Welcome to the Realm of Elithium.
Elithium is a two year old, Legitment Playing (legit) DiabloII guild, that focuses on friendship and aims at creating an
enjoying and unique environment for members. Our guild has been built upon the contributions of many members. Through these members
involvement Elithium has continued to grow and today has become one of battle-net finest guilds.
Elithium is broken up into a number of different sections , that focus on different elements of battle-net. Through these
section members can become involved in any aspect of DiabloII whether "good" or "evil". Elithium caters for player dueling,
ladder competition, tournament play, item trading, player donation and guild management. Through involvement in different
section members can become involved in each of these aspects of Elithium.
Sections are focus point of smaller groups within Elithium. When members join Elithium they choose a regiment to become invovled
in. Each section has a different ranking system and is governed by different rules. If members do not abide by the rules they
will be kicked out of that regiment. As members progress up the ranking system and are promoted they are given new task and
rights within the regiment. The ranking system is designed to be competitive and fun. The regiment within Elithium are the
Knights of the Crimson Code (D2 Ladder), Fallen Angels (PK/Dueling),
Brotherhood of Arakram (Guild Trading,Tournaments) and
The Advocates (Guild Management).
The Moto for Elithium is order guides chaos. All of the sections make up an intricate part of Elithium, each section
is part of the whole. No matter what section a member chooses to follow, that member is still involved in Elithium as a whole.
Members joining Elithium are welcome into our ranks, and we hope that your support and involvement will help to improve the
great gaming guild, that is Elithium.

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