BattleGoat Studios is pleased to announce new details on its upcoming release "Supreme Ruler 2010". (Particulars are posted on the Official Website Supreme Ruler 2010 is an Economic, Political, and Military Strategy game for Windows based PC's that is scheduled to be released Q3, 2002.What's new :
1) Web Site Updates - 3D Unit Rendering and Military Units
New units continue to be posted weekly. We will actually be posting more that one per week from now on, since if we continued at our current pace, the game will be released before we've posted half the units :-)
As for the complete military equipment list, we have yet to post it to the site. However, we have added additional information on more of the tanks, and have begun publishing technical details on some of the aircraft as well.
2) Supreme Ruler 2010 Progress Report...
We still are on track for a Late Q2 '02 completion for the actual game of Supreme Ruler 2010. However, regardless of the games' completion, scenario development remains the biggest project ahead of us. Although we have a handful of scenarios complete, we still plan on including almost 200 in the release - covering almost every region of the world. (We don't expect the penguins in Antartica to rebel :-) The time requried on accurately detailing each and every region is considerable. We are accurately mapping
the terrain, agriculture sources, mineral resources, petroleum resources, hydro dams, population centers and more... The amount of time required to accurately research and implement each scenario is sure to push that release date back!
Although we have had some suggestions about releasing the game before ALL the scenarios are done and then posting updates with the additional scenarios, we feel that it is important to release Supreme Ruler 2010 when
it is COMPLETE! and not before. We are under no contractual obligation to a release date, and will not release the game before it is ready!
Realistically that means Supreme Ruler 2010 will not likely be released until sometime between September and November of this year.
3) When is a HEX not a HEX... Explaining one of the new Screenshots!
Anyone who has viewed any of our screenshots has seen that Supreme Ruler 2010 uses a Hexagonal grid on the map. However, unlike other strategy games that use such a grid, each grid is not limited to one terrain, or industrial component. In fact, each single hex on the Supreme Ruler 2010 map is comprised of seven segments that can each be unique in its geographic
terrain, and as well could contain a different hex upgrade, such as an electrical plant, airport, seaport, etc...
To illustrate this, we've now added a new screenshot to the web site that, in the center status panel below the map shows an exploded view of whatever hex is currently selected. In this manner a player can better choose where to place hex upgrades, and can experience a more realistic view of the terrain with which they are dealing.
4) A Supreme Ruler 2010 FORUM?
The most common request we've had of late is that we add a Forum to the Web Site. We are currently researching the best way to implement this and will hopefully have one online before the next press update!
5) Developer Diaries - Published at GAMESPY.COM
In September we began posting Developer Diaries to the GAMESPY.COM website. This week the fourth such diary was posted. It goes into detail on the Economic Model that Supreme Ruler 2010 includes. Here's a link directly to the Diary... At our website we have posted links to all the diaries and provided a summary of each's contents.