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Space Jam
Review by ']['yrant234
This is one of the more fun pinball games out there. It is basiclly like
the movie, and you have to score big points to win. The reason this game
is so much better than other pinball games is that it is really differentthan
most others! You can get multiball easily, and you can rack up close to
one million points in a matter of minutes. You can also easily win free
games. I played for five minutes, on one credit, and won about 5 free
games! I recommend this game to novices, and experts! It is really cool
and easy to win!
Graphics = 7
Yeah, you know the graphics, the backboard with the little lights. That
is what I am grading the graphics on. They look pretty good, and really
look like the characters they are supposed to look like.
Fun Factor = 8
I guess you could say this game is pretty fun. You have to make baskets
in the hoop and stuff like that. You can also play a mini-game to help
attack the little weird alien guys that stole the basketball players talents.
Replayibility = 9
You can always play a pinball game over and over against friend and
family to compete to see who is the best. This is one of the best games
to do that on!
Reviewer's Score: 9 / 10
Zalman: ZM-DS4F Headphones
An affordable, ultra-portable headphone set.