GameSurge Strategy Page

Discworld - Walkthrough

By Majel B. Stoat

This is a complete walkthrough for Discworld on the PC.  In actual fact, I
recommend you don't use this guide. - You'll get more satisfaction in
completing the game if you know you've done it all yourself.  However, if you
really need help then here it is.  If this is the case it would probably be
best if you don't copy this guide to your hard disk, as you'll not have instant
access the first time you get stuck again.

So a complete spoiler follows...BEWARE!!

PU = Pick Up
TT = Talk To
GT = Go To
G  = Give
U  = Use
LA = Look At

When told to talk to someone, make sure you click on all the icons if they are
available.  Some events are only triggered once all the talking's done.  When
something appears on brackets after 'TT' click specifically on this.

When asked to give something to Rincewind, just put it in his inventory
instead of the Luggage's.  When something needs to be used on him, double-click
the item on him.


Open Wardrobe
PU Pouch
G Pouch to Rincewind
GT Archchancellor's Room
TT Archchancellor
GT Kitchen
TT Cook
GT Closet
PU Broom
GT Rincewind's Room
U Broom on Luggage
GT Library
G Banana to Librarian
GT Archchancellor's Room
G Book to Archchancellor
GT Dining Room
U Broom on Staff
GT Outside
Open Gate
TT Apprentice
PU Frog
Open Gate
GT Livery Stable
Open Sack
PU Grain
GT Square
GT Psychiatrickerists
TT Troll
GT Psychiatrickerists
PU Net
Go Outside
PU Tomato
Throw Tomato at Tax Collector
PU Tomato
PU Worm
TT Urchin
GT Street - Barbers
TT Woman
LA Hair Roller
TT Woman
TT Barber
Quickly Pickpocket Barber's Pocket
GT Fishmonger
PU Picture
GT Toyshop
PU String
U String on Worm
PU Purple Donkey
GT Palace
TT Guards
Go Inside
GT Bathroom
PU Mirror
GT Alley - Alchemists
U Grain on Flask
LA Box
U Cable Release
PU Imp
Go Outside
Use Worm on String on Hole
G Mirror to Rincewind
GT Magic Block (The one that lights up)
PU Ladder
GT Tower
U Mirror on Tip
U Mirror

Use the window in the distance to get back down to the floor.

GT University Grounds - Path
PU Fertiliser
G Net to Rincewind
U Ladder on Window
U Net on Pancake
GT Kitchen
PU Pan
PU Banana
GT Archchancellor's Room
G Pan, Hair Roller, Imp, Mirror, Staff to Archchancellor

The Dragon can be found on the left of the city, about halfway down the
screen.  (Just keep following the beeps.)


GT Barn
PU Screwdriver
GT City Gate
TT Guards
Open Crate
PU Firecrackers, Gunpowder
GT Inn
PU Sheet
PU Bubblebath
GT Drum
Buy Drink
PU Matches
TT Scared Guy
LA Counterwise Wine
TT Barman
PU Glass
TT Hublanders
GT Unseen University - Library
G Treasure x4 to Sleazy Guy
G Golden Banana to Librarian
G Banana to Librarian
GT L-Space

Now you have a cutscene.  After arriving, have a look around for about
a minute, until Rincewind hides behind the bookcase.

Follow Thief
GT Hideout
U Drain near door
GT Park
U Frog on Drunk
U Butterfly Net on Butterfly
GT Drum
LA Picture behind Little Guy
Use Glass
use Ladder on Shingle
PU Drumstick
GT Inn
U Sheet on Rincewind
PU Jewellery Box
GT Street - Corner
U Butterfly on Lamp
PU Pot
GT Alley
LA Graffiti
GT Unseen University - Library - L-Space
GT Drum
TT Scared Guy
GT Street - Alley
PU Robe
GT Toyshop
PU Doll
GT Unseen University - Library - L-Space
GT Hideout
U Glass on Drain behind fence

Now wait for the thief to appear.  When he does:

U Glass on Drain behind fence
U Robe on Rincewind

Now follows a cut-scene about the dragon summination

GT Inn
U Sheet on Rincewind
PU Jewellery Box
GT Unseen University - Library - L-Space
GT Closet
U Match on Shape
PU Starch
GT Kitchen
PU Flour
PU Banana
GT Dining Room
U Drumstick on Gong
Go Outside
PU Prunes
GT Path
PU Bin
GT Square
TT Dibbler
GT Alley
G Donut to Dunnyman
GT Psychiatrickerists
TT Troll
TT Milkmaid
GT Psychiatrickerists

Now you'll be first in the queue and will go and see the Psychiatrickerist.

Go Outside
TT Street Urchin
GT Palace
U 1 Ink Blot on Guards
Go Inside
U Bin on Fool
GT Bathroom
U Bubblebath on Bath
PU Cap
TT Peasant
GT Street - Hairdresser
TT Barber
GT Square - Psychiatrickerists
TT Milkmaid
GT Street - Hairdresser
G Letter to Barber
U Apparatus
GT City Gate
G Gate Pass to Guards
GT Dark Woods

On the way you will stop at the pass.  Walk to the right of the screen and
meet the cockatrice.  Watch the cut-scene.

PU Feather, Egg
GT Dark Woods - House
U Pot on Cauldron
GT Edge Of World
PU Lamp
U Coconut Tree
U Butterfly Net on Coconut
U Screwdriver on Coconut
GT Unseen University - Library - L-Space
GT Shades - House
TT Sally
GT Egg, Coconut, Flour to Sally

Watch (listen to) the cutscene of Sally giving Rincewind a 'special'

GT Unseen University - Library - L-Space
GT Square
G Bloomers to Urchin
GT Shades
U Secret Handshake on Mason
U Bra on Ladder
U Ladder on Hovel
U Feather on Thief
PU Key
GT Street - Fishmongers
U String on Octopus
GT Alley behind Fishmongers
U Octopus on Toilet
U Pot of Custard on Toilet
GT Fishmongers
U Prunes on Caviar
GT Alley behind Fishmongers
PU Belt
GT Alley
G Doll to Rincewind
GT Magic Block
U Doll on Chimney
GT Alchemists
U Keg on Fireplace
U String on Keg
Go Outside
U Match on Fuse in drain
GT Barn
G Brush, Tooth, Cap, Belt, Trowel, Key to Dragon
GT Square
TT Witch (? to get carpet)
TT Witch (Jester)

While the witch is puckering up, pick up the Custard Book on the stall.

GT Unseen University - Library - L-Space

Do the next few things quickly, - ie. before the thief arrives.  If you
don't you have to go back through L-Space, watch a cut-scene about you
causing a paradox and have to do the whole thing again.

PU Dragon Book
U Dragon Book on Custard Book

You'll see the jackets changing over.

U Dragon Covered Custard Book on Empty Space


GT Unseen University - Kitchen
PU Spatula
GT Archchancellors Room
PU Hat
LA Hat
GT Street - Barbers
PU Scissors, Appointment Book
GT Shades - House
TT Sally
GT Hovel
Open Bag
PU Knife
Go Outside
U Spatula on Mural
U Mural
GT Square
TT Old Timers
TT Amazon Woman
GT Psychiatrickerists
TT Troll
Go Outside
GT Psychiatrickerists
TT Milkmaid
G Appointment Book to Milkmaid
Go Outside
TT Dibbler
GT Alley
U Knife on Rubber Belt
PU Egg
PU Snake
GT Unseen University - Dining Room
TT Wizards
U Fertiliser on Snake
U Starch on Snake
U Snake on Staff
U Staff on Butterfly Net
GT Drum
LA Klatchian Juice
TT Barman
PU Glass
U String on Worm
GT City Gate
TT Guards

Choose everything but the posing pouch and the mask and click on the equals
sign.  Now you know what you're looking for.

GT Woods
U Crank
U Pot on Bucket
U Screwdriver on Crank
GT Palace - Bathroom
U Ink Blots or Leeches on Guards
PU Brush
GT Dungeon
U String on Worm on Hole by cell
LA Mouse
U Crank on Chucky's Rack
PU Skeleton
GT Street - Toyshop
U Bone on Gluepot
PU Green Dinosaur
GT Inn
U Bone with Glue on Dog
LA Tattoo
TT Sailor
TT Innkeeper
TT Sailor
Go Inside
U Pot and Water on Soap
U Soapy Water on Brush
TT Door (!!)
U Screwdriver on Door
GT Livery Stable
PU Corn
GT Gate
TT Carrot (Sword)
GT Mine
G Sword to Dwarf at Anvil
GT Edge of World

There'll now be a cut sequence in which Rincewind will meet the gods.

GT Edge of World
U Whistle on Rincewind
U Match on Firecracker
U Firecracker on Polly
U Stick on Butterfly Net
U Long Net on Polly
U Archchancellor's Hat on Fork
U Handkerchief Rope
PU Glint
GT Drum
TT Barman
GT Inn
G Polly to Sailor
G Whistle to Sailor
TT Door
GT Drum - Cellar
U Tankard on Elderberry Wine Barrel
G Tankard to Rincewind
GT Woods
G Appointment Book to Barber
GT Mine
G Tankard to Dwarf
G Sword to Dwarf
GT Street - Barber
TT Barber
GT Square
TT Urchin
GT Alley
G Rubber Belt to Rincewind
TT Alchemist
PU Box
U Imp on Box
GT Magic Block
GT Tower
U Rubber Belt on Tip of Flagpole
GT Livery Stable
U Brush on Bumperbar
LA Bumperbar
LA Sticker
LA Nameplate
GT Alley
G Knife to Rincewind
GT Magic Block
U Knife on Ladder
Go To Ground Floor
TT Assassin
GT Square
U Scissors on Donkey Tail
GT Hideout
U Knocker
GT Dragon Sanctuary
Knock on Door
TT Lady Ramkin
Knock on Door

Quickly go to the path before she comes to the door.  However, if you go
too quickly she'll still be at the back, and if you're to slow then she'll
catch you at the front.  You are aiming to be going down the path just as
she opens the door.  Now that she's out of the way:

PU Nail, Leash, Rosette
GT Dark Woods - House
LA Potions
TT Witch (Potion)

While the witch is puckehereed up for a kiss:

U Love Custard on Rincewind
PU Potion
U Wool
U Rosette on Sheep
U Imp Camera on Sheep
U Sheep Picture on Octopus Picture
PU Mallet
GT Drum
U Nail on Beam
U Picture of Sheep on Beam
TT Braggart
U Truth Potion on Tankards
GT Gorge
U Carpet on Monk
Go Inside
U Leash on Luggage
PU Bandanna
U Bandanna on Rincewind
U Pouch on Sand
U Pouch on The Eye Of Offler
GT Library
LA Magic Book
Leave Library

You'll arrive at the Square to find the whole of the rest of the cast there.


GT Square
PU Lady Ramkin's Key
GT Dragon Sanctuary - Path
U Key on Door
PU Mambo 16th (M16!)
GT Palace - Dungeon
U M16 on Hot Coals
GT Mine
U M16 on Hot Coals
U Firecrackers on M16

Again, you'll arrive at the Square.  (If you don't, go to Ankh-Morpork).  
Watch the cut scene and then wait until the screen starts switching between
Rincewind and The Dragon.  When the screen turns to The Dragon:

U Love Custard on Dragon

That's it.  Mambo and the dragon go off into the sunset and the rest of the
cast go for a drink.


Hopefully you didn't have to use this too much, but if you did, I hope you
found it useful.  Any comments or queries? -
Mail me at 'stoat.mb' at ''.


Majel B. Stoat

This FAQ copyright Majel B. Stoat 1999
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