Dewprism is an action-RPG by Squaresoft for the Sony Playstation. Inspired by
Brave Fencer Musashiden and from the team that did The Secret of Mana/Seiken
Densetsu II for the SNES/SFC, Dewprism features lots of action and adventure
elements, blended nicely with a superb story.
The game tells of the search for a legendary item named the Dewprism. You can
play as one of two different characters, both searching for the Dewprism for
their own reasons. Rue searches for the Dewprism to bring his beloved sister
back to life from her murder by a dark, mysterious man three years ago. Mint,
on the other hand, searches for the Dewprism so that she can take the rule of
her country away from her sister.
This document is merely a chart giving the Japanese names, etc. as they appear
onscreen in the game, with an English/Romanised translation right beside it.
This is also a section from a larger walkthrough/FAQ that has been converted
into a separate document for easy reference. If you want more than just simple
translations, please see my longer walkthrough, which should be available at
the same site that you downloaded this from. The newest version of both
documents will always be found at
As this document is a Japanese/English translation, it also happens to have
Japanese characters in it - a lot of Japanese characters, in fact. It focuses
on names (places, characters, items, etc.) although other often-used words are
included as well. In order to view the Japanese characters that are in this
document, you will need a Japanese word processor (I use, and wrote this
section of the FAQ, in NJStar, which is available at or in a
browser with Japanese character viewing enabled (for Japanese broswing I use
NeoPlanet [] which happens to require IE, and for Japanese
characters a download is required from If you aren't using one
of the above, you will see a bunch of random-looking characters. This is normal.
| Japanese Name | English Name |
| ルウ | Rue |
| ミント | Mint |
| クレア | Claire |
| ブラッド | Blood |
| スモーキー | Smorky |
| エリナ | Elena |
| クラウス | Kraus |
| ミナ | Mina |
| ロッド | Rod |
| デューク | Duke |
| ベル | Bell |
| メル | Mell |
| ポプルプルル人 | Popleplul |
| プリマドール | Prima Doll |
| マヤ | Maya |
| ウィーラーフ | Wealaugh |
| サイコマスター | PsychoMaster |
| トラップマスター | TrapMaster |
| モードマスター | ModeMaster |
| ドールマスター | PuppetMaster* |
| 死の右腕 | Right Arm of Death |
*note: literal (and official Roman) translation is DollMaster, but I believe
that this is a mistranslation, as PuppetMaster seems to fit much better. See my
longer walkthrough/FAQ for more information on this.
| Japanese Name | English Name |
| パワーアップ | Power Up |
| ガードアップ | Guard Up |
| ライフアップ | Life Up |
| マジックアップ | Magic Up |
| ミルク | Milk |
| ショワー | Shower |
| トロピカルX | Tropical X |
version 1.00 - Oct. 24, 1999
completed translation charts. although there are three items that I am not
positive of, they should be correct.
prerelease version - Oct. 19, 1999
everything added.
Dewprism, Rue, Mint, Arc Edge, and all other related names contained within are
copyright Square Co. Ltd. Playstation is copyright Sony. All other copyrights
are copyright their respective holders.
This document is copyright J.T.Kauffman 1999 and cannot be reproduced for
profit in any form. It can be freely distributed over the internet as long as
it is unaltered and is only distributed on free (i.e. non-subscription) sites.
If you do choose to post this document on your site, please email me to let me
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