Take On the Telephone Connection

Business and telephone calls go together like salt and pepper. Being punctual with the length of conversations doesn't have to mean rapport is broken in a rude or curt manner. Try one of these tips next time you know being punctual is a necessity.

1---Plan and schedule your telephone calls so that you can allow time for off-track discussions. If you plan a 10:30am telephone call "schedule" it as you might schedule a face to face meeting: a little extra time, particularly for those customers you know like to talk or for a new customer.

2---At the beginning of your call mention you know you can cover the points needed within time enough for you to make your next appointment, at a stated time. Then as you want to wind up the conversation you can backtrack to restate the appointment you mentioned. Or you will find that some of your clients will remind you "Oh, you have to get on to that appointment, right?"

3---If you prefer to wait until you are into the conversation before needing to ask for an exit this may suit you. As you near time to say good-bye and find it difficult to end, try saying, "Oh my gosh, I have a long distance call they are paging for me.

Can you hold while I take it?" Your customer will likely say the conversation can pick up at a later time. And once again, it's the customer who ends the call. Once you shift to just one of these actions, you'll find yourself in charge of your telephone time.

Copyright 1999. Patricia Weber is a speaker, trainer and author. She is available for keynotes and workshops. Bolster your customer service and to achieve more results in selling. Email her at pweber@prostrategies.com. Visit her web site at http://www.prostrategies.com