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Homeworld Cataclysm Gallery Pages
Homeworld Cataclysm is due later this year from Barking Dog Studios. A
"redo" of Homeworld, and not a expansion disk, the new game
features 2 new races, a new storyline, and a lot more action. It also
will look better...
GameSurge has a new gallery for Homeworld Cataclysm, and we have expanded
the galleries to include not just screenshots, but concept art, ship images,
and other images. This may be the largest collection of it's kind, so
enjoy the 200 plus images in our archive.
of our newest additions, artwork from Homeworld Cataclysm. This section
features concept artwork from Barking Dog Studios, by the designers
themselves, as well as black and white images, and other images used
to promote the upcoming game.
A great section to check out the design of the game, from the earlist
concepts, to the final finished product.
are images or screenshots taken from the videos used to promote the
game. The cutscenes used in this gallery came from the Homeworld Cataclysm
demo presented by Barking Dog Studios. These are "stills"
of the video, and may actually make it into the game itself.
At the moment, there are only 5 cutscenes, but as more are made available,
we will be adding them to this archive.
Manager Screens
screens are the screens the player will see when he controls the game.
This can be a variety of different screens, for building new ships,
options etc. Homeworld Cataclysm will come with a whole bunch of manager
screens, to help in controling the game and the various features.
Only a couple of manager screens have been made available to the public,
more will be added as they become available.
you want to view the game in action, this is the best place for
that. GameSurge has a extensive collection of screenshots from Homeworld
Cataclysm, nearly 60 in fact.
Some great battle images can be found in this archive, split into
3 separate pages for easy viewing.
very special section here at GameSurge, our ships section. This
archive is for images devolted to the new ships in Homeworld Cataclysm.
The collection features close-ups and special screenshots of nearly
all the new ships featured in HW:C
A great place to have a close-up look at the new ships, and some
of the new features that they can do. This section, due to the amount
of images, is divided into 4 pages.
More coming soon
As we continue to expand our Gallery sections, we will be adding galleries of
game images and artwork based from our reviews, previews and other special features.
Keep checking this page for the latest updates, or check our main Gallery page,
which previews all the latest for all of our gallery sections, whether console,
computers, or arcade games. We are building one of the largest archives for ALL
Games on the web today.
We are always interested in submissions of screenshots, fan artwork, and pictures.
You can submit your artwork to the webmaster by email to shiva@gamesurge.com
or Falcon@gamesurge.com.
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