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    Star Wars: Episode One
    Review by ']['yrant234

    Graphics = 10

    On a pinball game? Of course! This game has awesome holo-graphic scenes from the movie, which look almost as good as the movie itself! There's a scene where Jar-Jar hits all of those things, and knocks them down, and also the battle in space with young Anakin Skywalker, in the Naboo Fighter. I think that the best cut scene is the one with the Gungans.

    Fun Factor = 10

    Actually playing the scenes from the movie with a small silver ball is really thrilling. It was fun watching the little scenes while you play, especially the Space Battle.

    Sound = 10

    The sounds are great! It plays the music from the movie, and the theme song, which sounds like the real thing. It also plays the tsew and boom of guns, and bombs. The people talking sounds real too, like Anakin, and Qui-Gon.

    Play Control = 8

    The flippers are really responsive (unlike other games I have played,) and hit the ball with great speed.

    Replay Value = 7

    You have to keep playing this game! There are a lot of different cut scenes that you have to see. You can only see them all by playing all the time.

    Game Play = 8

    Great game play, you take on the roles of most of the characters from the movie. The bumpers are great, they are placed in great positions to be hit and start the movies, and holo graphic things.

    Story = 9

    It's the movie story line, what do you expect? Well, ok. It's not EXACTLY like the movie story line, but it is pretty good. It has you interacting with the backgound and stuff, in order to complete your tasks.

    Reviewer's Score: 9 / 10

    " "

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    Zalman: ZM-DS4F Headphones

    An affordable, ultra-portable headphone set.

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