Walk through by Jackson Steinkamp and his dad Mark
Version 1.0 September 13, 1999
Table of Contents:
Chapter One - The Forest
Chapter Two - Vultureville
Chapter Three - Krow Keep
Chapter Four - Mako Island
To come:
Chapter Five - Claw Swamp
Chapter Six - Aztec Temple
Chapter Seven - The Catacombs
Chapter One
THE FOREST - Present #1
You start out in Conker's House. You go left to pick up a conker and an acorn. Then go down to exit. Dig (with select) in the patch of dirt to the left of his house. You'll come out inside a fence where you can grab a present. Dig again and you'll go back out.
THE FOREST - Present #2
Then go to the other patch of dirt south of his house. Dig there and you'll come out on the other side of the fence that was blocking your path out. Go south to the path and take a right turn. Follow the path and when you reach the fork, go south. Keep following the path you're on and don't take the other fork. The path looks like steps, so climb them and follow the path. When you reach the sign, don't take the time to read it... just keep going. Take the north path and follow the steps up and to the left. You should find the forest guardian's house. Enter it and go to the room on the right. Talk to the forest guardian. He'll tell you to grab the key and present. They'll only appear after you've talked to him, so don't worry if they aren't there right when you come in.
THE FOREST - Present #3
Exit the forest guardian's house and follow the path that looks like steps down. That will lead you to a fork. Take a left and go back down the path that looks like steps. At the bottom you'll come to the fork again. TAke a left and head north. Keep going north, going right past the path that led from Conker's house here. Go left and watch out for mushroom guys. Turn north at the fork and follow the steps up and to the right, straight in to the windmill. Don't worry about the acorn person in the house. Go to the room on the right and here you'll find your first block puzzle.
Instructions for Block Puzzle
Push A and the direction (with the arrows on the left of the control pad) that you want the block to go.
Push the bottom white block to the left against the green block. Then push the block up right into the hole. Lastly, push the other white block up into the hole. Then the door will open. Go up there to find your present.
THE FOREST - Present #4
Take the top door from where you are. (It opens after you collect the present.) When you are through the door, go through the next door on the bottom and you'll find a slingshot. Grab it and find your way back the beginning of the windmill by going in reverse order through the doors you've travelled through. When you come back to the beginning door, go out and you'll come out outside. Go back the way you came from, back to the forest guardian's house. (Follow the path in reverse.)
Instructions for Slingshot
Hit B to fire. Make sure you don't run out of Conkers. (Look at the bottom right corner to see how many Conkers you have left.)
Once you're back to the forest guardian's house, go right until you find the forest guardian. Talk to him and he'll give you a game to play... your first mini-game.
Instructions for First Mini-Game
Hit B to fire. Steer your cursor around with the control pad and fire when it's right on the target that is standing up. If it falls down, you need to hit an extra target to win. (That happens everytime a target falls down.) It shows on the bottom of the screen your remaining time and remaining targets. Once you finally hit them all in one try, go back out the exit but don't go out the fence. Look up and grab your present!
THE FOREST - Present #5
Get ready for the spooky woods! Go up into the scary-looking trees. At the sign, take a right and keep going right. Shoot all the enemies that you see with your slingshot. Go left, not up. When you reach a dead end (a tree in your way), head up. You can't beat the ant in your way so just run up and to the left before he hits you. Go left. There you'll find a house with two doors. Enter either one. Inside are two more doors. Take the one on the left and then talk to the person. He'll throw a key on the floor for you to grab. Then return to the room on right and take the top door. Grab your present in the room.
THE FOREST - Present #6
From the present room exit through either door. When you get outside, take a right and find your way back to the sign in the rock. Go back to the forest guardian. Don't talk to him. Just keepgoing down the path that looks like steps. Go down the other path of steps on the left. When you reach the fork that led from the house, go south. At the bottom of that path, cross the bridge. Watch out for the crow. Then follow the long path, watching out for mushrooms. AT the fork, take a left and continue. At the end of the path, enter the door. When you see the guy at the top of the house talk to him. He'll give you a present.
THE FOREST - Present #7
Exit through the top door, which opens after you grab the present. At the end of this path, you come to your next block puzzle.
First push the top block left, then down, then right, into it's hole. Next, push the bottom block down, then left into the hole. Then push middle white block down into its hole. Then run out of the door and through the door that was closed before you completed the block puzzle. Go down. Stomp the mouse. (To stomp, press A-A quickly). Then go up and out of the door. Go left and enter the door that wasn't open before. Go down, go left and through the exit door. Enter the next house, go right and you'll be at your next block puzzle. First push the top block left. Tlhen the second to top block left and up. Push the block on the left and the bottom up to the hole. Lastly push the other white block right into its hole. Then go down and exit. Talk to the acorn person and he'll tell you there's a switch puzzle in the room at the left. There you'll find three switches. Stomp the middle first, then the bottom, then the top. Go through the top door and grab the next present.
THE FOREST - Present #8
Stomp the switch in that room. That activates another door. Find your way back to the room with the acorn person and exit through the bottom door. Enter the next house and go up t hrough the last door. There's another mouse. Stomp him, then exit through the top door. Then go down... exit at the bottom. Enter the next house. If you enter the left door, you can go up and around to the right. If you enter the right door, y ou can go straight up. You'll see five switches. Stomp them in this order, middle, bottom right, top left, top right, bottom left. That will open the door at the top of the room. Enter it and run straight down to the exit. Two mice await you. Stomp them. After you've beaten them enter the door on the right. Exit through the bottom to the outside. Run right and into the cave. Walk up and right, watching out for the spider. Dodge the lasers coming from the right. Then go up and to the right and dodge those lasers. Talk to the acorn. He'll ask you if you have seven presents yet. If you don't have seven presents, you'll need to go back and get them. If you do have seven, dig down through the dirt. Exit the bottom door, grab the acorn, and watch out for the ant and the crow. Go down, right, up and you'll find the evil acorn. Talk to him and go up through the top door. Run up through the top trees. Wait for Hssstamean the snake to come around. When he does fire at his head with your slingshot. It takes five hits to beat him. Never run out from between the two trees. After you hit him five times, evil acorn speaks. Go out the same path you entered and grab present eIght. Enter the whirlpool and you'll end up in a different place. Go up and talk to the acorn. He'll tell you that you've beaten the snake. A piece of paper appears to the left. Push the log to the left of the paper the same way you'd push a block in a block puzzle. Next cross the water. Follow the yellow path. Enter the barn (you have to have eight presents). Go up and talk to the acorn. Enter the door at the top of the screen. Stomp on the mouse. That will open the door on the right side. Go out through the bottom door. There are three more switches. Stomp in the following order: left, right, middle. Enter through the top door. There's a block puzzle there. Push the top block up and then left into its hole. Push the block in the upper left corner left and up into its hole. Push the block second from the bottom up. Then push the last block left. You've solved the block puzzle. Then go down through the door and door on the right side of the room. Get the key on upper right corner of the room. Exit through the bottom door. Welcome to Vultureville!
Chapter Two
Follow the path to the left. You'll see a house with two doors. Enter the left door. Go right through the two doors and go up through the top door. Stomp the mouse and go right, then down, then right again through the top part of the room. Talk to the person and hit the switch that opens the door on the far left side that wasn't open before. Keep going all the way to the left and enter the door that wasn't open before. Go up and right and you'll find the present.
There should be a switch puzzle Hit fs top left first, then bottom right, top right and lastly bottom left. Exit back out the left door. There are tons of conkers and acorns. Go through the right fence. Follow the yellow path that leads you to a sign that says Vultureville. Check out the hotel first. Talk to the acorn and he'll tell you to see the undertaker. First you'll want to explore. Go to the top right corner of the room. Enter the door. Stomp the mouse if you want. Go back and exit the hotel. To go the undertakers, go past Smithy's. Enter the Undertaker's building right of Smithy's. Make your way to the top door. It leads out. Follow the yellow path to the ladder and keep following the yellow path. Go between all the treesor to the right of them and you'll find a "stonehenge" structure. At the top right corner you'll find a key. Go to the house on the top left corner. Talk to the acorn in the house. He'll give you a present. Grab it.
Another acorn will appear. He'll put you in jail. To get out you'll have to solve the switch puzzle in this order... top right, bottom right, bottom left, top left. After you get it, exit the cell and go right and enter the next cell. The order for this cell's switch puzzle is ... top left, bottom left, bottom right, middle, top right. Next go right to the next cell and enter it. This cell has six switehes. Heres the order BL, BM, BR, TM, TL, TR. Exit out and run down the pathway. Run left through the two doors. Speak to the acorn. He'll ask you to go the bank and give you a present. Grab it!
The bank is two buildings below Smithy's. Once your in there, talk to the acorn. Run up through the hole and talk to the second acorn. Time for a mini-game.
Instructions for second mini-game.
Hit left and right to steer Conker. Try not to get hit by Honker's shots. The number of red lines on the bottom of the screen shows how many hits you have left. The blue lines show his energy level, just like the red shows yours. Hit A to fire and B to duck. He can't shoot at him or be hit while you're ducking. You don't need to hold B to stay ducked. Hit B again to get to normal position.
After you beat him, you'll receive a present. Grab it.
Get out of the bank and find the Sheriff's House. It's one building left of and one building above the bank. Talk to the person inside then exit again. Go to the bottom right corner of the course. You'll find a sign that says VV. Go past the sign but don't cross the bridge. Go right until you find some teepees. Enter whichever one you want and talk to the acorn inside. Then exit the teepee. Take the bridge and go left. You should find a house that says pan for gold. Enter it and go to the far left room and talk to the acorn inside. Exit. Then go back into VV the same way you came. Find Smithy's (one building right of the Sheriff's). Enter Smithy's and go to the top. There should be a person there. It's Smithy! Talk to him and then look for Dusty's. It's one building left and one below the bank. First defeat the bat by shooting him with a slingshot. Then talk to Dusty. He'll give you a tankard. Then go back to Smithy's and he'll melt the tankard down into a pan. Grab the pan and the present (it only appears after you get the pan) by the door before you leave.
Exit Smithy's and go out of Vultureville. Go down the bridge and left to get to the gold-panning area. Go the far left area and talk to the acorn again. He'll say that you're ready for mini-game number 3.
Instructions for third mini-game.
Hit left and right to steer your pan to a nugget. Hit A or B to grab a nugget. Then push left-right, left-right, left-right, etc. to shake it. When you see the bag at the bottom of the screen, that means you've got a gold nugget. The more bags you have, the more gold you have. You need to fill up the bottom black part of the screen all the way to win. You'll also see a timer on the bottom right that shows you how much time you have left. Once you've filled up the bottom of the screen, grab the gold and exit the house.
Go right and back to the bridge. Go up the bridge but don't go into VV. Take a right and go back to the teepees. Enter any of them and talk to the acorn inside. Exit the teepee and go to the top. There should be a ladder. Climb it. At the end of the ladder you'll find a present!
Keep going up watching out for walking cacti. If you find another ladder, climb it and you should find the evil acorn. Get ready for Luxo and Sol, two serious, mean, angry, tough bosses.
Instructions for battle vs. Luxo and Sol
They'll fly around trying to hit you. Always keep an eye out for them. Don't try to hit them while they are moving... it's wasting ammo. It takes four hits on one bird and five on the other. Use the slingshot by pushing the B button. Good luck!
Once you've beaten them, there should be a present and a diving mask. Make sure you grab both items.
Go down the two ladders you came from and then find your way back to the bridge that leads to Vultureville. Don't go across it. Dive into the water. Hit select to dive in a dark area. There should be an invite on one side and a present on the other side. Swim to both and get both items.
KROW KEEP - Present #1
Exit out the top of VV and cross the bridge. Follow the yellow path and exit out of the fence. Then go right and enter the barn. Go up to the top room and enter the door there. You should be at the switch puzzle. Go in the top door and then the left door, and then the bottom door, and then the bottom door again to get outside. Dive into the river below you and go left. Keep following the river. Once in the lake, dive down. Watchout for all the fish. Enter the well (a hole in the water) to get outside. Go left and up and find a tent. lEnter it and talk to the acorn. Get ready for another mini-game, the same as your first, but with less time to knock over the targets. You only get ten seconds. You get a present after you win. Grab it and the token at the top.
KROW KEEP - Present #2
Exit the tent and go up and across the river and search for a tent. Enter it, if there's an acorn inside it, it's the right one. This is your fifth mini-game.
Instructions for fifth mini-game.
For those of you who have N64's Mario Party game, you'll know how to do this. It's similar to the shell game. You watch which cup the acorn puts the pea under. Keep your eye on it. Steer the hand around to pick which cup has the pea. You need to get it right two out of three tries. After you win, you get a present.
KROW KEEP - Present #3
Exit the tent and go down and left. Go through the river and past the snake. Go to the bottom and then left. Dodge all the trees and enemies and you'll reach a third tent. Enter and talk to the acorn. He'll give you a key and a present. Grab both and exit.
KROW KEEP - Present #4
Go back to the right, dodging the trees and enemies. Go past the snake again and there should be a place where the side of a castle is visible. Enter the castle door. You're now in Krow Keep. Go up through the next door. Watch out for the mouse as you make your way to the door on the right. Enter the top door. You'll see spikes. Don't stop on them as you shoot Waldorf. Every time you hit him he'll shoot a buzz saw at you. When you hit him again the buzz saw will disappear. After four hits, he'll give up a present. Grab it!
KROW KEEP - Present #5
Now go down the steps and through the bottom door. Stomp on the yellow stones if you want an extra acorn. Go right and enter the next door. Watch out for the lasers in the wall as you make your way to the top door. Go left. Get ready for a running jump over the spikes. (Run by tapping the control pad inthe direction you want to go, then push A). Enter the door on the far left. Make two quick running jumps over more spikes and then go down. There's a bat. Jump over the hole with a running jump. Don't fall in the hole. Do a running jump to the spikes when they are down, then quickly run up before they come back up. There are two statues. Enter the door between them. Win another battle with Waldorf. After four hits, he'll give up the present.
KROW KEEP - Present #6
Exit down the stairs and go through the left door, then the bottom door. Then jump the gaps. Make a run across the spikes when they are down. Then go through the bottom door. Go through the next bottom door. Lots of spikes to get past. After a while, you'll get to a door... go through it. Go through the bottom door and then the right door. If you want an invite, stomp on the flagstones. Go through the right door, then down and left. Watch out for the sword. Go through the door between the two statues. Win another battle with Waldorf. This time he shoots swords. After four hits, he'll give up the present.
KROW KEEP - Present #7
Exit through the stairs. Take the left door. Watch out for blobs as you make your way through the door and tothe next right door. Now jump over the spikes and run and stomp the switch. Go back across the spikes and find your way back to the beginning of this area. Go left, up and right and then up and left to the mouse. Go left and up. You should be back to the major spike room. When you pass a door, go through it. Keep going right and jump the spikes. Watch out for the laser, making your way right and up. Go right again. You should find a room with lots of conkers and acorns. Keep going right and then down. More lasers. Keep going down. Then jump the spikes and the gap and go through the door on the right. Keep going right. through the right door and then down. Dodge the buzz saw as you make your way down to the next door. Take a left. Go past the statue, and take the bottom path. Take a right and up to a door. Enter. You'll have another battle with Waldorf. He shoots two buzz saws this time. Otherwise it is the same. Beat him with four hits and you've got the present.
KROW KEEP - Present #8
He should increase your rating to Nutty Forager. Now take the bottom door and you'll be at a block puzzle. First push the bottom right block right into the hole. Do it when the spikes are down. Push the top block up into its hole. Push the bottom left block left. Once your clear it, go out the top door. Go left, down and left again. Keep going left past the three sets of spikes. Then go up through the door, dodge the buzz saw, to the next top door. Work your way up to the door in the top right corner. Go up to the door right after that door. Go up to the exit door at the top. Get ready for guess who? It's Waldorf again. Talk to evil acorn and he'll ask if you've already met Waldorf. Take the top door and get ready for the toughest battle so far. He shoots two buzz saws and a sword each time you hit him. Four hits will get you the final present and the portal, warping you right back to the entrance of the castle.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #1
Find your way back to the well and enter it. Dodge the fish as you make your way back up to the surface. Now you have a choice between Mako Island or Claw Swamp. Let's go to Mako first. Go right until you are back on land. The proceed past the acorn and follow the path. Watch out for the crow. Go left, go down. Beat the guy and cross the bridge. This time dive into the river and follow it to the left. Keep going. Turn north and then turn right to get back on land. Then take a left after you're past the bridge. Then go north and left back into the water. Find the dark part of the water and dive in. Go left and into the next hole in the water, then exit to the south. Welcome to Mako Island.
Go south and dive into the water. Watch out for sharks. Make your way to the next island. Go down, turn right and go past the hole. Keep going right, then turn up when you see the stairs. Go straight up and follow the path. Then go into the house that says Ted's Boats. Talk to the acorn in there (Ted). He tells you to search for the forest wong. Go left and back up to the island you came from. Find the yellow path and the sign and go left to enter the house. The forest wong is inside. He'll give you a present and some good advice.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #2
Go south, back to the island you came from. Find Ted's Boats and talk to him. He'll ask you to get an engine, a propeller, a rudder and some wood. Grab the present and exit out the door.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #3
From Ted's Boat, go down after you've exited. Follow the brown path. Go outside of the brown path and you should be on the outside of the island. Work your way left. Once you're the point, swim out into the water. You'll find another island. Get on the island and go right. You'll find a hut there. Enter it. There should be an acorn inside of it. The acorn will give you a rudder that Ted asked for if you beat Honker in a swimming race.
Instructions for mini-game six.
To swim, press the control pad right and left quickly and repeatedly. Hit A when it says you should breathe. SUPERTIP: We've found that your fingers get tired and have won more easily using the eraser ends of two pencils to increase our speed and save our fingertips. However, this required two players, one on the pencils and on doing the breathing.
It's kind of a long race. A good time is about 80-85 seconds. The skunk, your competition, swims the race in about 91 seconds. You'll get a present and the rudder Ted Acorn asked for.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #4
Now exit the hut. Go to the far right of the island. When you see the water, dive in. Go down to the next island. There should be a hut in the middle of the island. Enter the hut and talk to the acorn. He'll give you the engine Ted want's if you beat Honker in the hurdle's race.
Instruction for mini-game seven.
See mini-game six instructions. Use the pencil technique here also. Hit A to jump at the exact right time. Good luck! You're time will need to be less than 36.2 seconds to win here. The acorn dude gives you the engine for Ted and a present.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #5
Exit this hut and go to the top of the island. Swim up the next island above it. If you want, find the invite and go to the island on the right. There's a secret present there. They help you gain high ratings and scores. Go left to the island there. Then go south again. The next island you find there is Ted's Island. Keep going south and then go left to the far left side of this island. You'll see a point sticking up and to the right. Then come around and go right again. Keep going right until you are at the far right corner of this island. When you see some bushes, go in between them into the hut. You'll see Mr. Acorn in there.
Instructions for mini-game eight.
This is a tough mini-games you'll have to win. Win it and you've got the third piece for the boat, the propeller. It's a long jump contest. You must jump 5.00 meters or longer to win. SUPERTIP! Use the two-player, pencil technique. Push the control pad left-right until you reach the take off line. Keep pushing them as you jump by pushing A. Let go of A when the launch angle is between 27 and 32 degrees. You'll have to practice this one for a little while at least.
When you win, grab the present. The forest guardian will increase your rating to AA - Acorn Agrivator.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #6
Go back to Ted's Island. Look on the map on the back of the hut you are in for assistance. If you find a cave, enter it and up left and out of the exit. Go left and up the stairs. You should find a hut. Enter it. Get ready for your last mini-game of all.... The Coconut Shoot.
Instructions for mini-game nine.
Shoot the coconuts using the A and B Buttons. They fly across from both directions. The A button fires at the coconut when it's in the right target box, the B in the left. You get more points if you hit them on the first shot, and you have to get most of the coconuts in the target box closest to the side from which the coconut came.
After you win, you'll get a present and you're final boat part... the wood.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #7
Go out and back into the cave. Go down through the door, right through the door, and down through the final door. Go right to the stairs and go up to Ted's Boats. You should have all four boat parts now. Talk to him and he'll give you a present and build his boat. You can go out the door. Grab the present.
MAKO ISLAND - Present #8
Once outside, go to the far left side of this island. You'll find evil acorn. Get ready for one of the toughest boss battles in CPT. This is the boat race, using the boat Ted built. Talk to the evil acorn. He wants your boat and makes a bet. You beat him in a race and he'll free Berri. Lose the race and she'll be history. Don't be worried, he's just pulling your leg. He doesn't do either, win or lose.
Instructions for boss battle four.
Once you talk to evil acorn, get ready for the boat race. Hold A for acceleration. Steer with the control pad. To move diagonally, push the control arrows in that direction. For example, if you want to go up and to the right at the same time, push both up and right arrows on the control pad together at the same time. There are different paths to take. We recommend this path: Go north, northeast, until you reach part of the island hanging down, go down a littlle, go under the rock, steer up so you get over the next point, then go down, go past the next point, go straight down, take a left and steer around the point. Here's your fork... take a left, go straight west, until you hit a rock. Go up and to the left diagonnally, Go straight up when you reach a point. He slows down a lot at this time. Go straight up for a while and you'll be at the end.
After you beat him, he won't give you Berri, but he will give you a present and an aztec key.
CLAW SWAMP - Present #1
You need two of these keys to get into the Aztec temple. Go back into Ted's house. Check the map for the Forest Wong's island. You want to get to the upper left part of this island.
We will continue this walkthrough and update it soon.