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3 Minute Crush by:HonestJon Went to see Austin Powers 2 with a few friends the other day. Boy, is that guy screwed or what? Like those recent "classic" 5in1 games on PSX... which I wont get into. After the movie, the sun was still high (not that we could see it, it was raining), so we decided to stick around the mall a bit more. Inevitably, we ended up where the action was--the arcade. It was Friday afternoon and there weren't much peeps in the small arcade. Let's face it, that arcade was like a toilet compared to the new arcade+movie megaplex nearby. Hmmm, come to think about it, even the wash rooms in the megaplex is bigger than this arcade. Hahah, what a shame. But then again, while this small arcade could never compete with the much much bigger and newer arcade megaplex nearby, it didn't look like it would fold any time soon. That visit was the first one in some time. I will confess... I prefer the big screen, stadium seatings for movies; and the new, loud, shiny coin-suckers with big TV screens. Not really feeling it, I walked around the small arcade for a while. Suddenly, Gauntlet Legend just "hit" me. I saw my friends going at one of the machines like crazy. Jamming on the joysticks and buttons with such vivid and smooth action, they were sure to make every onlooking guy and gal drool in jealousy. Forward, then backward, then up, then down. Again! Again! Hit harder man, harder! Com'on man! Oh yeah baby, I'm feeling it! More, more! The sweat, the blood... Finally, I cant hold it back anymore. I reached in my pocket for my weapon immediately. It's loaded. In one swift movement, I bended over and trusted in the machine four times. I was in. That good old feeling was coming back with a vengeance. I never thought I would do it again. My heart was pumping faster and faster, Blood was rushing to my skin. My body temperature was up and raising. I could feel it. The four of us were all really into it. The violence, swearing... were overwhelming. It was so exciting. Naturally, being all guys (no offense ladies), we had some confusion. The fact that each and everyone of us were pretty greedy didn't really help. It was kind of funny when we began shouting to each other, "... are you blind?" "... damnit, this way..." "... idiot! don't go there..." "... fag, ya big ass is blocking my way..." "... Igor, your armpit is kinda [understatement] wet..." And yes, if you hadn't already guessed it, we didn't go far. Not at all. After half an hour and $15 bucks or so, we still felt the end was actually moving farther and farther away. How do they do that? Was Gauntlet Legend good? Yes, definitely. Money sucker? Indeed. Was it a must play classic? No. The gameplay was nice, and exactly the same as most other action games. I think it's the four- player mode that's a killer. After all, four guys together don't really need a classic game to have fun... the sheer confusion and disorder in a not-too-bad multi-player game (the more human players on the same team, the better [read: more disorder and swearing]) can give anyone a good laugh for a whole day. Nothing more, nothing less. Am I addicted? Damn right. Am I screwed? Probably. I really have to say I am hooked. Been thinking and thinking only about that game for the last few days. Guess it's one of those 3 minute crushes. The kind that comes fast, and goes even faster. Happens all the time. Till then=) |
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