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          NFL Xtreme 2

       Instruction Manual
     written exclusively for
      *Cheat Code Central*


                              NFL Xtreme 2
                               Quick Guide

                   --- An I.f.L.a.b. document ---

                        = X Button
                        = Circle Button
                        = Square Button
                        = Triangle Button

Just  a  quick  one this time.  Not much else is needed for this game.
It is very easy to play the game just by doing what it says on screen.

                      Memory Card/Saving Data

You  must  insert you MEMORY CARD before you save or load a file.  NFL
Xtreme  2  saves  user-defined  options  and  all  data  for a Season,
Playoff,  and  Tournament.  Five blocks of memory must be available on
your  MEMORY  CARD  in order to save a Season, Playoff, or Tournament.
Only  1  block of memory is needed to save USER RECORDS.  If you don't
have  a  MEMORY CARD, all NFL Xtreme 2 data will be lost when you turn
off your PlayStation game console.

                           Game Controls


- Snap Ball

, or - Throw to an open receiver determined by the CPU

- Jump catch

- Special moves (spin, juke, jump flip, stiff arm or shoulder


- Tackle

- Switch to man closest to the ball

- Jump interception / Deflection

Before the Snap

- Snap ball

- Switch player

L1 or R1 + , , or - Audible receiver to a blocker

L1 or R1 - Draw back camera to view receiver icons

SELECT button - Change camera view


- Bring pass icons up

, , or - Pass to the receiver with the appropriate

- Special moves (spin, juke, jump flip, stiff arm or shoulder

- Lateral ball down field

- Shoulder charge / High step (when beyond defense)

- Jump catch / Jump flip when carrying ball

L1 or R1 - Stiff arm Left or Right

L2 or R2 - Turbo (hold)

Press L1, L2, R1 or R2 - Break grab tackles (press rapidly)

Advanced Offense

L2 or R2 + - Double spin

- Power shoulder charge

L2 or R2 + - Jump flip

L1 or R1 + L2 or R2 - Power stiff arm Left or Right


- Dive, wrap or grab tackles

- Power tackle / Shoulder charge

- Switch to man closest to ball / Switch man on defense

- Jump interception / Deflection

L1 or R1 - Swim move Left or Right

L2 or R2 - Turbo (HOLD)

L1, L2, R1, R2 - Throw player overhead (while engaged)

Advanced Defense

L2 or R2 + - Jump interception / Flying high tackle

L1 or R1 + L2 or R2 - Power swim move

                         989 Studios' Tips

-  On offense, pass the ball to an open receiver in one of two ways:

1.   After snapping the ball, press to bring up the passing icons
of the  receivers  and then pass to an open receiver by pressing ,
, or .

2.   After  snapping  the ball, press , or to have the CPU
determine which  of  your receivers is open and pass the ball to that

-  To  throw a player overhead, when engaged with an opponent, rapidly
press L1, L2, R1 or R2.

-  To break a tackle, press or to perform the most appropriate
special move (e.g., spin, hurdle).

-  Before  the  snap, press R1/L1 to draw back the camera and view the
passing icons associated with each receiver.

-  Before the snap, press to gain control of the receiver and pass
the ball by pressing , , or .

-  For  a bullet pass, press and hold a passing icon until the ball is
thrown.  The receiver will stop for the pass.

- To take control of the defender closest to the ball, press .

-  To cause a fumble and send the ball carrier flying, press for a
power tackle.

-  To  make  a shoe-string tackle, before your opponent gets away from
you, press to dive and make the tackle.

- To simulate all games on the schedule and find out if your team made
the Playoffs, D-Pad to the last game on the schedule and press .

Look for my other PSX Manuals:
- Allied General (Panzer General)
- Ape Escape
- Bugs Bunny Lost In Time
- Driver
- Evil Zone
- Fighter Maker
- Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
- S.C.A.R.S.
- Ultimate 8 Ball

All  my  manuals  are  near complete.  Formatted 70 characters across.
This  makes  it  easier  to  print them out in a 2 column sheet with a
small  font  size  of  approx.  7 - 9 points and a fixed-width font to
keep the nice even paragraphs.  Or do what you want of course :)


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