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_/ Syndicate Wars _/
_/ Contributed by AWOchs _/
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PlayStation is a Trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America.
Syndicate Wars is a trademark of it's respective company.
For permission to use this document on a web page, newsgroup,
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but please contact me first.
Note: This document is a near exact copy of the Syndicate Wars.
I am unsure who the publisher is, but at their request, or the request
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Here is a list of the commands your Marionette RD/OS supports. For
alternative configurations, and for mouse and Negcon/Steering wheel
configurations, see Configurations.
Menu Commands
Move throughout options: D-Button Up/Down/Left/Right
Select option/Progress: X Button
Go back: Triangle Button
Scroll text Up/Down: D-Button to select Up or Down arrow and
the X Button to activate.
Action Commands
Pause/Unpause: Start
Group Mode (not available in multiplayer mode): Select
Abort Mission/Return to Main menu: Start + Select for two seconds
Move Agent/s: D-Button Up/Down/Left/Right (press twice to run)
Spin View Anti-Clockwise/Clockwise: L1 R1
Change Agent: Agent 1: L2 + D-Button Up; Agent 2: L2 +
D-Button Right; Agent 3: L2 + D-Button Down;
Agent 4: L2 + D-Button Left
Pick Up Object: R2 + D-Button Left/Right
Get In/Out of Vehicle: R2 + D-Button Up/Down
Point Mode: Triangle Button
Send Agents to Point: Triangle Button
Select From Weapons: Square + D-Button Up/Down
Drop Weapons (you can only drop a weapon if that weapon has
been selected): Square + D-Button Left
Force All Grouped Agents To Use Same Weapon: Square + D-Button
Shield On/Off: Circle + D-Button Up/Down
Mood Altering Substances* Blue Funk/Red Mist (All Agents in
Group Mode will be dosed, unless you use a mouse
controller, where each Agent must be dosed
individually.): Circle + D-Button Left/Right
Fire: X Button (Certain weapons can be overcharged for more
destruction. Hold X down for a short while before
Self-destruct: Triangle + Square + Circle + X
Note: Self-destruct is only successful if you have Modified
Body Armor. Mood Altering Substances not available in
Multiplayer mode.
You have joined the elite ranks of those qualified to direct and command
our cyborg Agents to further the prosperity and authority of EuroCorp.
You have been assigned Agent Team: MU.
You have the following resources:
8 (eight) EuroCorp cybernetically-enhanced Agents
A variety of weapons, designed for increased frag-ability
50,000 (fifty thousand) EuroCorp credits
1 (one) LIMBO-class Cryogenics Facility
1 (one) HELICON-level Research facility
You have been granted security clearance EX-ALFA3. This gives you
freedom to issue elimination/demolition orders. Your only crime will be
to fail the Corporation. If your cell is rendered inoperable through
misuse of funds and/or Agent loss, your resignation from EuroCorp will
be tendered immediately.
Should you fail in this duty, you will be immediately classed as an
NTE-1 Neutralization Priority. We feel confident that your skills
andintegrity will ensure that this state of affairs will never arise.
The Marionette Remote Drone Operating Suite is the latest refinement of
the Remote Tactical Control technology which was instrumental in
EuroCorp's rise to global supremacy. Via the Marionette desktop system
you can observe and influence any combat encounter in which your Agent
team is involved.
NEW GAME Select this option to access the UTOPIA
mainframe and take control of your Agent team.
LOAD GAME Select to return to a previously saved game.
ALLEGIANCE PANEL This panel confirms the agency/department for
which you work. In this case, this is EuroCorp
Syndicate Internal Security Agency. You can
also select to play as Church of the New Epoch.
The Ops Screen gives you access to all of Marionette RD/OS's many
applications. From here, you can communicate with your Agent
Cryogenic facility and Central Armory, and handle necessary data
administration. The Ops Screen is also your e-mail point of contact
with EuroCorp Command.
Right Access the following options by selecting them with the
D-Button and pressing X.
Briefing Select this option to read your mission
briefs. Understanding each brief can lead
to an efficient execution of EuroCorp
Cryovat Non-operational Agents are stored in the LIMBO-
class Cryogenics Facility. While in deep-
storage, they can also have their cybernetic
components enhanced and restored, making your
Agents even more formidable.
Equipment Contact EuroCorp Central Armory to purchase new
weaponry for your Agents. Surplus or acquired
items can be sold back to the Corporation. See
the Equip Screen for more details.
Start Mission Only available once the Briefing has been
attended. Select to contact the EuroCorp
Transport department and arrange Agent transfer
to mission zones.
Options For further tweaks of your audio/visual system
and adjustments to your Marionette RD/OS. You
can also register your progress and return to
previous combat situations. Please see Options
for more information.
Select Briefing to receive a mission briefing. This informs you of recent
developments in the global situation, the actions you are expected to
take and the city in which you are to take them. In some missions, there
is extra information that can be purchased from informants.
This screen puts you in contraction with your LIMBO-class Cryogenic
Facility, where Agents are stored and surgically altered when inactive.
Agent Storage
You have been assigned your own LIMBO-class Cryogenic Facility for this
purpose. Initially, you command one operational team of four Agents,
so your usage of the Facility will be minimal. However, you will use it
more as more Agents are assigned to you, or as you 'recruit' more.
To swap an Agent in storage for one that is currently operational:
1. D-Button (Left, Right, Up, Down) and press X on the relevant
Agent number at the top of the screen (for example, 1 if
Agent 1 is to be substituted).
2. Press X on the name of the Agent who is to take over, and the
two Agents swap places. This procedure can also be used to
alter the hierarchy of an Agent team.
Cybernetic Modification
The LIMBO Facility can also be used to install cybernetic implants into
the bodies of Agents. Initially, only Level One Body augmentation is
available, though as superior research filters through, more advanced
options become available.
To have an Agent surgically modified:
1. Choose his Agent number.
2. Choose the surgical modification you want. A diagram and
details of the modification appear in the window to the right of the
screen, along with the cost of the modification.
3. If you wish to proceed with the implantation, select Accept
and press X. The Facility auto-surgeon performs the operation immediately.
Note: You can select and press X on the Information icon,
represented as a letter "i", to receive a short text description about
the displayed object.
Initially, the following modification will be made available:
Body 1 To increase chances of survival in hostile environments, encase
an Agent's organs in triple-plate titanium alloy. An enhanced
body gives a cyborg the single biggest protection from punishment.
Note: This modification must be completed before you make any other
As the game progresses, you have a greater choice of modifications.
These are the first you encounter:
Arms 1 Add tungsten tendons and steel cybernetic arms to improve your
Agents' accuracy and save ammunition. The life span of an Agent
is also lengthened by the health boost that accompanies
cybernetic enhancement.
Legs 1 These artificial legs increase an Agent's health and top speed.
Stamina is also improved, increasing the range an Agent can cover
at top speed.
Brain 1 This package increases basic perceptions and contains trauma
management software to improve the cyborg's ability to withstand
otherwise critical damage.
Later versions of these implants become available as research continues,
as will wholly new Agent modifications.
>From here you can communicate with EuroCorp Central Armory, purchasing
weaponry and equipment for your Agents. At the top of the screen there
are four numbers, corresponding to the four members of your active Agent
Select an Agent's appropriate number with the D-Button and press
X to confirm that selection.
To the left of the screen is the selected Agent's inventory. Each Agent
can carry up to six weapons or items.
Our R&D teams are at work developing new and deadlier weapons for our
In the center of the screen is displayed a list of the weaponry
currently available from EuroCorp Central Armory.
To get information on a particular weapon, press X on the
information icon. Details of the weapon, along with a picture, are
displayed in the window at the right of the screen.
The cost of buying the new weapon. You can also press X on the
Information icon to receive a short text description of the weapon.
If you want to purchase a weapon for your Agent, press X on the Accept
box at the bottom left of the window. The price in credits is
automatically deducted from your cash reserves, and the Agent receives
the selected weapon.
Note: An Agent can only have one of each type of weapon except
explosives, mines, grenades, and gas which they can have four of.
It is also possible to re-sell weapons to EuroCorp Central Armory.
To do this. press X on the desired weapon in the Agent's
inventory. Weapon details and a picture will appear as usual, but the
Accept box is replaced with a Sell box. The price appears in the
Price entry. It is usually about half the weapon's original price.
List of Available Weapons
Initially the following weapons are available; more become available as
you play the game. Check the Information icon to get information on each
new weapon.
UZI 9MM Forged from the chaos of mid-20th century street-
fighting, the energy pellet modified Uzi 9mm machine gun
is the basis of EuroCorp operations tech. It's an
inexpensive and lightweight backup for Agents dealing
with cases of dropout psychosis.
MiniGun Syndicate deployment of inertia-damped chain gunners has
became more commonplace This 20mm plasma capsule firing,
torque stabilized version has foam alloy barrels to
reduce mass and production costs.
Pursuadertron A standard-issue utility for seizing high level brain
functions of citizens equipped with UTOPIA CHIPs.
Although very low power and lightweight, the
Persuadertron was instrumental in bringing about
EuroCorp's global domination. Persuaded subjects follow
the controlling Agent without question.
Knockout Gas This hand-grenade contains compressed Carbon Monoxide,
an asphyxiating gas. The cloud emitted on detonation
renders all personnel in the area unconscious for a
limited time.
FX Vol: Lower/raise the sound effects volume by pressing X on the
left/right arrows.
Music Vol: Lower/raise music volume by pressing X on the left/right
Sound: Use the arrows to choose between Stereo or Mono.
Controller Config: Choose different Marionette RD/OS controller button
Players: This option allows up to four Executives to take control of
individual members of an Agent team When the Marionette RD/OS
is operating, each Executive has control of the relevant Agent
at all times, although the Mission Display centers only on the
active Agent. For three of four Executives, the Marionette RD/OS
requires that a Multi Tap be connected.
Load Load a previously stored scenario.
Save Save a scenario, so you may return at a later
Delete Remove a stared scenario.
Restart Erase your current achievements and start from
Note: Never insert or remove a memory card when loading or saving
Once your Agents have been ferried to the mission locale, your Marionette
RD/OS initiates drone connection, giving you direct control over your
Agents. Now, no matter what threat the Agents experience, they will
carry out your orders or die trying.
The Main Display shows you a real-time simulation of the mission area,
with all buildings, features, vehicles and people incorporated.
To rotate the view, press LI/R1. This rotates the Main Display
view Anti-clockwise and Clockwise respectively. To see more of the
area your selected Agent most have a weapon with a longer range.
The Scanner in the bottom left of the screen offers a simplified, top-
down view of the mission area. The Scanner scrolls with the Main Display
giving you a tactical vantage point on more distant areas.
The Scanner can classify persons in the mission area from their CHIP-
status and color-code their appearance on the Scanner display.
Red EuroCorp Agents
White Church of the New Epoch Zealots
Gray Citizens
Yellow Persuaded citizens
Blue Police
Red Mission objectives (usually persons needing persuasion
or elimination)
Black Operative
Small Yellow Special Items
Small Green Dropped items
Green More unguided citizens
Your scanner also picks up the radio waves emitted on security
wavelengths, letting you pinpoint crucial areas of operation, your
foe, or vital mission objectives. These appear as concentric circles
on your Scanner, radiating out from their position.
In certain missions, you are instructed to take person or object A to
point B. A transmits a focused signal, appearing on your scanner as a
series of white arcs to help you locate its position. Point B emits
normal concentric circles.
At the top of the screen are Agent status panels, giving the Agent's
team number, health, psychotropic status, and powerpack level. The Agent
Numbers themselves are used for selecting and locating individual
Agents. See Agent Control for more details.
The Health Bar is a graphic representation of how much damage each of
your Agents can suffer before suffering terminal injury. It slowly
diminishes as the Agent is injured. Once it's gone, the Agent dies.
Fortunately, Agents have artificially boosted Healing Indices, and
their flesh can recover from puncture and concussion damage quickly.
Not only are Agent's vital organs protected by Titanium plate, they
also have Force Shields implanted into their bodies. When an Agent
suffers impact trauma, it is this Shield that takes the initial force
of the blow. A blue flash shows that the Shield is operating.
However, the energy expended generating this protective force is so
great, it cannot be maintained for more than a few seconds. In combat,
the Shield rarely protects your Agents from more than the initial assault.
The Shield Bar must be completely depleted before the Agent starts to
take damage to his Health Bar. Once depleted, the Force Shield
capacitors takes a few minutes to charge up again.
If not directed, an Agent might stand immobile while being shot. However,
there will be occasions when it is desirable for an Agent to operate
To this end, each Agent has an IV fitted, containing quantities of two
different substances, allowing you to administer doses as required.
Blue Funk generates considerable paranoia, meaning the Agent will
attack any target that strays within firing range. Red Mist, on the
other hand, greatly heightens awareness, and ferments a ferocious
battle rage in the mind of the Agent, meaning that he will attack with
ruthless precision any potentially hostile target. Unfortunately,
both Red Mist and Blue Funk are very short-lived substances--ones for
which the Agent's heightened metabolism could quickly develop a
tolerance. Use them sparingly.
There are several side effects to these substances. Physically, the
Agent will be enhanced, running and reacting much faster, with large
doses having greater effect. However, his accuracy and fire control
may be compromised, wasting ammunition. The Agent will also heal more
slowly and will not regain stamina as quickly.
Press O and D-Button Left to dose the Agent with Blue Funk.
Press O and D-Button Right to inject Red Mist.
Note: Once dosed, the Agent acquires tolerance, meaning that
the maximum dosage you can apply wanes. Allowing the Agent respite
from narcotic influence lets his tolerance restore, meaning that the
substance can be employed again.
In Group Mode, you automatically dose all grouped Agents. If you are
using the mouse controller, right-click on the PSI Bar to dose all
grouped Agents.
Overlaid on the Psychotropic Influence Bar are two white bars,
indicating an Agent's Stamina levels. Stamina is depleted through
running and drug use, and the white bars reflect this. When they
hit the center zero bar, the Agent is exhausted and can no longer
run or be subjected to narcotic influence.
When your Agents begin a mission, their weapons are concealed to prevent
panicking civilians and forewarning potential enemies. However, in any
mission it will not be long before recourse to armed response is
To arm an Agent, press Square.
A menu of the weapons held by that Agent appears.
D-Button Up/Down to highlight the weapon icon of the weapon you want,
then release.
The Agent swiftly draws and readies the weapon. The weapon's
icon appears highlighted blue in the Weapon Selector.
Should you wish an Agent to re-conceal his armament, press Square.
D-Button Up/Down to remove the highlight. The Agent hides the device.
When controlling an Agent team, you can have all of them select the same
weapon simultaneously by pressing Square.
D-Button Up/Down to select the weapon and D-Button Right in the
same manner as above.
Some weapons also take time to reload. This is indicated by the
flashing weapon icon. Once the flashing stops, the weapon can be used
Should you wish to drop an item, press Square on the Weapon Selector to
bring up the Weapon Inventory. D-Button Up/Down to weapon icon you
want, and then D-Button Left. The Agent drops the object onto the floor.
So one of your highest priorities is to see that your Agents function
well as a group. Group Mode is the function that lets you do this.
Every time you press Select, one of the three remaining Agent Status
Panels lights up. For each panel that is lit, one Agent follows an
active Agent, and will follow his movement and targeting precisely.
Today's weapons all operate from the same basic power source: the
MicroFusion reactor. Every Agent has one of these highly efficient
generators. Generated power is stored in an attached capacitor.
Whereas energy weapons convert this power directly into the appropriate
energy form, projectile weapons use the power to expand and fire
ultra-dense energy pellets, giving such devices as the Uzi 9mm
essentially infinite ammunition. However, the MicroFusion reactor
can't generate enough power to match energy usage. Continual fire
can temporarily exhaust the powerpack, indicated by the white bar
depleting. Should the generator run out completely, the Agent must
wait a few seconds before using weapons.
Note: When using an Unresearched Weapon, there is a 1 in 4 chance of a
feedback loop, which drains all of your powerpack energy.
Selecting Agents
Usually, you can only issue orders to the active Agent, although if the
Group mode is on, the other Agents will follow his lead.
To select an Agent, press L2 and D-Button Up/Down/Right/Left to
select the Agent number at the top of the screen. The highlighted
number shows that the Agent is active.
To move the active Agent or Agents, you have two options:
1. D-Button Up/Down/Left/Right. To make Agents run, double-press
the relevant D-Button.
2. To move Agents from one area to another, press Triangle. Use
the D-Button to move your view to the desired location. Pressing
Triangle again sends the Agents to your chosen location, indicated by a
brief glowing circle. You can interrupt this journey at any time, by
pressing the D-Button.
You may discover sliding doors blocking roads. These allow traffic only
to pass through them, effectively blocking out the masses. The only
way to travel through them is to become part of the traffic. Or blow
up the doors.
Once an Agent has a weapon selected, press X to fire. If there is an
individual targeted, he will fire on that target. Targets have square
target sights around them.
An Agent's aim automatically targets the most dangerous threat in range.
Using the PlayStation Mouse controller lets you pick and choose targets.
If the cursor is over a valid target, such as a person or a vehicle, then
a blue targeting reticule appears. If the target is also within range
of the Agent's weapon, then the cursor turns into a red crosshair; if
the cursor remains as a white crosshair, then the target is out of range.
You can also overcharge some laser-based weapons, making them fire more
powerfully. Because they only fire when you release X, hold it down to
build up enough energy for a more powerful attack.
Note: If your Agents are operating as a team, they all fire at
the selected point when you press X.
Picking Up/Dropping
Dead enemies often drop their weapons as they collapse in their death
To pick up the weapon, walk over it. A symbol with the weapon
appears at the bottom right of the screen.
If you do not have this weapon, press R2 and D-Button Left/
Right to pick up the weapon.
To drop an item:
1. Press Square to bring up the Weapon Inventory.
2. D-Button Up/Down to select the item you want to drop, then
D-Button Left. The Agent drops the object.
If your Agents are fitted with Level 1 Body Modification or higher, you
can detonate an explosive charge fitted inside the Agent.
To self-destruct, press X + Triangle + Circle + Square together
to detonate the charge.
Using Vehicles
Your Agents can appropriate unoccupied vehicles to gain speed and access
to vehicle-only areas.
To use a vehicle, approach it, press R2 and D-Button Up. The
Agent(s) gets into the vehicle.
Vehicles can only be moved by pointing to an area. Press
Triangle, move the viewing area to the desired location, and press
Triangle again. The vehicle moves to the desired location.
To stop the journey, or to get out of the vehicle, press R2 and
D-Button Down.
Note: Most vehicles are confined to roads, so clicking on
non-road terrain may not have the desired result.
Using the Persuadertron herds groups of citizens by linking their
neural system to the Agent with the Persuadertron. While other
Agents, Zealots, or Police are resistant to such attempts, an
existing group of persuaded citizens may be used to gain control
over them. Thus, six persuaded citizens lets an Agent control a
policeman, while twenty persuaded citizens gives you control over
an Agent or a Zealot. Ten persuaded citizens can give you control
over one Unguided citizen, and fifteen persuaded citizens gives you
a mental grip on an Operative.
Once you have a policeman, six persuasion "points" are added to your
total. Similarly, an Agent or Zealot gains you twenty persuasion
points, an Unguided citizen adds ten, and an Operative gives you an
additional five.
See mission Objectives to see when such a skill may be needed.
The EuroCorp Syndicate has been ruling the World for about 50 years now,
ever since it emerged victorious from the internecine strife of the
Syndicate conflict. In control of the minds and bodies of all the
World's citizens by virtue of the CHIP technology implanted in every
human being, it seemed that their stranglehold on World domination was
unbreakable--until now.
Agents: The cyborg Agent s the acme of EuroCorp's security
forces. CHIPped up and cybernetically enhanced, the Agent exists to
serve the orders of its Executive controller. Fearless in combat, its
superhuman reflexes, great strength, and near-indestructibility make
it an awesome foe and ally.
Operatives: Basic security is handled by EuroCorp Operatives.
Recognizable by the combat fatigues they sport, Operatives are little
more than hired security guards, albeit security guards armed with
state-of-the-art weaponry and possessed of unflinching loyalty.
The Church of the New Epoch is a new and mysterious organization, which
is shaping up to be the first serious threat to EuroCorp's global
sovereignty in 50 years. While their spiritual message is the usual
melange of half-baked mysticism and rigid hierarchy that characterizes
most extremist sects, what is extraordinary about them is their
technical sophistication.
Zealots: Our early encounters with the Church have shown their
forces to be made up by activists we have dubbed Zealots. Cloaked in
white surplices decorated with religious symbols, these activists sport
heavy body armor, implanted with Force Shields. The weight of their
armor is counteracted by some sort of anti-grav device, which causes the
Zealots to float along the ground. Seemingly under remote authority,
they are very dangerous and accomplished adversaries.
EWSs: Reports are coming in of sightings or Experimental Weapon
Systems apparently in the control of the Church. Described as a huge,
robotic spider-like drone, its capabilities are unknown.
Class C-Citizens: Class-C denotes a standard, CHIPped citizen. We would
prefer that you leave Citizens unharmed, although a few peripheral
casualties are understandable in a combat situation.
Class-U Citizens: A recent phenomenon, Class-U citizens are those who
have somehow broken their CHIP's influence. They are aggrieved with
EuroCorp, and have formed street gangs known collectively as The
Unguided. Sporting feral markings and clothing cognate with ate 20th
Century youth cults, they have armed themselves.
Police: Many cities still maintain municipal police forces. They are
well armed have body armor, wear blue, and carry Force Shields. Their
role is largely one of population mariagement, protecting and caring
for Citizens. Although CHIPped themselves, Police are kept in a state
of semi-awareness, and fed programs compelling them to accost any
person bearing arms, with the obvious exception of our Agents.
However, we have experienced problems in the past when cities have
temporarily had UTOPIA contact severed with EuroCorp, the Police
have responded to Agents aggressively.
Hover Can: Most of the vehicles an the roads are Hover Cars,
which operate on the principle of Meglex (Magnetic Levitation).
Unfortunately, this means that these vehicles are restricted to
specially prepared roadways. However, recent research has resulted
in the Anti-Grav engine. This has complete freedom of movement in
three dimensions. There are a few such vehicles in existence,
although they look identical to their more conventional brethren.
APC (Armored Personnel Carriers): APC are used by Operatives,
Agents, and Police to ferry personnel in safety through combat situations.
MBT (Main Battle Tanks): The MBT is the heaviest armored
vehicle, a protected hover tank with awesome offensive capabilities.
They are used only in the most critical combat situations.
To complete a mission, you must fulfill several mission objectives.
Failure to complete even one of the mission objectives results in
mission failure. Below is a list of the more common mission types:
Eliminate: Elimination missions require your Agent team to
terminate person(s) or Building(s).
Persuade: Persuade missions require the use of the
Persuadertron, a useful piece of equipment that
"brainwashes' the victim into acquiescence. The
targets must be evacuated safely for the mission to
Escort/Protect: These missions require your Agents to protect
persons, vehicles, or buildings, either safeguarding
them from enemy attack or insuring that a vital action
is carried out.
Acquire: Acquire missions require your Agents to steal an item,
usually from a heavily-guarded area, and then
evacuate safely, bringing the item back for research
or espionage.
Evacuate: Evacuate missions require your Agents to escape the
mission area and traverse a hazardous location before
they can be safely picked up by a Rescue Link.
A healthy balance lets you buy more weapons and equipment as they
are researched. Money can be earned by completing certain missions, but
a much more reliable way is to rob banks.
The flags with large dollar signs indicate a bank. Send your Agents to
attack the building. When it's destroyed and burnt to the ground, the
only objects still intact will be the indestructible currency cases.
Retrieve them by picking them up. The currency will be extracted on
the Agent's return to HQ.
The Debriefing Screen
Once a mission is completed, the debriefing screen appears.
It shows you how many people your Agents killed or persuaded, how much
net income the mission generated, how many of your Agents were killed,
research weapons available, and Agents gained. Agents are gained with
the Persuadeltron, and are stored in the Cryogenic Facility.
Once you have finished studying your mission results, press
Triangle to go to the Ops screen.
Pad 1
Pause/Unpause: Start
Group Mode (Not available in Multiplayer Mode): Select
Move Agent(s) (press D-Button twice to run): D-Pad Up/Down/Left/Right
Spin View Anti-Clockwise/Clockwise: L1/R1
Change Agent: Pad 1
Agent 1: L2 + D-Button Up
Agent 2: L2 + D-Button Left
Agent 3: L2 + D-Button Down
Agent 4: L2 + D-Button Right
Pick Up Object: R2 + D-Button Left/Right
Get In/Out of Vehicle: R2 + D-Button Up/Down
Point Mode: Triangle
Sent Agents To Point: Triangle
Weapons Column: Square
Select From Weapons: Square + D-Button Up/Down
Force All Grouped Agents to Use Same: Square + D-Button Right
Drop Weapons: Square + D-Button Left
Note: You can only drop a weapon, when that weapon has been
Shield On/Off: O + D-Button Up/Down
Mood Altering Substances Blue Funk/Red Mist: O + D-Button Left/Right.
Note: All Agents in Group Mode will be dosed, unless you use a
mouse controller, where each Agent must be dosed
Note: Mood Altering Substances not available in Multiplayer mode.
Fire: X
Note: Certain weapons can be overcharged for more destruction.
Hold the button down for a short while before releasing.
Self Destruct: Triangle + Square + O + X
Note: Self-destruct is only successful if you have Modified
Body Armor.
Pad 2
Pause/Unpause: Start
Group Mode (Not available in Multiplayer Mode): Select
Move Agent(s) (press D-Button twice to run): D-Pad Up/Down/Left/Right
Spin View Anti-Clockwise/Clockwise: L2/R2
Change Agent: Pad 2
Agent 1: O + D-Button Up
Agent 2: O + D-Button Left
Agent 3: O + D-Button Down
Agent 4: O + D-Button Right
Pick Up Object: L1 + D-Button Left/Right
Get In/Out of Vehicle: L1 + D-Button Up/Down
Point Mode: Triangle
Sent Agents To Point: Triangle
Weapons Column: Square
Select From Weapons: Square + D-Button Up/Down
Force All Grouped Agents to Use Same: Square + D-Button Right
Drop Weapons: Square + D-Button Left
Note: You can only drop a weapon, when that weapon has been
Shield On/Off: R1 + D-Button Up/Down
Mood Altering Substances Blue Funk/Red Mist: R1 + D-Button Left/Right
Note: All Agents in Group Mode will be dosed, unless you use a
mouse controller, where each Agent must be dosed
Note: Mood Altering Substances not available in Multiplayer mode.
Fire: X
Note: Certain weapons can be overcharged for more destruction.
Hold the button down for a short while before releasing.
Self Destruct: Triangle + Square + O + X
Note: Self-destruct is only successful if you have Modified
Body Armor.
Pad 3
Pause/Unpause: Start
Group Mode (Not available in Multiplayer Mode): Select
Move Agent(s) (press D-Button twice to run): D-Pad Up/Down/Left/Right
Spin View Anti-Clockwise/Clockwise: L1/R1
Change Agent: Pad 3
Agent 1: Triangle + D-Button Up
Agent 2: Triangle + D-Button Left
Agent 3: Triangle + D-Button Down
Agent 4: Triangle + D-Button Right
Pick Up Object: O + D-Button Left/Right
Get In/Out of Vehicle: O + D-Button Up/Down
Point Mode: R2
Sent Agents To Point: Triangle
Weapons Column: L2
Select From Weapons: L2 + D-Button Up/Down
Force All Grouped Agents to Use Same: L2 + D-Button Right
Drop Weapons: L2 + D-Button Left
Note: You can only drop a weapon, when that weapon has been
Shield On/Off: Square + D-Button Up/Down
Mood Altering Substances Blue Funk/Red Mist: Square + D-Button Left/Right.
A + D-Button Left/Right.
Note: All Agents in Group Mode will be dosed, unless you use a
mouse controller, where each Agent must be dosed
Note: Mood Altering Substances not available in Multiplayer mode.
Fire: X
Note: Certain weapons can be overcharged for more destruction.
Hold the button down for a short while before releasing.
Self Destruct: Triangle + Square + O + X
Note: Self-destruct is only successful if you have Modified
Body Armor.
Pad w/mouse controller
Pause/Unpause: Start
Group Mode (Not available in Multiplayer Mode): L2
Move Agent(s) (press D-Button twice to run): N/A
Spin View Anti-Clockwise/Clockwise: L1 + D-Button Left/R1 + D-Button Left
Change Agent: Pad w/mouse controller
Agent 1: Left-click on Agent 1 panel
Agent 2: Left-click on Agent 2 panel
Agent 3: Left-click on Agent 3 panel
Agent 4: Left-click on Agent 4 panel
Note: right-clicking on an Agent Panel not only selects the
Agent, but centers the screen on him.
Pick Up Object: Left-click on weapon icon (double left-click to run
and pick up).
Get In/Out of Vehicle: Left-click on car
Point Mode: Always active
Sent Agents To Point: Left-click
Weapons Column: Left-click in weapons area in Agent Panel
Select From Weapons: Left-click on weapon
Force All Grouped Agents to Use Same: Automatic in Group Mode
Drop Weapons: Right-click on weapon
Note: You can only drop a weapon, when that weapon has been
Shield On/Off: L1 + Select
Mood Altering Substances Blue Funk/Red Mist: Square + D-Button Left/Right.
A + D-Button Left/Right.
Note: All Agents in Group Mode will be dosed, unless you use a
mouse controller, where each Agent must be dosed
Note: Mood Altering Substances not available in Multiplayer mode.
Fire: Right-click
Note: Certain weapons can be overcharged for more destruction.
Hold the button down for a short while before releasing.
Self Destruct: Triangle + Square + O + X
Note: Self-destruct is only successful if you have Modified
Body Armor.
Negcon/Steering Wheel
Pause/Unpause: N/A
Group Mode (Not available in Multiplayer Mode): L + Start
Move Agent(s) (press D-Button twice to run): D-Pad Up/Down/Left/Right
Spin View Anti-Clockwise/Clockwise: Twist Left up/Twist Right up
Change Agent: Negcon/Steering Wheel
Agent 1: L + D-Button Up
Agent 2: L + D-Button Left
Agent 3: L + D-Button Down
Agent 4: L + D-Button Right
Pick Up Object: R + D-Button Left/Right
Get In/Out of Vehicle: R + D-Button Up/Down
Point Mode: B
Sent Agents To Point: B
Weapons Column: II
Select From Weapons: II + D-Button Up/Down
Force All Grouped Agents to Use Same: II + D-Button Right
Drop Weapons: II + D-Button Left
Note: You can only drop a weapon, when that weapon has been
Shield On/Off: A + D-Button Up/Down
Mood Altering Substances Blue Funk/Red Mist: Left-click to the left/
right of
Note: All Agents in Group Mode will be dosed, unless you use a
mouse controller, where each Agent must be dosed
Note: Mood Altering Substances not available in Multiplayer mode.
Fire: I
Note: Certain weapons can be overcharged for more destruction.
Hold the button down for a short while before releasing.
Self Destruct: B + A + II + I
Note: Self-destruct is only successful if you have Modified
Body Armor.
Designed by Bullfrog Productions
Producer: Steve Metcalf
Associate Producers: Steve Fitton, Andy Nuttall
Lead Programmer: Steve Metcalf
Additional Programming: Mark Adami, Mike Diskett, Jeremy Longley,
Ian Shaw, Jan Svarovsky
Lead Artist: John Kershaw
Artists: Fin McGechie, Neil Kaminski, Darran Thomas
Intro Artists: John Kershaw, Mark Goldsworthy, Adam Coglan, Martin
Carroll, Matt Wee, Chris Hill
Cut Scene Artist: Martin Carroll
City Design: Vince Farquharson
Mission Design: Ken Malcolm
Lead Scriptwriter: Sean Masterson
Scriptwriters: James Leach, Neil Cook
Music and Sound: Russell Shaw, Adrian Moore
Voice Talent: Martin Glyn Murray, Rachel Preece, Aaron Schwartz
QA Manager: Andy Robson
EASM QA: Robert Aquirre, Doria Lambert, Todd Manning
Lead Playtesters: Jeffrey Brutus, Tristan Paramor
Playtesting: Andrew Nuttall, Rajan Tande, Adrian Moore, Justin Andre,
Douglas Crosby, Michael Starkey, Carsten Sorensen, Matt Kellam,
Andy Trowers, Darren Beasley, Steven Lawrie, Nathan Smethurst,
Ben Vincent
Language Test Supervisor: Simon Davison
French Language Tester: Lionel Berrodier
German Language Tester: Kai Pacyna
Swedish Language Tester: Ulf Thor
Italian Language Tester: Michele Pinardi
Spanish Language Tester: Ricardo Martinez
Original Programming: Mike Diskett, Ben Dean, Mark Adami, Martin Bell,
Mark Lamport, Ian Shippen, Andy Cakebread, Barry Clarke
Original Art: Mike Man, Martin Carroll, Matt Wee, Chris Hill
Original Mission Design: Ken Malcolm, Peter Blow, Shintaro Kanaoya,
Vince Farquharson
Original City Design: Vince Farquharson, Mike Man, Steve Jarrett,
Barry Meade, Natalie White, Ken Malcolm, Peter Blow
Original Lead Test: Tristan Paramor
Tech Support: Mike Burnham, Kevin Donkin, Simon Handby
Admin Support: Jo Goodwin, Emma Gibbs, Audrey Adams, Sian Jones,
Kathy McKentee, Louise Ratcliffe, Frances Van Eupen
Finance Support: Annette Dabb, Lucia Gobbo
Library & Tools: Mark Huntley, Austin Ellis
PR: Cathy Campos
Marketing: Pete Murphy, Sean Ratcliffe
Management: Les Edgar, David Byrne
Documentation: Rich Johnson, with thanks to Matt Miles Griffiths
Translation: Carol Aggett, Petrina Wallace, Dominique Goy
Package Design: Caroline Arthur, James Nolan
Special thanks to: Mark Goldsworthy, Manga Entertainment, Fleetway
Everyone else at Bullfrog: Andy Bass, Jonty Barnes, Andy Beale,
Martin Bell, David Bryson, Gary Carr, Dene Carter, Simon
Carter, Matthew Chilton, Glen Corpes, Tony Cox, Alex Cullum,
Tony Dawson, Honathan Farmer, Wayne Frost, Alex Godshill,
Mark Healey, Wayne Imlach, Mark Lamport, Andy McDonald,
Paul McLaughlin, Peter Molyneux, Barry Parker, Alex Peters,
Mark Pitcher, Richard Reed, Bjame Rene, Jon Rennie, Jo Rider,
Gary Stead, Rajan Tande, Alex Trowers, Matthew Whitton,
Michael Willis, Alen Wright