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Conker's Pocket Tales FAQ/Walkthrough (Game Boy/Game Boy Color)
By: bboylen
E-mail -
ICQ # - 38176192
Version 0.1 - 6/13/99

This is my first FAQ I have ever written so feel free to e-mail me
at and give me suggestions about this FAQ. This
FAQ will cover Conker's Pocket Tales for Game Boy/Game Boy Color.


1. Story
2. Conker's Moves
3. Main Walkthrough

1. Story

As told in Game's Instruction Manual... -

"Surprise!" cheered Berri and friends as Conker stared
speechlessly at the mountain of presents before him. "Happy Birthday,

He thanked them heartily, jumping up and down as he eyed the stash
of gifts.

"Hold on", said Berri stepping between the squirrel and his
birthday hoard. "There's something else you have to do first..." She
gave a whistle, and in came a trolley bearing the biggest birthday cake
Conker had ever seen.

"Wow, Berri! This is great!", he exclaimed.

But Berri was frowning. "Hang on," she said suspiciously, "this
isn't the one I made..."

Suddenly the fake cake burst open with a crash. A bulky figure
sprang up from the wreckage, cackling as it landed amidst the presents
and started gathering them up for itself.

"Hey!" Berri squealed at the intruder. "What do you think

Quick as a flash, their uninvited guest turned on Berri and
grabbed her under one arm, even as it turned to flee with its haul of

"Conker!", came Berri's suddenly-panicked voice.

But by the time Conker had pushed through the stunned crowd and
made it to the door, the Evil Acorn and his captive were nowhere to be

2. Conker's Moves

Walking - The Control Pad lets Conker walk around and explore the game

Running - To make Conker run on all fours, double tap a direction on
the Control Pad and keep it help down.

Jumping - Pressing the A Button makes Conker jump. Get a running start
to increase Conker's jumping distance.

Pushing - Stand next to a crate, press the Control Pad towards it, and
press the A Button to make Conker slide it across the room.

Attacking - Pressing the B Button allows Conker to punch at first then
to fire conkers (slingshot ammo) once he collect the slingshot. Conker
can also stomp enemies by pressing the A Button to jump, then pressing
it again in the air.

Digging - Stand in a patch of dirt and press SELECT. Conker will
reappear in another patch nearby, usually on the other side of an

Swimming - Conker can wade through shallow waters by just walking
through it, but to swim and dive through deeper areas he will need to
find a diving mask.
NOTE: On Game Boy/Game Boy Pocket the A button is used to dive and the
B Button to increase speed. On Game Boy Color SELECT is used to dive
while the A and B Buttons boost Conker's swimming speed.

4. Main Walkthrough

Your nemesis, the Evil Acorn has taken Berri and all of your
presents. You must retrieve them, or your birthday party will be

You start out in Conker's home. Go left one room and pick up the
conker and acorn. The exit is to the south of that room. After
leaving Conker's house, to the left you will find a patch of dirt.
Press SELECT while standing on the dirt to dig. You will appear on the
other side of a fence. Collect your first present. Dig back to the
other patch of dirt. Feel free to collect the acorns and conkers in
the fenced in area around Conker's house. One you have done so, dig at
the patch of dirt south of Conker's house. Go south until you come to
a path. Next go right until you get to a sign. Here, go south until
the next fork in the path. There, take the path to the east. Do not
take the next fork to the south, instead keep going the way you are.
You will eventually get to some stairs. Go north through the stairs
and follow the path until you get to a house. Enter the house. Go one
room to the right and talk to the Acorn in the top right corner of the
room. He will give you a key and a present, which you collect right
below you. Leave the house and take note of the location because you
will be returning here quite often in the game. Go back down the path
and steps and talk to the Acorn walking back and forth. He will tell
you to go to the Windmill. To get here from where you are go to the
left and follow the path. At the forks in the path go left, north, and
stop when you get back to the sign that is east of Conker's home. Now
follow the path to the north and watch out for the enemies! When you
get to the next fork that is next to a sign, take the north route and
up the steps. Keep going and go up another set of steps. You have
reached the windmill. Go inside and talk to the acorn. Go up a room
and collect a conker and an acorn. Now go south, then east. This is
the first puzzle in the game and the easiest. See below for how to
solve it. This may seem hard but here is a key to help you out:

G – a block that don't move
H – hole
1, 2, 3... – Moveable blocks

NOTE: this key can only be found here and I will not put it when I show
you how to solve the other puzzles in the game

G 1

Push 1 to the left. Then push it north to get it into the first hole.
Now push 2 north. Congratulations! You have solved the game's first
puzzle. Once completed, go north through the once locked door.
Collect the present and go down the stairs. Pick up the acorn and
conker and go south again. In this room is a conker and your weapon,
the Slingshot. To fire it hit the B Button, but be careful you will
run out of conkers quickly. Next return to the Forest Guardian (I told
you that you would be returning here…). He will let you play his game.
You have to shoot 6 targets in 20 seconds. Don't take too long to aim
because if the target falls back down you have to hit an extra target
in order to win. He will give you access to Spooky Forest. To get
here walk out of his house and go the right a little then north. There
will be a present there. Collect it and go north to enter Spooky
Forest. When you see a sign read it and go the way towards Forest
Wong. You will end up at a house with two doors. Enter through either
door. When you enter go left one room and talk to the Acorn. He will
give you a key. The key is in the bottom of that room. Go back to the
entrance room and go down the stairs. Collect the present and return
to the Forest Guardian's house. Talk to him and he will tell you to go
south-west to find Mushroom Town.

You have the first 5 presents in the game. This FAQ/Walkthrough will
be updated frequently.

Copyright 1999 Brett Boylen

This document may not be reproduced in any means without written
permission of Brett Boylen.


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