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Pokemon Missingno FAQ version 1.2
by Matt Sweeney, 2-27-99


2-27-99: Added a glitch, some advice, and a few strange things.
Attempted to fix the Missingno picture.

Obviously, little or no people know about Missingno. This FAQ is
designed to tell you how to find Missingno in the Blue and Red American
versions and get an incredibly powerful bonus.


1. Go through the game until you have fly, surf, and have reached
Cinnabar Island.
2. Okay, there's something you need to know beforehand before you do
this. On the east coast of Cinnabar, surf along the narrow land
strip as close to land as possible. Pokemon from the last grass
patch you were in will be there. This is a good trick because it
works with Safari Zone.
3. Now, the guy in Viridian that teaches you how to catch pokemon (he's
the guy at the north end that asks you if you are in a hurry; say
no) is for some reason counted as a grass patch. Have him show you
his demonstration and then fly to Cinnabar and surf along the east
coast. You will find some _high_ level pokemon (if you catch one
higher than lv. 100, it will return to lv. 100 as soon as you
receive exp. points; you can use them to battle friends, though).
When you get into a battle and the screen is black for longer than
usual, you'll know you have found one. Some of them are called
### `m ** and are either lv. 0 (which you shouldn't put in a box or
the game will freeze) or lv. 80. Once they gain a level, they evolve
to Kangaskahn, Mankey, Rhydon, or possibly more. Sometimes, they
don't evolve. For some reason, these ones have a Rhydon's cry, and
sometimes it is called Rhydon on the second page of the status
screen. If you have 150 pokemon, it will be called Missingno and
will be at lv. 146. This one makes a Pidgey cry. If you catch it, it
will screw up all the battle scenes and won't be recorded on your
Pokedex. Also, after you name it, you will still be in a battle. Its
invisible, but if you catch it again, it will be a Ditto. The good
thing about Missingno is that when you get into a battle with it,
the sixth item on your list is multiplied by 129, or something.
You'll know if it worked if the number has a little box thing in the
tens place. At one point, it will seem as if you have one left, but
you can keep using them and they will turn to 99. the next time it
looks as if you have one left, you do, so repeat the trick as
necessary. Some great items to do this with are nuggets, master
balls, rare candies, and the coin case. What you do with the coin
case is do the trick with it, and then deposit it. You will now have
two! If you have, say, 9999 coins in it, you will get another one
with 9999 coins! Very helpful. This is what Missingno looks like:


or something like that. I think it's supposed to be a bird. It has two
water gun attacks and one sky attack.

P.S. For those of you that have 150 pokemon, check your Elite Four hall
of fame. Do you have an invisible pokemon there with type 1: bird and
type 2: normal? That's Missingno! My friend even had a Mew on his elite
four thing. It also gets screwed up if you catch Missingno. E-Mail me
if you find any more interesting things about Missingno.

P.P.S. Check the icon next to Missingno on the status screen. It
changes every once in a while.

Special Thanks:
Spencer for telling me the whole thing
Donnie Wells for the info for version 1.2

This FAQ is not to be copied or distributed for profitable means, but
go ahead and print it if you want. If you want to use this on you web
page, you don't need permission, just don't change it majorly or say it
was crappy or whatever.

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