GameSurge Strategy Page


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(Courtesy of Hollywood Video rental game sleve insert,
Hewlett-Packard ScanJet scanner, Caere OmniPro OCR, and the
personal attention of Morgan Andson)

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While viewinq the MAIN MENU, use the directional pad on CONTROLLER 1
to highlight OPTIONS and press the X BUTTON to raise the OPTIONS
MENU.  Most OPTIONS work fine with the default settings.

Use the directional pad to highlight CHANGE CONTROLS and press the X

Use the directional pad to select the preferred controller settings
then press the X BUTTON to return to the OPTIONS MENU.

Use the directional pad to highlight MUSIC VOLUME and press the X
BUTTON to raise the MUSIC VOLUME MENU. Use the directional pad to
adjust the music level then press the X BUTTON to return to the
OPTIONS MENU. Use the directional pad to highlight SFX VOLUME and
press the X BUTTON to raise the SOUND EFFECTS VOLUME MENU. Use the
directional pad to adjust the sound effects volume then press the X
BUTTON to return to the OPTIONS MENU.

Use the directional pad to highlight VIBRATE and press the X BUTTON
to raise the VIBRATE MENU.  Use the directional pad to turn the
vibration ON or OFF (analog controller only) then press the X BUTTON
to return to the OPTIONS MENU.

Use the directional pad to highlight CENTER SCREEN and press the X
BUTTON then use the directional pad to adjust the screen. Once you
have completed your adjustments, press the X BUTTON to return to the

When you have finished setting options, press the TRIANGLE BUTTON to
return to the MAIN MENU.

Your choices from the MAIN MENU are LOAD / SAVE (restore or save
data), MOVIE CLIPS, TRAINING and ANTHILL (it is suggested that, prior
to beginning the game, you first complete the TRAINING sequence).
Once you are ready to begin the game use the directional pad to
highlight ANTHILL and press the X BUTTON to begin.

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L1 BUTTON - Pop-out display (zoom in)
L2 BUTTON - Not used
R1 BUTTON - Zoom out
R2 BUTTON - Not used



0 BUTTON - Not used

X & SQUARE BUTTONS - Jump and throw berries

X BUTTON - Tap and release to jump, hit button twice to do
butt-stomp, release grip when hanging from vine, exit devices

SQUARE BUTTON - Berry throw, Pick up seed or plant, Throw seed or
plant, Perform a head-stand on imbedded seed, Get into devices

SELECT BUTTON - Hold down button to view all displays


 Press Right or Left- Move right or left, press in an alternating
 pattern when hanging from a vine to swing

 Press Up or Down- Move up or down, press in an alternating pattern
 when hanging from a vine to swing

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On each LEVEL you have a specific goal which will be spelled out
prior to beginning the level (EXAMPLE: On ANT ISLAND, your goal is to

Your ultimate goal on each level is to permanently eliminate all of
the enemies with the GOLDBERRIES (see below), collect all of the
grain on the level and collect all the letters to spell out your name.

Once the game begins, press and hold the SELECT BUTTON to raise all
of the on-screen displays.  The number of lives you have remaining
appears on the top left corner of the screen.  The FLIK DISPLAY
appears on the top center section of the screen (find all of the
letters needed to spell out the word "FLIK" and you will earn a BONUS

Your HEALTH METER appears on the top right corner the screen (the
leaf).  The leaf looks more and more chewed up as your HEALTH is used

The GRAIN DISPLAY appears on the bottom left corner of the screen.
(Collect 50 PIECES OF GRAIN and you will earn a BONUS LIFE).

The SEED DISPLAY appears on the bottom right corner of the screen (at
the beginning of each level this is a MUSHROOM SEED).

On each level you will encounter a bevy of menacing creatures.
Destroy anything that moves. You can destroy creatures you encounter
by pelting them with berries (press the SQUARE BUTTON to throw
berries), dropping on top of them with a butt-stomp (press the X
BUTTON twice in rapid succession to perform a butt-stomp) or dropping
a SEED on top of them.

Certain creatures that you destroy will drop power up items which you
can collect by walking through them. Collect a leaf bearing a RED
CROSS to restore your HEALTH METER. Collect 50 PIECES OF GRAIN to
regain your HEALTH.

Collect TOKENS of varying colors and you may use them to grow
different plants (EXAMPLE: A PURPLE TOKEN can grow GOLDBERRY PLANTS;
a BLUE TOKEN can grow a plant that will throw off spores to make you
INVINCIBLE or spit out FIRST AID leaves, a GREEN TOKEN can grow a
vine you can stand on or encase you in a translucent green protective
membrane, etc.). Each time you collect a TOKEN, an icon which matches
the color of the TOKEN, and which indicates the function of the seed,
appears on the SEED DISPLAY. EXAMPLE: If you collect a BLUE TOKEN and
the blue icon on the SEED DISPLAY shows a plant with a RED CROSS
above it, the plant that will spring from that seed will spit out
FIRST AID leaves). When you begin a level you are armed with a
regular BERRY which is relatively weak an ineffective against certain

Collect a SUPER-BERRY (BLUEBERRY) and your firepower will be greatly
enhanced. Collect a HOMING BERRY (GREENBERRY) and when you throw a
berry, it will seek out the nearest enemy. Collect a GOLDBERRY and
you will permanently destroy any creature you shoot (the number
appearing next to the GOLDBERRY shows the number of enemies you have
destroyed and the number of enemies remaining on the level).

At various junctures in the game you may find devices of one sort or
another which you can get into by pressing the SQUARE BUTTON. To exit
a device, press the X BUTTON.

When you clear a level your SCORES will be posted after which you
will return to the MAIN MENU where you can SAVE your game, begin the
next level or repeat any level you have already cleared.

If you are attacked by any creature, your HEALTH METER will diminish.
When your HEALTH METER is completely depleted you will lose a life.
When all of your lives are gone, the game is over.

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If something is too high for you to reach, pick up a mushroom or
plant seed and drop it under the object then bounce or jump up to the

Near the beginning of ANTHILL, there is a BLUEBERRY near a vine and
out of reach. Drop a mushroom seed by the vine then jump on the
mushroom and grab onto the vine (you can grab the vine from the
ground but you are too low). Press back and forth on the directional
pad to swing toward the BLUEBERRY then, when you have enough
momentum, press the X BUTTON to release your grip and jump to the

When you get the GOLD TOKEN on ANTHILL, you will be able to sprout a
SEED that will blow you high into the air enabling you to recover
GOLDBERRIES and other items that are out of reach.

Copywrong (cw) 1998 Playcare. Playing Cards are a product of
Playcare, 2525 Southport Way, Suite 'C', National City, CA 91950,
yadda, yadda, yadda.

"It's a Bug's Life" is a trademark and Copyright 1998 Disney/Pixar.

Sony and Sony Playstation are trademarks of Sony Computer
Entertainment, Inc., blah, blah, blah.

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