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Manual re-write by: VmprHntrD (5/13/96)

This is the manual to the GameBoy game.....

Wizards & Warriors X: Fortress of Fear (from: Akklaim)


The Calm Before The Black Storm ............................................ 3
Preparing For Your Quest ................................................... 5
The Screens Before You ..................................................... 5
The Controls ............................................................... 8
The Objects Of Your Quest .................................................. 9
Inside The Fortress of Fear ............................................... 10
Your Magical Powers ....................................................... 11
The Wizard's Black Magic .................................................. 12
The Life Force And Lives Of Kuros ......................................... 13
Special Warnings .......................................................... 14
Our Faith Lies In You ..................................................... 15

[Page 2]

[THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM]___________________________________________________

You are Kuros. occasion (an even the Villag-
One of the bravest warriors ers still live in fear of) Malkil
ever to wield the IronSword. overtook the very forces of life
And the only one itself: Earth,
to successfully Wind, Fire, and
challenge the Water.
dark powers of And yet, in
the evil Wizard Malkil. every confronta-
The black tion, you were
deesd of Malkil able to finally
know no bounda- ovrecome the
ries. The first time forces of his deadly black
you encountered his wrath, he magic, weakening his powers,
had captured the Crown bit by bit. But will you be able
Princess and entrapped her in to do it again?
Castle IronSpire. On another As of late, the Wizard Malkil

[Page 3]

has been quiet. Too quiet. No at the opposite end of the
one has seen or heard from treacherous tangled woods of
him in over ten and seven Zanifer.
years. And the silence is deaf- It is precisely at times as quiet
ening. as this, that Malkil
What's more, strike with his
the fair Princess darkest deeds.
Elaine has disap- The calm before
peared. There the storm...
are no clus. No But this time,
indications of Kuros, don't give
where she has him a chance
gone. to strike. Enter the
But down in Fortress and
the depths of catch him before
your heart, you believe that it he can begin to execute his
is Malkil who has abducted plan. But then again, brave
her. And taken her back to warrior, maybe your little visit is
the dreaded Fortress of Fear his plan...

[Page 4]

[PREPARING FOR YOUR QUEST]____________________________________________________

1. Make sure the GAME BOY 3. Turn the power switch ON.
power switch is OFF.
When you see the FORTRESS
2. Insert the FORTRESS OF FEAR OF FEAR title screen, press
cartridge as described in the START BUTTON.
your Nintendo GAME BOY
instruction manual.

[THE SCREENS BEFORE YOU]______________________________________________________

The Scroll of Honor before pressing the START
BUTTON, yu will first see the
If you wait a few seconds Scroll of Honor. Is is here that

[Page 5]

the scores of the greatest
warriors ever to enter the
Fortress of Fea are recorded.
(One you turn your system
off, these scores disappear, to
give you a whole new
chance at getting your name
in the Scroll Of Honor the next
time you turn it on.) Press the RIGHT or LEFT
cycle through all the letters and
Entering Your Initials characters for your first entry.
When the letter you desire is
To enter your 3-digit initials on displayed, press the A BUTTON.
the Scroll of Honor, press the A then make the second and
or B BUTTON when the game third entries in the same way.
is over. If you've scored high When all the characters have
enough, you will be taken to been correctly entered, press
the Scroll Of Honor screen. the A BUTTON to continue.

[Page 6]

The Playing Screen

Throughout your quest, the following information will be recorded across the
top of the screen:

[Here there is a picture of the top part of the scren which shows from left to
right: Life Force, Lives Remaining, Level & Sector, Gems Collected, and Keys

[Page 7]

[THE CONTROLLER]______________________________________________________________

The illustraton shows you your control points and the actions that each BUTTON

Control Pad:
Left & Right ... Move Kuros Left and Right
Up ............. Enter Doors
Down ........... Crouch
Select ......... Not used
Start .......... Start/Pause
B Button ....... Stab
A Button ....... Jump

[Page 8]

[THE OBJECTS OF YOUR QUEST]___________________________________________________

There are five chapters you 3. Avoid flying weaponry like
must conquer to complete your arrows, fireballs, acid drops,
quest. Within each chapter are axes etc.
several levels (18 in all). You
must complete the following 4. Combat evil creatures (fish,
deeds in each one: bats, snakes, etc.)

Secondary Objectives:
Primary Objective:
Raise your Score - by
1. Search for keys and open fighting the Wizard's evil
chests. henchmen.

2. Collect gems and magic Raise your Worth - by collect-
spells. ing gems.

[Page 9]

Keep your Life Force Up - by Objects To Collect:
eating and drinking.
[Here are pictures of Keys, Gems,
Increase your Magic Powers Food, and Ale.]
- by collecting magic spells.

[INSIDE THE FORTRESS OF FEAR]_________________________________________________

Though none of the villagers The Bridge and Moat
know anyone who's ever been
insde the Fortress of Fear, "There are jumping fish - as
everyone has stories about it. big as you and me - who'll
Here is what they say about its bite your head off!"
various chapters:

[Page 10]

The Dungeon The Parapet

"Few warriors survived the "A giant bird guards the
dungeon. And the bones of entryway - a bird who stands
those who have tried are as tall as a man."
Malkil's Chambers
The Armory
"The only way out is to defeat
"Deadly axes seem to take the Wizard and his relentless
on a life of their own." Black Magic."

[YOUR MAGICAL POWERS]_________________________________________________________

Hidden throughout the locked chests) are Magic
Fortress of Fear (mostly inside Spells that give you magical

[Page 11]

powers. Like the power to heal Shield of
wounds. Or the power to jump Protection -
exceptionally high. You will Helps protect
encounter these spells you against
along the way. enemies.

The Potions of Spell of
Healing - Will Invincibility -
make your Makes you
injured parts as invincible for a
good as new. limited time.

Boots of
Jumping -
These put the
within reach.

[Page 12]

[THE LIFE FORCE AND LIVES OF KUROS]___________________________________________

You begin the game with a To Increase Your
full amount of life energy - as Life Force - Look for and
indicated by the hearts in the pick up food and ale which
Life Force Bar (See The Playing are scattered randomly
Screen, page 7). But your Life throughout the fortress.
Force goes down every time
you're injured, or fall a great To Obtain An Extra Life -
distance. Look for and pick up the
miniature Kuros.
When the Life Force of the
energy bar has been used up,
Kuros will lose a life. Other ways
Kuros can lose a life include
falling off the screen.

[Page 13]

[SPECIAL WARNINGS]____________________________________________________________

* Sometimes, the best way across the top of the
to go forward is to go screen). If you're running
backward. The way up, out of it, gather food or ale
down. And the way to ad- as soon as you can.
vance, is to retreat. In the
Fortess of Fear, very * Collect as many gems as you
little is as it seems. can. Because you can never
have too many riches. Or,
* There are many secret for that matter, too many
rooms in the Fortress of keys or too much magic.
Fear. Explore them all,
there may be treasures * Pick up every extra life
awaiting you. (miniature Kuros) that you
see. Don't let any of them
* Keep an eye on your LIFE slip away.
FORCE meter (the Hearts

[Page 14]

[OUR FAITH LIES IN YOU]_______________________________________________________

For centuries, nothing but justice. Powers as pure as light.
the forces of darkness have As strong as raw iron.
survived the clutches of the
Fortress of Fear. It has housed But remember, many have
the vilest of creatures, the entered the Fortress of Fear...
most monstrous of animals But none have returned alive.
and most deadly weaponry.

But you, Kuros, are about to
change all that. For as you
enter the fortress walls, you'll
bring with you the strength
and power of goodness and

[Page 15]


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