GameSurge Strategy Page


  Final Fantasy VIII Flow Chart & Walkthrough ver 0.1 (c) Heero Yuy,1999.
  All Final Fantasy VIII related material (c) Squaresoft, 1999.
  ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥Ê¥ë ¥Õ¥¡¥ó¥¿¥¸¡¼ VIII (c) ¥¹¥¯¥¦¥§¥¢.
  Feel free to distribute this walkthrough, however in its current form.
  This walkthrough (or any part of it) cannot be reproduced or altered
  by any means without sole permission from the author. Any form of
  plagiarism will be dealt with under full extent of the law.
  Revision History:
  - ver 0.1      Flow chart and advance section for disc #1.
    2/21/1999    Run test for Japanese fonts.          

                 ----- F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   V I I I ----
                           ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥Ê¥ë ¥Õ¥¡¥ó¥¿¥¸¡¼ VIII
                 Project                  : 0.1                
                 Date                     : February 21, 1999
                 Written by               : Heero Yuy
                 Author's address         :



                 ------ T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S -----

                                 Read me first
                                 Game's system (N/A)                                  
                               Character Profiles (N/A)

------------------------- R E A D   M E   F I R S T -------------------------
Author's note. This might help you to figure       ------- Introduction
what this walkthrough will be.                     ------- How to Navigate
                                                  ------- In the Future



Hajimemashite. First of all, I'm not an English speaker so there is a great
possibility you'll find many errors (or something "weird") in this
walkthrough. However, since the format is simpler than the usual FAQs, I
guess you won't be troubled that much.
Maybe I'm not as good as Kao Megura (this walkthrough is nothing compared to
his FF VII FAQ), but I'll do my best. Just E-mail me if you have comments,
critics, questions or maybe some supports ^_^ at
See you there.


   How to Navigate

As you can see, I made this walkthrough a little bit unusual. The left part
shows simple step-by-step-diagram. Not every step must be done.
The right part contains comments about the adjascent step. You might find
something useful in here.


   In the Future

What WILL be in the future versions:
1. Since this walkthrough based on Japanese version, I will put the some
  necessary Japanese fonts like the one at the title. BTW, the fonts is
  encoded in EUC. Let me know if it works fine.
2. Flow chart for disc 2,3, and the final disc.
3. Everything with (N/A) and "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" marked on them.

What MIGHT be in the future versions:  
1. List for items, magic, and G.F.
  They are already in the game, under tutorial mode....if you can read it.
2. Merge the flow chart with the advance section.
3. More on plot translation.... I'll definitely need help in writing it in


--------------------------- G A M E   S Y S T E M ---------------------------
How to play. Basic means realy, really basic        ------- Basic
and can be found in your game manual.               ------- Draw
Draw and Junction are the primary "systems"         ------- Junction
in FF VIII.                                                                        

________________________         |                                                            
      Basic                     |   Be patient.....        
________________________         |
                                |     U N D E R    
________________________         |           C O N S T R U C T I O N
      Draw                      |
________________________         |
________________________         |
      Junction                  |
________________________         |


---------------------------- C H A R A C T E R S ----------------------------

   Squall Leonhart              |
   Rinoa Heartilly              |   Be patient.....
   Zell Dinct                   |
   Seifer Almasy                |     U N D E R
   Irvine Kineas                |      
   Selphie Tilmitt              |           C O N S T R U C T I O N
   Quistis Trepe                |
   Laguna Loire                 |
   Kiroth Seagull               |
   Ward Zaback                  |


--------------------------- W A L K T H R O U G H ---------------------------

                                                   ----- Prelude    
                                                   ----- Walkthrough Disc #1
                                                   ----- Walkthrough Disc #2
                                                   ----- Walkthrough Disc #3
                                                   ----- Walkthrough Disc #4
                                                   ----- Epilogue



   Walkthrough Disc #1


B a l a m b   G a r d e n

Opening FMV. Wake up in            
Infirmary.                        B a l a m b   G a r d e n    
Balamb Garden's Clinic.              
                                 This is your first "town". Although the
          |                      main goal for now is just to meet up
Kadowaki Sensei ask you           with Quistis, there are many locations
if you're okay.                   you should check. Try to make yourself
  >yes                           comfortable in the world of FF VIII.
  >feel terrible
          |                      Through some occasions, Squall will be
She's asking your name.           given some questions. You have to answer          
Nsme your character.              by choosing an option (usually two).
Default: Squall                   Whether this can affect the story or not    
          |                      is yet to found.  
Quistis come to visit Squall          
Leaving Clinic                      
You can't run for now. Keep       Seems like you can't run all the time.    
walking down the hall.            In certain conditions (like this) Squall
          |                      is forced to walk. Also, your party can't
FMV: Balamb Garden.               run in small rooms (like Squall's) or
          |                      places you're not supposed to (don't run  
Class. Talk about Seed's          in the cafe! Now that's manner ^_^)
Check your menu window.           It might not be useful for a non-Japanese
Check tutorial program.           speaker, but this tutorial is really  
          |                      something. If you can read it, then you
! Check desk. Balamb Garden       don't have to check the system section in
Network. Choose Tutorial.         this walkthrough anymore.
Got Quetzalcoatl and Shiva.       Here's an example of benefits that come  
          |                      from reading a tutorial: You get your
Walk 1 screen right.              first couple of Guardian Force. One deals  
          |                      with lightning, another with ice. Who  
Talk to Quistis.                  deals who, I guess you've already figure
          |                      it out since Shiva always deals with ice.
Leave. Bump into a girl           Be sure not to leave the room before you
in the corridor.                  found the G.F.s above! I've heard that
  >Are you okay?                 many were forced to replay the whole
  >............                  things up because they missed something
          |                      like this...
Talk to man at the bridge.        First cards you get. They might be not
He'll give you 7 cards.           good but they are better than nothing.
          |                      How we to play it? Read the mini games
Go to elevator. Go down           later.
Watch Balamb Map.                 If you choose to accompany the girl
          |                      Squall's bumped to previously, he will
Save Point.                       explain places located in Balamb.
          |                      After explaining, you are free to  
Go to dining room. Small          explore them as you wish.
event.                            There are two draw points: one located
          |                      in the training room, while the other    
Talk to Fuujin and Raijin         in the library; both are easy to find.
for a while. Zell will            Remember, the main goal in here is to
show up (to catch some            catch up with Quistis so if you think
bread, but he's too late!).       hanging around is just wasting time,
          |                      go straight to main entrance.
Hang around for a while           You can go quickly to any place in the
longer.                           map by choosing one and voila! You'll
          |                      be there in a sec. Too bad it isn't
Go South to main gate.            vice versa.
Meet up with Quistis.                
Quistis joined!
Head East to Fire Cavern.          
          |                      F i r e   C a v e
Quistis will ask you whether      
you forgot to take GF in          The main goal is to get in, fight
Balamb Garden. Go back to         Efreet and get out in a certain time
take it if you forgot.            limit (10,20,30,or 40 min).
Talk to guard in the cave's       Choose wisely. I don't know if there
entrance. Choose your time        are any differences, but I guess it is
limit.                            safe to choose 20 min. Go straight
          |                      and ignore the draw point. If you're
Walk your way to the end of       a good player, it only takes 15 min.
the cave.
Efreet show up! Fight him.        Have one character junctioned with
You'll get G.F. Efreet            Quetzalcoatl. Make a magic junction
after the fight.                  in "magic power" (Blizzard will be
          |                      fine). Cast Blizzard on Efreet.
Leave Fire Cave.                  As you already guessed, have another  
          |                      character cast Diamond Dust using
Back to Balamb Garden.            Shiva. Efreet will go down soon.
Go to Squall's room.
Choose to change clothes.         Change your clothes to Balamb Uniform.
          |                      Now you're ready for the mission.
Rest for a while....sleep.        Considering you had taken damage in
          |                      the Fire Cave, it is wise enough to
Go to Garden Hall (1 F).          rest in here. Besides, it doesn't  
The place with map.               cost you anything.
Event. Meet up with Zell.         Meet your new party member. A type of
          |                      hot blooded but somehow reckless...
Event. Seifer show up.            (You'll find out later)
Event. Cid show up.
Talk to Quistis and Cid.
Go down 1 screen.                 You'll automatically jump in the car.
          |                      For you who understand Japanese, the  
Small talk in the car.            dialogue is pretty amusing. Seifer
(Chicken Yarou! ^_^)              pointed Zell as "chicken yarou" or
          |                      roughly translated as chicken jerk.
Go to Balamb City.
Go to harbor.
          |                              ********************
Get in the ship.                  *Due to the time limit, the rest of the    
          |                      right part will be under construction.
Mission Briefing by Shu.          Check the advanced section anyway...
          |                               *******************
Talk to Quistis, Seifer                            *  
and Zell.                                          *
          |                                       *  
Seifer's order:                       --------------------------------              
  > no way.
Go down one screen.
FMV: Dollet invasion.            
Arrive at Dollet.                 D o l l e t
Follow Seifer.                    This looks familiar ... it was in
          |                      the demo disc, right?  
Save Point.                       Keep following Seifer and make your  
          |                      way to EM tower.
Battle with 2 Galvadian
Follow Seifer.
Battle with 2 Galvadian
Follow Seifer.
Arrive at meeting point.
Ambushed by a Galvadian
Check the top right
Battle with a Galvadian
Talk to Seifer.
Small event.
From the meeting point,
take the left path.
Follow Seifer to the
mountain path.
A soldier captured by
Battle with Hedgeviper          You don't have to unleash Seifer's move.
          |                    He wants to show off, that's all.
Seifer's finishing move.
Follow Seifer.
Small event. Meet up
with Selphie.
2 options:
  >not jump.(detour)
Enter EM. Tower.
Save Point & Draw Point
Use elevator.
Small event.
Boss: Biggs & Wedge             Here's what you must not forget: draw
Boss: Elviole                   Seiren from Elviole or she'll gone
          |                    forever.  
Got Seiren!
Go back to the beach
in 30 minutes.
Chased by X Atm 092             After you defeated it (or so it seems),
Run!                            a message will pop out, telling you to
          |                    run. Hold L2 and R2. Keep doing the same
? X Battle.                     thing whenever you encount it.
FMV. Leaving dollet.
Go to Balamb Garden.            Seifer's taking the car...Squall have to

B a l a m b   G a r d e n

Home Sweet Home.                  
Talk to Cid, Shu, and           B a l a m b   G a r d e n
Quistis at 1F lobby.
         |                     The operation was successfull. Walk around
Go 1 screen to the right.       for a little while until the anouncement.
Talk to Seifer. After
small event, an anouncement
tell you to gather on the
second floor.
Talk to Zell. A messenger       Congratulations! Squall and Zell have made      
will come and tell that         it.
Squall and Zell have made it.
After ceremony, talk to         Don't forget it. Cid will give you (sorry,
Cid to get ???                  I forget the item name) ???. This item
         |                     contains data that you like magic,
         |                     locations, or even your battle record.
         |                     You can't find it in your inventory but
         |                     a new option will be available in the
         |                     tutorial mode.
Go to Class.
Change clothes.                 In Squall's room, change your clothes to
         |                     Seed's uniform. Now Squall's ready for
         |                     the party.
Talk to Selphie.
Party. FMV.                    
Balcony. Meet Quistis.
Back to Squall's room.
Change clothes to casual.       Notes:
         |                     As for Squall who is now a SeeD member,
Go to training room.            you'll get your "salary". The amount of  
         |                     the money depends on your SeeD level.
Meet Quistis at the             This leads to a question:
entrance.                       What should I do to raise it?
         |                     SeeD level can be acquired from special
Go to the door where you        operations or taking the test on your
can't go through before         tutorial menu. There are 30 levels in
(next to a save point).         the test but you can only take up to  
         |                     Squall's level (i.e. Squall level is 5
Event with Quistis.             then your test limit is five).
         |                     Each level contains 10 questions and all  
From save point, go 1           must be answered correctly.
screen to the right, then go    Can't read Japanese? See the advanced
down 1 screen. You'll see       section.
a girl attacked by a monster.
Boss fight: Granald
           Rald x 3
Head to Squall's room. Meet
Zell at the entrance.
The next day. Selphie wake
Squall up. A mission to
Go to entrance. Mission
Talk to Cid to get magic        It will be stored in your inventory as
lamp.                           an item, but actually you can use it  
         |                     to summon Diabolos TO FIGHT YOU. If
         |                     you beat it you'll get his power but
         |                     don't use the magic lamp without
         |                     saving your data first!
Go to train station in
Balamb City.
Pay 3000 gil (\ /).
Board the train. Save Point.
Follow Zell and Selphie.
Enter cabin.
Zell asked Squall whether
he knew about Timber or not.
Pass out.

L a g u n a ' s   P a t h

Follow path.                    
Draw Point, and another         Laguna's team status are actually the
draw point.                     same as Squall's. Keep this on mind.
         |                     BTW, this is a good time to fight  
Get in the car.                 Diabolos (advanced).
Arrive in Deling City.          
Go 2 screen to the right.       ...but before, go 1 screen up. You will
         |                     find a giant "gate". If you close enough,
         |                     the screen will switch and revealed a
         |                     door. Get in there and go to the basement.
         |                     There's not much to do here but try to
         |                     remember this place because you'll visit
         |                     this place again, later.
Go to Deling City Hotel
(marked as Galbadia Hotel).
Save Point.
Go downstairs to bar.
Talk to waitress.
Choose 2nd option.
Event. Quite long.
Julia on stage.                 She plays piano very well (^_^)...
Walk to her.
Talk to Kiroth and Ward.
Julia invite Laguna to her      Very amusing conversation! The darker
room (Now keep away your        lines belong to Squall's team.
dirty's not like
Go to hotel's counter.
  >Where's Julia's room?       Judging from the way he talks, Laguna
  >Nothing.                    is obviously nervous.
You know what to do, don't
Talk to Julia.
Event. Laguna told Julia        
about his dream, to be
a journalist.
Talk with Julia again.
Now it's her turn to tell
Laguna about her dream:
to sing.
He has to go...                 So the hero has to go.
Back to Squall. Approaching
They all had the same dream!
Surprised? I guess we've
found that already.
Arrived at Timber...

T i m b e r

Choose the 3rd option.          
(As you'd been told in
Garden before you go.)
Go 1 screen down.
Follow your guide.
In the train. Go upstairs.
Save point.
Proceed further to meet
Talk to the girl.
Default: Rinoa.
Default: Angelo.
Go back to see everyone.
Follow Rinoa.
Mission briefing. Hijack        Although the explanation seems to be very
Galbadia train.                 complicated, they are really easy to do.  
         |                     Basicly what you have to do are run and
Explain the seven steps.        input several passcode.  
Explain the signal colour.      There are two signal, red and blue. Blue
         |                     stands for the slower soldier. Zell and
         |                     Selphie are in charge for telling Squall
         |                     these two soldiers's approach.  
Explain the password            The password sistem is simple. You don't
system.                         have to remember the combinations but
         |                     practice makes perfect.
Go to Rinoa's room.
Check the sofa (previously      
the bed). Got pet magazine.     Don't forget to take it!
Get out from the train
(Say O.K. to Watts).
Operation begins.              
Push Circle to jump.
Follow Rinoa.
Push down to move so Squall     You can take a peek to your left side
can input the passcode.         using the L1 button. However, let Zell
         |                     and Selphie do their job. You can tell
         |                     that the guards are near whenever a
         |                     blue/ red line message appear.
         |                     When this happens, push up to hide on
         |                     the roof. If you're caught, you can
         |                     choose to do it again with an additional
         |                     time limit, but it will cost you your
         |                     SeeD level.
Input the passcode as Rinoa     You did practice, didn't you? The
told you (3x).                  passcodes are random. Just push the
         |                     right combination and also watch your
         |                     timing.  
FMV. 50% succeed.              
Enter Passcode 5x.            
FMV. well done.
Rank up!                                    
Talk to Rinoa.                  Before you do, save first.
Surprised...It's a trap.        
Boss Fight: Fake Deling
Boss Fight: Utoku.
Event. Talk to Rinoa.
Rinoa joined!
Talk to Watz. Event.
Arrived at Timber.              
Go down 1 screen.
Go to hotel. Save Point.
Go 1 screen right.
Talk to guard.
Battle with 2 Galbadian
Go back to train station.
Go 1 screen to the right
(take the road next to the
Go to the house at the right.
Talk to the people inside.
Go upstairs.
Open the window and take a
Leave the house.
Go to Timber Maniacs.
Talk to the receptionist.
Go straight to editor's
Pick the yellow card on      I'm not sure if this had to be done, but I
the floor.                   guess the man in the pub won't move if you
         |                   don't have the card...
Leave Timber Maniacs.
Go 1 screen right, then
go downstairs.
Battle with 2 Galbadian
Enter pub.
Small talk.
Talk to the man blocking
the door. Ask about the card
(2nd option).
Enter the door.
Save Point.
Go 1 screen to the left.
Go upstairs.
Event at the TV screen.
Feel free to choose
any options (It seems
the same).
Proceed a little bit
further, to TV Tower.
Event: Seifer was captured
by Edea.
Head back to Timber
Enter the house on the
On the 2nd floor, talk
to everyone.
Talk to Quistis.
Go down to first floor.
Talk to everyone and then
try to leave the house.
Small talk. Quistis suggests
you to go to Galbadia Garden.
Form your new party.
Received some items.
Leave the house.
Talk to nearby soldier
(He's Watts).
Go 1 screen to the right.
Small talk.                     Zone (?) gives some pass for the train.
         |                     Unfortunately, he doesn't know that there
         |                     is another person: Quistis (since she was
         |                     not with Squall's team); but he gives his
         |                     pass...
Follow your party member.
Save Point.
Go down 1 screen.
Board the train.
Next stop: Garden East
Talk to everyone.
Arrived at Garden East
Station. Choose to stop.
See the forest between
two cliffs? Go there.
Event. Another dream.

L a g u n a ' s   P a t h  (2)

Go down the cliff.
Draw Point.
Ambushed! Battle with
Esta soldiers.
Take the left path at        There are several routes available. In the
the forkroad.                left part of this walkthrough are the
         |                  longest path, but it will give you some
         |                  events (quite funny). They all meet at
         |                  the save point.
Draw point.
Climb down the ladder.
You'll see 3 panels on
the floor. Switch the
middle lever.
Go 1 screen to the right,    This is the meeting point (1).  
then up.
Take the left route.         ....or right.
Check the switch on the
Climb the ladder.
Follow the stairs, then
turn left.
Check the boulder on the
the left.
Draw point revealed!
Go to next screen.
Save Point.                  This is the meeting point (2).
Go 1 screen up.
Battle with Esta soldiers.   At the end of battle, Ward and Kiroth's
         |                  HP will drop to 1.
Event.                       (^_^).

G a l b a d i a   G a r d e n

Back to Squall. Head to      
They are waiting for you     The path on the top left.
on the second floor.
Go through the North path.
Go upstairs.
Enter the room.
Event. Looks like Seifer
is a goner now.
Talk to Quistis.
Talk to Rinoa (It is
revealed now: Rinoa had
a crush on Seifer!!!!).
Talk to Quistis, Zell
and Selphie.
Squall will leave.
Go to the Garden's center.
Meet Fuujin and Raijin.
Go to gate. Meet Quistis.
Go to entrance.
Talk Rinoa.
Meet Dodonna.
Irvine joined!
Talk to him.
Talk to everyone.
Irvine will make his own      
party (\ /)
  >no way....
Head West, to train station.
Board the train. Next stop:
Galbadia Station (Deling
Go see Selphie.
Arrived at Deling city.

D e l i n g   C i t y

Leave the station.
Go through escalator.
Take the 08 bus to road     This is the first bus you meet. Talk to
09.                         the man when the bus stops.
Talk to soldier on the      He ask you a 3-digits number.
right side (he's rather
difficult to find).
Leave the town.
Go to North East. Enter     Main objective: to find a number. The number
Tomb of the unnamed king.   you're looking for is on a gunblade, lying
         |                 on the floor, somewhere in this temple (near
         |                 the entrance.
Go to East wing             Second objective: To acquire G.F. Brothers.
Boss fight: Sacred.         Cast Levitate to prevent him replenishing
         |                 his HP.
Go to North section.
Push the lever on the
Go to West wing.
Pull the lever on the
Go to the center area.
Enter from South.
Boss Fight: Sacred.         Same as above. You might want to cast the
Boss fight: Minotaur.       same pell on your party to avoid Brothers'
         |                 combination attack.  
Got G.F. Brothers!
Go back to Galbadia
(with the password, of
Talk to the previous        Choose the first option and then input the
guard.                      number in the opposite order (for 102 input
         |                 2, 0, and then 1).
Save Point.
Enter the house.
Talk to Rinoa.
Colonel Carlway show up.    Rinoa's father???!!!!!
Mission briefing. Follow    He's explaining the assassination plan. Keep
Colonel Carlway.            following him.
Go to Carlway's house.
Small event.
Operation begins.
Follow Colonel Carlway.      
Team A separated.           Squall and Irvine leave party.
         |                 Notes:
         |                 Despite the fact that you will be switching
         |                 party again and again, you don't have to
         |                 rearrange your G.F. junction all the time.
         |                 See the advance section.
Keep follow.
Team B sepearated.          
Quistis: Back to Mansion.
Event. Quistis trapped!
Rinoa. Climb up.
Meet Edea. Go to her.
FMV. Long event.
Back to Quistis. Check      Look at it. There is a woman holding a cup
the painting on the right.  in her hand.
Check the statue on the     It's a statue of a woman, so to make it
left corner.                the same as the woman in the painting...
Get a cup from the'll need a cup.
Place it at the statue's
Secret passage revealed.
Save Point.
Go to basement.
Squall. Follow Irvine.
Climb up (as Rinoa did).
Get in the building.
Ignore the hatch for
now. Proceed.
Boss Fight:???               Draw Carbunkle from them!
Carbunkle acquired!
Return to hatch.
Enter it.
Check rifle.
Quistis. Follow path.        The sewer is a easier than it looks. There
         |                  is no any forkroad or something like that
         |                  but the enemies in here are pretty strong.
         |                  In the first part of the dungeon, you'll
         |                  notice that you can only go to the LEFT
         |                  side. The RIGHT side is your destination.
         |                  So the long run is only a detour to get
         |                  to the right side of the dungeon...    
Back on trail.               You'll know that you're at the end of the
         |                  dungeon when you found save point. BTW,
         |                  yes, this is the same place I told you to
         |                  go to as Laguna.
Check panel.
Look out window.
Push switch.
FMV: Closing gate.
Event.                       Irvine is not as tough as he seems....
Prepare for bsttle!          Equip Squall, Irvine and Rinoa.
Squall. FMV.
Small talk.
Boss Fight: Seifer.          
Boss Fight: Edea.            Attack Edea using Squall's gunblade. Have
         |                  another character do the healing.


                      E N D   O F   D I S C   # 1

   Walkthrough Disc #2          |  Be patient......        
      ???                       |  
      ???                       |
      ???                       |
   Walkthrough Disc #3          |       U N D E R
      ???                       |      
      ???                       |             C O N S T R U C T I O N  
      ???                       |
   Walkthrough Disc #4          |
      ???                       |
      ???                       |
      ???                       |


------------------------------ A D V A N C E --------------------------------

OK. I've decided to write this part along with the walkthrough section. This
part contains some effective (at least for me ^_^) strategies, and doing this
will keep you away from rushing out toward the game ending.
Well previously, I would like to put this section in "the right part of the
walkthrough", but I guess there's no space left in there so I'll have to move
the strategies here. It will not use the same format as the walkthrough do
and use common format (you know: town by town....).

                            So lets get started!

                              ¥Ð¥é¥à ¥¬¡¼¥Ç¥ó
                         B a l a m b   G a r d e n

You don't have much to do in here for now. It's only wasting your time, if
you can't read Japanese at all. In the other hand, Japanese speaker should
check everything. You don't weant to miss all the fun (like Zell. He's too
late in catching bread in the cafe. FYI, there's a custom in Japan where
in lunchbreak time boys rushing toward the cafe. If you're not fast then
that's it! You're out! Of course in the realtime it's not THAT extreme...)

However, walking around might help you to adapt with FF VIII's environment.
For example, check the training room but beware for the large dino. You
are too weak against it for now. Just run when you see it!

The magic you get from draw points in Balamb Garden can also be drawed from
enemies in Balamb Garden. Don't bother to take any of it. BTW, it is
exceptional for Ethna, located at the library near the plant next to book

Squall's room is located at the North section of Balamb Garden. Rest when
you need it.

                           F i r e   C a v e

Like I said before, I don't know if there is any diffrence in choosing
time limit. Logical thinking: choose the shortest time limit will give
you something good, right? So I choose 10 minutes (\ /).

It is possible to go through Fire Cave under 10 minutes but it will take
greater effort. Here's what to do:
   - Collect 50 AP from battle to gain Shiva's Power JA.
   - Connect it with Blizzard or Fire (this will not give you attribute
     attack, but will raise attack parameter. Squall will be able to do
     100+ damage on Efreet with his gunblade).
   - Give Quistis Magic Power JA (Quetzalcoatl). This will raise her
     magic attack.
   - Go through Fire Cave.
   - Always run from normal battles. Don't think, just run.
   - Efreet. Attack him with gunblade. As for Quistis, cast blizzard.
     Don't cast Shiva!It will take more time just to see the cinematic
     effect. With this in mind, Efreet will go down under 3 minutes.
   - Go back to the entrance. As for me, the counter showed 1:20.

                          ¥Ð¥é¥à ¥¬¡¼¥Ç¥ó
                     B a l a m b   G a r d e n

Before you return to Balamb Garden, fight some monsters in the area. This
can give you some AP for your Guardian Force and you can also stock up  
your magic supply.
Further on Guardian Force, here are several abilities you should put
them to prior for now
   - Quetzalcoatl : Card (command ability)
   - Shiva        : Death sentence (Command ability)
   - Efreet       : Power + 20% (Character ability)

Note that your choice depends on your playing style. If you like the old
hacking and slashing things then you should do it just like me, otherwise
you might want to raise Magic power + 20%, Spirit Juntion, etc.

Another interesting choice is the ability to elemental attack (attribute
attack junction) but this costs 160 AP. By the time you've learned it
your character level will be too high. That means Squall and Quistis
are powerful enough and will result in an unbalanced party ... later.

                             D o l l e t

There's nothing wrong to give Seifer a G.F. or give all of your magic for
all of it will be carried over to Selphie, so go ahead; draw as many as
you can.

As for Seiren, don't forget to draw her from the boss Elviole. She has
useful abilities, one of them is the ability to reveal hidden draw and
point save points which can be very useful ....

                            ¥Ð¥é¥à ¥¬¡¼¥Ç¥ó
                       B a l a m b   G a r d e n

So you're a SeeD member now and in order to be paid well, you'll have to
take the test on the tutorial menu. There are 30 levels of questions, each
consists of 10 questions. If you managed to answer all of them correctly
then your SeeD level will be raised by 1 (that also means you'll get a
It is like a mini game since all the question come from what you will find
in FF VIII's world as a SeeD member. For example,
          "Libra can be casted on enemy and ally as well."
Well, the answer is pretty simple (yes or no).

For they who know Japanese well the only problem is the FF VIII knowledge
itself but if you can't read then your best shot is a wild guess so good
luck in trying 2^10 combinations....
                       But I have a better shot!

Right now I don't have the precise answer list (it was done on a small
paper and even I can't read it!) but I can give you the method. It was
based on simple dynamic programming but all you need is just simple
math for understand this "trick".

The SeeD test:
     Example: the right answer is
                1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
                Y   Y   N   N   Y   N   N   N   N   Y

   - Choose "yes" for all of the questions.
   - The point is 40.
   - Change the first two answer to their opposite. In this case 1 and
     2 should be "no".
   - Your point will be 20. So you know the first two answers are "yes".
     From now on, the answers for 1 and 2 will be "yes".
   - Change 3 and 4 to their opposite. Because you are actually making
     correction for both of them, your points will be added by 20.
   - The score is 60. 3 and 4 are "no".
   - Do the same thing for 5 and 6. Your score will remain the same.
     This means you made one mistake and also one correction (10 - 10 =
     0; no change).
   - Two possibilities: Yes followed by No or the opposite. Choose Y-N.
   - Your score should be 70. Proceed.
   - Do the same thing for 7 & 8. You'll be able to make 20 extra
     points; total score = 90.
   - There is one mistake left. 9 & 10 (which are both "yes" right now)
     should be Y-N or N-Y. Choose Y-N.
   - Your score will be 70! This means you've made 2 mistakes so the
     right answer is N-Y.
   - Voila! 100!

Test summary:
   - Choose "yes" for all of the questions.
   - If the score are less than 50, then you'll better start with all
     "no" instead of all "yes".
   - Pick a pair and then change it to the opposite.
   - If the score + 20, then the change is correct.
   - If the score - 20, then the previous answer was correct.
   - If the score remains the same, the answer is either Y-N or N-Y.
           - If you choose the right answer, score + 10.
           - Otherwise, score - 10.
   - Proceed with the next pair.
   - You should be done under 16 trials.

With these in mind, you should be able to ... make your own list! Well,
at least you can tell everyone that you've found the answer on your own
and be proud on yourself.

Don't worry, I'll come with the test answer list right away but for now
the method will do just fine for you (it might help you in practising
math ^_^) ....

                       L a g u n a ' s   P a t h

About Diabolos.

He has about 10000 HP and two attack patterns. The magic attack will take
some percentage of your HP (1/4, 1/2, or the worst 3/4). Although it wows
you at the first time (Gravide works cheap, that's for sure), you don't
have to worry that you will run out of HP (actually you would be dead before
a Gravide attack take out your HP entirely. Why? Read on.).
The main problem comes when he use his physical attack. Assuming that your
level is equal to HP 800, his charge attack will do 200-300 damage. And
yes, he's fast. Fast enough to land a second charge attack before you had
a chance to replenish your HP.

So maybe you should build your levels...and.... but I guess you want to get
Diabolos as soon as you can because he has the following ability:
  - ¤Ö¤ó¤É¤ë (Capture). This lets you steal items with your normal attack.
    Very useful since items are very rare in FF VIII.
  - ¥¨¥ó¥«¥¦¥ó¥ÈȾ¸º (Encount Halved). After you've learned it, you'll get
    the chance to learn its powered-up version ¥¨¥ó¥«¥¦¥ó¥È¤Ê¤·,NO ENCOUNT!
    It should come in handy when you need to explore dungeons since the
    encount rate in FF VIII is pretty high. And yes, it will do perfectly
    for lazy players!

There's no way to beat Diabolos right now unless you unleash the desperation
attack (or raise some levels). Squall's Consecutive Blade will do fine, but
not Zell's Duel nor Selphie's Slot.
Your only bet is on Laguna's team since Kiroth and Laguna have powerful
desperation attack (they are pretty fast and also easy to pull off).
It's not much, but slightly better than Squall's team...

Now here's what to do:
  - Keep doing the normal attack until Diabolos drop your HP to critical.
  - Push Triangle as fast as you can! This will trick the CPU and gives
    you a chance to unleash your desperation attack.
  - Have Laguna and Kiroth attack Diabolos.
  - Don't forget to use the Phoenix Down when one of them die.
  - One final thing: DO IT FAST!
Still, you will need luck ^_^, but your reward is more than anything!

                              T I M B E R

How to beat the boss.
Since it is undead, use curative items or spells on it. However you'll have
to do it quickly since it has lots of status ailment attack.
Cast Kearura on it.
  - Learn ability Medium Class Magic from Quetzalcoatl.
  - Create 1 Kearura from 5 Kearu using the ability above.
  - In the first fight against Fake Deling, cast Double on each party
  - When the real boss shows up... cast nothing but Kearura.


               T O M B   O F   T H E   U N N A M E D   K I N G

How to beat Brothers.
They are pretty strong, but the main problem is their ability to replenish
their HP frequently. However, it only valids when they are on the ground.
So lift them up.
   - You can draw Levitate from a blue-harpy-like monster near the Galbadia
     East station.
   - After you beat Sacred, the West wing Chamber can be accessed. The draw
     point here contains some Levitate.
   - Don't forget to cast some on your party member to avoid Brother's
     combination attack (I haven't tried this but it is logical..please
     let me know).

                           D E L I N G   C I T Y

"I'm tired changing G.F. all the time."

You don't have to. You only have to change it three times.
   1. Before the party separation, focus your G.F on Squall and Irvine.
      Leave it until they fight the boss inside the building. (Quistis'
      team might have to deal with several fights but before you realized
      it, the party will switch back to Squall so leave the G.F. on him).
   2. Now change priority to Quistis' team at the sewer.
   3. The final setup is when the menu pops up. Equip the G.F. on Squall,
      Irvine and Rinoa.



------------------------------- C R E D I T S -------------------------------

                                                         ------- Credits      
                                                         ------- Help....?



(Chronological order)

- PSM online ( Gaming Intelligence Agency
 ( Both has information on gameshark codes
 that make you able to play the Japanese FF VIII on my PS. I'm sure that
 others have it too, but I found the codes on the sites above.

- Edmund Chiu (
 For telling me how to put in Japanese fonts in a document.

- Sebastien Ruchet (
 "Feel free to distribute this walkthrough, however in its current form."
 I took some of the disclaimer from his Grandia FAQ. A very good FAQ!
 I hope he will write again when Grandia 2 comes up...
- Matthew Emirzian (
 "This walkthrough (or any part of it) cannot be reproduced or altered
  by any means without sole permission from the author. Any form of
  plagiarism will be dealt with under full extent of the law."
 Same as above. I took some of the disclaimer quotes from his Xenogears
 secrets FAQ.



If you see the "Read me first" section, you can figure out that I will need
help (especially to fill in the blank spaces next to the chart) definitely.
- A little plot translations?
- Tips?
- Comments?
- and the most important thing: CORRECTIONS! I know there are many mistakes
  scattered along in this FAQ, technically or grammatically, but I might not
  be able to located all of them by myself.

Of course, you'll get credit for it!


                    That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

                                                      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam.
                                 ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥Ê¥ë ¥Õ¥¡¥ó¥¿¥¸¡¼ VIII (c) ¥¹¥¯¥¦¥§¥¢.
                           All Final Fantasy related material (c) Squaresoft.
              Final Fantasy VIII Flow Chart & Walkthrough (c) Heero Yuy,1999.

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