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Olympic Summer Games


Olympic Summer Games......................................2
Getting Started...........................................3
Main Menu.................................................4
Using Your Super Game Boy Adapter........................14


Prepare yourself for competition! You've been selected to represent your
country in the most prestigious athletic event the world has ever known...
..and the world is lining up to challenge you in 10 Olympic events.
You'll compete in track, field and shooting events ranging from the 100
meter Sprint to the archery competition as the world watches its best
athletes display their physical superiority!

Bring all the drama and excitement of the Olympic Games home in time for
1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. Give it your best...The world is watching!

In the Olympic Summer Games, you can choose to represent one of 32 nations
in competition, as well as participate in any number of events or only the
events at which you excel. The events include : 100m Sprint, 110m Hurdlesm
Pole Vault, Triple Jump, Javelin, High Jump, Discus, Skeet and Archery.


1. Turn OFF the power switch on your Game Boy. Never insert or remove a
Game Pak when the power is on.
2. Insert the Toy Story Game Pak into the slot on the Gameboy. To lock the
Game Pak in place, press firmly.
3. Turn ON the power switch. The Nintendo logo will appear (if you don't see
it, begin again at step 1).


The controls may vary from event to event, but power/speed is usually
attained by repeatedly pressing the A and B Buttons. For more information
about controls for individual events, see COMPETITION, page 9.

Menu Controls

Control Pad Up/Down : Moves Olympic torch up or down to highlight option
or selection.
Start Button : Chooses menu item.
Cancel : Cancel on any screen takes you back to the previous menu.


The main menu consists of PLAY, PRACTICE, OPTIONS and RECORDS. To scroll
through the Main Menu, use the Control Pad Up/Down to highlight desired
option. When ready, press the START Button.


Before you can begin a competition, you must choose between three options :
PLAY GAME, CUSTOMIZE GAME and CANCEL. Highlight the option you want by
moving the Olympic torch up/down and pressing START.

Play Game

After you choose PLAY GAME, a menu appears giving you the option to either
accept the name and country or to enter your name and choose a country to
represent. To accept the name and country already entered, move the Olympic
torch up/down to highlight and press START.

To enter a new name, use the Control Pad Up/Down to place the Olympic
torch next to the player number and press START. You can now use the Control
Pad to choose the letters at the bottom of the screen. When you have chosen
the letter you want, press the A or B Button to enter the letter, when you
are done entering letters, select the RETURN icon.

Next, choose a country to represent by using the Control Pad Left/Right to
scroll through the 32 available countries. Press START when you have chosen
a country to represent and move the Olympic torch up/down to highlight OK
and press START when you are ready to begin competing.

Customize Game

After you choose CUSTOMIZE GAME, a list of the events is presented along
with a check mark after each event, If you would prefer not to participate
in one or more events, use the Control Pad Up/Down to highlight the vent
you wish to skip and press the A or B Button to place an X next to that
event. Events with an X will be by-passed. When you are done choosing your
events, move the Olympic torch down to highlight PLAY GAME and press the
START Button.


In the practice mode, you can choose to practice any of the Lympic Events.
After you have completed your practice of a particular event you have the
option to continue a pratice session or return to the event listings. A
player can then choose a new event to practice or return to the MAIN menu.


Within the OPTIONS menu you can set the SKILL level (Easy, Normal, Hard),
choose the number of PLAYERS (1-4), turn MUSIC On/Off and turn SOUND FX
On/Off. To change an OPTION, use the Control Pad Up/Down to move the
Olympic torch up/down to highlight an option. Change the option by pressing
the A or B Buttons. When you have finished adjusting your options, use the
Control Pad to move the Olympic torch to the MAIN MENU option and press


When you are ready to compete against the world's best, you will participate
in the events listed below. In the Track and Field events, you will find
slight differences in the controls. Under each event listed below, there is
a complete discription of the controls.

100 Meter Sprint

Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. Press the
Control Pad Up at the end of the race to lunge through the finish line tape.

110 Meter Hurdles

Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. Press the
Control Pad Up to jump over hurdles. Press the Control Pad Up at the end of
the race to lunge through the finish line tape.

Pole Vault

Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. Press the
Control Pad Down to set pole. Quickly press the Control Pad Up to lift the
player off the ground, thenpress the Control Pad Right to give the player
added momentum to get over the bar.
Note : If you do not set the pole early enough your player will not rise
off the ground.

Long Jump

Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. Press the
Control Pad Up at the line to jump.

Triple Jump

Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. Press the
Control Pad Up at the line to make player jump. When the player lands press
the Control Pad Up again for the second jump. Then, when the player lands,
press the Control Pad Up for the third and final jump.


Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. When the player
starts to bring the Javelin back, press the Control Pad Right to set the
Javelin's angle. Once you have set the angle press the Control Pad Left to
stop the player from stepping over the line and faulting.
Note : The length of time that you hold the Control Pad Right determines
the angle the javelin will be thrown.

High Jump

Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to make the player run. When the player
starts to turn his back (just before the cross bar), press the Control Pad
Up to get the player off the ground and over the bar.
Practice mode : To set bar height in PRACTICE mode use the Control Pad
Up/Down to adjust the bar, press START when ready.


Repeatedly press the A and B Buttons to give the player power and then
press the Control Pad Left. Once the player has crossed the line in the
middle of the circle, press the Control Pad Up to set the angle and then
press the Control Pad Right to throw.
Note : The length of time that you hold the Control Pad Up determines the
angle the discus will be thrown.


Press either A or B Button to release pigeon. Then move the aiming circle
over the pigeon and press either the A or B Button to fire
Note : You get two shots per pigeon.


To set the Power : Press and hold down the A or B Button and press the
Control Pad Right. When the power meter is where you want it, release the
button you are holding down.
To Aim : Move Control Pad Right/Left and Up/Down to center in on target.
Remember to account for wind.
To Shoot the Arrow : Press the A or B Button to release arrow.
Once you have shot an arrow you must pick up and set another arrow on the
bow string. To do this, press the START Button.
Note : There is a wind factor involved in the game and players must watch
the wind meter on top of the target to aim accurately.


Correctly insert the Game Boy Game Pak into the Super Game Boy. Next, insert
the Super Game Boy into the Super NES and move the power switch on the Super
NES to the ON position.

For further operation information, please consult your Super Game Boy and
Super NES instruction booklets.

This Game Pak has been specially designed to allow enhanced graphics when using the Super Game Boy. Game controls have been pre-set so that the A, B,
Start and Select Buttons on you Super NES controller correspond to the same
controls on the Game Boy. If you want to change the controller settings or
the colour set for this game, consult your Super Game Boy instruction


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