GameSurge Strategy Page

          Warzone 2100

       Instruction Manual
     written exclusively for
      *Cheat Code Central*


                            WarZone 2100

                   --- An I.f.L.a.b. document ---

                        = X Button
                        = Circle Button
                        = Square Button
                        = Triangle Button

Well, here it is finally.  Ya, I promised this manual some time back,
but  I've  been busy with summer, beer and the opposite sex.  Now that
it's  starting  to  get  cool  again,  and  the good-looking women are
beginning  to  crawl  back  into the wood-work, I'll start up on a few
more  older  manuals.   Like  Metal Gear.  But wait...  I see it's the
9th,  that  means  FF8  is  out today...  Maybe I'll put MGS off for a
while longer yet...

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Timeline                 2      Unit Orders                 15
Getting Started          3      Unit Experience Levels      16
The Title Screen         5      Important Tactics           17
In-Game Controls         5      Alpha Base Missions         17
The Battle View          6      Transport Missions          17
In-Game Options          8      Reinforcements              18
Saving and Loading Games 8      Target Technologies         18
Heads-Up Display (HUD)   9      Game Pointers               21
The Order Reticule       9      Important Structures        22
Radar Display (Mini Map) 10     Defensive Structures        24
Power Bar                10     Design and Construction     25
Manufacture              11     Hints and Tips              26
Building                 12
Research                 13
Design                   13
Intelligence             14
Commanders               14

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                       WARZONE 2100 TIMELINE
2050: NATO  alliance  collapses  in  face of  growing  nationalism and
     unrest in Europe.

2075: Nationalist  unrest in  Eastern Europe and Asia leads to nuclear
     attacks by terrorists.

2075: Synaptic Link research begins.

2077: Mongolia attacks China.

2079: Korea allies with Mongolia.

2080: Synaptic Link Patented. First Cyborg Soldiers developed.

2080: NASDA  (North  American  Strategic  Defense  Agency)  formed  to
     protect North America from nuclear attacks.

2081: NASDA begins building satellite defense array.

2082: NASDA satellite system comes on-line.

2085: During  routine  testing  the  NASDA  system   malfunctions  and
     launches nuclear strikes against all major cities in the world.
     The  target  countries  respond with nuclear counter-strikes and
     NASDA fails to defend against incoming missiles.

2086: Nuclear  Winter  begins.   Widespread  plagues and  famines kill
     billions  of  people.   Civilization  ends.   NASDA  systems lie
     dormant following electromagnetic pulses.
     A group of survivors discover an abandoned subterranean military
     base.  They set up home there and begin The Project.

2099: The Project emerges from its military base.

2100: The Project begins its search for Pre-Collapse technologies.

  "The  Project  is dedicated to recovering Pre-Collapse technologies
   and rebuilding the world."
                                           -Project Mission Statement

  "From the ashes of the Collapse we seek to build a better world for
                                     -John Hammond - Project Director

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Usual PSX Startup stuff not entered.

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                          THE TITLE SCREEN
Following  the  Warzone  2100  Introduction you are presented with the
Title Screen.  It contains the following selections:

Start Game: Contains the following options...

 New  Campaign:  Lead one of the  Project's Expeditionary teams as it
                 heads  out  to  recover  lost  technologies from the
                 Western Sector.

 Load Campaign:  Load a previously saved game from your MEMORY CARD.

Options: Access the in-game options.

Practice:  A  fast easy-to-complete mission against  Scavengers in the
          Western Sector.

View Intro: Replay the game introduction.

                          IN-GAME CONTROLS
Driving Controls
Left    Turn left
Right   Turn right
Up      Accelerate
Down    Reverse

DUAL SHOCK Driving Controls
left stick                     right stick
----------                     -----------
Left  - Turn left              Left  - Rotate View Left
Right - Turn right             Right - Rotate View Right
Up    - Accelerate             Up    - Pitch View Up
Down  - Reverse                Down  - Pitch View Down

                               R3 button (Press right stick)
                               & Up/Down - Zoom In/Out

START button  - Access In-Game Menus
SELECT button - Toggles between Hostile targets and Neutral targets.

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Button controls
button - Attack/Activate/Select

button - Select Units

button - Open/Close Reticule

button - Toggle between Battle View and Drive View

R1 button - Cycle to next unit

R2 button - Cycle leader to next unit in group

L1 button - Cycle through Assigned Groups

L2 button - Cycle through Assigned Groups

L2 button + button - Assigns Group

L2 button + button - Assigns Group

L2 button + button - Assigns Group

L2 button + button - Assigns Group

L1 button + button - Selects Group

L1 button + button - Selects Group

L1 button + button - Selects Group

L1 button + button - Selects Group

L1 button + left  - rotate view right

L1 button + right - rotate view left

L1 button + up   - pitch view up

L1 button + down - pitch view down

L2 button + up   - zoom view in

L2 button + down - zoom view out

                          THE BATTLE VIEW
The  Battle  View  allows  you  to  plan and implement your strategies
against  the  enemy.   Use  the Battle View to order units and to plot
artillery and airstrikes (see Target Technologies).

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Control During Battle View
Up, Down, Left, Right - Move Pointer

Hold L1 button + Up, Down, Left, Right - Rotates Battle View

Hold L2 button + Up, Down - Zoom Camera Battle View

button - Select unit, target or destination

button - Select/Deselect and adjacent units

Hold button + Up, Down, Left, Right - Drag selection box,
                                         release to select

Hold R1 button + Up, Down, Left, Right - Scroll Battle View faster

left stick                 right stick
----------                 -----------
Left  - Move Pointer       Left  - Rotate View Left
Right - Move Pointer       Right - Rotate View Right
Up    - Move Pointer       Up    - Pitch View Up
Down  - Move Pointer       Down  - Pitch View Down

                          R3 button + Up, Down - Zoom in/Out (Press
                                                 right stick)

Radar (Available after building a Command Center)
button - Moves 3D world to position indicated

button - Orders selected units to travel to the indicated position

Using a Mouse
If  you  connect a Mouse to your PlayStation you can play Warzone 2100
in  Mouse  Mode.  Everything you can do while in Drive Mode you can do
in  Mouse  Mode.  In most ways the controls function identically - the
main  change  when  in Mouse Mode is that the HUD is always displayed,
and there are five new icons on-screen.  Simply connect a Mouse to use
Mouse  Mode.   Without  a Mouse the game defaults to a Controller.  To
assign  unit  groups,  left  click and drag the Mouse to select units,
then  right  click  an  icon  in the mouse navigator bar.  Right click
again to center on group.

To  rotate the Battle View Map, click and hold the right Mouse button.
Move  the Mouse left or right to rotate the map.  Move the Mouse up or
down  to change the Battle View Camera angle.  To change the height of
the  camera,  right  click  the  Mouse  on  the zoom icon in the mouse
navigation bar.

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                          IN-GAME OPTIONS
From  the  Title  Screen  select Options and press the START button to
access the In-game Menu.

FX Volume: Increase or decrease the sound effect volume levels.

Music Volume: Increase or decrease the music volume levels.

Cursor Speed: Increase or decrease the speed of the cursor.

Vibration On/Off: Turns the DUAL SHOCK Controls vibration on and off.

Center Screen: Allows the screen to be Centered on your TV.

                       SAVING & LOADING GAMES
Saving Games
Make  sure  you have enough free blocks on your MEMORY CARD (Three are
required) before commencing play.  Please note that if you do not have
a  MEMORY  CARD  you  will  be  unable to save your game.  You will be
prompted  to  save  your  game  at  the  end  of  each mission.  It is
advisable to do so each time by selecting 'Save Game'.

If  your  MEMORY  CARD  is full, a warning message is displayed saying
'insufficient  free blocks!', or if there IS NOT one connected 'INSERT

Loading Games
Use  the  In-Game  Options to return to the Title Screen where you can
select 'Load Campaign'.

As  the best Command General in the ranks of the Project, your mission
is to venture into the wasteland of the Western United States, recover
the  technology  to  rebuild  Civilization,  and then defeat the other
(more  sinister)  groups  that also seek this technology.  If you have
the  talent  and vision, you may even discover the "true" reason NASDA

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                       HEADS-UP DISPLAY (HUD)
The  HUD overlays menus and icons onto the 3D view.  Using the HUD you
can  build structures, manufacture units, conduct research, design new
units, and access other useful game features.

                           ORDER RETICULE
Allows   you   to   select   build,   research,  manufacture,  design,
intelligence, etc.

Reticule controls
Manufacture  - Opens factory list
Research     - Opens research list
Build        - Opens Build list
Design       - Opens Design List
Intelligence - Opens Intelligence Display
Transporter  - Opens Transport Display
Commanders   - Opens Command Display
Unit Orders  - Opens Order list

Pop-Up Menu
Select units from here to build, research, or manufacture.

Quick Key Functions
L1, R1: Scroll through multiple pages in pop-up menu.

L2, R2: Switch  between the first and last item on the current page in
       the pop-up menu.

Fast Find Menu
Bottom Row: Slides the view to the selected unit.  Allows the delivery
           point for a factory to be positioned.

Top Row: Assigns research topic, structure, or unit.

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Oil Derricks and Power Generators
Oil derricks are used to extract oil from oil pools.  Power generators
turn  oil  into power.  Each power generator can use the oil from four
pools.   If you build a derrick and it doesn't begin to move, then you
need to build an additional power generator.

                      RADAR DISPLAY (MINI MAP)
Radar Pulses
Radar  pulses  keep  track of where your units have sighted Artifacts,
oil resources, and enemy bases.

Green Dots  = Player Units

Black       = Unexplored areas

Blue Pulse  = Oil Deposit

Red Pulse   = Enemy activity / Objective

Green Pulse = Artifact

                             POWER BAR
The  Yellow  Power  Bar  shows  how  much  power  you  currently  have
available.   The  longer  the  bar,  the  more  power you have at your
disposal.   Power  is used to produce new units, build structures, and
conduct research.

Action Cost Bar
This  bar  appears  over the yellow bar to indicate how much an action
will cost.  This bar appears as you place the mouse over structures to
be  built, Artifacts to research and units to manufacture.

Green  Bar: If  the action cost  is  less than your total power, it's
            shown as a green bar.

Red Bar: If the cost is  greater than your total power, it appears as
         a red bar.

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Power Generation
Oil is extracted from oil pools by derricks, then converted into power
by a power generator.  The more oil pools attached to a generator, the
faster  it converts the oil into power.  Each power generator may have
four  oil derricks connected to it.  If an oil derrick doesn't move up
and  down, you will need to build a new power generator to extract its
resources.   If  you  highlight a power generator by left-clicking, it
will  show the number of oil derricks it is currently providing energy

Managing Power & Resources
Power  is  used  to  build  structures,  manufacture units and conduct
research.   Power  is  drawn  as  soon  as  a  unit  is assigned to be
manufactured  by  a  factory,  or  a  research  topic is assigned to a
research  facility.   Providing  you  have  sufficient  power  for the
activity,  the  initial  progress bar fills quickly with green and the
manufacture or research begins.  A yellow progress bar then charts the
progress achieved by the current activity.

If  your total power is currently low, then the green bar fills slowly
as  new  power is generated and allocated to it.  In situations of low
power,  it  is  best  to  closely  monitor your factories and research
facilities.   If  all of them are drawing power at the same time, each
one  waits  until it has drawn sufficient power.  This results in long
periods of inactivity.  When your power is low, concentrate on routing
the power to only one factory and/or research facility.

Each  factory  produces combat units.  A factory can produce single or
multiple  units.   You  can set a factory's delivery point so that all
units produced drive straight to where you want them.

button on Manufacture.

button on the box above a factory.

button on the unit you want to manufacture.

button to increase the number of units

button to decrease the number of units.

button to close menus

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Factory Delivery Points
button to select a factory in the bottom row of icons

button to select the location of the delivery point

Trucks are used to build new structures and repair damaged ones.

button to select Build and a structure to build.

button to select the building site.

Building  Oil  Derricks: You  can  build  derricks  by driving a truck
                        towards  an  oil  pool,  then  press  the
                        button  when  the cursor changes to a Hammer,
                        over the oil pool.

Using  additional trucks: Select  another truck and drive it towards a
                         structure already  under  construction. When
                         the  truck  approaches  the  structure and a
                         Hammer  Icon  is  displayed,   press the
                         button  and  the  truck  will help build the

Repairing  Damaged  Structures: Your  trucks can be  ordered to repair
                               damaged  structures  by  driving  your
                               truck to the structure.  Press the
                               button  when  the  cursor changes to a
                               Wrench.       Trucks     will     also
                               automatically  repair  structures near
                               them that become damaged.

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Artifacts are researched at specialized Research Facilities. Artifacts
make new vehicle components and structures available, and improve your
existing  units.   Artifacts  are  the  key  to  the game.  Be Sure to
research every Artifact you find.

button to select Research

button to assign research topic to research facility

As  new  component technologies become available through research, you
can design new vehicles using the Design Screen.

button to select Design

button to select New Vehicle

button to select type of Body

button to select a Propulsion

button to select a Turret (or System Type)

button to exit the Design screen

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The  Intelligence screen  displays research updates and allows mission
briefing to be viewed again.

button to select Intelligence Display

button to view Research Updates or Replay Mission Briefs

Project Goals: The Icon with the "I" on it will tell you your campaign

Current Objectives: Can  be  accessed by  clicking on the  Icon of the
                   satellite dish. This will replay the mission video
                   for you.

Research results: These  are  represented  by  Icons  of  the weapons,
                 building or upgrades.  Clicking on these  will  give
                 you their statistics.

Press the button to return to the game

Commanders  become  available  after  you  recover  and  research  the
required  technology.   A  Command turret can then be added to Vehicle
body  and  propulsion  to  create  a Commander.  Commanders lead other
units in combat.  When a unit is attached to a Commander its targeting
is more accurate.

Attaching  Units to Commanders: Units are  attached to a Commander via
                               the  Battle View.  Select the units to
                               attach, then select the Commander.

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Assigning a Factory to a Commander: Select the Commander,  then select
                                   the  Command  Console.  Select the
                                   number  of the factory you want to
                                   use  to supply the Commander.  Any
                                   units produced by the factory will
                                   now  be  sent to that Commander up
                                   to  his  maximum size group.  When
                                   the  maximum group size is reached
                                   the  factory  goes  off-line until
                                   the   commander's  experience  in-
                                   creases,  or  one  of the units in
                                   the group is destroyed.

Commander  Experience Level: Like other units,  commanders gain exper-
                            ience. As a commander becomes more exper-
                            ienced,  the  size  of  the  group he can
                            control  becomes  larger  and  his  laser
                            designation   becomes   more accurate.  A
                            commanders experience level is shown by a
                            row  of  one  or more stars.  Initially a
                            commander can control 6 units.  For every
                            level  the  commander  goes  up, they can
                            control  two additional units.
                            Note: Commander  rank increases at 8, 16,
                            32, 64, & 128 designation kills.

                            UNIT ORDERS
The Unit Orders gives you more control over your units by allowing you
to alter how they behave in combat.  It also allows you to order units
back to base, and to board the transport.

Attack Ranges
Optimum Range - Attack at most accurate range (Default)

Short Range   - Move to short range when attacking

Long Range    - Move to long range when attacking

Retreat Levels
Do or Die!               - Fight Until Dead (Default)

Retreat at Heavy Damage  - Return to Repair Facility or LZ

Retreat at Medium Damage - Return to Repair Facility or LZ

Fire-at-Will - Fire at any target in range (Default)

Return Fire  - Fire only if fired upon

Hold Fire    - Do not fire weapon

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Pursue        - Pursue enemy

Guard         - Move to position and guard structure or unit

Hold Position - Do not move from position

Go to Orders
Return for Repair - Go to nearest repair facility

Return to HQ      - Go to either the Command Center or the LZ

Go to Transport   - Go to nearest transport and board it

Return  for  Recycling - Get  unit ready  to go to nearest factory or
                         repair   facility   to  be  recycled,  click
                         Recycle  to confirm current experience level
                         is placed in next unit produced

                       UNIT EXPERIENCE LEVELS
As  units  engage  in combat they become more experienced, making them
more  accurate  and  less  likely  to die.  The numbers below show the
current  level  of  your units.  As units become more experienced they
require more kills to attain the next level.

Recycling Experienced Troops
Through  recycling, veteran units can be upgraded to take advantage of
new  technologies.   A  recycled  unit  returns to a factory where its
experience  is  stored.   When  you manufacture a new unit, the stored
experience is assigned to the unit.

Select  Recycle  on  Command  Console,  then select Confirm Recycle to
recycle troops.

(Sorry can't reproduce the symbols below - IfLab)

Experience    Unit Symbol    Kills
----------    -----------    -----
Rookie          none         0-4
Green             ^          5-8
Trained           ^          9-16
Regular           ^          17-32
Professional      ^          33-64
Veteran           ^          65-128
Elite             ^          129-256
Special           ^          257-512
Hero              ^          513+

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                         IMPORTANT TACTICS
In  Warzone  2100 the base you build in the Western Sector (code named
Alpha  Base)  is  used  for  all  of your missions in that sector.  In
Warzone  2100  this may be a Transport Mission or Alpha Base defensive
or  offensive action.  Whatever the type of mission, you always return
to your base ready to being the next mission.

Note:   All  missions  have  a time limit of 2 hours, unless otherwise

                        ALPHA BASE MISSIONS
These  missions occur on the same map as your base.  Either a new area
of  map  is  revealed  or  enemy forces land on the map to attack your
base.   The  survival  of Alpha Base is vital to your success, as such
you  should  defend  it  from enemy attacks by building gun towers and
other  defenses.   It  is also worth expanding the facilities at Alpha
Base  as  more  power  becomes  available.  Two factories and research
facilities  will  increase  your  rate  of production and the speed at
which you can research Artifacts.

                         TRANSPORT MISSIONS
Transport Missions are often timed.  You have a limited amount of time
to  complete  the  mission and return back to base.  At the start of a
Transport  Mission, the Transport arrives to carry combat teams to the
mission's Landing Zone.

The  Transport  Menu: Select the transport icon to open this menu.  It
                     displays  any  units  currently  loaded  in  the

Loading the Transport: To load the transport, select it as the destin-
                      ation of your units, or use the Command Console
                      to order units to enter the transport.

Unloading the Transport: Select a unit in the transport to unload it.

Launch Button: Select the  Launch Button to order the transport to the
              mission site.  The transport will then take off and fly
              to the mission site.  Reinforcements  can be ordered by
              selecting the transport button after you  arrive at the
              mission  site,  if  this  option  is  available  in the

Transport Capacity: The transport can carry a maximum of 10 units. The
                   first number designates current load  and the last
                   number indicates capacity, which never changes.

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Reinforcements are available for many Transport Missions, but not all.

Requesting Reinforcements: Select the  transport icon.  This opens the
                          transport   menu   and  the  reinforcements
                          available menu.

Loading Reinforcements: Select  any of the  available  reinforcements.
                       This loads them into the transport.

Launching the Transport: Select the Transport  launch  button to  send
                        the transport to the mission site.

Reinforcement Time: This is how long it  takes  the  transport  to fly
                   from  the  base  to the mission site.  This varies
                   according  to the distance to the mission site and
                   prevailing weather conditions.

Compromised Landing Zone: A landing zone becomes  compromised whenever
                         there   are   any  enemy  units  near it.  A
                         transport  cannot  land at a compromised LZ,
                         instead  it  returns  to  base  to await new
                         orders.    You  can  request  further  rein-
                         forcements at any time.

Transport Mission and the Order Reticule
Even  when  on  a  transport  mission  you  have  access  to  the same
facilities as when at your base.

Manufacture: You can still set your factories to produce while you are

Research: Artifacts  and  research  topics can  be  researched when on
         transport missions.

Design: New units can be designed and manufactured.

Building: Trucks can only build defensive structures when on Transport
         Missions.   No  building can happen back at Alpha base while
         you are away.  You can fortify the LZ you are at however.

                        TARGET TECHNOLOGIES
Your  goal  as  Commander  of  Team  Alpha  is to recover Pre-Collapse

Repair Units
Repair units automatically repair any damaged unit within their repair
range.   Repair units  can  also  be  ordered to repair a damaged unit

Structure Modules
Modules  increase the  structural  strength of the structures they are
added  to.   Each module also increases the structure's output whether
it is power, production rate or research speed.

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To  add a module to a structure, select the module from the Build Menu
and  select  the structure as its build site.  The truck will then add
the module to the structure.  Alternatively you can order the truck to
the structure, and it will add a module automatically.

Factory  Modules: Two  modules may be added to  factories.  The  first
                 module  allows  medium  vehicles to be manufactured.
                 The  second  module  allows  heavy  vehicles  to  be
                 manufactured   by   the  factory.   Researching  the
                 factory  module  technology  allows  you to add both
                 modules (Level 2 & 3).

Synaptic Link
This  key  technology  is  believed  to exist somewhere in the Western
Sector.    It   is  essential  that  you  recover  and  research  this
technology.  This technology is required for Cyborg construction.

Indirect Fire Weapons
Indirect  fire  weapons  lob  shells  or  fire  missiles over friendly
troops,  structures,  and even over hills.  However, they must be able
to  see  what they are firing at.  When attached to a sensor, indirect
fire weapons can fire at targets that the sensor can see.

Attaching Indirect Fire Weapons to Sensors
Using  the  Battle View, select the indirect fire weapons, then select
the  sensor.   A  sensor  lock  box  appears  to  show  that  you  are

Sensor Turret
All  attached indirect fire weapons fire at any target that you select
as  the  sensor's  target.  The indirect fire weapons continue to fire
until the target is destroyed, a new target is selected, or the sensor
is destroyed.

Sensor Tower
The  tower  automatically detects enemies in range and then orders any
attached indirect fire weapons to open fire at them.

Counter-Battery Sensor
This  sensor  detects incoming enemy indirect fire and plots where the
fire is coming from.  It then orders attached indirect fire weapons to
fire at the enemy artillery battery.

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The  technology  required  for  Vertical  Take-Off  and Landing (VTOL)
aircraft has been lost.  Team Beta is searching the Eastern Sector for
it.  VTOLs  are  designed like other units, but are restricted in what
weapons they can have.

Re-arming Sites
VTOLs   require  re-arming  and  repairing  between  strike  missions.
Re-arming  Sites  perform  these  activities.  Each Re-arming Site can
support  any  number  of  VTOLs,  but only re-arms one VTOL at a time.
Until  fully re-armed a VTOL cannot be used for another strike mission
To  keep  your  VTOLs  flying  regularly,  you'll  need  at  least one
Re-arming Site for every three VTOLs.

Independent Strike Missions
VTOLs  require a target to be selected for them, otherwise they cannot
attack.   Strike  VTOLs  will  not  fly into enemy territory without a
selected  target.   One  of  your  other units must be able to see the
target or the VTOLs must be able to see it themselves.

VTOL Strike Turret
VTOLs  may  be assigned to VTOL Strike Turrets.  Any target designated
by the turret is assigned to the VTOLs as their target.

VTOL Early Warning Tower
This  tower  scans for approaching enemy and assigns them as the VTOLs
target. The VTOLs are scrambled to attack the incoming enemy.

VTOLs Counter-Battery Sensor
This  is  similar  to  a  standard  Counter-Battery Sensor except that
attached VTOLs are scrambled to attack the enemy artillery battery.

VTOL Sensors
A  VTOL  equipped  with  a  sensor can fly sensor missions.  When on a
sensor  mission  a  VTOL does not require a target to be selected.  It
can  be ordered to fly anywhere, and may have a patrol area set for it
using  the  Command  Console.   VTOL  sensors  may  have  strike VTOLs
attached to them, and may be used to Designate targets for them.

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                           GAME POINTERS
As units move around the 3D view, the pointer changes as they approach
various targets.  This table shows the pointers and their effects.

-------       -----------        -------
Attach        All                Assigns units to commander or sensor.

Build         Truck              Aids in building target structures.

Embark        All                Loads selected units onto transport.

Repair        Truck/Repair Arm   Repairs damaged structure/units.

Guard         All                Guards selected structure or truck.

Move          All                Moves units to selected point on

Target        Combat             Assigns structure or unit as target.

Pick-up       Any                Collects Artifacts.

Go For Repair  All               Repair facility selected as

Demolish      Truck              Selected structure is demolished -50%
                                of build cost returned.

Lock-on       Sensor             Assigns units, using sensor as a

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                        IMPORTANT STRUCTURES
Each structure performs one or more function as listed below

Command Center - Radar Display, Design Screen

Power Generator - Converts oil from oil derricks into power

Power Module - Increases the rate at which a generator converts oil
              into power

Oil Derrick - Extracts  oil  from  oil  pools,  providing  a power
             generator is available

Factory - Manufactures units

Research Facility - Researches artifacts & research topics

Repair Facility - Repairs damaged units

Landing Zone (LZ) - Reinforcements are delivered here,
                   Transports landing pad

Cyborg Factory - Manufactures Cyborgs

VTOL Factory - Manufactures VTOLs

VTOL Re-arming Pad - Repairs and re-arms VTOLs

Command Relay Center - Needed for production of Commander units

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(Supposed to be pictures above each label)

Command Center          Power Generator             Power Module

Oil Derrick             Factory Level 1             Research Facility

Repair Factory          Landing Zone                Cyborg Factory

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                        DEFENSIVE STRUCTURES
An  important  strategy  is the use of defensive structures to protect
your  assets.   Below  is a list of primary defensive structures.  You
will need to research each item to acquire it.

1 .Hard Points
PROS: Excellent  defense  with ability to mount  heavy weapons.  Hard
      Points can fire over walls or be placed within walls.

CONS: Limited in weapon placement types & long build times.

PROS: Direct  fire  weapons   cannot  fire  over  or   through  walls.
      Excellent defense when upgraded.

CONS: Direct fire defenses cannot fire over or through walls.

3.Guard Towers
PROS: Can fire over walls / have long range.

CONS: Low durability / weak firepower.

4.Machine Gun Bunker
PROS: Low build cost

CONS: Average durability / causes weak damage against armor.

5.Tank Trap
PROS: Low cost and short  build time / direct  fire weapons can  fire
      over tank traps.

CONS: Enemy can fire over or through tank traps.

6.Flamer Bunker
PROS: Good durability / low build cost.

CONS: Short range / medium build time.

7.Cannon Bunker
PROS: Good durability / more powerful direct fire.

CONS: Medium build time / medium cost.

8.Sensor Tower
PROS: Can  spot  indirect  fire weapons  with  high  accuracy / early

CONS: Fragile.

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                      DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION
1. Unit name (modifiable)

2. Body options

3. Propulsion options

4. Turret options

5. Delete design

6. Total power (to produce unit)

7. Total body points (unit durability to attack)

8. Systems Turret

9. Weapons Turret

10. Road speed (pavement)

11. Off-road speed (non pavement)

12. Water speed

13. Weight (affects overall speed and durability)

Unit Design
In  Warzone  2100  there  are  over 2000 units you can design.  As you
research  new topics, you gain access to new weapons, new technologies
and new types of material used to build units.  The number of possible
units is immense.  When designing units, here are some guidelines:

Design  with  a  clear  vision  - If you are a heavy cavalry advocate,
first  research  the  vehicle engine, armor, and weapon items.  If you
favor  a  quick  strike strategy, build units with medium bodies, fast
propulsion, and light but damaging weapons.  (hint hover and rockets).

Remember the cost!  - Super weapons may be just the ticket to dominate
the  battlefield.   However, without adequate resources and build time
you may never achieve the numbers to win the day.

Create  nuisance  units  - They will act as scouts and serve to harass
your  opponents'  derricks.   Fast  units, with medium armor, and fast
loading weapons, in mass, can overwhelm your opponent, before they can
create heavy armored and cannoned units.

Research  a  weapon  to  completion - Researching all levels of cannon
will  result in a nearly invincible projectile weapon.  Just make sure
you have the chassis to mount it.

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                           HINTS AND TIPS
General Tips:
* Using  more  than  one truck decreases the time  required to build a
 structure.  Three is optimal.
* Do not forget to build a power generator - one is required for every
 four oil derricks.
* Adding a module to a power generator increases its efficiency.
* Scout around the map for more oil resources.
* Adding  one  module  to  a level 1 factory  changes it into a medium
 (level 2) factory and allows it to build medium bodied units.
* Adding one module to a medium factory changes it into a heavy (level
 3) factory and allows it to build heavy bodied units.
* Adding a module to a research facility greatly improves the speed at
 which it can research topics.
* Try  to  assign repair units to all combat groups for mobile roaming
* Defend  your base with a variety of defensive weapons - machine guns
 to  take  care  of  cyborgs,  and  cannons to handle oncoming tanks.
 Build walls to delay the onslaught.
* Assign Mortar Units  to a sensor to take advantage of indirect fire.
 (e.g over cliffs and walls).
* Defend all oil derricks with at least one defensive structure.
* A bunker of any type is a cheap and stubborn defense.

Weapon Hints:
More effective versus - Infantry, Cyborgs, 'Soft' targets
Less effective versus - Heavily  Armored   Units   (Tracked),  'Hard'
                        Targets    (Bunkers,    Emplacements),   Soft
                        Structural Targets

More effective versus - Infantry,  Cyborgs,  Hover and Wheeled Units,
Less effective versus - VTOLs,  Tracks,  Half-Tracks,   Hard Targets,

More effective versus - All units except infantry and Cyborgs
Less effective versus - VTOLs,  Infantry and Cyborgs,  Bunkers,  Hard

- Page - 27

Machine Guns
More effective versus - Infantry and Cyborgs,  Wheeled Units and Soft
Less effective versus - VTOLs, Tracks

Bunker Busters
More effective versus - Bunkers and Hard Targets
Less effective versus - Tracks

Vehicle Body Types: (initial types)
             (pic)    (pic)      (pic)      Top Secret    Top Secret
Image Name    Viper    Cobra      Bug        Scorpion      Python
----------    -----    -----      ---        --------      ------
Weapon Mount  Class 1  Class 1,2  Class 1,2  Class 1,2,4   Class 1,2,3

Cost          Low      Medium     Medium     Medium        High

Speed         Fast     Medium     Very Fast  Fast          Slow

Defense       Low      Medium     Very Low   Low           High

Look for my other PSX Text Manuals:
- Allied General / Panzer General
- Ape Escape
- Bugs Bunny Lost In Time
- Civilization II
- Driver
- Evil Zone
- Fighter Maker
- GranStream Saga
- Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver
- Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
- NCAA GameBreaker 2000
- NFL Xtreme 2 (Quick guide)
- S.C.A.R.S.
- Syphon Filter
- Ultimate 8 Ball
- WWF Attitude

All  my  manuals  are  near complete.  Formatted 70 characters across.
This  makes  it  easier  to  print them out in a 2 column sheet with a
small  font  size  of  approx.  7 - 9 points and a fixed-width font to
keep the nice even paragraphs.  Or do what you want of course :)


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