Hyakukatsu Tenshin NoKotowari - f, d, f+B NihyakuJyuunikatsu Shinsoku NoNokori - f, d, b+p/P/k/K (punch for high, kick for low, strength sets distance) After NihyakuJyuunikatsu Shinsoku NoNokori Tenzui - d, b + p/P/k/KD (you must use the same button from Fast Pray move) Hyakuhachikatsu Tamayura No Shitsune - b, d, f+B (A for immediate, C for "dance" delay) *Rimenichikatsu Sanrai NoFujin - d, b, d, f+B *Rimenihachijyugokatsu Reigi No Ishizue - f, d, b, f, d, b+A
Just keep pressing SELECT at the Takara until you hear two sound effects to get the secret characters. To use the orochi characters, highlight them and press start. To fight Takuma, play the game in HARD mode. Read NIWSE's KOF 96 GB FAQ for more codes and info.
Takara - bringing a great game to the small screen. Joe Palanca - KOF96 FAQ. Niwse - KOF96 GB FAQ for the secret desperations for the Orochi characters and misc info. You, the reader - for reading this. Enjoy the game!