F I N A L F A N T A S Y 8
Final Fantasy VIII FAQ Version 1.0
Part I
For Sony Playstation
By Scott Ong
E-Mail: http://www.kangning@mbox5.singnet.com
This FAQ is meant for personal use only and can only be reproduced
electronically. This FAQ can be altered as long as the disclaimer
remains unchanged. This FAQ is owned and made by me. So don't try to
get any ideas on it or I will get YOU!
I N T R O D U C T I 0 N
That's right, the eagerly-awaited FF8 finally hits the stores. The game
is much better and more realistics. You will take the role of the super
cool Squall whom is led by Seifer, his rival to recapture the city of
Dollet. The city has fallen into the hands of the evil President
Deling, the dictator of the warlike nation, Galvadia....
The hero Squall, trained as a mercenary at a military academy, meets a
girl named Rinoa at a party. Gradually influenced by her bohemian
lifestyle, Squall rejects family and friends for people as yet...
strangers. Meanwhile, at that while, the continent of Galbadia
suddenly turns against the whole world and declares...war. Standing
beside the President as he delivers this speech, is the figure of a
which who disappears from the memories of the people...
Version 1.0 - Contains the main document.
Firstly, this is my first FAQ on RPG and there may be many errors due
to the long walkthrough. So inform me if you have any corrections
regarding this FAQ. This FAQ is protected under copyright law and any
unauthorized copying or production will lead to severe punishment.
I have also included my walkthrough for the Demo disc for FF8, so
enjoy your feast ! Part II of this FAQ presently is not on the Internet.
Part II of this FAQ will be containing information on the Items, G.F.,
The Card Game, Secrets, etc.
1. The Characters
2. Controls
3. Walkthrough for Disc 1
4. Walkthrough for Disc 2
5. Walkthrough for Disc 3
6. Walkthrough for Disc 4
7. Gameshark codes
8. Credits
Begin with the show!
1. T H E C H A R A C T E R S
These are the characters who depart on your strange adventure...
Name: Squall Leonhart
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10" [177 cm]
Birthdate: August 23
Blood Type: AB
Weapon: Gunblade
Description: The story's hero unsociable and expressionless. The hero
of the game, a cadet in the SeeD special forces attached
to Balamb Garden. Antisocial and stonefaced. Besides his
aloof personality, he is very self centred and a person
who hates influenced deeply by strangers.
Name: Rinoa Heartilly
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4" [163 cm]
Birthdate: Unknown
Weapon: Blaster Edge
Description: A beautiful and enigmatic woman, kind-hearted and driven
to succeed. A cheerful girl who possesses a "mood-making"
liveliness and gentleness that touches people without
discrimination. She's honest about her feelings and
readily speaks what she thinks. However, in time, she ends
up becoming warped...
Name: Zell Dincht
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 5'6" [167cm]
Birthdate: March 17th
Blood Type: B
Weapon: Glove
Description: A master of comprehensive wrestling skills whom was
admitted to the Garden. He has entered the Garden when he
was only 13 years old out of admiration of his grandfather,
who was an excellent soldier. He is the type who does
everything with enthusiasm, but the reason is his weak
point. However, at heart he is gentle and has a serious
Name: Seifer Almasy
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1" (188 cm)
Birthdate: December 22nd
Blood Type: A
Weapon: Gunblade
Description: A troublemaker who views Squall as his rival. A SeeD cadet
who is treated as a problem child because he lacks
composure and the ability to follow orders, even though he
has the disposition to excel. On the other hand, he
appreciates Squall's abilities highly and adamantly
considers him a rival.
Name: Laguna Loire
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11" [181 cm]
Birthdate: January 3rd
Blood Type: B
Weapon: Machine Gun
Description: A hot-blooded man who fights with a pen instead a sword.
Kind out of compassion for humanity, he's a man full of
courage who helps the faint-hearted and crushes the
arrogant. A journalist of military origins, he swapped
his sword for a pen and fights boldly against the evils of
the world.
Name: Selphie Tilmett
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Height: 5'1" [157cm]
Birthdate: July 16
Blood Type: B
Weapon: Nunchaku
Description: A naive girl with flightly nature and capable character. A
girl with skilled personality to the extent that you can't
believe that she's a student at the military academy.
Usually she has a carefree wat of speaking and is
frequently disturbed by the pace of her surroundings.
Name: Irvine Kinneas
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0" [185cm]
Birthdate: November 24th
Blood Type: O
Weapon: Shotgun
Description: A young man, well-liked bt women whose strongest point is
his marksmanship. A cadet at the Galbadia Garden, he self
styles himself as the "No. 1 gunslinger in the Garden" His
shooting arm seems sure and he is the girls' favorite
because he is full of confidence. He seems callous to
simple men, but in truth, he is unexpectedly sensitive and
seems to have a serious personality.
Nmae: Quistis Trepe
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6" [172cm]
Birthdate: October 4
Blood Type: A
Weapon: Chain Whip
Description: An Elitte who serves as Squall's advisor. She has joined
SeeD at the age of 15 and is now the guidance counselor
of Squall and his friends. In opposition to her cool
spirit and strong facade, she gets depressed easily about
trival matters since she is unused to setbacks.
There are more information about other characters and you can view it
from the site, Final Fantasy VIII Source.
2. C O N T R O L S
2.1 You should know....
2.2 The Main Menu
2.3 Default Button Configuration
2.1 Y O U S H O U L D K N O W.....
This is the stuff that you should know when playing FF8. These can be
found in your manual.
+++ Playing the Game from the Beginning +++
Point the cursor at the first Option [NEW GAME] and enter your
decision with the Circle button.
+++ Continue from Save Data +++
When you want to play using SAVE DATA to continue from the previous
point, select the 2nd option and press Circle and you can now select
the slot with the Circle Button. Note that you can save up to the
maximum data of 15 game saves.
+++ Changing Disc Warnings +++
As you proceed through the adventure. Do NOT turn off your Playstation
Console. Just open the Playstation Lid and pop in the next disc and
the game will automatically resumes itself.
+++ Questions +++
In this FAQ, I have included diagrams and questions.
Q.1 How do I save my game ?
Q.2. What are Magic Stones ?
2.2 T H E M A I N M E N U
The Main Menu is a very important section as it allows you to use
items, view stats of your characters and G.F., saving your game,
adjust game settings, etc.
NOTE: All the settings are use in default settings.
Junction: Allows you to set Guardian Forces and abilities
Item: Allows you to use items or rearranged your items
Magic: Allows you to use and trade magic with other characters
Status: Allows you to view the stats of your characters.
G.F.: Allows you to view the Guardian Force levels, and to
develop your monsters' job skills.
Abilities: Allows you to use the abilities learned by the G.F.
Party Change: Allows you to change your party at the World Map or at
the Save Point.
Cards: Allows you to view the cards that you have.
Configuration: Allows you to adjust your game settings.
Tutorial: A very precise learning guide on how to play FF8.
Pressing Circle will release the following at the top bar.
This allows you to set the G.F monsters that you want to use and this
will lead to the Optimize and Ability Menu.
Choosing spells to bolster your character's stats.
## REMOVE ##
Removes all the spells are set using the Junction Menu.
Removes all Commands [G.F command, Magic command, Item command, Draw
command] set that is by using the Junction Option.
Optimizes the spells by configurating according to the attacking power.
Optimizes spells for the highest magic attack and defense.
Optimizes spells for highest defensive power.
This option is the only way to configure what other actions, that your
character could perform besides the normal attacks and special attacks.
Once you have equipped a G.F, you will have 4 four abilities being set.
Here is the list of commands:
Allows your characters to cast the spells that you have drawn from
opponents or Magic Stones.
Allows you to summon the G.F. monsters. There you will see the HP of
the G.F. replacing the HP of the commanding character. There is a time
bar in blue. The monster will automatically being summoned as all the
blue bar has been used up. This can be cancel if the monster's HP
reaches zero, being cast a confusion spell or silence spell.
|One of the most important commands used in the game. With this command,
|you can "draw" magic such as Fire, Bolt and much more from enemies.
|NOTE: You must have this command in order to draw magic from the Magic
| Stones [purple transulcent bubbles].
|Saves the magic for later use. Up to the maximum number of 9 spells
|that can be drawn, this will depend on the level of your opponent, the
|level of your character and your luck.
|One charge can be drawn in this way, but the spell will immediately
|expelled. The spell is being used at half of the damage. But this
|situation is good for if you want to cast a spell that you have not
|drawn before. There is a high possibility for you to draw question
|marks from enemies.
## ITEM ##
Allows you to use items such as Potions, Phoenix Downs when engaged in
combat. This are pretty handy when your character is unable to use
magic [e.g. being silenced]
Magic apparently is an important factor in battles. Magic does decent
amount of damage and some does massive amount of damage to a group of
enemies, e.g. the Ultima Magic.