings, Conquerors
just adds more to the mix. I found the new campaigns easier to play than
the original, especially the new Conquerors Campaign, which has various
battles from history all over the world. If you’re a general strategy
fan, Conquerors is also made more fun thanks to these scenarios. The gameplay
has been enhanced, but not changed. The farm queues are a welcome addition,
and the new units are fun, and each has a unique graphical style. I did
notice, however, that the Conquistador looked different from all the other
units, but I quickly got over that.
Some units were enhanced to eliminate fatal weaknesses, and many welcome
upgrades are now available for research. Including a lovely one that lets
Archers shoot with 100% accuracy. Each civilization has one new research
that gives them a certain advantage.
New map types are available for random play, and these were surprisingly
fun, especially because I never put much stock in the map types, but now
they factor into my games. The map with the frozen lake makes for especially
interesting battles, with a huge flat barren plain to do battle on.
The new kingdoms make for interesting play and fanciful scenarios. What
if Montezuma had invaded Spain? Each kingdom, in typical fashion has its
weaknesses and strengths, and make for some pretty fun campaigns.
The basic Age of Kings game is still highly visible beneath the Conquerors
gloss. Some nice little touches let you know you’re playing a new game,
such as the wintry main menu. I felt that maybe a little more could be
done, but with the new units for scenario makers, I’m sure that we’ll
see more and more new additions to AOK.
Truth be known, Conquerors adds more into the mix, but I personally feel
a little bit more could be added. All in all, AOK fans shouldn’t be disappointed.
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