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Be My Female Dog by: ButterBall Not that this is gaming related, but Isn't it funny how some people are so sensitive to the funniest things?. For example, lets take sexism. Some people may even think the beauty of birth is sexism since the man gets to give off billions of sperms and the women only gives off one egg. Isn't that so unfair, men get to give off so much more, that has got to be the most sexist thing I ever heard. Perhaps I should write a long paragraph about it..... First off, about my last piece, how foolish of me to forget the female race? Maybe I shouldn't have just mentioned about boobies? Perhaps females would have been much happier if I were to mention a porno Mario game? Yeah baby yeah, than perhaps some females can get a real kick out of that huh? Or maybe for females who like fat dogs prefer animals more, perhaps I should have even mentioned porno Sonic? Than everyone would have been happy....... Secondly, I am 100% heterosexual!. But isn't it funny how none of the games in the gaming market are based on gay or lesbian lovers? Is there no room in the wonderful world of gaming for homosexual people? I mean, for those gamers who definitely have some kind of serious sensitivity problems towards sexism, must want more than your average heterosexual game, since they seem so attracted and defensive towards their own sex. Maybe these people will stop complaining if the gaming industry gave them what they want? Perhaps they would be happier if the next generation systems had games which consist of two women dancing together instead of one, or maybe they even want to see more than just two females dancing? But anyhow, its just really unfair to some gay and lesbian people who have to hide their gaming needs because they are ashamed of their own sexuality. Having one or two games based on lesbian heroes once in awhile wouldn't hurt, and it would really make a lot of people happy. But I think unless you are a bisexual, gay games would really hurt the market, but there are bisexual gamers, so we should learn to satisfy there needs too. Anyhow, all in all, I'm just saying that the gaming market should learn to satisfy everyone's gaming needs. I personally think lesbos are cool, and should not be ashamed of there own sexuality. This time, I thought before I wrote, perhaps in my last piece I forgot to mention all the "special" people, perhaps that is why some people got so mad.... |
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