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             FINAL FANTASY 8 WALKTHROUGH/FAQ(US version)
                            BY KYLE BOON
                            VERSION 1.0
                   FIRST CREATED: 8 SEPTEMBER 99                   E-
MAIL: or




This FAQ is made for personal use and can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ can be posted on other websites other than as long as the FAQ remains unchanged and proper credit is
given to me. This FAQ is for non-profitable purposes. This FAQ is
copyright Kyle Boon 1999.

                     ABOUT THIS WALKTHROUGH

This FAQ for Final Fantasy is made specially for the english version,
but can still be used with the japanese version as only the names of
certain towns, people etc are different.


You are Squall, a 17 year old guy at Balamb Garden trying to become a  
member SeeD. SeeD is a group created by the Balamb Garden headmaster Cid
Kramer. SeeD members are a group of paid professional hired to get jobs
done. During the FMV, you see Squall fighting with someone. This person
is his arch enemy, Seifer. During the battle, Squall gets injured, and
this is where your journey to become an elite member of SeeD

                        DISC 1 WALKTHROUGH

Squall will be lying on a bed. Dr Kadowaki approaches you and asks you
how you feel. Answer her question and she'll talk to you about Seifer
and how he takes training sessions too seriously. She leaves you to call
your instructor to take you back. As soon as Dr Kadowaki leaves, someone
will talk to you. After she leaves, Quistis, your instructor will arrive
at the infirmary. There will be an FMV. After the FMV, Quistis will take
you and leave. As you're walking down the hallway, Quistis will have a
chat with you, and another FMV follows.

Next, you'll be at the study centre. Quistis briefs the students and
warns Seifer to be more careful the next time he trains with someone.
She requests that Squall to remain behind to see her in private while
the rest are dismissed. Now, you can turn on your computer and go to the
tutorial to get your two G.Fs Quezalcoat and Shiva. After that, off your
computer and go talk to Quistis. she tells you that you haven't passed a
test, and that you need to take that test today so that you are able to
take another test. She also tells you to meet her outside of Garden.

Leave the room and a girl will come running and bumps into you. You'll
get to know her later. She asks you whether you can give her a tour of
Garden as she just transfered from Trabia Garden and is unfamiliar with
Balamb Garden. Answer her question. Next, talk to the guy near the
elevator. He'll give you a bunch of cards that can be used to play a
game, or to change into items using a certain G.F ability. I'll talk
about that later. Take the elevator down. If you are with the girl,
you'll automatically bring to the map of Garden. If you're not with her,
just head to the main gate. If you have given the girl a tour, after the
tour, go to the main gate. On your way to the main gate, draw the cure

Be sure to equip your G.Fs as they are essential when you get to the
CAVE OF FIRE. Head west from Balamb Garden to get to the CAVE OF FIRE.
Talk to the Garden Faculties blocking you from entering the CAVE OF
FIRE. Select the amount of time you'll need to complete this task and
enter. Inside, you'll fight mainly fire enemies, so ice magic is good.
Quistis will talk to you as you walk. The path is straight forward so
just follow it. Don't forget to draw fire magic from the draw point. At
the end, you'll meet the boss, Ifrit. He's a fire elemental G.F. Use
your G.Fs against him. Shiva works especially well on him. He's not hard
to beat, even at low levels. Just try to keep your HP up, and also, have
one person junction the magic ability, and the other to junction the
item ability.

After beating him, you'll be able to equip him and use him. Leave the
cave and head back to Garden. Once back there, Quistis will ask you to
change and meet at the map of Garden. Go back to your room and to change
and rest.


When you get back to the map of Garden, Quistis will talk to you. There
will be an FMV here. You'll meet Zell Dincht, a fellow member wanting to
become a SeeD member. You'll also learn that for this next test, Seifer
will be your squad leader. After all that, head to the carpark and get
in the car. You'll be on the world map. The controls will be shown on
the screen. But just in case, here are the controls:


Move Forward: Square

Move Backward: Triangle

Get Out: X

Turning: D-pad

Head towards Balamb town. You can just drive into Balamb town. Once
inside, you'll automatically drive to the dock where you'll have to
board the boat heading for Dollet. You might want to head back to the
town area to draw blizzard magic from the draw point. Go back and board
the boat. On the boat, Xu will brief you on the mission. It seems that
the Galbadian army has taken over Dollet. You are to go to Dollet and
kick those Galbadian idiots back to Galbadia and secure the area. In the
process, Seifer will piss Zell off. When Seifer asks you to go outside
and take a look, agree and go out.


You'll get to see, yet another FMV. After that, you'll land on the
shores of Dollet. Take note that this is a test and you'll later get a
report on how you faired. Remember to junction G.Fs to yourself and
Zell, Seifer is optional as he doesn't do much.

Head up the stairs and fight the Galbadian soldiers. after that, head
through the tunnel. The layout here is also very simple. Just follow the
path until the water fountain, defeating all those Galbadian soldiers.
Once at the water fountain, Seifer will tell you to explore the area for
more Galbadian soldiers. Go to the other side of the fountain and you'll
encounter a soldier. After defeating him, Seifer will say that your job
is done, and all you have to do is wait.

Talk to Zell and Seifer, and after a while, Seifer will get really
pissed off, and wants to go kick more Galbadian ass. He decides to head
for the COMMUNICATIONS TOWER. For some reason, you support him, although
you hate him. Zell objects, but is forced to go as he is out numbered
two to one. Go upwards. The path is also straight foward so just follow
it, fighting random battles.

Once you reach the mountainous area, you'll see dollet soldiers that are
injured. Talk to them and as you head up the stairs, you'll see a guy
that pleads for help. Suddenly, he is pulled back and he screams. Out of
compassion, you go and help him. You'll fight a Anacondaur. It's kinda
like a sub boss. He's not to tough, just use your G.Fs. After that,
continue to head up the stairs. When you reach the top, you'll listen to
some Galbadian soldiers talking.

They head into the COMMUNICATIONS TOWER and Seifer decides to chase
them. Just then, there will be another FMV. After the FMV, you'll learn
that the girl that bumped into you earlier is Selphie. She says that she
has a message for the squad leader. Upon seeing that Seifer has gone to
chase the Galbadian soldiers, she decides to jump down the cliff to
catch up with Seifer to pass him the message. Zell asks you whether you
are really gonna jump down the cliff. Answer him by say yes, and jump

Once down there, you'll chase up with Selphie. You'll see Seifer chase
the Galbadian soldiers out of the COMMUNICATIONS TOWER. Selphie tries to
pass the message to him, but he's too quick and has already head back
inside the COMMUNICATIONS TOWER. Selphie decides to go inside the
COMMUNICATIONS TOWER and you follow. Inside, draw magic from the draw
point, save your game, and head up the elevator. This is where you meet
Biggs and Wedge, two Galbadian soldiers( why Biggs and Wedge? Thos guys
were from FF7. They were good guys in FF7, now they're bad guys in FF8.
Has SquareSoft gone out of ideas for names of their characters?). Note,
you might want to junction a G.F to Selphie.

Biggs fixes the machine, and there'll be an FMV. After that, you'll have
to fight Biggs, which will later be joined by Wedge. After fighting them
a while, they'll get blown away by some monster call Evloye I think, I
can't really remember the name. You'll now have to fight this monster.
remember to draw Siren from it. Keep using your G.Fs and you should win,
just remember to keep your characters alive, and heal when nessary.

After the battle, Selphie will tell Seifer the message. You have 30
minutes to get the hell out of there and make it back to the shore!
Leave immediately and get your ass back to the shore! Once back down,
SAVE your game! You're in for some major difficulties when you leave the

More to come later!


To Squaresoft, for making this wonderful game.

To GameFAQs for making this super website.

To Kao Megura, my idol.

To all Ping Yi Sec students in the PYSS Band.

To Steven Juwono, as he will now know that he's not
the only other FAQ writer in Singapore other than
Scott Ong and can't brag about how good his FAQ is.

To Yao Wen, for helping me when playing the game as
he has more experience in playing Japanese games.

And lastly to myself, for having the determination
to write this FAQ.

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