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Empire Earth - Page 3
The graphics quality looks fine when zoomed out, and handles well over
1000 units on the map at once surprisingly well, but when zoomed in the characters
start looking blocky, with unantialiased diamonds for limbs, and faces
that look like they were stuck on from a painting. I also noticed on high
hills some of the aircraft actually went right through the land instead
of going over it.
While the developers made an attempt to cosmetically upgrade all units
every now and then, such as spear fishing Stone Age boats, to fishing trawlers
of today, there are some features that are not done well. For example your
civilians are still using pitchforks to harvest wheat 200 years into the
future, and using wheelbarrows to transport resources that they extracted
using hand tools. The same forage patch feeding your clubmen could also
be sustaining your modern day army.
There are some very nice bits of eye candy added into the game which
make up for the bugs in realism elsewhere. For example you can actually
see the fisherman in early fishing boats stick a spear into the water and
then flick a fish over their shoulders into the boat. When dropping bombs,
a highrise is hit much sooner after the bomb is released, compared to a
building or unit on ground level. There are a vast range of animals, including
seals and giraffes, as well as more aggressive types such as the rhino
- all of which regenerate and will spawn baby animals with time, which means that you can have an
endless supply of game to hunt if you don't overdo it.
Another fun part of the game is the inclusion of cybers. As with their
older ground unit counterparts, cybers also have different attack types
and strength/weakness interrelationships with other units. Some cybers
are good anti infantry, or anti tank, while others can walk underwater
or fly, and there are also spell caster units that can even teleport or
infect other cybers with nano viruses.
The sound effects of units in the game are excellent, including explosions
and swords clashing, or a volley of arrows or gunshots being fired in rapid
succession. The sounds of deaths of your troops are particularly effective.
The voices of the units also update over time and change depending on the
epoch rather than the type of civilisation. For example the Atomic age
epoch has distinct military like responses, while the vocabulary in the
prehistoric age is restricted to random grunts. This comes at the cost
of having civilisation specific accents that were available in AOE.
The AI of the game was particularly impressive, not only with the computers
guaranteed ability to be able to instantly micromanage their troops, but
with the size of their attacking armies and the timing of the attacks.
More than once I was caught off guard by a backdoor attack on my base.
Even the computer as an ally managed to coordinate attacks on enemy units
or send backup to places in need.
Overall there are many mixed reactions to Empire Earth, with many aspects
of the game excelling or failing badly. Given the ambitious nature of the
game, many of the flaws can be overlooked in light of the huge scope of
both time and units involved. There are historically accurate units for
all ages for history fans, as well as a sci-fi component for others. Will
you attempt to advance through the epochs in an attempt to overpower your
enemy with superior technology, or mass current day units and overwhelm
the enemy forces? Are you more interested in nuclear bombers and submarines,
or a army of archers and phalanxes? The gameplay features great variety
and depth that makes up for the less impressive graphics.
Final Score: 81%
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