Nettou King of Fighters '96 -------------------------- Gameboy ------- In-depth Combo FAQ version FINAL by nIwSe (21st Nov 1998) -----------------------------------------
This is the FINAL version of this In-depth Combo FAQ.
This FAQ is the result of the original FAQ being spilt into 2 parts. (Hopefully, the original FAQ is side by side with this In-depth Combo FAQ.)
Anyway, if you can't find any of the FAQs or if you happen to want the previous versions, contact me at
With that, let's get on with the combos....
Changes Since Version..... -------------------------- Added more combos and explain abit on the rolling combo system.
What You Need To Know First --------------------------- Combos in this conversion, if done right, is quite a sight to behold. Some combos when I first saw them, actually made my jaws dropped!
Types of combos includes
1. [kick/punch] -> [special move]
2. [special move] -> [special move]
3. [kick/punch] -> [DM/SDM]
4. [special move] -> [DM/SDM]
5. [jump attack] -> [special move]
6. [DM/SDM] -> [normal move]
7. [SDM] -> [special move]
Remember that NOT all moves can be connected to one another. For example, only certain special move can be connected to a DM/SDM.
Remember that MOST combos are done with the opponent trapped in the corner. (corner combos)
Remember all combos must be done CLOSE to opponent.
Remember that TIMING is important.
Remember that PRACTICE is the key to performing combos.
Remember that motions in a combo are INDEPENDENT of one another. For example, (1) (2) (3) (4) [punch] -> [special move] -> [special move] -> [DM/SDM]
If you can't perform this, practice first by 1 -> 2 or 2 -> 3 or 3 -> 4. Then if successful, do 1 -> 2 -> 3 or 2 -> 3 -> 4. Finally chain them up together.
Remember that combos that involve DM/SDM is best practice in SCORCHER Mode. This saves time when SDM is required. (You only need Power Bar at MAX to do SDM.)
With all that in mind....
The Rolling Combo System (RCS) ------------------------------ What this means is that after you perform finish a combo or a special move, the opponent is knocked up in the air and the opponent does a fast recovery [press AB] by rolling, any move/special/combo/DM/SDM that connects the opponent when the opponent is still rolling, adds up to the hits meter.
For example, Chizuru does her uppercut to Terry resulting in a 9 hit. Terry does a fast recovery. However, Chizuru does her uppercut again and hits Terry when he's rolling. The hit meter will add the new 9 hit to the old 9 hit, giving a total 18 hit combo.
Corner combo. Motion 2, 3 and 4 are his special moves. After 4, opponent is juggled up high. Make sure that opponent still have alot of life left to get maximum hits. Can add in [qcf + kick] between 4 and 5 but this special move must hit opponent twice in order to connect to 5. Seem that distance plays a role in this. In order to pull this off, opponent must not be too back against the corner. Very hard.
Corner combo. Motion 2, 3 and 4 are his special moves. This combo may look werid because after motion 4, the opponent is flat on the ground. By right, motion 5 should not work but it does.
1. [heavy punch] -> 2. [qcf + heavy kick] -> 3. [hold dn + heavy punch] -> 4. [hold dn + heavy punch] -> 5. [qcb + punch] -> 6. [qcf + heavy/light punch] or [short jump + punch/kick/knockdown]
Do this combo a few paces from the corner. Motion 2 must hit the opponent twice and send the opponent to the corner. Timing for 3 and 4 is hard. If motion 4 hits, 5 must be done quickly. Also after motion 5, can do motion 2 to 5 repeatedly. But motion 2 must always hit twice. Very hard. However, I suspect that this combo could be due to the RCS. (rolling combo system)
When doing 2, make sure Daimon is at most 3/4 away from the corner he's facing. (To make sure opponent lands in the corner.) Between 2 and 3, Daimon must run toward the opponent as he flys through the air. He should land in the corner. Wait for him to bounce the second time, as he is about to touch the ground, do 3 and 4. Timing is important. After 4, can do [hcf + heavy punch] but doesn't register as a hit. Skip 1 if proved difficult.
After jump attack, possible to do DM/SDM if motion is fast enough. Trick is that jump attack must hit close to opponent.
Infinite Combo -------------- Do [hcb fw + punch] -> [light punch] X 2 -> [hcb fw + punch]..... repeat. Hard to imagine that Daimon has an infinite but it works. Same thing as the above combo. When doing the first [hcb fw + punch], make sure that opponent lands in corner, make Daimon run, if have to, to get close to opponent. Wait for opponent to land the second time, as the opponent passes over Daimon's head, do the 2 light punches and quickly do the [hcb fw + punch]. Trick here is the 2 light punches. No more no less. Timing is important. Do the light punches too early, opponent is juggled up. Too late, opponent will block. To finish off the opponent with style, after the [hcb fw + punch], wait till opponent passes Daimon's head then do [light kick] -> DM/SDM. Yup, it can be done but one must be quick with the motion. This can result in 20 plus hits combo for Daimon.
Another interesting combo here. Works only on Ryo, Mr Big, Krauser and Daimon. With Daimon back against the corner, do his DM (not SDM). Opponent will land in corner after the DM. And as opponent passes over Daimon's head, do 2 light punches and [hcb fw + punch]. Continue the combo whichever way you want.
---=== Andy ===---
1. [light punch] X 2 -> 2. [hcf + punch] -> 3. [fw + heavy kick] -> 4. [DM/SDM]
Corner combo. 3 and 4 is hard to connect. I think it depends the timing 3 is executed. However if 3 is skipped, DM/SDM very easy to connect.
Also Andy's SDM can be finished off with [fw dn fwdn + punch] provided that the SDM does not KOed the opponent. Trick is the position where Andy executes his SDM. The position is roughly this : starting position and move back 2 steps and opponent just in front of Andy. Very hard to get this off because of position and opponent must not block the SDM.
Also Andy's SDM can be finished off with a DM provided that the SDM does not KOed the opponent. Timing, position and characters including how the opponent is hit is taken into account. I have done this before. Try with "big" characters.
---=== Robert ===---
1. [light kick] X 2 -> 2. [hcf + kick] -> 3. [hcf + kick] -> 4. [any of his DMs/SDMs]
Corner combo. Trick here is that the last hit of 3 must connect to opponent. This will result in the opponent being juggled up. Also 4 must be executed quickly right after 3.
Robert has also a jump attack combo. [short jump attack] -> [in air qcb + kick]
Infinite Combo -------------- Keep doing [hcf + kick] to opponent in corner. Remember that the last kick motion of the move must hit opponent to keep the combo going. Yup, can finish off with a DM/SDM for more style.
I not very sure whether that 2 and 4 should require light or heavy punch. But I suspect that light punch is required.
Infinite Combo -------------- Do [punch] -> [qcb + punch] repeatly. It's a corner combo. I don't know whether to use light/heavy punch BUT it makes a difference. Also, you must keep Athena close to opponent at all times. Done it before but it's quite hard to keep the infinite going.
---=== Mai ===---
Mai has a jump attack combo. [short jump attack] -> [in air qcb + punch]
Also after her SDM (provided that opponent is not KOed), a [qcb + punch] will result in extra hits.
Possible to do a DM after Mai's SDM, provided that opponent is not KOed after the SDM. To do this, trap opponent in corner. Do a SDM and keep holding down and do light kicks. As soon as the SDM ends, quickly do a DM.
---=== Iori / Orochi Iori ===----
1st infinite combo ------------------ Just keep doing scum gale [near hcf B] and possible to finish off with DM/SDM on certain characters. Connection is almost 100% when using Orochi Iori. However remember to use his other DM [qcf qcb + kick]
2nd infinite combo ------------------ Perform Deadly Flowers [qcb + light punch] with opponent in corner. Iori will hit opponent twice and juggles opponent up. Do Deadly Flowers [qcb + light punch] again. Repeat. Important to use light punch. Timing must be right. I have done it but it only works in left corner. Very strange.
Extra hits ---------- Make sure when Iori executes his DM (not SDM), his opponent will be KOed. When the DM connects, keep doing any special moves motion. If you use Orochi Iori, after his DM, keep doing the motion for his kick version DM. It will connect.
The speed of the fireball will depend on how the opponent lands after the 1st DM. Slow/fast fireball works on different characters and how the characters recover after the DM. If you are lucky and the fireball connects, quickly do another DM. Opponent will be KOed and if you use Orochi Iori, do his kick version DM for a 71 hits combo. (Rolling Combo System)
Iori's / Orochi Iori's "hidden" DM ---------------------------------- Make sure opponent is 3/4 screen distance away from you. Do a SLOW fireball and quickly do a SDM (not DM nor the kick version). You must connect the SDM before the fireball hits the opponent. If SDM connects, after a few hits, the SLOW fireball will hit the opponent and cause him to jerk out of Iori's SDM for a moment. Sit back, watch and enjoy. As Iori is doing his little punches, the "hidden" SDM can be cancelled into another special move or another DM/SDM. While other times, the SLOW fireball hit will cause the opponent to escape from the SDM.
---=== Mature ===---
Infinite Combo -------------- Make sure opponent is in corner. Then do her throw using the kick button while holding the direction pad towards the opponent. If the throw connects, keep holding the direction and press kick again. Repeat. There is a timing to this. However, this only works in Easy mode, as in other mode, opponent will counter this move.
1. [do her infinite combo for seven times] -> 2. [heavy punch] X 2 -> 3. [qcb + punch] X 3
Corner combo. Must do motion 2 before the hit counter shows 7 hits else the 2 heavy punches doesn't connect. Note: do her infinite combo for 7 times only else you won't get the maximum hits. Works in easy mode.
---=== Geese ===---
1. [short jump punch] -> 2. [in air qcb + punch] -> 3. [light punch] X 3 -> 4. [heavy kick] -> 5. [hcb + punch] or SDM
Corner Combo. After 2, make sure that Geese lands on the ground before executing 3. Remove 3 to make the combo works any where.
---=== Terry ===---
1. [light punch] X 3 -> 2. [heavy punch] -> 3. [qcb + heavy punch] -> 4. [fw dn fwdn + punch] or DM/SDM
Corner combo, must be done in Scorcher Mode and must be at MAX.
Guard Crash Trap ---------------- Keep holding down + pressing light kicks will opponent in corner. Even when opponent blocks, you can do enough light kicks to make a guard crash. If the opponent does not block, you can do up to ten light kicks and finish off with a [qcb + kick].
---=== Chizuru ===---
To get the most hits out of her Shadow Walker [hcb hcb + kick], always use the SDM not DM and make sure Chizuru is back against corner. With the opponent close to you, do her SDM. If the SDM connects, use Chizuru to "walk with the opponent". As the Shadow Walker walks across the whole screen, make Chizuru push the opponent to the Shadow Walker. However, be careful not to push the opponent out of the Shadow Walker's range. "Walk with the opponent" till the other side of the screen, then do light punches and finish off with a uppercut.
If the opponent blocks low, do a short jump attack. If the opponent blocks high, do some down light kicks.
Infinite Combo -------------- Do her "getting the most hits with shadow walker" combo. When opponent is in corner, keep doing [hcb] motion + pressing [light kicks]. What this does is opponent will be hit by the light kicks and then follow by the shadow walker. It's kinda like mashing up the buttons. It's very hard to keep the infinite going. Can finished off with a uppercut. Remember to do this in Scorcher mode or life meter is flashing. And this only works for Chizuru not Kagura.
---=== Leona / Orochi Leona ===----
1. [store dnbk, fw + heavy punch] -> 2. [dn + heavy punch] -> 3. Repeat 1 and 2 -> 4. DM/SDM
Leona must be at MAX and back against the corner. After connecting 1 and 2, do 1 and 2 again and again until opponent also trap in corner then quickly perform her DM/SDM.
Corner combo. Again, timing for motion 3 and 4 is important. 3 must be done quickly after 2. When doing 4, it helps to hold down the punch button.
Infinite Combo -------------- With opponent in corner, do motion 2-4 repeatedly. Also works for Ryo and Robert. But with Robert do [hcf + kick] instead of [hcf + punch]. Keep doing and can finish off with any other combos.
Conclusion ---------- Many other combos are possible. All here shown are those that I find interesting. If anyone has others cool/interesting/long combos, drop me an email and I will make sure it is make available in this FAQ. All the combos listed in this FAQ work. But if you can't get any of the combos to work, drop me a line.