This the starting place of the game. Your mom will tell you that Dr. Okido/Dr. Oak wants you. Go to the big house and talk to your rival and everyone in the room, one of them gives you a free Good Tasting Water/Potion. Try to leave the town and Dr. Okido will come get you and you will be able to choose a Pokemon. There is Fushigidane/Bulbasaur, a poison and plant/posion and grass monster, Hitokage/Charmander, a fire monster, and Zenigame/Squirtle, and water monster. I suggest getting the monster that fits your game, if you're playing green, get Fushigidane/Bulbasaur, if red, get Hitokage/Charmander, if blue, get Zenigame/Squirtle. Or you could pick Fushigidane/Bulbasaur because he's a double type(posion and plant/poison and grass). Your rival will pick up the Pokemon right of yours. Once you try to leave, your rival will challenge you.
[Route 1]
On the way to Viridian, fight and catch a Ratta and Pidgey. These will evolve once and are your basic Pokemon.
[Tokiwa/Viridian City]
Talk to the Shop clerk and then head back to Dr. Okido/Oak with the Shop Note. Give it to Okido/Oak and then head back to the Shop and grab some Monster/Poke Balls and Good Tasting Water/Potions. Beat the Gym. Sakaki, the leader, will return Tokiwa Gym after you defeat all other 7 Gym leaders.
[Route 2]
[Tokiwa/Viridian Forest]
You should grab a Pikachu who will evolve with the Thunder Stone and is your basic Electric Pokemon, and a Trancell, Kakuna, who will go through 1 more evolution to their final stage. There are 2 minor trainers here also. On the road on the right side of Tokiwa/Viridian Forest, go through the road, but you need a Pokemon equipped with Hidden Machine 01/Cut. You can get Bariyaado/??? by trading Kacy/??? at a cottage.
[Nibi/Pewter City]
Himitsu no Kohaku/Fossil Amber is in the back house of Hakubutsukan, the museum. In order to enter it, you need to cut a small tree by a Pokemon equipped with Hidden Machine 01/Cut. Himitsu no Kohaku/Fossil Amber will become Ptera at Pokemon Laboratory in Guren Town/.
[Mt. Otsukimi/Moon]
Here you can get 1 of 2 Kaseki(Fossil). After fighting the trainer in front of 2 Monster Balls, you can choose Kai no Kaseki or Kora no Kaseki. Kai no Kaseki will become Omnight, Kora no Kaseki will become Kabuto at Pokemon Laboratory at Guren Town.
[Haneda/Cerulean City]
In this city you can trade Nyorozo for Ruujura and also a Poppo/Pidgey for a Kamonegi/Farfetch'd. To get the bike go into the house with all the people and pokemon in chairs and talk to the guy on the couch and you get the Bike Ticket. Take it to the Bike Shop. Beat the Gym here and head North to Masaki's house. Here you will get Ticket to St. Annu. On the road South from Hanada City. There is a house, Sodateyasan's, on the road. At the end of the road, a big building is a gate house for Yamabuki City (at this point, the guard will not let you through). The small building is the entrance of underground passage to Kuchiba City.
[Kuchiba City]
Beat the Gym leader and talk to him after to get the best Electric attack. South of here there is a Daycare Center where a guy will upgrade your Pokemon. In one of the long houses, an old man will trade you a Goosuto for a Goorikii. If you do this later in the game, get your Goorikii at Champion Road so he'll be at a high level.
[St. Annu/Anne]
You can get on the boat with Ticket for St. Annu. On this boat, there are many trainers and some items. The most important item of them is Hidden Machine 01, which the captain will give you after you've beat everyone. You'd better get the Hidden Machine 01 after you get other all items, because the boat will depart when you get the Hidden Machine and get off the boat.
[Kuchiba City] Go East and you will find a building at the righthand side of the road, there is a man at 2nd floor. He will give you Dowsing Machine if you get more than 30 monsters. In the house that leads to the tunnel south of Kuchiba City, the girl will trade you Nyoromo for a Rattata.
[Diguda Cave]
It leads to the road near Nibi City.
[Haneda City]
Go East and enter the Iwayama Tunnel.
[Rock Tunnel/Iwayama Tunnel]
It is very dark inside of the cave, so you need a Pokemon equipped with Flash (Hidden Machine 05)
[Shion Town]
At the north of the town, there is a big building, Pokemon Tower. In order to identify and fight with monsters in the tower, you need Shirufu Scope, which you can get at basements of Game Corner in Tamamushi City after you defeat the boss.
[Pokemon Tower]
After defeating all the Rocket Gang members in the tower, you can save Fuji Rojin from them. He will give you Pokemon Flute at his house. Go West from Shion Town which will take you to Yamabuki City and the underground pass to Tamamushi City. (However, at this point, a guard will not go through in the gate house to Yamabuki City. )
[Tamamushi City]
The biggest city in the Pokemon world. You will need to come to this city at various stages. You can get an IIbui in a big house, use a stone to evolve him. The Gym leader has the best Plant attack.
[Tamamushi Department Store aka SHOP]
In this store you can buy many items, including Stones that will evolve your Pokemon, Waza Machines and so on. You should evolve all your Pokemon through the stones. Also, pick up 3 of each drinks plus one more on the top floor. Give 3 of each to the girl to get some Waza Machines.
[Game Corner, Keihin Kokansho, and Basements]
You can play a slot machines here, but you need Coin Case and coins to play a slot. Some of persons will give you coins in the game corner. You can get coins by looking around, or walk around and press A button for each one step. You can find hidden coins. There is a hiding basements of the Rocket Gang in this Game Corner. Sakaki, the boss of the Rocket Gang, has Shirufu Scope. You will need it to beat Pokemon Tower. You can get Waza Machines and Pokemon in by trading your coins at Keihin Kokansho. Make sure to get Hakuryu, the second one down from the middle teller(the one that costs 5400). Go West from Tamamushi City. In the upper left house, you can get Hidden Machine 02. On this road, a Kabigon is sleeping. If you have Pokemon Flute you can wake up Kabigon and fight it.
[Cycling Road]
This leads to Sekichiku City. This is a cycling road so you need the Bike to go through. Or if you don't have the bike, go back to Shion Town.
[Shion Town]
North on this road leads to Sekichiku City. On this road another Kabigon is sleeping so use the Pokemon Flute. At the end of the road, there is a gate house for Sekichiku City. At the upstairs, there is a man and he will give you Learning Machine if you get more than 50 monsters.
[Sekichiku City]
Head North to the Safari Zone. Also here, Encho, director of Safari Zone, will reward you with Hidden Machine 04 if you give him the Gold Dentures(in Safari Zone)
[Safari Zone]
At the end of Safari Zone there is a cottage called "Treasure House" where you will get Hidden Machine 03 from a man if you trade him the Kin no ???/Gold Dentures.
[Yamabuki City]
You can get here from Hanada, Shion, Tamamushi and Kuchiba. At first, the gate guards will not let you through the gates. First go to Tamamushi City Department Store, get something drink from a vending machine on 6th floor (there are 3 kinds, any will do), and go to the gate and give him the drink. There are 2 Gyms, one is Kakuto Dojo, where you can get Sawamuraa, the kick devil, or Ebiwaraa, the punch devil. The other is Natume's Gym, but first, there is a man in front of the Gym. In order to enter the Gym, you need to go to Shirufu Company, the biggest building in Yamabuki City, and defeat all Rocket Gang members in it and you get Laplace. Also, after doing so the girl in the house at left will trade you Waza Machines for Pippi Dolls.
[Shirufu Company]
There are many Items and Rocket Gang members in here. Adding to it, you need to jump from point to point. You also need the Card Key to open doors. After defeating Sakaki, talk to the sitting man and he will give you Master Ball. It has a 100% chance of catching. Only use it to get Mewtwo, or one of the 3 Birds.
[Deserted Electric Plant]
Cross the water after you get out onto the other side of Iwayama Tunnel. There are lots of Electric Pokemon are here. Also here is Thunders, the Electric Bird. Note: To catch Thunders you must have a Master Ball.
[Futago Shima]
Cross the water after you get to Sekichu City. Many Water Pokemon here. This is where Freezer, the Ice Bird is. Note: To catch Freezer you must have a Master Ball.
[Haneda Cave]
North-East of Haneda City is Mew, the best Pokemon. Note: To catch Mew you must have beaten the Pokemon League and continued and have a Hyper Ball or better
[Guren Town]
South of Masaru Town. Enter the Pokemon Laboratory and get some new Pokemon. Depending on what fossil you got after you beat the first boss, you get Kabuto or Omnight. You can also get Ptera if you picked up the Himitsu no Kohaku in Nibi City. Beat the Gym and head North back to Tokiwa City.
[Tokiwa City]
Here is the final Gym. After beating it, go West.
[Champion Road]
To pass here you will need Hidden Machines 03 and 04 and the Pokemon to use them. Here is Booster, the Fire Bird.
[Sekei Height]
Here is a Pokemon Center with added Shop. Go though the door at top to fight the last bosses. There are 5 of them, the last being your rival. Good Luck!
[Party Making Stradegy]
Some party making stradegies are to only use Pokemon that evolve through stones, like Pikachu and Nidokings and Queens. I think this is a good stradegy. You also should have variety because, well this brings us to the next section.
[Battle Stradegy]
In battle, use your head. Fight Ice Pokemon with Fire, fight Electric and Fire with Water, ect. You should have a variety of Pokemon so you can adapt to any battle situation.
[Collecting Pokemon]
To catch a Pokemon, it's best to get it's HP down low, and then throw a Monster Ball at it. It's even better when it's asleep, paralyzed, poisoned, ect.
[Upgrading Pokemon]
You can use a variety of ways to advance your Pokemon. One is just plain- ol' fighting. Each 8-16-32 or so levels up your Pokemon evolves. Or you can use stones. There is a Learning Machine that splits up after battle Exp. between your Pokemon. The best Waza/Attack are learned naturally, but the best Waza Machine, still not as good as natural Waza, are obtained from Gym Trainers or on Champion Road.
Q. How do I catch Freezer/Booster/Thunders/Mewtwo? A. Ah, the ultimate Pokemon. Just use a Master Ball(Obtained from the Rockets in Yamabuki City), you only get one though, so use it well! It's best spent on Mew, but he only becomes accessible near the end of the game.
Q. How do I beat the last boss? A. Use a variety of Pokemon on Lv. 40+. Make sure you have your starting Pokemon(Fushigidane, Hitokage, Zenigame, upgraded to final form), Ibuui(upgraded with a stone), and your Ultimate Pokemon(Freezer/Booster/Thunders/Mewtwo)
Q. How do I get Mewtwo/Mew? A. To get Mewtwo, see above. To get Mew, No. 151, you must either do a code or win a Nintendo Pokemon Tournament. When you do the code, it turns any Pokemon into Mew. When you win the Nintendo Tournament, they install it onto your game, the code is the back-end of this.
Note: Some names aren't translated, but the ones that are go [Japanese name]/[American name]
Hidden Machine 1 [Cut Down Bushes/Cut] In Kuchiba City there is a ship. If you have visited Masaki's then you have a ship ticket. Get onboard and get to the Captain's room you can get it.
Hidden Machine 2 [Flash] Go through the Iwa Tunnel. At the other end you can get the 5th ability Flash once you have 10 monsters. This is used for only lighting up a Otsukimi Yama/Mt. Moon that you will only have to go through once.
Hidden Machine 3 [Ride the Waves/Surf] In Sekichiku City there is place called the Safari Zone. Follow the arrows till you get to the Treasure House. Now you can now swim. You need this to get Mewtwo, Freezer/Aritcuno, Fire/???, and Thunder/Zapdos.
Hidden Machine 4 [Pushing Rocks/Strength] Near the Treasure House you can the Kin no Taro/Gold Dentures. Give them to the guy in the house across the road to the left of the Pokemon Center. Now you can push the rocks like the one in his house. You need this go get the Freezer/Aritcuno and Fire/???.
Hidden Machine 5 [Fly in the Sky/Dig/Fly] Near the Kabigon/Snorlax in Tamamushi City there is a bush, cut it down, go through the gate and into the house where there will be a girl who'll give it to you.