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Playstation Manuals Online - Greg Stanton  

SET-UP    4
MENUS    6

Square   Fire    R1 Turn the on-screen
     icon display ON or OFF
X  jump (then press X again,
 while in mid-air to perform a L1 Skid stop
 mighty Slam Attack)  L2 (press and hold)
LEFT   Turn Left /    Lower camera view
 Rotate (if stationary)  R2 (press and hold)
RIGHT   Turn Right /
 Rotate (if statio   Change camera angle
 nary)    START  Pause and access the
UP  Move Forwards    In-Game Menu
DOWN   Move Backwards   SELECT  Access Map Screen

To play Rascal on your PlayStationrM game Console:

1. Set up your PlayStationrM game Console in accordance with the
  instruction manual supplied with the system.

2. Follow your system directions to open the Disc cover and place
  the CD onto the bed of the drive, ensuring the printed side faces

3. Close the Disc cover. If the unit is switched off, press the POWER
  button to begin play. If the unit is already on, press the RESET button.

4. Now follow on-screen instructions to start the game.

WARNING: It is advised that you do not insert or remove
peripherals or Memory cards once the power has been turned on.

Chronon, the Evil Time Overlord, is meddling with the past.

Having kidnapped Professor Casper Clockwise, scientific adviser to
N.A.T.O., Chronon has stolen his plans for a time-travelling vessel.
The E.T.T.A.S. machine (Exploration Through Time And Space) will
give Chronon powers that will set him up among the Gods.

However, the Professor's teenage son, better known as Rascal, has
other ideas.

He's had his hi-NRG, Isotonic Nutri-Vibe drink, so he's fired up to
take on Chronon s henchmen, pistol-packing gun-
slingers, cut-throat pirates, ferocious guard-dogs
and fire-breathing metal dragons to rescue his
father and his planet - and get his homework in 5
on time!!!

Armed only with the Professor's latest
invention, the Bubble Gun, Rascal time
travels through adventure after adventure
including the Wild West, the land of the
Aztecs and the Corridors of Time. But Chronon
wants rid of his arch-enemy, and be it in the past,
present or future, well.., time is ticking
for Rascal...

Use the Directional buttons to highlight required options.
Press the X button to confirm. Press the Triangle button
to return to the previous menu.

Once the loading
sequence has ended,
the Main Menu will be

START - launches directly into a new game of Rascal.

OPTIONS - accesses the Options Menu.

Use the Left and Right Directional buttons to switch between START
and OPTIONS and press the X button to confirm.


Controls - go to Controller Bubble
Key  - go to Key Bubble
Center Screen  - go to Center Screen Bubble
Volume   - go to Volume Bubble
Analog   - go to Analog Controller Bubble

Use the Directional buttons to switch between the Controls, Key, Center
Screen, Volume and Analog Bubbles and press the X button to

Press the Triangle button at any time to return to the Main Menu.

Reconfigure your controls on this screen.

The Bubble Gun icon will begin to vibrate. This
is the "Fire Bubble Gun" function and is set to
the El button as default. It can be
reconfigured by pressing the Left and Right
Directional buttons. The new button will now appear alongside the
Bubble Gun icon.

Now press the Down Directional button and the icon of Rascal will
begin to jump up and down. This is the "lump" function and is set to
the X button as default. It can be reconfigured by pressing the Left
and Right Directional buttons. The new button will now appear
alongside the icon of Rascal.

Press the X button to confirm the new settings or the A button to
cancel the changes. Either way, the Options Menu will then be displayed.

If you are smart enough to work out Rascal's secret
password then you can enter it here to reveal a wicked
cheat mode for the game. The cheat mode screen
displays five slots for a five-letter word.

Use the Left and Right Directional buttons to access
each slot. Use the Up and Down Directional buttons to scroll through
the alphabet. Repeat this process until happy with your selection and
press the X button to confirm. If you have entered the correct
password you will be able to access the secret cheat mode or modes.
The following
on-screen message will be displayed:

"Valid Password"

If you have entered an incorrect password, the following
on-screen message will be displayed:

"Invalid Password"

Either way, you will be returned to the Options Menu. So, think
carefully about what the password could be. Remember, it has
something to do with Rascal's home-life...

Press the START or X or Triangle button at any time to return to the Options Menu.

Use the Directional buttons to position the screen to your satisfaction.
Then press the X or Triangle button to return to the Options Menu.

The Sound Effects function is represented by
a yellow explosion icon. The Music function
is represented by a musical note icon.
Use the Up and Down Directional buttons to
choose between Sound Effects and Music.
The chosen icon will flash. Then use the Left Directional button to
decrease and the Right Directional button to increase the volume.

Press the START, X or Triangle button to return to the Options Menu.

When using an Analog controller make sure it is switched to Analog
mode (LED display: Red). Rascal does not support the Analog mode
(LED display: Green). The Analog controller, when inserted, can be
calibrated from within this screen. Use the Left stick and follow the
on-screen instructions to calibrate the Analog controller. Once
calibration has been completed successfully, an on-screen message 9
will be displayed to that effect. Press the X button to return to the
Options Menu.

If calibration is unsuccessful, an on-screen message will advise you
to press the X button to recalibrate the Analog controller.

Press the Triangle button at any time to cancel your selection, and return
to the Options Menu.

The action buttons can not be configured within the Analog
controller Bubble (see Controls Bubble).

NOTE: the Analog controller can only be used in Controller port

Press the START button to pause the action.

The options RESUME, MAP or QUIT will
be displayed.

Use the Up and Down Directional buttons to
switch between RESUME, MAP and QUIT and
press the X button to confirm.

Choose RESUME to return you to the point of the game at which you left it.

Choose MAP to access the MAP screen (see page i8).

Choose QUIT and the following message will be displayed:
No Yes
Are You Sure?
Use the Up and Down Directional  
buttons to select YES or NO. Then press
the X button to confirm. Choose NO to
return to the point of the game at which
you left it. Choose YES to return to the

Press the START button at any time to return to the game.

Press the ""SELECT"" button during a
game The game-screen will fade and the
Map Screen will be displayed. Press the Triangle
button to return to the game. The Map
Screen displays the name of the current
level and a diagram too. The diagram
displays the rooms/corridors/arenas that you have already
discovered. Use the Map to re-trace your steps, work out where you
are and work out where you must get.

The Map is your guide throughout the Rascal world - so use it wisely!

Press the START button at any time to return to the game.

When Rascal's lives run out, you
will be returned to the Main
Menu to try to complete the
rescue mission again. But hurry,
for the Sands of Time are falling...

NOTE: when using a Memory card, make sure it is inserted into
Memory card slot 1.

Professor Clockwise's mansion has many rooms. The Master
Bedroom boasts a king-size four-poster bed, a washbasin and a
roaring open fireplace. However, as any estate agent will tell you,
the dominant feature of the Master Bedroom is the six-foot high
"Memory Machine" (as the Professor calls it). You can't miss it! It
has seven light-beams, arranged in a circle, and holds in its center
a rotating Memory card.

Guide Rascal towards the Memory Machine. The screen will fade and
the following on-screen message will bedisplayed:
"Please Wait"
In due course, the following on-screen message will be displayed:

X  Quit

To return to the Master Bedroom and, in effect, cancel the save,
press the X button.

To continue with the save, press the Square button. The Memory card
screen will then be displayed. Use the Left and Right Directional
buttons to choose a Memory card block to make the save to, then
press the Square button. The following on-screen message will be

Confirm save
Press Square to confirm
Press X to quit

To return to the Master Bedroom and, in effect, cancel the save,
press the X button. Press the Square button and the save will then
be carried out.

Remember, upon completing a level, return to the Memory
Machine in the Master Bedroom to save your progress.

If you have saved your progress, you can then load previously saved
games. Guide Rascal towards the Memory Machine, the screen will
then fade and the following on-screen message will be displayed:

"Please Wait"

In due course, the following on-screen message will be displayed:

Triangle Load
Square Save
X Quit

To Save or Quit, follow the instructions as described in the section
SAVING A GAME (pg 9). To Load a previously saved game, press the
Triangle button. The following on-screen message will be displayed:

Press Square to Load
Press X to Quit

Use the Left and Right Directional buttons to select a Memory card
block displaying an icon of Rascal. Press the El button and the
following on-screen message will be displayed:

Confirm Load
Press Square to confirm
Press X to quit

Press the Square button and the following on-screen message will be displayed:

Now Loading

In due course, the following on-screen message will be displayed:

Game Loaded

The game will then continue from the point at which it was saved.

Power-ups can be obtained from randomly
located bubbles within the game:

Red heart   = energy

Green Bubble Gun  = ammunition power-up

Red Bubble Gun   = homing ammunition with 10
      second duration

Peaked cap   = extra life

Red Skull 'n' Cross Bones  = Chronon's gift

However, your main aim is to rebuild the Time Clock - the pieces of
which are scattered haphazardly through time and space and guarded
tightly by Chronon. Find all the pieces to activate a Time Bubble - a
secret time-tunnel connecting the past, present and future. lump into
a Time Bubble to access the next level.

Remember, not all of the pieces of the Time Clock are visible on-screen.
Various items and a time-bubble will appear containing pesky
rats, spiders, bats or crabs. These beasties are persistent in their
pursuit of your ankles, but by jumping on their backs you can
beat them at their own game!

Underwater and running out of oxygen? Find an air-bubble!

Locked door blocking your progress? A color-coded key may
help you.

Want more homing ammunition? Fill the on-screen Bubble Gun
icon with normal ammunition pick-ups.

To "remove" Chronon's cohorts, merely aim your
Bubble Gun in their direction and fire. Remember to
study their attacking moves first because,
rumor has it, you may meet some of
them again in Chronon's notorious
future-world - the Corridors of Time.

So get going, hero, delve
into the past to save all
our futures...

Eighth Lord of Huntingdonshire and thirty-
first in line to the Crown, Sir Axel Hackalott
was a kindly, benevolent gentleman. At
Christmas-time, he would donate funds and
vast baskets of food to the local orphanage
and encourage his subjects to copy his

goodwill; Castle Hackalott was renowned for its famous dragon.

Folk from far and wide would
come to Huntingdonshire to see
this gentle beast. Stroking its
prickly main was reputed to
bring good luck, but not so for
Sir Hackalott. The hole in the
fabric of Time was wide enough for the spindly form of Chronon,
the Evil Time Overlord, to slide through. Faced with such a
phenomenon, Sir Hackalott drew his sword, but Chronon's evil
magic wove its spell on the brave knight and his pet dragon.
They were now under Chronon's command...

Gabriel Stokes was never one
to shirk a job. Be it tending
the furnace or fixing the
portcullis at Castle Hackalott,
he would turn his hand to
anything. Stokes labored
night and day, carrying out his master's orders in return for bed,
board and an honest supper. But one day, a trip to the cellar to
feed Gordon the Good-Natured, resulted in him meeting his new
master - Chronon. And his career took a turn for the worse...

As cook at Castle Hackalott, Mrs. Washboard
would keep a spotless kitchen and pride herself
on her loyalty to the castle. If a foreign army
were ever spotted advancing on
Huntingdonshire, she would stand by her motto:
"At least Sir Hackalott's forces would meet the
invaders head on with full stomachs." Chronon's invaders, on the
other hand, came from another world, in another time zone, a place
she could never comprehend. Full stomachs or not, the defenders of
Castle Hackalott were now possessed by Chronon and provided the
perfect fortress to guard his stolen secrets of Time.

When Tom OGotchy started work at the
Mexica tree-processing factory in
Chichimeca, he paid no attention to the
gossip. The local villagers were rumored to
have called on Techlotl, the Aztec God of the
Underworld, to put a curse on the factory, in
order to stop the destruction of the rain forests. Many of his
lumberjack colleagues had fled the factory in terror. Tom,
however, did not fear such a threat and continued to cut trees
down day in, day out. Until one evening, as night fell, a god-
like figure mysteriously appeared...

"Techlotl?" trembled Tom, "Can it really be?"


sacred Aztec temple at Chichimeca Anyone
Paynal, the Messenger God, guards the
who gets in his way had better be quick on
their toes!

Camaxtli, Lord of the Chase, is a winged
warrior-god. Hurling down mighty balls of
fire, he likes to perfect his aim on
mischievous trespassers!

Delphinus, king of the dolphins, successfully courted
Amphitrite on behalf of Poseidon, God of the Sea.
Poseidon visited Delphinus in Cyprus to thank him in
person, but he was not to be found. For Delphinus, it
turns out, was already in the company of Poseidon (or so
he thought), far across the ocean in Atlantis. As
everybody knows, Gods constantly changed their shape,
and Delphinus felt "Poseidon" looked particularly ethereal in his
splendid purple robes. However, this was not the real Poseidon at all,
but a different kind of god, for Chronon was now a God of Time, "Do my
bidding, Delphinus, and you will be well rewarded."

As attendants to Delphinus;
Mermaids go where he goes,
swim where he swims and guard
that he guards. Chronon's stolen
secrets of Time are safe beneath
the sea...

Armando Gilletti was a wealthy courtier of Atlantis. A
noble warrior, he would advise King Atlas on military
matters. Decorated for his heroic defense of the citadel
from the marauding Athenians, Gilletti was a born
protector. When Chronon stole his mind, the Evil Time
Overlord's army gained a valuable new recruit.

The Jolly Raider was known in every port as the
most fearsome pirate ship on the high seas. The
ship's captain went by the name of Peg Leg Pete
not because he had a wooden leg (he didn't),
but because he was a worthy cribbage player.
He was also the finest swashbuckling swordsman
in the world and could slash a ship's sails to shreds in the blink of
an eye. His crew, on the other hand, were the most cowardly bunch
of scurvy-faced, mutinous seadogs you ever did see. And when the
evil Chronon emerged on deck through a hole in the fabric of time,
the crew ju~nped ship, leaving Peg Leg Pete very much alone...

Peg Leg Pete's pet parrot lasper squawked his
last "pieces of eight" that fateful day.

Now he patrols the Jolly Raider, helping the
pirate guard Chronon's secrets of Time

Sheriff Virgil Clancy was a fair lawman. Hard but fair, he ran
Dodgy City with a rod of steel and was reputed throughout the
state as having the highest cowboy clean-up rate around. Few
cattle-rustlers or gun-slinging outlaws stayed around long
enough in Dodgy City to alter those statistics. But visitors from
out of town (from out of this world to be precise), were to turn
Dodgy City into a den of crime. And before Sheriff Clancy could
go for his Colt 45, the Evil Time Overlord, known only as Chronon,
had added him to his motley crew of possessed henchmen...

When Deputy Nash reported for work, the
Sheriff's offices were in chaos. The cells were
unlocked and the doors were open and all the
criminals that had been there the night
before were gone. All had gone but one - a
kooky kind of stranger. with a sinister glint in
his eye and a sly, thin smile. The stranger looked deep into his
eyes and he knew. As a deputy, he would always follow orders...

The "Wanted" sign welcomed Wild Ned Meredith into Dodgy City
that morning. Fed up with seeing his picture all over the state, he
Tipped the poster down - it wasn't a very good likeness of him
anyhow, and the puny reward insulted his reputation as an outlaw!
Tying his horse up at the saloon doors, he strode down the dirt
track into the town center. But where was everyone? He'd not heard
of any gold rush in that area, but the place was like a ghost town.
At last, a local appeared, walking towards him, slowly but surely.

"Howdy partner" called Ned, right hand poised above his holster.

"I am nobody's partner," growled the
local, "I am Chronon, Lord of
Time. Bow down before me..."

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