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Diablo Revealed
written by Raven
Secrets and Features
Two Hidden Movies
Diablo has two movies hidden on the CD. The first movie is a movie of Diablo,
which involved the Map of the Stars. The second movie is a movie of the
Butcher, similar to the preview movie you get before you face Lazarus. To
view the movies you need to download DiabMov.exe.
You also need the smacker gaming tools, which can be found here.
For instructions and screenshots of the movies go here.
The movie involving Diablo was removed from the game, when Blizzard
chose to remove the Map of the Stars. The Butcher movie was probably removed
because of the fact that it was rather low detail, and looked *really
fake*. Still, it is a nice little movie, and worth a look if you haven't
seen it before.
Secret Monsters
If you have a look through the Diablo CD you will notice that there are
cels for a few monsters who never saw the light of day in the game. There
are a total of seven secret monsters, four of which I have found, that were
removed from the game. Raymond Tan, known for his Diablo Hack, was the first
person to find these seven secret monsters, Bone Demon, Devil Kin Brute,
Incinerator, Invisible Lord, Lord Sayter,The Arch-Litch Malignus and the
Unraveller, which can all be viewed at this
link. To re-add these monsters to the CD, go get Raymond's Hacker Diablo
Trainer. These monsters were actually left on the Diablo CD, but were probably
removed at the end because of balance issues of the game.
Each creature looks amazing. They were probably removed because they
would have been a little tough to battle. The Bone Demon and Devil Kin
Brute monsters look like more advanced versions of early level 1-4 dungeon
characters. Both use melee attacks and both look like they can do a lot
of damage. Incinerator, Invisible Lord and Lord Saytar are likely to be
Catacombs and Cave monsters. Lord Sayter holds a very interesting item,
a sickle. Sickles were weapons never introduced to Diablo, but as you
will see later, these weapons were originally planned for use in the game.
The sickle would have probably had its own unique display image. Finally
the Arch-Litch Malignus and the Unraveller appear to be unique bosses,
or in the Unraveller's case a unique species. Malignus was probably a
Hell level boss, and the Unraveller was most likely an early game species
who lives in the Dungeons and Catacombs.
Level 5 Spells
Page 5 spells, were the more powerful spells that ended up being removed
from Diablo. The graphics for these spells can be seen in the image above.
In Diablo you can still access page give in your spell book. If you open
up your spell book, you will notice a very tiny area of about 2 pixel's
in between the page 4 button (at the bottom) and the border. If you click
on this small area you get to see a minor Easter-Egg. A blank spell
page appears with no corresponding button. This is the page five of your
spell book.
Some of the spells on this page include, Etherealise, Blood Boil, Doom
Serpent, Blood Ritual and Invisibility. I have no idea what the other
spells are. Some of these spells were implemented later in Hellfire, but
most are still unused. Early hacks like ghost mode are actually based
off these spells.
The spells themselves were apparently removed because of balance issues.
But imagine how much more interesting Diablo would be, with spells such
as Invisibility. Doom Serpent was rumored to be a more powerful Guardian
that used lightning attacks; this would have been great for defensive
sorcerers in Diablo. Etherealise could have meant two things. Firstly
this spell could have been used to temporarily make your character and
your allies stronger. Or secondly it could have been used to detect invisible
enemies. Again this would also have added to the challenge and excitement
of playing Diablo, as both possibilities would have been great for both
team play and Player vs Player games.
Blood Boil and Blood Ritual were probably originally intended to be
more powerful variations of the spell "Blood Star". Blood Star, as a spell,
never had the kick of other spells such as Fireball or Elemental. These
more powerful versions of Blood Star would have helped correct this problem.
Sadly none of these spells were used in Diablo; it is unfortunately
that Blizzard was never able to implement them.
huge number of unique weapons and inventory items were never implemented
in Diablo. This screenshots
which comes from the Diablo Tomb of Knowledge, showcases most of Diablo's
hidden items. A few of these items were implemented in Hellfire, however
most have not been used. As a final note for this section, check the image
and look at the huge variety of unique weapons.
Make special notice of the two Sickles in the image. Also check out
the funny jewelry pieces that appears to be wristbands, very interesting. The huge number of inventory
items also implies that there were a lot of item oriented quests, taken
out of Diablo.
- Diablo 2 Items @ d2legit.com
- Diablo 2 Top 200
- Diablo 2 Guide
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