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Sonic & Knuckles level descriptions...
Copyright ©1995 Will McMurtray
This is a breif description of the levels in Sonic & Knuckles according
to which character is playing. They are fairly accurate, so they
should help some if youÕre having trouble.
Mushroom Hill Zone - Deep in the Heart of Floating Island, you zip
through a hilly area. Much of the plant life here is useful (Use the
mushrooms to reach higher areas), but most of it is just plain
aggravating. There are many routes to take here, so don't worry about
having to go over half of the level to find the right way out. There
are lots of walls you can walk through, so do some testing. When you
have to go down a "pit", be careful. Many of those "pits" have spikes
at the bottom (ouch!).
Flying Battery Zone - An easy Zone, just watch out when you're
outside of the fortress, it's easy to misjudge a jump & fall, so
take heed, & . An unessicarily long zone, basically just jump on
the tops of flame throwers with caps & wait for a quick & easy
boost upward wait for magnets to hit ceiling before preceding.
Looks for secrets by pushing on spikes beside magnets.
Sandopolis Zone - Really unessecarily long (Like most of the game's
levels) you run through the hot desert sands in the first act, & in
the second act, you race through the inside of a hidden pyramid. When
inside the pyramid, hit the switch when the lights dim to ward off
ghosts. Push the switches on the floor to open up doors ahead, but
remember, after you push these switches COMPLETELY over, run 'till
you're sure you've passed the doors up, 'cause if you don't you have
to go all the way back when you get to the door's switch, & repeat
the process. Knock out the plugs in the ceiling, & run to the next
place you're due at, or you'll find yourself starring into Sonic's
eyes when he is flattened, it makes you wanna cry. NOT! can you say
"Hedgehog Pancakes"? But you waste life if you let that happen, so
remember to be nice to them. *sniff* Oh yeah, watch out for the skorp
badniks, their tails can hit you from a long distance.
Lava Reef Zone - Yet (Oh no, not again!!!) ANOTHER long zone. Be
careful when walking around, some of the floors give out due to your
weight. There are many dead-ends that you can pass through, using the
spin dash. Watch out for flame throwers in the 2nd act.
Hidden Palace Zone - Another worthless zone. All you do is collect a
few coins, fight Knuckles, & watch Knuckles get zapped by Robotnik
before Knuckles teams with you, & shows you the way out.
Sky Sanctuary Zone - A well-done zone, but one bad jump, & you're
repeating half the level again. When you fight Mecha-Sonic, you say
to yourself, "Haven't I seen these attacks before?". Next level, The
Death Egg Zone.
Death Egg Zone - Well, I've come to the conclusion that this place
is indestructible!! Every time you blow it to smithereens, or crash
the [*BEEP*]'n thing, Robotnik brings it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This
guy is incourigable! But now it has some new inventions watch out
for Mid-Boss 1. When you Jump up at him, do your Electric shield
attack when your near the eye's opening. Then dodge the steel ball's
shrapnel flying at you. When all the steel balls are gone, the eye
comes after you itself. Wait 'till it's on the other side of the
screen. Hit it from the top, & then run to the opposite side of the
screen & duck, 'cause this machine has one heck of a migraine
headache, & it doesn't want to be messed with. Proceed 'till you get
to the anti-gravity switches/machines. Walking on the ceiling seems
fun at first, but you get sick of it after a while. The next Mid-Boss
is a pain. He has a shield that circles him & you CAN NOT get past
the shield. Get in the anti-gravity booth on either side of the to
reverse the gravity & hit the Boss with his own little deploys. Once
this boss is done for, run after Robotnik. Now he'll jump into a big
(And I mean BIG) robo-machine. When he first attacks, hit his hands.
Once each finger is gone, he'll retreat, but he isn't gone for long.
When he comes back he chases you. Watch out for the flames he shoots
out his nose. When he isn't coughing up flames, jump at his nose. His
upper chest will open. Hit it. It's his only weakness. When he
gathers up enough energy up, he'll sit there for a second before he
shoots a laser beam that is brutal. Jump before the laser is shot to
avoid annihilation. Beat him, & you'll have to chase Robotnik in the
Robo-mobile, hit him when you can. Beat him, & you've conquered the
Mushroom Hill Zone - Deep in the Heart of Floating Island, you zip
through a hilly area. Much of the plant life here is useful, but most
of it is just plain aggravating. There are many routes to take here,
so don't worry about having to go over half of the level to find the
right way out. There are lots of walls you can walk through, so do
some testing. When you have to go down a "pit", be careful. Many of
those "pits" have spikes at the bottom (ouch!).
Flying Battery Zone - An easy Zone, again, just watch out when you're
outside of the fortress, it's easy to misjudge a jump & fall. An
unessicarily long zone, basically just jump on the tops of flame
throwers with caps & wait for a quick & easy boost upward wait for
magnets to hit ceiling before preceding. Looks for secrets by pushing
on spikes beside magnets. Try climbing up walls to find secret parts
of the level
Sandopolis Zone - Really unessecarily long (Like most of the game's
levels) you run through the hot desert sands in the first act, & in
the second act, you race through the inside of a hidden pyramid. When
inside the pyramid, hit the switch when the lights dim to ward off
ghosts. Push the switches on the floor to open up doors ahead, but
remember, after you push these switches COMPLETELY over, run 'till
you're sure you've passed the doors up, 'cause if you don't you have
to go all the way back when you get to the door's switch, & repeat
the process. DO NOT break the plugs in the ceiling. Instead, climb
up the walls & use your floating abilities to pass those parts up.
Watch out for the skorp badniks, their tails can hit you from a long
Lava Reef Zone - Yet (Oh no, not again!!!) ANOTHER long zone. Be
careful when walking around, some of the floors give out due to
your weight. There are many dead-ends that you can pass through,
just by walking through. Watch out for flame throwers in the 2nd
act. Now this zone is were it starts getting hard for Knuckles.
Hidden Palace Zone - Basically a worthless zone. All you do is jump
on the transporter emerald, and *BOOM*, your in the Sky Sanctuary
Sky Sanctuary Zone - Here's the final showdown between Knuckles &
Mecha-Sonic. This is Knuckles' last level, so be careful. First
you'll find Robotnik coming after you. Let him catch you (He will,
anyway, so why try to stop him?). When Robotnik faces Mecha-Sonic,
Mecha-Sonic will attack Robotnik (naughty robot!) Right before Mecha
Sonic hits Robotnik, Robotnik lets you go. Glide out of there unless
you want to end up like Robotnik. Mecha-Sonic is easy to attack. Just
don't try the gliding attack on him, unless you can time it perfectly.
After you defeat him, It looks like he's down. But, he's not. He gets
up, runs off, & when you follow him, *gasp* he has your emerald!!! he
gets up on it & powers up. He turns into Golden Mecha-Sonic (Don't
these emeralds have a nasty side-effect on Hedgehogs?)! He's only
like this momentarily. Don't follow him when he flies off. When he
gets back, he loses his power (Those sugar rushes don't last long.)
hit him on the back of the head (that's right, those spikes won't
hurt 'ya.). Wait for him to repeat his attack process (electric ball
1,2,3, Buzz) & hit him again. After you take a sufficient amount of
hits off of him, he'll stay in the air, shooting rings (but these
rings hurt you.) hit him when he momentarily loses power. When he's
done for the sanctuary explodes (aren't sanctuaries supposed to be
safe???) out of no where (Why does this happen?). And now, Congrats!
you've beat the game!
- by Will McMurtray
willamc@aol.com *arf*
This breif, level description of Sonic & Knuckles is brought to you
via The ÔZine(Video Games Magazine)
Send all coments or suggestions to Willamc (internet: willamc@aol.com)
If you wish to have a subscription to The ÔZine The subscriptions are
FREE & UNLIMITED. Just send E-mail to Willamc on AOL (internet:
This levels description of Sonic & Knuckles is Copyrighted by Will
McMurtray & is supplied by The ÔZine.
The End
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