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Archive for September, 1999
Thursday, September 30, 1999
Blizzard Community News - Falcon @ 7:25 am PST Capone, leader of the Elite Knights, a new guild scheduled to open up around 10-10-99, is looking for someone to do graphics for their website. If you are the artistic type, and wish to give Capone a hand, show off your web skill, or become a part of an up and coming DiabloII guild, then point your browser on over Here and send him some email. Scum Federation (http://scmfed.extremesc.com) has two new interviews in it's archive. One with the one and only Zileas (can be found at http://scmfed.extremesc.com/interviews/interview7.shtml) and one with BroodWar Dynasty's webmaster CannonBalls (can be found at http://scmfed.extremesc.com/interviews/interview8.shtml) I'm too lazy to make them links so go practise your cut'n'paste skills ;)
Wednesday, September 29, 1999
GTA 2 Demo - Ob1 @ 7:31 pm PST A brand new demo of Grand Theft Auto 2, The sequal to the highly contraversaly GTA, has been released. If you have played GTA you will be right at home with the game play and feel. Fo those of you who dont know what it is like it is a birds eye view action game where your goal is to kill cops and steal cars ect. Great fun! get it here.
AOE 2 Screens - Cerberus @ 3:49 pm PST24 Hour Gamer has some really cool screenshots of AOE 2, which they managed to post today. In all, there are 10 unique screenshots and can be found over here.
New Stardraft Version - Raven @ 2:40 am PSTWell to top off the Blizzard news, the people over at Camelot Systems have come out with a new version of the popular Stardraft. Stardraft is a must have for all the future SCM creators out there, and also those of you who are curious about Starcraft. Stardraft allows you to view and edit Starcraft in some very interesting ways.
To download Stardraft click here To view the Stardraft FAQ page click here
Note. Although the battle.net patch will change with the new version, Stardraft should still work with the new bnet patch.
New Battle.Net Patch - Raven @ 2:13 am PSTToday Blizzard has released a new patch for Battle.net -Blizzard's free gaming server. The new patch doesnt address any of battle.net security or reliability problems but the patch does quote:
- patch 1.06 - (Battle.net client patch) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adds Battle.net support for Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition. - Adds command completion to Battle.net chat. It can be accessed by pressing the tab key. - Fixes some minor battle.net issues. - Displays cancel dialog in situations when server is busy.
Tuesday, September 28, 1999
Full UT Demo! - Cerberus @ 4:56 pm PST This is what I've been waiting for! The full UT Demo, supported by any video card. The demo can be run in OpenGL (which I now recommend) or Direct3D, which I don't recommend so much unless your video card doesn't support OpenGL. Anyways, if you have a slow connection, download one of the Gigex links cuz they let you reconnect if you get dropped.. Heck you can do that with GetRight too. Anyways, here are the links:Gigex Installer (Full 55 megs) Regular Installer (Full 55 megs) Can't wait for it to finish downloading! Source: 24 Hour Gamer
D2 SSOTW - Cerberus @ 4:46 pm PSTThe latest D2 SSOTW has been released. In this one, you can see the Valley of Snakes (oooh :)
UT Demo Patch Issue - MystikaL @ 3:08 pm PSTHeh, well Epic decided to leave out Direct 3d and S3 Metal support in the new patch (its in the full demo though ).Due to an oversight, the patch does not add the OpenGL or S3 Metal rendering drivers. If you have patched the 3dfx demo and really want to try these drivers, you will need to download the full 55MB demo. You are still best off using Glide for your 3dfx card, or Direct3D for all other cards except S3s.
Oh well, thats ok. I just got my hands on the TNT 2 Ultra last night and took exactly 1 minute 30 seconds to install it. Wow dont you just love the open-case movement. hehe.
TA:Kingdoms 2.0 Patch - Falcon @ 4:13 am PSTHere is a list of the things you can expect in the upcoming TA:K patch.
Everyone's probably heard about the speed and performance update we've been working on for Total Annihilation: Kingdoms (Version 2.0). The update is scheduled to go live on www.cavedog.com later this week and should provide a massive performance boost in all areas of gameplay. Following is a list of the major tweaks and additions that can be expected in the Total Annihilation: Kingdoms 2.0 update. Kingdoms should now run at least two times faster in all instances. In many cases the game will run even faster than that. Faster user interface Faster game loading Faster single and multiplayer gameplay During intense battles, Kingdoms can now automatically adjust the level of shadow detail and animation updating to maintain a responsive frame rate Kingdoms RAM footprint has been reduced by 24MB Kingdoms should now run effectively on a P200 with 32MB of RAM (64MB is highly recommended) A new option to control unit/shadow scaling quality in hardware modes is available A registry control has been added to allow players to change the level of unit animation updating The introduction movie can now be turned off Assigning orders to units while the game is paused has been improved The offensive capabilities of the Veruna Dirigible have been reduced The size and polygon count of the Veruna Dirigible has been decreased The Zhon Wisp will now target and fire more effectively Anti-cheating measures have been updated The multiplayer check making version 2.0 incompatible with version 1.x has been updated A number of errors dealing with unit data have been corrected Two additional maps have been added to the game
DS9 Demo News and SS's - Falcon @ 4:09 am PSTthe AVault has been sent 15 screenshots from the producers of Deep Space Nine: The Fallen. The publisher also mentioned a single-player demo is slated to be released in November, and that input from gamers will be used to polish up the offering in time for its March 2000 release. You can view the screenshots here
Hosting - Falcon @ 3:47 am PSTJust a reminder to anyone who is looking for a gaming host, we offer hosting to high quality sites. Services included are: unlimited bandwidth, space, pop/forwarding email accounts, telnet access, Unix hosting with CGI, SSI, Perl 5, all on a high speed OC-12 connection. For more info visit out hosting page
Bookmark This Page - Falcon @ 1:50 am PSTHere's a nice little Javascript I found, click here to bookmark this page. (Or just hit Ctrl D....)
Monday, September 27, 1999
Siege Tank Enhancement Custom - WizZard @ 11:47 pm PST Peak_Man has made an nice Custom which converts the Siege Tank into this:Siege Tank Cool? Click here to download it. -Infoceptor
I Can't Win is back! - WizZard @ 11:43 pm PSTYepp, that's right. I Can't Win is back with a new layout. And it looks good too. Agent have aslo started a article about "The King of RTS". Head on over there and check it out...
Shakuras.com and their drag Queens..... - WizZard @ 11:37 pm PSTHehehe, I don't know if anyone has noticed but you should take a look at www.shakuras.com. Give it up for the Peons and the Mage! :)Or click here for some more fun >:)
StarCraft Total Conversion for Half-Life - WizZard @ 11:29 pm PSTHello guys, long time no see. Anyhow, I just saw this interesting project over at http://www.cheat-heaven.com/sctc/ This looks really cool. Let's hope they will complete this project and not just abandon it in some weeks.
Sierra President interview - Falcon @ 8:19 pm PST3D News.net has snagged an interview with Sierra's President, David Grenewetzki. It discusses aspects of Sierra, including discussion about their cancelled games as well as Sierra's plans for the future. You can view the whole interview here
Homeworld Shipped - Falcon @ 7:40 pm PSTAccording to the guys at VE Homeworld has officially shipped.
Rogue Spear Addon Cancelled - Falcon @ 7:32 pm PSTThe Avault has confirmed with Red Storm Entertainment that Aztech New Media will not be producing an add-on for Rogue Spear. It is said that Aztec filed for insolvency several months ago and has since closed its doors. The good news is that Red Storm also mentioned it is creating an internal expansion due out in March 2000.
Tomb Raider Interview - Falcon @ 7:30 pm PSTThe Croft Times has put up an interview with Richard Morton, who is lead level designer on Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation. The interview mentions several things such as Richard's background, his role in the Tomb Raider series, and much more. Check out the interview here
NFS: Motor City - Falcon @ 7:29 pm PSTCGO has posted a short preview of the upcoming '50's style racing game, Need for Speed: Motor City.
The Need for Speed games have always been about ludicrously expensive exotic sports cars that the average player will never be able to afford. Motor City, by contrast, goes back to the roots of classic car culture. The game strives to recreate the feel of the "grease monkey" era--a time when people spent as much time under the hood as they spent behind the wheel. Fat-fender hot rods, blown muscle cars roaring on open headers, and the sleek class and style of the early Corvette... these are the cars that players can expect to see in Motor City.
Source: GameHeadlines
Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver Review - Cerberus @ 5:21 pm PSTLooks like 24 Hour Gamer is on a roll today! They have smacked up a review on Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver for your reading pleasure. Here's a little bit of it:Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. This is a tale of tragedy and of triumph. Of rebirth and revenge. You are Raziel, disciple of Lord Kain. For millenia you served him as you and those like you evolved into godlike beings. But there was something different about you, for eventually your ability surpassed that of your master Lord Kain, but for this you were banished forever... or so it seemed. You awaken to find a force unlike any you've ever known... an ancient entity of unknown origin who rules the spectral plane. You learn that Lord Kain and his minions have wreaked such havoc in the material plane that The Elder's very existence has been threatened by their actions. For centuries The Elder's anger has grown until at last you have been resurrected to serve The Elder. You mission now has but one purpose- Destroy Kain!
Sinistar: Unleashed Cheats - Cerberus @ 4:33 pm PST24 Hour Gamer has some interesting cheats up for Sinistar: Unleashed. Some may be very useful, as others may not be.
Sunday, September 26, 1999
New Editorial - Cerberus @ 4:33 pm PST I usually don't do editorials, but since I was recently at a LAN party this last weekend, this is an acception. And yes, this editorial is about LAN parties. It is a mix about them, and about the one I was at this past weekend. Enjoy!
New Hosted Site - Cerberus @ 11:45 am PSTWe have a new hosted site, called Everything About Nothing, which, is in fact, run by me. It doesn't have gaming stuff, but everything else. It's basically my own place where you can find anything else other than gaming news, if you want.
Saturday, September 25, 1999
More Thief Gold Screens - Falcon @ 10:19 pm PST Avault has received another round of screenshots of the stealth based 3D action game, Thief Gold. You can view them here
Diablo2 Dairy Summary - Raven @ 9:22 pm PSTGangrel over at The Sightless Eye has put up a summary of the latest Gamespot Designers Dairy. The Designers Diary is one of the best sources of information on the up and coming game DiabloII-Even if it is a little long. The only new information mentioned in part 3 of the Dairy concerns DiabloII character classes and skills. Because of this I'd recommend that you just read the diary summary over at the Slightless Eye. Although if anyone out there doesn’t know much about DiabloII, Gamespots designer dairy is still worth a read.View the summary here Read the full Designers Dairy here
TD2K- Quake2 Mod - Raven @ 8:44 pm PST"Times have changed in what is now a post apocalyptic world. Any man would cut your throat if given the chance. Hard times abound, and there's no rain in sight. Electricity, gasoline, clean water, all are dwindling resources that are highly sought after. There are places, towns if you will, where people have tried to re-establish lawful living in hopes that as a collective, we can repair this earth. There, bartering replacing theft, and trade brings hope of a peaceful tomorrow. These towns operate under laws, and those laws are absolute and unchallenged. You know the law.. sway from it, and you'll pay the price." Thunder Dome 2000 is a Quake mod designed to severely rock online multi-player Quake 2. TD2K is hosted over at QuakeWorld , and have recently completed the beta version (Pre release version to work out bugs) for their mod. Whilst the mod can only be downloaded as a beta and not the full version its definitely worth downloading, especially when you consider all of the features this mod boasts such as
- Unique post apocalyptic weaponry
- Tattoos
- Powerups
- Purchase new weapons/items from an in-game 3d bazaar
- Realistic damage system
- Realistic in-game economy
All Quake2 fans and even people who have put Quake2 away should considering getting this mod. I have and I can personally tell you its excellent. Check it out here
Ultima Online 2 - Raven @ 8:12 pm PSTOver at Gamespot they have a short update, on the just declared Ultima Online 2 Electronic Arts and Origin Systems recently announced their work on Ultima Online 2. Although UO2 won't go gold for at least a year, UO2 will have some positive gaming features going for it including
- New 3D graphics engine
- Motion-aptured animations
- Vast new environment to explore
- And even action figures based on the UO world.
"We've learned a lot about online entertainment over the past two years since we launched Ultima Online," said Jeff Anderson, vice president of development at ORIGIN and executive producer for UO2. "But, most important, we learned that we are not just making 'games' any more. We're building virtual worlds that will offer new ways for people to interact, socialise, and adventure on the Internet." Check out the full article here
Graphics, HTML needed - Cerberus @ 5:11 pm PSTShadow is in need of HTMLers and Graphics Makers for a Starcraft page he's planning on making. If you would like to help with this, email him to sign up or for more info.
New Kali - Cerberus @ 2:33 pm PSTThe newest version of Kali has been released recently, upgrading it to version 2 Beta C. The new version adds a server browsing IRC client, and can be found at the Kali FTP site. Source: Blues News
Nocturne Preview - Cerberus @ 2:31 pm PSTJust got back from a LAN party at my friends house. We played Half-Life and Counterstrike, some SC, and some Unreal all night long, while watching The Matrix twice in between. I got 1 hour of sleep this morning. Anyways, Thresh's Firing Squad has posted a preview on Nocturne. The preview comes with some screenshots for you to gaze at also :). Source: Blues News
Friday, September 24, 1999
Blizzard Map of the Week - Gibb @ 4:08 pm PST This week's map of the week is Waterhole
"Not every locale in the Koprulu sector is a hotbed of violence and mayhem. There are actually areas that are quiet, peaceful places to relax as the problems of the universe just pass you by. The secluded oasis known as the Watering Hole on the planet of Helioc III has a set of wonderfully scenic vistas where you can observe the beautiful native wildlife in their natural habitat. If you have the means, I suggest you give it a try as there's way too much stress in the galaxy these days." - Uran Golenko, leading stress therapist and featured guest on the popular "Universe Today" talk show
TRAVEL NOTE: A sudden influx of tourists, coupled with the discovery of considerable mineral wealth on the planet, has left the ecology of Helioc III in a less than optimal state. Once the use of tactical nuclear weaponry has subsided, geologists expect a high level of planetary recovery.
Opposite Forces Review - Raven @ 2:08 am PSTGameWorld Pro have got a rather large review on the Half Life add on Opposite Forces. The review goes over 2 pages and is a little more in depths then the one at Gamesurge. Opposite Forces is made by GearBox Software and puts players on an opposing side to Gordon Freeman, the hero Half Life. In Opposite Forces you play as Cpl.Shephard a Marine officer. Detached from your squad members, you have to do what your trained to do.... KILL and SURVIVE. This review is worth reading for all the curious Half Life fans out there and those who are just curious.
Check the Review here
Diablo 2 Beta Delayed - Raven @ 1:31 am PSTGames Domain on one of their recent updates have stated that the beta testing for The Diablo II Network has been delayed until late October. They've said the reason behind the Diablo2 Beta delay, was to give Blizzard more time to finish off ActII and ActIII, and to increase the chances of DiabloII going gold by the end of the year. Although I didn't find any information about this on the Blizzard Page -Blizzard are the makers on DiabloII- I noticed that this news on the GD page was posted on the 22nd and the last update the Blizzard page had was on the 21st, and I also found 2 other sites confirming the delay. Anyway apparently Blizzard has stated
"We are working very diligently to get the game out this year, and by shifting the beta date until the end of October, we hope to be able to finish the game before year's end. I can assure you that there will be a beta, and by finishing Act II, Act III and the finale sooner rather than later, we will be better positioned to implement user suggestions."
New Starcraft Online Comic - Raven @ 1:11 am PSTThe Abyss a site hosted at ExtremeSC has recently opened up a brand new SC Comic. The Abyss's first piece of StarCraft work, is an eight page Terran VS Protoss comic, which looks… well brilliant. With great pictures and a good story line this comic is sure to kick off on the right foot. Whilst the page is a little blood thirsty its definitely worth a look.
Sample Pic
View it here
Tiberian Sun Review - Raven @ 12:50 am PSTComputer Games Online has recently completed a review on Command and Conquer2: Tiberian Sun. For those of you who don't know, Tiberian Sun is the latest is Westwood's Studios comprehensive list of RTS Games. C&C2 takes place in 2032 after the original and once again throws you into confrontation between the forces of the Global Defence Initiative (GDI) and Brotherhood of Nod. CGO's review mentions both good and bad features of Tiberian Sun, anyone who doesn't know much about the game, or who is interested in buying the game should definitely check it out.
Check it out here
Thursday, September 23, 1999
Forum - Falcon @ 5:35 pm PST Just to let everyone know, we do have a forum now so go be the first to post something. Forum
UT Demo Status - Cerberus @ 5:30 pm PSTMark Rein made a post on the GT UT forum about the UT demo status for the Direct3D version of the demoWe're probably looking at some time over the week or perhaps Monday. There are few little bugs (from the earlier demo) still left to fix and test.
Source: Blues News
2 secret Trek Titles - Falcon @ 3:20 pm PSTI saw over at GA Strategy that FGN Online has a report that Interplay plans to release two more Star Trek titles after its current crop of Klingon Academy and New Worlds hit stores. 14 Degrees East has other games planned, but I can't talk about time-scales," said Brian Christian, Director of Interplay's 14 Degrees East division which deals with all of the company's Star Trek titles. "We have two games right now in design that we'll definitely be making, I can tell you that. Every Star Trek game we release will be better than its predecessor, meaning that Star Trek fans will constantly be surprised and amazed by the 14 Degrees East titles they're playing."
Space-based flight sim Klingon Academy is due for release on November 17, while the launch-date for 3D ground-based strategy title New Worlds has been moved back to 2000 after its development was moved in-house to 14 Degrees East from UK developer Binary Asylum.
The Outforce - Falcon @ 3:17 pm PSTJens Larsson of O3 Games has informed Strategy Planet of a new RTS that they were working on, entitled The Outforce. The Outforce appears to be a Starcraft-esque game, where the "Terrans" (and yes, they ARE called Terrans) desert Earth and attempt to establish a colony in a galaxy some distance away, but get involved in a war between two alien races. Sounds sort of familiar... You can view the site here
Two new editorials up! - Gibb @ 11:39 am PSTTwo new editorials have been posted. One is by our new editorial guy, Undwear Ninja, and it's about overclocking. The other is by myself, on shoot 'em games and if they really do cause violence. Check the overlclocking one out here, and the one about shoot em up games here.
Wednesday, September 22, 1999
Homeworld 2? - Cerberus @ 6:26 pm PST This is kinda interesting. Sierra is already starting to think about Homeworld 2. How do I know this? Well, it's all in this interview, where it mentions this:Notwithstanding the reorganization and disappointing cancellations, what do gamers have to anticipate from the Core Games line? The great news for hardcore gamers is that the Core Games business is being run by a hardcore gamer. Mark Hood has been with Sierra for more than 10 years. He started at Oakhurst, worked at Dynamics and most recently has been up in Bellevue in charge of Sierra’s Northwest Studio. He’s the guy behind the team doing SWAT 3D, and has been involved with a ton of Sierra’s hits over the years. He has a good eye for games, he lives and breathes this business, and he has all the tools to build a great organization. Part of Mark’s charter going forward is to get Sierra firmly established in the console side of the business. He’s working hard at building products with international appeal and products that support multiplayer on the Internet. He's been in games and with Sierra almost his whole life. People should be excited about that. He has working in his organization the SWAT guys and the guys from Troika, the former Fallout team who are now building a new product with us. Moving forward, we have Homeworld, which just shipped, and its sequel, Homeworld 2, which we are currently evaluating at this time. Also coming from that group from Valve are Team Fortress 2 as well as Half-Life 2, and Mark’s got an incredible design team in Impressions Games, probably the most successful group within Sierra, who are shipping Pharaoh this year, which is just an incredible title. Another studio we’ve got moving into that group is Papyrus, the motor sports sim developer, who just shipped the new NASCAR 3 and in a few weeks is coming out with NASCAR Legends. I think the world will see that we still own the NASCAR business even though we are now sharing the license with some new guys.
Source: The Guidestone
Septerra Core Preview - Cerberus @ 6:19 pm PSTIPlayGames has posted a preview on Septerra Core. Here's a little preview of it:The demo opens up with a short movie, in game visuals this time, but I have read elsewhere that there will be several FMV sequences through out the game, that ill help to set the mood. Apparently the keys to the Core of the planet have been found and when they are used, at the correct time, the prophecy will be fulfilled. The thing is that no one really knows what this means.
Source: VE
DirectX 7 - Cerberus @ 5:43 pm PSTThe DirectX page has been updated with DirectX7, which will also let you play the Direct3D version of UT when it comes out. Source: Blues News
Tuesday, September 21, 1999
RS Demo Review - Cerberus @ 6:49 pm PST Thresh's Firing Squad has posted a review on Rogue Spear, the sequel to Rainbow 6. The game should be out very soon.
Re-Volt Patch - Cerberus @ 6:28 pm PSTThe latest Re-Volt patch was released today, upgrading it to v1.1. It can be downloaded over here. Here's the new features:-Command line switch -sli fixes Voodoo SLI problems. -Can now select user tracks in multiplayer - run UpdateTrack.exe in editor folder to convert old user tracks to new format. -Track editor tracks can now be exported double size - select "yes" on export when queried. Tracks exported this way will have "double" on the end of their name when viewed in the game. -Track editor now defaults to 2nd card if available (fixes bug with Voodoo cards) -Added command line switch -nomip for graphics cards that can't handle mip map levels. -Now remembers filter and mip map settings between front end and main game. -Misc. other minor bugs fixed.
Source: VE
Eternal War - Falcon @ 12:45 am PSTGA Strategy has had a first look at a new RTS game called Eternal War, from Past Tree Inc. including artwork, screenshots and rendering. Here is part of what they had to say:
Eternal War will have over 100 unique units and buildings for the player to control. EW allows the player to advance his civilization from prehistoric cavemen into the future. This is done through seven different levels in the game. The player can command land, water and air units in the game. Units in EW can be grouped into squads of up to 12 units. Once a group of units is formed into a squad they will protect one another move together and will form formations. Formations allow the player to place his units into a formation to best utilize each unit. This helps a lot when moving a lot of units.
Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas - Falcon @ 12:39 am PSTEidos Interactive announced the release of its strategy simulation game, Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas, for the PC.
Loot and extort your way to infamy in the seedy world of the 17th century Caribbean. Strike terror in the hearts of victims as you board ships, ransom hostages and sack towns. The only rules are the ones you make. Seek a Letter of Marquee and fight for your King and country as a privateer or become a ruthless pirate, either way, remember to ply the crew with rum and treasure or face a mutiny. Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas features over six million miles of territory to explore, and over 70 ports to sack. In addition to the real time top down engine for fighting other ships, Cutthroats features individual control of your crew members when attacking a port. This allows the player to duck in, raze a few buildings, empty the treasury, and return to the high seas. Source: GameHeadlines.com
Monday, September 20, 1999
Diablo Preview - Cerberus @ 3:49 pm PST Gamespot has posted the second part of the Diablo 2 Preview.
New Map for Unreal Tournament - MystikaL @ 3:25 pm PSTMany sources say that there will be a new map included with the upcoming demo for all users with open gl/direct3d/glide compatible video cards. For all you who have already downloaded it there will be two versions. A Patch and the full demo. I presume the patch will not be much over 3 megs where the full version comes in at a whopping 48 megs. Expect a new map with the demo though. I think it is going to be a deathmatch style one but who knows.Also, I want people sending me their feedback on how they like Unreal Tournament. Most feedback will be posted on site. Send the feedback to Me!.
Delta Force 2 Demo - Cerberus @ 2:23 pm PSTPC Gamer has recently posted a demo for Delta Force 2. There aren't any details on the download page, but it does say you need DirectX 6.1 and the download is around 32 megs. Source: Blues News
No Grapple in UT CTF - Cerberus @ 2:19 pm PSTI know we may not have posted about this before, but Epic has been talkin' about if there should be a Grappling Hook in UT CTF or not. Apprently they have come to a decision:First of all we're NOT doing a grappling hook. Period. We've discussed it to death and decided it's not our thing. We like the translocator and we think you'll learn to like it too. We've got lots of heavy-duty CTF players at Epic and DE and we've played and played and played and played UT's CTF to ensure it's right. You guys are going to love some of the other CTF maps. But remember we're trying to do things our way not copy someone else's game. If you really love games you'll learn to appreciate the variety available to you not chastise it. As for a grappling hook for UT - we'll leave that to the mod-makers if they feel it's necessary. I personally think you guys will get more than used the Translocator and it's particular uses and quirks. You love it or hate it the same way you love or hate the grappling hook in other games. You'll learn it's ins and outs the same way you learned the other tools in the other games. One of the posts here said "Item Four: The translocator. First you should be able to destroy enemy units you find lying around." You can destroy enemy beacons. Just shoot them a bunch of times. You can also push them off into lava with a few good shots! If the originator tries to translocator to a broken beacon or one in lava, they'll die. Believe me folks, in the last 16 months we've been working on Unreal Tournament we've had more heated arguments about functionality and what to include/not-include than you'll ever likely see on this message board.
Source: Planet Unreal
FS2 Preview - Cerberus @ 2:10 pm PSTLooks like today is the day for previews :). Anyways, Women Gamers has a preview of Freespace 2 up at their site. BTW, this would be another great game to get when it comes out! I can't wait for it :). Source: VE
WoT Preview - Cerberus @ 1:55 pm PSTAVault has a preview on WoT (Wheel of Time), the upcoming game based on the Unreal engine and the popular fantasy series by Robert Jordan. The preview also features some 3dfx screenshots. Source: Blues News
NR Gaming Infantry Interview - Falcon @ 1:23 am PSTNew Reality Gaming has posted an interview with Jeff Peterson and Jerimy Weeks of Harmless Games, concerning the upcoming multiplayer game Infantry For those who don't know, Jeff Peterson and the rest of the Harmless crew were the creators of the revolutionary internet game Subspace, and left Virgin Interactive after Subspace's release to create their own game development company, Harmless Games. After the shutting down of the Virgin Interactive (VIE) subspace servers last October, Subspace has been a self-supporting game with servers run by the players themselves. Surprisingly, Subspace is still thriving long after its release, enough so that Nick Fisher, CEO of Brainscan Interactive and publisher of INFANTRY has taken interest in buying the full rights to the game.
Sunday, September 19, 1999
Bored - ImPaLe @ 8:45 pm PST I was bored so i decided to write somethin.Okay, I wanna take a tally to see what a peeps opinions are.These are about clans, and I wanna know stuff, because I am thinking about starting one( I was thinking around the games, Homeworld, SC/BW, warcraftII and III, and diablo II for now, then once SC2 is announced then that), and btw, if u wanna help (PLEASE SOMEONE, I AM BEGGING YOU) email me Unreal Tournament Editor - MystikaL @ 5:40 pm PST Here is an email sent to voodoo extreme by Daniel Marcial. It says how to get the Unreal Level editor to work with the Unreal Tournament Demo.You need a) Full, original copy of Unreal b) The UT demo Just copy the UnrealEd.exe into the TournamentDemo\System directory and here we go. Double click the UnrealEd.exe and you can open an mess around with the maps. Might work with other components as well, legacy Unreal maps do not work yet. Source: Voodoo Extreme
FS2 Gold? - Cerberus @ 1:11 pm PSTYesterday, VE reported that Interplay had told them that Freespace 2 had gone gold. However, Volition quickly told VE that it had not gone gold. So, is it gold or not? Hopefully, but we don't know yet.
Very Weird Screenshot... - Gibb @ 8:08 am PSTI found this over at SC.Org... It's a shot of a nexus on a hatchery. Or a hatchery on a nexus. I'm not exactly sure which. Its worth checking out here. Source: Starcraft.org
Saturday, September 18, 1999
Avault's PC Game Release Date List Updated - ImPaLe @ 8:06 pm PST Avault's PC Game Release list has been update to March 2000.Our PC release date list has been updated through March 2000. Our December titles have expanded considerably, so if you are wondering what you will -- or will not be -- playing this Christmas, or what you will be doing to cure those post-holiday blues, head on over here, and check it out for yourself.By the way, I am not "technically" a new staff member, i used to be Narayan.
Masamune Contest Giveaway - Falcon @ 7:39 pm PSTMasamune Online is having a contest giveaway. To find out how to participate and what you can win visit their page
Half Life for Dreamcast? - Falcon @ 5:26 pm PSTTheres no official confirmation from Valve or Sierra but word has been going around that Half Life will be available for the Dreamcast. According to IGN:Dreamcast it will only be available late 2000 so that it will be available for online multplayer.
Hybrid? - MystikaL @ 12:31 pm PSTHe messaged me on aol and claimed that he didn't hack anything but someone impersonated him. Well, I dont know if this is true but if someone will take a good look at the telnet logs on scmillenium then ask hybrid to go on IRC and dns trace him It would be nice. I have known Hybrid for a long time and don't think he would do that, but of course, I could DEFINETLY be wrong.
Friday, September 17, 1999
News Posters - Falcon @ 6:11 pm PST We are in need of one or two dedicated news posters here at GS. If you feel you can post at least one story daily and have good grammar, feel free to contact me at falcon@gamesurge.com and I will get in touch with further details.
Thief Gold Demo - Falcon @ 5:42 pm PSTEidos Interactive and Looking Glass Studios today announced that a Thief Gold downloadable demo is now available. You can get it from here
Starfleet Command Interview - Falcon @ 5:17 pm PSTStarfleet Universe has an interview with Chris Taylor and Scott Bennie from Interplay. These two were part of the team who worked on the recently released Starfleet Command. You can view the interview here
SS2 Patch - Cerberus @ 5:11 pm PSTThe SS2 Patch was released a while earlier today. Among the new changes is the ability for cooperative multiplayer gaming. Source: Blues News
UT Demo Released! - Cerberus @ 3:25 pm PST3Dfx Gamers has just released the UT Demo for 3Dfx cards only. This means that only cards with Glide support can play this. It is around 50 megs. A demo for other video cards (OpenGL and Direct3D supported) will be out within a couple of days. For mirrors, check out Blues News. Source: Blues News
Starcraft Map of the Week - Gibb @ 2:47 pm PSTBlizzard has released the map of the week, called Klondike.
The Koprulu sector has always been filled with prospectors searching the remote regions of planets for new, untapped mineral deposits. The Kel-Morian Combine tries to keep a tight lid on new discoveries to secure their exclusive mining rights, but news of virgin deposits sometimes leaks out. The resulting rush to secure the area by every mining company and private operator in the sector makes the fabled Klondike gold rush on Earth seem rather tame. The fight over a claim now usually sees the use of mercenaries, sabotage, and sometimes even nuclear weaponry...
TFC Section is Back! - Cerberus @ 10:47 am PSTApparently when we moved servers, the Team Fortress Classic Section was left behind. Well, it's back up now!
War2.org Contests announced - Falcon @ 12:15 am PST The contests have been anounced, the deadline has been set, and the game is on. Check out the site to find out how to win yourself a copy of WC:BNE They are holding two different contests, which means two chances to win a copy for yourself. http://www.warcraft2.org
Deer Hunter 3 Gold - Falcon @ 12:11 am PSTGT Interactive announced that Deer Hunter 3 has gone gold and will begin shipping to retail stores nationwide Sept. 27
Thursday, September 16, 1999
TopazChat version6 released - Falcon @ 10:45 pm PST Here is a quote from the TopazChat page
TopazChat version 6 is now available for download. This version is designed ONLY as a chat interface, it has no options for responses, spamming or channel moderation. Several improvements have been made to the chat interface, including support for sound and custom user settings for users on battle.net. Download it here
Delta Force2 Demo - Falcon @ 8:00 pm PST3Dfiles.com has posted the Delta force2 demo (32MB) In Delta Force 2, as in the original, you're a member of the U.S. military's elite anti-terrorist detachment, Delta Force. It's a first-person action game, but it's based on reality; you use real-world weapons and tactics in real-world hotspots, capturing terrorist bases, rescuing hostages, destroying enemy structures and weapons. Source:GameHeadlines.com
More Gold - Falcon @ 7:50 pm PSTAccording to Relic News the much anticipated Space RTS Game Homeworld has gone Gold and should hit stores in about 2 weeks. Check out the demo here Source:Strategy Planet
UT Preview - Cerberus @ 7:47 pm PSTThresh's Firing Squad has just released a hands-on preview of UT! There have been rumors going around saying that UT should be coming out in November. This is definately a game to watch out for! Source:GX
War3 Chat Log - Cerberus @ 7:44 pm PSTDiablo II.net has just recently released the War3 Chat Log from tonite's fansite chat. It talks about the basics of War3, and just what a RPS is. Source:Blues News
Age of Kings gone Gold - Falcon @ 4:41 am PSTThe official AOE2 page has an announcement stating that the game has gone gold. Here is a small part: Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings has gone GOLD today, September 15, 1999 at 3:00pm PST. This means that the game is completed and is expected to start showing up on store shelves in the U.S. in early October; and internationally shortly thereafter. It will be fully localized in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese.
IN-Bob Interviewed! - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 12:13 am PSTI have interviewed the highly respected IN-Bob, one of the best known StarCraft players ever to enter the world of internet gaming. You can head straight over to the interview here. This is a great guy, check it out!
Win a copy of WC:BNE - Falcon @ 12:05 am PSTWar2.org is giving out a free copy of War2:BNE. Here is a excerp from their page.
Okay guys. The strategy man himself, the coolest guy in the world. Okay, that's pushing it; but not for long. Soon you will all be in love with me if you aren't already. You see, I'm holding a contest. Yup, the coolest one ever. But first I need some ideas. Yea, a contest to decide the contest. I want you guys to email me with your ideas as to what the contest should be. Whoever has the best idea will get their name mentioned on this site!!!! And the best idea is what I will use for the grand daddy of all contests. The winner will recieve none other than a copy of Warcraft2 Battle Net Edition authographed by......ME!!!! So send in those ideas so we can get this contest under way!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 1999
SC:Land up - Falcon @ 11:38 pm PST The old SC site, Starcraft Land which went on a hiatus a while ago is back up again with a new layout. You can see them here
Dolphin 256 Bit 400 MHZ System - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 11:18 pm PSTCheck out this info from Nintendo Next:
In a recent report by Newsweek entitled "Who's Got Game?", they outlined the details of the next big three systems: Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, and Dolphin. A big surprise they unveiled, which I'm sure Nintendo will be fairly upset about, was something amazing about the Dolphin. According to the editorial, Nintendo's next-generation console will leapfrog every other 128-bit system with a "256-bit, 400-megahertz IBM PowerPC chip in its upcoming console". Is this the truth? Hard to say. I find it very improbable that IBM developed a chip capable of outputting 256-bits, when Intel is just releasing their much-touted Mercred 64-bit chip this week. However, IBM and Nintendo are tweaking the Gekko processor everyday, and seem to be doing some amazing stuff with it. So we'll really have to do what we've been doing for the last year: wait and see. Just a side note. Sony is going to reveal everything about the PlayStation 2 at a press conference on September 13th. Be prepared for some surprises. And be prepared for Nintendo to counter-attack. Competition is very interesting.
All I gotta say is, if this system actually comes out, I think I'll go nuts..The dreamcast just came out, take a break guys! Who could picture a 256bit 400mhz system anyways? That is some year 2100 gaming :)
X'Ds~Grrrr... and Atlas - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 8:19 pm PSTThese two have made their first strategy post for SC.org. I can tell these two are the best strategy writers ever, as we all well know X'Ds~Grrrr... is the best player Blizzard has ever seen..Check out their first strategy write up, Protoss vs Zerg, here.
Lookin for more WarCraft 3 Info? - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 8:13 pm PSTWebster of Infoceptor has just released his first editorial about WarCraft III. You can read it here. This editorial is pretty long and all typed up by him. It's basically info we already know, but hey, everyone learns a thing or two by reading more previews.
Darkstone Patch Recalled - Cerberus @ 6:48 pm PSTLooks like the Darkstone patch was recalled because it caused fatal errors when installed, and wouldn't let Darkstone to even run. So if you installed it, you're screwed- you might have to reinstall Darkstone. All bugs can be reported to bugreports@darkstonenews.com. Source:24 Hour Gamer
WebMasters Beware - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 6:44 pm PSTStill wondering who hacked sc millenium's news script? Well, it was hybrid, yes, the guy who used to work here, and left us to join infoceptor. Well, he joined them and recently got fired and I got rehired. Look where he is now, down in the dumps. Funny thing is I used to be his friend =( Here's what SC Nation had to say about it: If you haven't noticed already, there is this losor named Hybrid, who put a javascript in SCMillenium's News page which pops up a number of windows on your screen that hop around a do a bunch of crazy stuff, deleted all of their news from yesterday, and put a news post in that shows a picture of a cow with the words "suck it" down the screen. I want to warn all the webmasters in the community NOT to hire this guy, and many of you already know that from experience with him. Already, he has worked for a number of websites, including this site, the former Starcraft Network, and a number of other websites, and everytime he causes trouble. Last night in our irc channel, he went into the channel under my nick and started a bunch of trouble there trying to frame me, as well as impersonating Digital. Hopefully, he will not get hired by anymore websites and we won't have to deal with this losor causing trouble in the Starcraft community anymore. And by the way, feel free to flame him by emailing him at hybrid@scmillenium.com.
Man... - Cerberus @ 6:43 pm PSTDamnit, I couldn't connect to the net yesterday and earlier today 'cause there was something wrong with my modem, or my ISP. Anyways, it's fixed now(FINALLY!). So, now theres gonna be some news :)
Check out my editorial... - Gibb @ 2:22 pm PSTAs some of you know, I'm the new editorial writer here at Gmesurge. I've already written an editorial called "SC2-Can Blizzard do it?" Check it out here. To give you a hint, my next editorial will be entitled "Shoot 'em up games- do they really cause violence?" Until next time...
JA2 Secrets 2 - Falcon @ 4:36 am PSTThe offical JA2 site has posted another installment of "Secrets of Jagged Alliance 2". This time they deal with the mysteries of gun attachments!Phew... enough news to last me a while...
Source:Tactical Planet
Opposing Force Screenshots - Falcon @ 4:30 am PSTWhile at Ground ZERO, the Adrenaline Vault was able to get an up-close demonstration of the official add-on for Half-Life, 1998’s game of the year. Titled Opposing Force and under development at Gearbox Software, it is shaping up to feature the same perpetual challenges and well-crafted sense of immersion as the original. One of the brilliant aspects of Valve’s effort was the intricate scripting, which effectively created the illusion of a world filled with morbid activity. Gearbox is building on this concept to create some stunning escape sequences, including one room that pushed the boundaries of entity placement for the engine. As the player enters the room and heads for the apparent exit, an explosion erupts at the far end. This sets in motion a series of sequential triggers that collapses the room, piece by tiny piece, including rising slime, swinging ladders and crumbling bridges. Levelheaded gamers will be able to leap onto a falling bridge and escape the room at the last moment as the slime rises to the top. In the words of lead design Randy Pitchford, it is an “epic” sequence. You can view the screenshots here
Battlezone2 Interview - Falcon @ 3:38 am PSTGamesDomain has posted an interview with Pandemic Studios' Wil Stahl about Battlezone 2. Here's a slice about the minimum/recommended specs: What will be the minimum and recommended PC specs for the game? And what machine will be needed to run the game with all the graphical options turned up to full? I think our official spec is a P166, 32 meg. I would recommend a P200 or higher if you want to experience most of the cool new environmental effects we've added. A hardware card is also required. Here at work I am running the game on a P350 with a RIVA TNT. I leave everything on and experience very few slow downs. Keep in mind that I am running debugging builds of the game. After we fully optimize the code I expect release builds to be faster.
Source:GA Strategy
Bugs - Falcon @ 6:26 am PSTOur news script is battling a couple of bugs right now, including the time shown being several hours off and some problems witht he headlines. We are working on getting these fixed.
Tuesday, September 14, 1999
Sacred Lands Review - Falcon @ 8:11 pm PST Merrie Rickmann over at Computer Games Online has a review on-line of GT Interactive's strategy/role-playing game, Disciples: Sacred Lands. The game was given an overall score rating of 3 /2 out of 5 Stars. Here's an excerpt:
If you believe that the only good strategy game is one in which you're frantically clicking your mouse and scrolling around the map fast enough to make yourself dizzy, you'll probably want to quit reading now. Those of you who rank a good turn-based strategy game high on the list of life's pleasures will want to learn more about Disciples: Sacred Lands. Click here for more info and screenshots. Source:GameHeadlines.com
Delta Force 2 Demo Preview - Falcon @ 7:55 pm PSTRobert Mayer over at Computer Games Online has a demo preview on-line today of NovaLogic upcoming 3D action game, Delta Force 2. Here's an excerpt:
NovaLogic sent us a demo of their upcoming military action game Delta Force 2, and we've been fiddling with it ever since. The sequel to last year's successful Delta Force, the new game is also a first person, 3D action title that focuses on more or less realistic real-world missions of the sort performed by the US Army's elite commando team, Delta Force. While NovaLogic doesn't promote the title as the last word in realism, but rather as an action game, the original managed to be fairly true to life while not being stodgy. It was if the designers kept the "cool" real world stuff and junked the less fun trappings of reality. Read more and view the screenshots here
Diablo2 SSOTW - Falcon @ 6:06 pm PSTThe Diablo2 Screenshot of the week is out, you can view it here. Find out what happens when an alliance goes awry.
SCMillenium gets hacked - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 5:53 pm PSTTheir news script was hacked if you didn't know yet, I dont know how theyre planning to fix it but they better do something soon because when you click on a news post, you get an unlimited number of popups units you force stop them. This will (obviously) make them lose visitors, and as for the person who hacked their news script, get a life and find something better to do =/
Darkstone 1.3 patch - Falcon @ 5:51 pm PSTAVault has posted the Darkstone v1.3 patch for download. It boasts a lot of new improvements and fixes including a new difficulty level (Hero). Source: Gamers Gateway
More Ladder Resets - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 5:49 pm PSTWill it ever stop? Not with the rules of the ladder system, check out the latest lamers here.
CounterStrike Beta 3.0 released - Falcon @ 5:47 pm PSTHere are some of the new features:
BETA 3.0 [9.14.99] - Added a knife weapon for those last resort situations - Added a kevlar+helmet combination - *GREATLY* improved hostage path AI - Added concussion grenades which shoot out shrapnel as well as a bright flash - Added a new weapon, the Fabrique Nationale P90 submachine gun - Added a radio system - Modified the scoreboard - modified the shotgun - siege, bunker, desert updated - added cs_tire.bsp - added cs_militia.bsp - added cs_hideout.bsp - added cs_ship.bsp - re-added cs_mansion.bsp to map rotation Head over to the Official CS Page for more info.
Servers back up...News Time... - DeaTH~LiZarD @ 5:47 pm PSTOk finally we are on a better, faster, more reliable server..so here I start with the news. If you havent checked out the Brood War World Championshp reports yet, you can find them here:
Game one Report Game two Report Game three Report You can also check out the animated battle maps which I find pretty cool :)
Westwood announces C&C: Renegade - Falcon @ 5:40 pm PSTLAS VEGAS, Sept. 14, 1999 - Five years ago, Westwood Studios launched Command & Conquer and changed forever the face of gaming. The series went on to sell better than 10 million units and has become the most popular PC strategy game franchise in the history. Today, Westwood Studios proudly announces that Command & Conquer is expanding into the 3D action genre with Command & Conquer Renegade. Renegade puts you on the C&C battlefield as the Commando, the one man army made famous in the original Command & Conquer strategy game. Instead of commanding troops from afar, you'll be on the battlefield, in the middle of the war. As the Global Defense Initiative's last, best hope for victory, you'll wage war against the diabolical Brotherhood of Nod using not only a vast array of weapons but more than a dozen vehicles from the Command & Conquer universe. You'll be able to zip around on a rocket bike, fry enemies with a flame tank or throw down death from above in an Orca Fighter. "With the rich world of Command & Conquer as the setting, I think we're going to create an amazing action game," says Louis Castle, executive producer of Renegade and executive vice-president of Westwood Studios. "Intriguing characters, exotic settings, high powered weapons, a fleet of vehicles, Renegade has just about everything." Renegade promises an intense multiplayer experience with a variety of team play options as well as deathmatch variations. Multiplay will be supported through Westwood Online, an online gaming service with more than a million members. More details about Renegade will be released in the coming weeks. Check http://www.westwood.com for updates.
Source: GameNation
Back up - Falcon @ 5:33 pm PSTWe're back online on a new server after a couple of days downtime. This server should be more reliable and faster than our previous one. If you are interested in a job at GameSurge head over to our Jobs page or email me here On another note, we are now looking for quality sites to host, our apologies to anyone who sent in an application but didn't get a reply due to previous problems we had. If you are interested head over to our Hosting page for more info.
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